National Tide 1980

Chapter 769: Going straight to Huanglong

Qu Xiao and Shi Kaili bought everything they needed and rushed back to the dormitory at three o'clock in the afternoon.

They were lucky. As soon as they walked in, it started to rain coldly outside.

Winter in Tokyo is very similar to that in Shanghai. It rarely snows, often rains, and is cold and humid.

They didn't bring umbrellas, so they were really going to get wet. Not to mention how embarrassed they were, with their thin bodies, they would probably catch a cold.

Even more fortunately, the dormitory was empty as Shi Kaili expected.

They can do whatever they want and use the only phone here.

Unfortunately, luck could not last forever.

Twenty minutes after Qu Xiao called her home, Shi Kaili actually picked up the phone and called Pierre Cardin, but she still couldn't find Ning Weimin.

The phone number in Ning Weimin's office only had blind tone, so he called the front desk of the company and received a reply saying that Ning Weimin was indeed at the company today, but he left half an hour ago.

So they wanted to give Ning Weimin a surprise, but their wish to chat with him came to nothing. The two girls could only hang up the phone angrily.

They never expected that Ning Weimin would skip the last shift at the end of the year. It was really disappointing...

But to be honest, they really misunderstood, and Ning Weimin was actually wronged in this matter.

Because just half an hour ago, Ning Weimin was busy in the office.

Carefully and focusedly outline the company's operating plan for next year.

If nothing else, as the saying goes, if you are a monk for a day, you have to ring the clock for a day.

Although Ning Weimin is not a gentleman, he is a person who knows how to repay kindness. Repaying kindness with kindness is the basis of his life.

Since Song Huagui thinks so highly of him, he supports him almost unconditionally and believes in him.

They even allowed him to not follow the company's arrangements and do what he wanted to do.

Then he must make some actual contributions to the company in order to be worthy of the company and Song Huagui.

Therefore, after the Spring Festival, he must at least bring the company's performance to a higher level in the first half of the year before he can hand over this burden to Zou Guodong.

Otherwise, if he doesn't have even the slightest achievement, wouldn't he become a man who only stands in the latrine and doesn't shit?

How can I have the dignity to open a store in Japan again?

But just when he was busy, something unexpected happened.

The office phone rang, and the person at the front desk told Ning Weimin that a visitor was coming.

The strange thing is that the visitor refused to disclose his origin, but claimed that he had something important to do and wanted to see him immediately by name.

Ning Weimin didn't pay much attention to it at the time and asked the front desk to bring the person over.

He was focused entirely on his work and was not willing to waste his brain cells on this kind of thing. He felt that everything would be clear once they met.

But he never expected that even though he had seen many storms and waves and thought that nothing would happen that he couldn't bear, he ended up being too much.

This meeting actually shocked him and completely panicked him.

It should be said that the person who was sent into the office by the front desk had indeed never been seen before in Ning Weimin's memory. He was an absolute stranger.

However, he is less than thirty years old, with a meticulous suit and tie, and a solemn and serious expression, but he shows a quite outstanding temperament that cannot be underestimated.

Ning Weimin stood up from his seat without hesitation, and took the initiative to extend his hand to shake hands with the other party.

The other party also responded politely to his warm greeting. After getting to know him, his behavior became a bit unreasonable.

Ning Weimin didn't even allow Ning Weimin to speak, and the other party actually made his own decision and drove away the receptionist.

And closed the door tightly, as if some important secret was about to be discussed.

This is Ning Weimin's territory, especially since he claims to have never done anything bad and insists on avoiding others.

Naturally, I was very unhappy because the other party's behavior would cause misunderstandings in the company and even cause rumors.

But when the other party turned around and announced his home, Ning Weimin no longer bothered to criticize, but was stunned with shock.

"My name is Peng Yuan, and I'm Director Huo's secretary. It's our first meeting today, so please don't mind if it's a little unexpected."

"What? Huo...Director Huo?"

"You and Huo Xin should be very familiar with each other. Director Huo is Huo Xin's father."

"Yes, yes, I understand, I know, then... what is your... purpose of coming?"

"Director Huo wants to talk to you. If it's convenient, please come with me now. Director Huo is waiting for you in the car downstairs."

"What? Right now? Director Huo is downstairs? This...this..."

At this moment, Ning Weimin's heart was filled with 10,000 grass and mud horses running wildly!

The shock, embarrassment and helplessness he felt were much more serious than the time when he was driving Huo Xin off on New Year's Eve last year and was bumped into by Huo Xin's parents at the gate of the minister's compound in Shijia Hutong.

You know, last year's New Year's Eve was a pure accident, but this year it was a sudden attack with clear purpose.

Speaking of which, he and Director Huo had no connection at all except Huo Xin.

As for Huo Xin, she was rejected by him because of her feelings and left the company with resentment.

He knew with all his ass that it would not be a good thing if the biological father of this thousand-pound young lady came to the house to summon her.

Whether it was out of guilt or fear, Ning Weimin was sweating heavily on his forehead.

He thought to himself, should this go on?

No, definitely not!

How is it different from being kidnapped if you bring him to your doorstep and get in someone else's car?

But now, it is no longer feasible to avoid it.

After thinking for a long time, he had to settle for the next best thing and come up with an idea that would give him a sense of security.

I tried to move the meeting place to my home stadium, hoping that the company's pomp and attributes of a foreign company would make the other party a little apprehensive.

"Talk...of course we can talk, but it's so cold in the car. Since Director Huo is here, why don't you come up? Do you think you can invite Director Huo to come and sit in my office? I have tea and coffee here. There are all..."

However, he didn't even succeed in this little plan. The other party seemed to have read through his mind and said with a half-smile.

"There are many people here, and Director Huo's identity is very inconvenient. Some things are best resolved privately. You definitely don't want everyone to know, right?"

As soon as Peng Yuan said this, Ning Weimin immediately cursed himself for being stupid.

Yes, the issues discussed between them should have been discussed in secret.

Besides, is Director Huo an ordinary person?

His position and level were too sensitive, and Song Huagui had to be alarmed when he came to the company.

Oops, I was really out of my mind just now.

How could he think that he would be safe this time with the Pierre Cardon brand? Why did you say such incomprehensible words?

This is good, the other party must have seen through everything, and must have discovered that he is in a mess now.

"That's right, I didn't think it through well. this okay? You go downstairs first, and I'll come right after."

Finally, Ning Weimin was still a little quick-witted. He pointed at the information on his table and made a final delaying tactic.

"Look, I was busy before you came. My desk is full of the company's most important documents. I have to take some time to tidy them up before I can go downstairs with peace of mind. Please explain the situation to Director Huo. Give me a few minutes. I will do it as soon as possible. Can you think of it?"

This time the other party did not object. After all, the monk could run away but not the temple.

Peng Yuan stared at Ning Weimin for a moment, thinking that it was impossible for him to do the stupid thing of "fleeing in fear of crime", and then nodded and went out.

As soon as Ning Weimin was alone again, he took a long breath and slumped down on the chair.

It’s not that he is cowardly, but that he knows in his heart that the disparity in strength is too great.

If people really make things difficult for him, he has no right to fight with them, and he will be in big trouble!

Not to mention that everything you want to do will be difficult to do, even if you want to go abroad to escape, you may not be able to do it smoothly.

If it is not done well, it will affect the company's operations and affect the future development of Tan Gong Restaurant and Temple of Heaven Park.

To be honest, it doesn't matter what he is like.

Even if there is no income from now on and he is completely "socially dead", he will not be hungry, let alone the small bench at home.

But he was afraid that he would be sorry for those who believed in him. Many people's hopes were on him. It would be too uncomfortable to carry the burden of a lifetime of emotional debt.

So until now, we can only do our best, hoping that things will not come to the worst.

"To speak to the wise, rely on knowledge; to speak to the knowledgeable, rely on discrimination; to speak to the discerning, rely on the essentials; to speak to the noble, rely on power; to speak to the rich, rely on high; to speak to the poor, rely on high Rely on profit; speak to the humble, rely on modesty; speak to the brave, rely on courage; speak to fools, rely on sharpness..."

Ning Weimin leaned back in his chair and recited Kang Shude's warning in a low voice.

At the same time, he picked up a cigarette from the cigarette box, lit it, and took a deep breath.

Don't tell me, it doesn't work.

Reviewing these important communication rules gave him some confidence, and the nicotine in tobacco also stabilized his mood.

And once he regained his composure, his IQ seemed to have returned, and suddenly he thought clearly.

It doesn’t make sense! I'm fucking cautious enough.

Isn't it just that it didn't work out with Huo Xin?

But I ask myself that I have always adhered to my moral bottom line and never done anything excessive.

Since I have never touched her, I have not even confirmed a relationship.

Why is Huo Xin's father so stubborn and so hard on me? Am I still guilty of not being your son-in-law?

Damn it, if this can cause disaster, then it is simply an unreasonable disaster, and there will be no way for the people to survive.

Besides, as the saying goes, those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes! I just smashed the tiles, but his chief secretary is an exquisite jade.

It is impossible for a person in a high position to have a low IQ. There is no reason for him to have to confront me head-on so openly.

Not to mention that he won without force, he just crushed me and he suffered a huge loss!

If this matter falls into the eyes of others, the Secretary-General's image will be completely ruined. Does he still need his official reputation and reputation?

Yes, absolutely not! At most, he was just trying to scare me. Director Huo must have other intentions.

Under normal circumstances, if he really wanted to get me a dragon, he couldn't come to me in person.

If a biting dog doesn't bark, he has to distance himself from himself.

Damn, I’m so embarrassed. I was so impulsive that I actually got fooled!

I still lack a sense of security, and I haven't been able to develop the calm, elegant and calm nobility that the old man said.

If Master knows this, I will scare myself to this point, and he will have to expel me from the master in anger.

In this way, although Ning Weimin was still very nervous, he was no longer panicked and basically had the courage to face Director Huo.

He stood up, put out the cigarette butt in his hand, tried his best to tidy up his appearance, put away the documents on the table, and finally walked out of the office.

And when he walked down the stairs, he was already thinking about what kind of person Director Huo would be.

The meeting last year was too cursory. I just thought he was a tall, dignified, elegant and imposing person.

Just by looking at the surface, you can tell that he is not an ordinary person.

Huo Xin's arrogance is largely due to having such an enviable father.

Today, I have seen the outstanding qualities of his secretary. Being able to control such a subordinate will explain some problems.

Then in addition to being destined to be a noble person due to his rank, he also has the eloquence required by his position.

Will he also be a wise man? Or what about the attributes of a scholar?

If so, the ensuing conversation will be a huge test.

If you want to pass the test smoothly, it may be difficult to figure out its true intention.

The dialogue is too difficult to control...

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