National Tide 1980

Chapter 789 Time and space chaos

Once you get a lottery ticket, you have to spend it quickly.

Because the lottery tickets issued by the Temple of Heaven are stamped with dates, they will become invalid if they are overdue.

What's more, the secretary has long been attracted by the palace cake gift box specially provided by Tan Palace Restaurant for Tiantan Park. It tastes delicious and is affordable.

So after asking the prize redemption staff, I learned that there is a sales point for gift boxes in Beishen Kitchen, which is a high-end catering service area, and the daily sales quantity is limited.

Even though the fun of guessing riddles was not over, the secretary still took the deputy director and driver into Beishen Kitchen.

But once the clinker entered, they almost couldn't get out.

what happened?

Isn't it because there is a "man-eating tiger" hidden inside?

In this place, the consumption is extremely high everywhere.

But the secrets and fun inside are actually more thought-provoking than the promenade outside.

It's true that the three people in this earth altar were dumbfounded as soon as they arrived. They lingered and found it difficult to leave.

In order to allow tourists to have a satisfying meal and have fun, Ganqing Ningweimin made some temporary adjustments to the banquet venue and service items of Tan Palace Restaurant during the New Year Garden Party.

First of all, from a functional point of view, he made a big distinction between the main hall and the left and right side halls for different business projects.

The shrine in the main hall is operated by Dan Gong Restaurant itself and sells palace dishes in the name of Dan Gong.

The right shrine in the right hall is operated by Maxim Restaurant, which sells French cuisine.

The Zuoshenku in the left hall was used as a temporary teahouse.

Secondly, Ning Weimin also put some special thought into the business contents and models of these locations to satisfy customers.

Take the palace cuisine of Tan Gong Restaurant as an example. Although due to the protection of garden monuments, there are no freshly fried dishes, only large pots soaked in hot water, and pre-prepared dishes are prepared in advance.

And for the sake of speed and convenience, guests cannot order whatever they want, and can only provide five set meals that are extremely expensive in the eyes of the people in the capital.

They are NT$40 for two people, NT$80 for four people, NT$120 for six people, NT$140 for eight people, and NT$160 for ten people.

But no one who has eaten here is dissatisfied, which completely goes against the rule of thumb.


Because the secret lies in the small portions and large plates of these set meals, the combination of meat and vegetables, and the rich taste.

Think about it, even the two-person set meal comes with four hot, two cold, one snack and one pot, let alone other multi-person set meals.

Sweet, sour, tender, spicy and salty, there is always one that suits you, it’s a matter of probability.

In particular, many of the raw materials are unique to Tan Palace and are not included in the recipes of other restaurants.

For example, there are meats such as venison, roe deer, pigeon, and quail.

There are abalone, fresh shrimps, fine-scaled fish, salmon and other fresh fish.

There are also wild products such as monkey legs, hazelnuts, and pine nuts, as well as asparagus, romaine lettuce, lettuce, celery, cucumbers, leeks, and chives cultivated in the Temple of Heaven greenhouse.

This makes the dishes in the set meal even more luxurious, value for money, and high-end.

What is particularly worth mentioning is that all set meals also include a seasonal pot dish.

This is the most ingenious trick Ning Weimin learned from Kang Shude and Zhang Dashao.

You know, Yipin pot, Eight Immortals pot, fish head pot, rich pot, and assorted hot pot, these are all indispensable things that wealthy families in the capital would put in the middle of their banquets in winter.

This is true even for the emperor, princes and ministers in the palace.

Eating pot dishes in winter, no matter how delicious, long-lasting and warm they are.

The key is that the pot dishes look rich in color and solemn in form, and can bring people a happy feeling of abundant life.

What’s more, the production method is particularly convenient.

In fact, the taste of pot dishes does not depend on the ingredients, but depends entirely on the broth.

The ingredients that are actually put in do not need to be expensive, and the heat does not need to be in place, just let them simmer over the charcoal fire.

To put it bluntly, in fact, as long as there is such a dish on the table, it is paired with a plate of fresh and crispy melons and vegetables, which are eaten cold, stir-fried and pickled.

No matter how picky the diners are, even if their hands and feet are cold and their lips are dry and cracked after wandering around in the cold wind, eating these two things will make them feel so comfortable and like a fairyland.

Who said that in this winter, most people only have a few vegetables to eat: cabbage, carrots, and potatoes?

Not smiling?

That's impossible!

In addition, since Ning Weimin has the real power of the head of Pierre Cardin's operations department, he naturally has the power to govern Maxim's Restaurant.

So two good things came together to make one good thing.

Maxim Restaurant can not only get closer to the people in the capital, but also consolidate the reputation and reputation of the restaurant.

The catering service content of the Temple of Heaven New Year Garden Party has also been enriched, gaining another feature that is different from other temple fairs, further solidifying the name of this place as a "foreign temple fair".

However, considering the limited cooking conditions of Beishen Kitchen and the high cost of importing most of the ingredients and seasonings for French cuisine, Ning Weimin did not let Maxim Restaurant use an open fire here and operate it as a formal restaurant.

Instead, the business adopts a "buffet" format that charges 30 yuan per customer.

Most of the food provided on the dining table is cold food, and there are no expensive dishes at all.

There are only a few stewed dishes and a few hot soups that are steaming, just to warm the stomach.

To be honest, Ning Weimin's original intention of doing this was to lower Maxim's figure as much as possible, provide some convenience for foreign tourists, and let the Chinese people have a fresh taste.

As expected, this unprecedented move has great appeal to the Chinese people.

Because few Chinese people have seen such a banquet where all the food is put together and you can choose what you want.

After all, French cuisine has many cold dishes and exquisite pastries, many of which are things that Chinese people have never heard of or seen.

Not to mention anything else, there are more than a dozen kinds of salads and sauces, dozens of kinds of bread and pastries, and dozens of kinds of sausages, hams, and barbecues.

Not to mention that in the current republic where supplies are scarce, real cream and real chocolate are usually not available.

How can Chinese people who come to eat at the buffet resist the temptation of the luxurious chocolate fondue and real cream pastries?

In addition, the price is much cheaper than the usual price of 180 per person at Maxim Restaurant, making it particularly friendly to the people.

Therefore, even if these things are flashy, if you eat them, the stomachs of the Chinese people will be upset.

But from a visual perspective, it is particularly pleasing to the customer's eyes and creates a sense of satisfaction that "doesn't last forever, as long as you have it once."

As for the teahouse in Zuoshenku, it goes without saying that it is functional. It is nothing more than a place for customers to stop and drink tea.

How nice would it be to give some customers who are tired from wandering in the yard a warm place to sit, rest, and drink tea to relieve their boredom on a cold day?

It sounds simple, but in reality it is not.

Because this side hall can only seat more than a hundred people, the reception conditions are very limited.

The teahouse set up here is to serve high-end people, and the fees have to be increased, at least five yuan per person.

People who can't afford the money can only go to the free tea shed to drink tea. If they really want to come here and sit and drink, they will have to "blow up the temple".

If a room is full of people and messy, being comfortable is no longer comfortable.

At that time, Ning Weimin will still have to worry about whether the high-end furnishings here will be damaged.

But the opposite is also true. Foreigners are not familiar with teahouses in the capital, and they may not be so popular.

As for the people in the capital, there are not many wealthy people nowadays who are willing to spend five yuan on a cup of tea or a plate of melon seeds to crack.

If this makes the side hall deserted and no one comes, it will be a failure.

It's embarrassing or not, but we can't waste such good hardware conditions in vain.

Therefore, Ning Weimin had to do something fancy to make customers willing to pay for it.

After much deliberation, he settled on retro.

I plan to restore the old teahouse style as much as possible according to the movie "Teahouse".

Let people here to appreciate the customs and customs of the past, in order to bring customers a full range of fresh experiences.

Of course, I definitely had to ask for the opinions of the "experts" at home. As a result, after further detailed discussions with Kang Shude, the management of the teahouse became completely clear.

According to the old man, there were several types of teahouses in Beijing in the past.

During the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, there was a teahouse called a big teahouse that specialized in eating bannermen's meals and providing a place for a group of bannermen to walk birds, play with song bugs, and fight crickets.

The place must be large enough to withstand the commotion, and it must also provide a variety of oven-baked snacks, pastry snacks, simple stir-fries, and rotten meat noodles.

The Yutai Teahouse in Lao She's "Teahouse" is like this.

In addition, there is also a "Book Teahouse" where storytelling is performed daily in the morning and evening.

This kind of teahouse does not sell tea when the book is opened. As mentioned in the book several times, you have to charge a book fee.

The "tea tavern" sells tea, wine, peanuts and flower beans.

The "teahouse" is a place where businessmen from all walks of life gather to meet and work.

The "Wild Tea House" is a place where people can rest temporarily in a remote village.

There are also teahouses that serve special groups of customers, such as the chess teahouse with a chess game in the teahouse, or the martial arts teahouse that uses martial arts to make friends.

According to the old man's wishes, the teahouse in Beishen Kitchen actually functions as a "wild teahouse".

But according to the current conditions of Ning Weimin, who is in charge of the Tan Palace, there is no need to worry about the supply of tea and food, and the specifications of the big teahouse can be compared.

You can also introduce the features of book teahouse and chess teahouse to satisfy customers.

So, when these three local people walked into Beishen Chef, what did they see?

At the entrance of the main hall's treasury, there were two women wearing palace attire and flag heads, standing on both sides of the gate to greet them.

Whenever you meet a guest and talk, you have to give a Wanfu gift first, just like acting in a movie.

Inside, inside the brightly lit glass windows, waiters in Republican-style robes and coats were carrying plates and hot pots to serve guests.

At the door of the side hall on the right, a doorman wearing a big-brimmed hat, a red coat, and a Western-style concierge uniform was greeting guests.

Inside the glass window is a dazzling array of food, like a buffet in a gourmet paradise.

The staff are all dressed in ceremonial tuxedos and are busy serving the guests.

At the entrance of the side hall on the left, a waiter wearing a cotton robe and a coat is enthusiastically inviting tea guests to come in and rest.

The Eight Immortals table inside is full of tea guests holding tea bowls in their hands.

The waiters, shopkeepers, and accounting clerks all wear traditional costumes.

It really recreates the scene of Yutai Tea House in the movie a lot.

Even the entrances to these three halls are not empty.

In the greenhouse at the entrance to the shrine, a woman in royal attire sells gift boxes of Dangong cakes.

In the greenhouse at the entrance of the Right Divine Chef, a chef in white sells Maxim's baguettes, French puffs, and puffs.

There is an open-air stall at the door of Zuo Shenchu, under the guise of "Tea Soup Plum", and a large copper pot with a dragon's mouth is shining with golden light. Dozens of tea ingredients and tea fruits are all attractively displayed on the stall.

Li Lianzhong, the third-generation descendant of the well-known "Cha Tang Li" in the south of the capital, personally operates the big copper pot.

Customers are given whatever they want, and every time they bend down to make tea or move the big copper pot, their vigorous posture attracts tourists to take photos.

How could this situation not make people yearn for it?

Especially the drum book was still open in the teahouse, and soon the courtyard was filled with the singing of the Jingyun drum "Returning to the Boat after Storm".

"Crossing the mountains and forests, the wind is howling, the cold is whistling, and a terrible heavy rain is coming. Looking at the river sky, there are lightning and thunder, and there are bursts of wind and thunder. After catching the golden scale, the fisherman paddles back to the boat..."

Just like that, sanxian'er, drum book, teahouse, palace clothes, coats, Chinese ancient buildings, Chinese and Western pastries, Chinese and Western food...

Together with the laughing and endless stream of tourists in the courtyard, they formed a vivid and wonderful picture, but time and space were confused.

It really gives people an illusion, as if they have crossed a time and space tunnel, traveling through countless decades or hundreds of years.

That would be so much fun!

Almost all the three people in the Ditan were fascinated. They didn't know where to look when they walked into the courtyard.

Especially the secretary, after reading for a long time, he actually said such a sentence.

"Everyone knows that there is a Grand View Garden in "A Dream of Red Mansions", but in my opinion, today's Temple of Heaven Park is the Grand View Garden..."

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