National Tide 1980

Chapter 772: Feelings in the Heart

Director Huo looked at Ning Weimin who was talking eloquently. He was surprised and his mood became more and more complicated.

Ning Weimin actually knew the source of most of the 160,000 yuan in foreign exchange coupons used to buy the paintings.

Not only that, he also knew that Ning Weimin had been buying seal stones privately.

And taking the opportunity to purchase from cultural relics stores for Tan Palace, he also bought a lot of porcelain for himself.

We even know that many of the calligraphy, paintings and porcelain in Tan Palace Restaurant were re-leased by Ning Weimin to the restaurant, and he collected rent from them on a monthly basis.

Because of this, he firmly believed that Ning Weimin was a profit-seeking philistine.

Think about it, this guy is not satisfied with such a high income from a foreign company, and actually uses his power to find ways to take advantage.

It would be strange if this guy didn't love money to his core.

But there happened to be some related situations that Director Huo had never considered or realized.

Ning Weimin actually claimed that he had never profited from a calligraphy or painting.

Moreover, for a long time after buying the calligraphy and painting, he was under unimaginable debt pressure.

It is also an objective fact that it is not easy to preserve calligraphy and painting, which will continue to consume a lot of money.

In addition, this kid patted his chest again and made bold words.

I guarantee that I will not sell my paintings and calligraphy for twenty years, and I will try my best to find ways to promote these paintings and calligraphy to be exhibited to the public.

So no matter how much Director Huo hates Ning Weimin, if all this is true, he must admit that such a personal sacrifice is really not small.

Naturally, the words "profit-seeking" cannot be attributed to Ning Weimin.

Even speaking from the bottom of his heart, it seems that this guy is using his power for personal gain.

After all, renting a hundred or so pieces of calligraphy, painting and porcelain to a restaurant only brings in a monthly income of two to three hundred yuan, which is not even enough to rent a suitable warehouse. Compared with the actual need to preserve these paintings and calligraphy, it is nothing.

So after a while of silence, Director Huo's tone couldn't help but undergo subtle changes.

"Your words have yet to be confirmed. I can't be completely sure now whether your words are true or false. I will check carefully. If it turns out that you have done this, then you are not hopeless, and you are still good for the country and society. There is some benefit. I will consider forgiving you in moderation."

Listening to the words, it is clear that this matter has taken a turn for the better.

Needless to say, Ning Weimin naturally wanted to strike while the iron was hot.

But instead of continuing to boast happily, he wisely took another indirect approach.

He suppressed the joy surging in his heart and pretended to sigh deeply.

"Director Huo, thank you for your magnanimity, thank you for patiently listening to my explanation, and thank you for giving me some recognition. In fact, from your point of view, even if you are unwilling to forgive me, it is reasonable. After all, I have done something wrong. It is true that Huo Xin was hurt. Then I have to take responsibility for my actions. Everything has a price, I accept this truth. "

"But don't you want to listen to the truth? There is something I have always wanted to say. I am a philistine, and my calculation skills are engraved in my bones and blood. This cannot be changed. So Huo Xin and I It was a mistake to meet each other in the first place. It is already wrong to be ordinary friends. If we really want to be together, it will really be a disaster."

"I don't know what Huo Xin's situation is now, but as long as she is safe and her emotions are gradually returning to calm. From another perspective, this is the best thing now. This is actually correcting mistakes in life. To be honest, I would also be really happy for her.”

Director Huo was speechless for a moment by this "a blessing in disguise".

It may be said that Ning Weimin wanted to evade responsibility, but he did not deny his mistakes.

Ning Weimin wanted to shirk responsibility. He only said it was his fault and did not express any dissatisfaction with Huo Xin.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with Ning Weimin's words.

But with many years of experience, Director Huo was wary of this humble attitude.

He could clearly feel that Ning Weimin was retreating in order to advance, trying to further shake his mind.

So his words became harsh again, and he took advantage of this.

"What are you talking about! What is destiny? Man is determined to defeat nature. Can't people's shortcomings be corrected? Unless you don't want to change. A disaster? What do you mean? Has my daughter become a disaster star? Is it so disgusting? ?”

However, Ning Weimin was not affected at all, remained calm as usual, and talked eloquently.

"Director Huo, you are a 'great and upright' existence to me. Although you hold a high position, you are principled, practical and convincing. As your daughter, Huo Xin has a good family environment. It also makes her naturally noble, hates evil as much as she hates evil, and is full of a sense of justice.”

"She is absolutely sincere when it comes to her friends. She instinctively hates conspiracies and philistine calculations. Frankly speaking, she is more generous, generous, trustworthy, and emotional than many men. If we try to find her shortcomings, it is that her world is She is so clear-cut in black and white and is too idealistic. She doesn’t rub sand in her eyes and always intervenes to the end when it comes to things she doesn’t like.”

"But the problem is, people are different. Some people have choices, and some people don't. On the other hand, that's not the case for me. I'm an orphan, and my parents were there when I was underage. , all passed away. I am the only son in the family, and I have no relatives. People like me have no education, no help, no family, low origin, and nothing. Where can I find my way in life? Objectively speaking, I haven't had much choice since I was born. It's good to be alive."

"But I don't want to live a mediocre life, and I don't want to huddle at the bottom of society forever. So what should I do? I can only rely on my talent for calculation, try my best to carefully seize all opportunities around me, and look forward to it. Change your destiny. That’s why I said that philistinism and calculation are my inborn instincts. They are my instinct to survive. They are deeply ingrained and cannot be changed.”

"Even you must not be able to understand me like this. Huo Xin is still very young, impulsive and emotional. She despises my nature even more. So from the beginning of our acquaintance, we are like incompatible enemies. Enemies. But we later became colleagues. In order to eliminate her dislike of me, I had to find ways to make her happy. Because I couldn't afford to offend her, lose this job, or take risks. However, there was something new here. It’s easy to make her happy, but I can’t control the scale just right.”

"Yes, when I get along with Huo Xin, I have always been scheming and using tricks to make her change her attitude towards me. But if I don't do this, what else can I do? I'm not making excuses for myself, and I don't want to excuse myself. . Mainly based on my personal experience. Sometimes the truth is not noble, but can be cruel. I also want to be a moral person, and I don’t want to do anything bad. But I can’t do it when I’m hungry.”

"Of course, in reality, I have gained a lot, far beyond the expectations of food and clothing. Huo Xin's help to me is a very important factor. I am actually very grateful to Huo Xin. I also have a moral bottom line, and I really want to repay her. I never wanted to hurt her heart. But because I knew very well that her good impression of me was completely an illusion I created for her. The fact is that she and I are two extremes, I am the small one and she is the big one. I am underground, she is in the clouds, I live in the darkness, and she is better than the light. We cannot go further, and I can only live up to her good intentions."

"To be honest, if I were with Huo Xin like this, I would undoubtedly become a despicable person. Not only did I deceive Huo Xin, but I would probably completely mess up your family relationship." To be disrespectful, I have shown you the side of me that is most difficult to show. If we formally date, can you agree? Can you rest assured? Can your family accept me? Who can believe that I don’t have ulterior motives? , intending to get more things from Huo Xin? And in the end, Huo Xin and I will never have any good results. There is no such thing as a happy marriage and family harmony. Because we have different values, world views, and life goals. , no one will change their nature. In the end, it will just become Mars hitting the Earth and hurting each other."

These words really touched Director Huo's heart.

He was shocked and conflicted by Ning Weimin's conclusion.

Even though he had been wary for a long time, he could not help but admit that Ning Weimin's analysis was reasonable. This was a real and sincere statement.

"It turned out to be a conflict of ideas."

Director Huo's sudden concluding remarks once again showed that the ice in his heart had melted again.

Ning Weimin knew better, and his nervous mood began to relax.

"Yes, my habits are related to my poor background and lack of corresponding social status. It was not until I gained wealth and status that I had the concept of credit. The luckiest thing about me is that I have met many truly high-level people in my life. Noble person, especially when I work for a multinational company like Pierre Cardin. I met a boss like Mr. Pierre Cardin and a general manager like Ms. Song Huagui. It allowed me to follow their example and reflect on my own shortcomings. Understand what real success is. . Otherwise, my repeated successes in the early stages will actually strengthen some of the wrong ideas in my temperament and turn those wrong ideas into something fundamental."

"If that happens..." Ning Weimin raised his eyes and looked at Director Huo, "It will undoubtedly be a vicious cycle. As you said, I will really become a person who only pursues profits and completely gives up on morality."

Director Huo clearly caught the lingering look in Ning Weimin's eyes.

Such an expression cannot be expressed through pretense or performance.

So he no longer doubted anything and truly began to feel relieved.

I even thought of many past events, including the difficulty of studying when I was young, and the hesitation I felt when I first entered the workplace and started working.

I was in danger several times while performing missions abroad, years of silent forbearance, emotional regret and loneliness, and the helpless compromise of marriage...

Life is indeed full of helplessness!

So unknowingly, empathy replaced the hatred in Director Huo's heart.

The injustice suffered by his daughter Huo Xin made him indignant, and most of his biggest knots had really disappeared.

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