National Tide 1980

Chapter 757: On the shoulders of giants

Only by standing on the shoulders of giants can we see more scenery.

This sentence is applicable to all the chefs in Maxim's kitchen.

In fact, no matter Chinese or foreign, everyone is the same.

It's just that what the Chinese saw was a fresh and interesting Western scene, while what the foreigners saw was the spectacular "Along the River During the Qingming Festival".

So although on the surface, this cooking test between Xiao Cha and Dai Hong was just an insignificant internal test that took place in Maxim's kitchen.

It is just a preliminary exchange of cooking techniques between Chinese and Western food, and a simple exploration of Western food.

But the subsequent impact is really significant.

Even all the personal participants had never thought of it.

This incident not only changed everything in Maxim's kitchen.

It even has a certain milestone significance in the history of the development of the global catering industry, and can be called the beginning of modern fusion cuisine of Chinese and Western food.

Apart from anything else, the biggest change in Maxim's kitchen after that was the obvious strengthening of the relationship between Chinese and foreign chefs.

After witnessing the exquisite cooking skills of the Tan Palace chefs, Maxim's three French chefs no longer have any condescension and arrogance, but regard the five Tan Palace chefs as peers who can communicate with each other on an equal footing in terms of skills.

For this reason, the forcefulness and bossiness in their work have been reduced a lot, and their patience and tolerance have increased accordingly.

Instructing the five people in Tan Gong to master French cooking skills better and faster has begun to be regarded as a very serious and responsible thing.

Soon, Yang Feng got his wish and entered the oil pan charcoal grilling group, and began to focus on learning the Western barbecue method he desired.

We often get personal guidance from the executive chef "Baimaoer".

And Xu Chunyan also got the attention of "pulling the list" and was transferred to the bakery.

Under his guidance, he began to specialize in Western pastry making and bread baking techniques.

Even the original chefs in Maxim's kitchen began to feel that their hell-like working environment in the past was gradually undergoing subtle changes.

Yes, although the work intensity is still very high, every time you start a meal, you still need to race against time.

However, since the three French chefs are no longer stoic and can occasionally joke at work, the working atmosphere in the kitchen has obviously become more relaxed and happy.

Especially the first batch of old employees who had gone to France to participate in the surprise training, they all felt that the three very interesting chefs they had met in Paris, France, seemed to be back.

Privately, French chefs express more goodwill toward the five chefs at Altar Palace.

Any Frenchman who catches up with his day off will almost always invite the Tan Palace chef who has a day off on the same day to have dinner at home.

This often turns into a less formal, but very effective opportunity for Chinese and Western culinary exchanges.

The chefs at Tan Palace will have a better understanding of the aesthetics of Western food.

French chefs will also get more cooking inspiration from the questions and different opinions raised by Chef Dangong.

At the same time, the contact and exchange of different lifestyles between China and the West will also help eliminate barriers and make it easier for each other to understand each other.

The most obvious effect is that Yang Feng started to learn French seriously.

His mastery of common kitchen terms has improved as rapidly as his cooking skills.

"Le Gefu" also became interested in Chinese and initially mastered some daily greetings in Mandarin.

Then this kid is like a myna who loves to talk, saying "hello", "buddy" and "have you eaten" in the kitchen every day?

The Chinese people pay attention to courtesy and reciprocity, and they also know the principle of taking advantage of others' shortcomings and taking advantage of others' shortcomings.

Soon, the five people from Tan Gong decided to invite the three French guys back to Tan Gong Restaurant in batches to try some serious Chinese food.

Fortunately, the French don't have a preference for abalone and ginseng, and thanks to Tan Palace's internal consumption coupons.

The five of them could afford to be hosts occasionally.

Unexpectedly, such a reply shocked the French even more.

Because even though the chefs from Tan Palace invited them to dinner, they only ordered some ordinary dishes and noodles and snacks. The most expensive dishes were only roast duck or roasted deer tail.

It's not a real expensive dish in Tan Palace.

However, the authentic taste and rich and varied cooking techniques of Tan Gong Restaurant still greatly shocked French chefs.

Just like the five people from Tan Palace came to Maxim's Restaurant for the first time and were dazzled by the colorful stained glass there.

These three French chefs were also fascinated by the authentic palace cuisine and the style of royal meals.

Here, they not only truly experienced the cultural magnanimity of the ancient oriental capital, but also seemed to have a new understanding of food, as if they had seen the door to a culinary paradise open to them.

Even if you still stand outside the door with two feet, you can only look inside the door briefly.

They already felt that there were countless treasures shining brightly inside, which were deeply tempting to them.

As a result, Tan Gong Restaurant now has three more foreign diners who must come every week.

Yang Feng’s grilled pork belly and Xu Chunyan’s peach mousse have also become chef-recommended dishes and are on the recommended menu of Maxim Restaurant.

In addition, three French chefs, together with Xiao Cha and Dai Hong, made more appropriate improvements and applications to radish soup, sugar flower basket, and plant-based eggs, and finally added them to the new menu.

What is extremely gratifying is that these dishes have been tested in the market and have all achieved great success.

French people who live in Beijing are always pleasantly surprised whenever they try these dishes.

They praised each other and formed a good reputation, which quickly spread and attracted countless customers.

Not only has the turnover of Maxim Restaurant been effectively increased, but the operating conditions have also been greatly improved.

Moreover, Ma Le, who was the French ambassador to China at the time, came here to taste it.

I am also full of praise for these new Chinese and Western dishes.

It is even said that his high praise for the grilled pork belly and peach mousse spread back to France and attracted the attention of the Michelin Guide, who seemed to be interested in sending someone to China to see what happened.

As a result, Ning Weimin's whim arrangement not only gained Song Huagui's attention.

He was also not paying attention and was once again pushed into a bit of a dilemma.

Dare to love Song Huagui means to put more burden on Ning Weimin.

Who allowed him to run Tan Gong Restaurant so well?

Even a chef exchange event can be so effective in increasing Maxim's sales, creating many popular new dishes, and building up the restaurant's reputation.

Song Huagui would naturally hope that Ning Weimin would work more if he could, and simply take care of Maxim's Restaurant to liberate himself.

In addition, French chefs also put forward their suggestions and requirements, which required Ning Weimin to coordinate and cooperate.

First, people expressed their willingness to formalize this exchange activity for chef internships.

But I hope that chefs from Paris can also be sent to Tan Gong Restaurant to learn Chinese cuisine, so as to promote the Maxim Restaurant Head Office to improve its cooking level.

In order to maintain the honor of Michelin three-star restaurant for a long time.

Second, executive chef Dominic increasingly believes that Yang Feng is a talent and hopes to keep Yang Feng working at Maxim Restaurant for a long time.

For this reason, it was proposed to add a Chinese executive sous chef position and hire Yang Feng to serve.

The third is that the French chef hopes that in addition to flowers, he can regularly purchase off-season fresh vegetables from the greenhouses in Tiantan Park, especially the asparagus unique to Tiantan.

The fourth is that the French chefs at Maxim Restaurant also want consumption coupons from Tan Palace, which is at the same level as them, and believe that this should also be a benefit that they can enjoy.

Look, isn't this a bit like stealing the chicken but losing the rice?

Ning Weimin originally wanted to let his own people learn other people's skills.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be too brilliant, and in this way, it actually made people think about it.

Moreover, the foreign devils are really ruthless. Not only do they need to learn skills, but they also need people.

Although companies under the same company should not be so clearly distinguished, it is said that this is something that is beneficial to both parties.

But the problem is that Ning Weimin is the descendant of the dragon after all.

His national sentiment makes him naturally repulsive and wary of foreigners learning Chinese food.

So at first, Ning Weimin didn't agree much. Instead, he went back and thought hard about how to refuse reasonably.

Just be narrow-minded. It's a bit of a disadvantage when you think about it. You can't just give the foreign devils whatever they like.

If the French really eat more Chinese food than us one day, then the disciples of the Church will starve their masters to death.

But after a few words from Kang Shude, he no longer thought so.

The old man saw that he was worried, asked about the situation, and laughed at him for being stingy.

"Let me ask you, do you believe that your Tan Palace's French cuisine can surpass that of the French? Even if Xiao Yang, whom the French are most optimistic about, is going to Paris to cook French cuisine, do you think he can surpass other French chefs? To take the top spot in the catering industry?"

"Of course it won't work. After all, when it comes to French food, the French themselves have the advantage. Although we can have more changes and come up with new tastes, maybe there are a few dishes that can surpass the French. But after all, culture There are differences in both race and ethnicity, so it’s hard to really..."

"That's it. The reverse is also true. A country's soil and water support its people, and food actually needs to be nourished by culture and living environment. So when it comes to Chinese food, of course it will always be the most authentic one made by us Chinese. So, what the hell are you doing? This attitude is superfluous. Even if you teach the foreign devils, they will always be our good disciples. Unless they also change themselves into yellow skin and black eyes."

"Hey, by the way, don't you always want to promote Chinese food overseas? Then you are even more stupid for thinking like this. Why don't you bring these foreigners together. If you teach them, you are the master. For example, you want Go to France, and they will be willing to be your vanguard and shout slogans. This is the way to do business, you have to find allies."

"Let me tell you, the only ones you really need to guard against are the little devils and the second devils. Their faces are the same as ours. Their culture is also the same as ours. You have to relax your vigilance and give them too many opportunities. Then maybe you can They are like fish and pearls, deceiving their teachers and destroying their ancestors..."

Not to mention, what the old man said was reasonable, and Ning Weimin deeply agreed with it.

He did forget that the inheritance and development of knowledge and skills also require a proper environment.

When doing business, you need to learn to find helpers. How can you make enemies everywhere?

However, for the sake of caution, Ning Weimin then went to ask "Zhang Dashao" for advice, and Master Zhang's opinion reassured him.

"Chinese food is difficult, Western food is easy. Chinese food emphasizes skills, while Western food emphasizes form. Do you think it's the techniques that are easier to practice? Or the forms that are easier to learn? So don't worry, let's learn from them when it comes to cooking. We have to imagine that It will only take two or three years at most. If they want to learn from us, if they are really willing to work hard, it will take at least twenty years."

"What your master said is right. When it comes to cooking, it wouldn't be the same in another environment. Even I don't dare to say that I can cook fried dumplings better than the cook at that restaurant. We don't have the right bite. I don’t have the ability to spray balsamic vinegar, and I don’t have the green garlic that I eat readily. Let alone foreigners imitating us.”

"Besides, don't forget that you are dealing in palace cuisine. What is the purpose of palace cuisine? In addition to the high-quality raw materials, extremely particular cooking techniques and matching methods, and the pursuit of pure and strong taste. What is more important is that 'A Gathering of Talents, Eclectic' is on. Right?"

"The range of recipes for palace cuisine is unmatched by any other cuisine. It is a cooking collection that brings together products from all over the world and the essence of cooking techniques from all over the country. In the past, the royal family used tributes from all over the world. Nowadays, the world It’s bigger. We should also select and incorporate the products of foreigners, be inclusive and create new dishes, so that we can develop. Otherwise, if you cherish your own money and refuse to move forward, won’t you be resting on your laurels?”

"Let's put it this way, I agree with your master. This matter will do you more good than harm. It will not only help you improve the quality of your dishes, but also make your restaurant famous overseas. If you want to refuse, you would be stupid. As for people Well, don’t hold on tightly. Can you grasp people’s hearts by holding on to them? It will only lead to disunity.”

In short, the two old men's broadmindedness and wisdom put Ning Weimin to shame.

But he also solved his doubts in time and let him know what the right choice was.

So after Ning Weimin had a private conversation with the five chefs of Tan Palace, he quickly replied to Song Huagui.

He agreed to help Song Huagui manage Maxim Restaurant, and in principle agreed to the requests of several French chefs.

Just like that, in early February, when the Spring Festival was approaching, not only Ning Weimin also took on the title of deputy general manager of Maxim Restaurant.

Yang Feng is also happy to serve as the first Chinese executive sous chef of Maxim Restaurant.

Tan Gong Restaurant is not at a disadvantage, because the combination of Chinese and Western food has the same promotion effect on both parties.

Sauce is the core of French cuisine, it is a concentrated "haut gout".

After Dai Hong mastered the preparation method of Behamel Saue, she found that it was perfect for making cold dishes.

In this way, cold dishes prepared with one of the five major French sauces appeared on the menu of Tan Gong Restaurant, which also refreshed the taste buds of domestic diners.

There is also a dish called "Asparagus with Spicy Sauce" in French cuisine. The sauce used is also Hollandai Sauce, one of the five major sauces in French cuisine.

At Jiang Dachun's suggestion, Ning Weimin asked Tan Gong Restaurant to use asparagus instead. As a result, "Asparagus with Fragrant Sauce" was launched in the winter when there were not many fresh vegetables, and it was very popular with the Chinese people.

Therefore, Tan Palace's asparagus is therefore more expensive than Luoyang paper, and sales are very hot.

This even allowed Ning Weimin to discover a secret, that is, where the precious ingredients come from.

Not only do things need to be scarce, but they also need fame and publicity to reach a consensus among the public.

For example, Tan Gong Restaurant and Maxim Restaurant jointly promoted asparagus. In a short period of time, this food began to become famous and its style soared.

Whether it's Tan Gong Restaurant or Maxim's, when regular customers call to reserve a table, they will often first ask if there is asparagus.

Even Sichuan Hotel and Jingcheng Hotel called to establish friendship and asked where they got the goods.

Isn't this the basis for raising prices?

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