National Tide 1980

Chapter 794 Fighting for the lead again

Chapter 794 of the main text volume of Guochao 1980 is well-founded and reasonable.

The most valuable thing is Ning Weimin's perspective on analyzing the problem.

He completely analyzed the logic of this matter based on the national conditions and from the perspective of different consumers.

Although Wan Man was unfamiliar with Chinese, Ning Weimin couldn't quite understand him when he spoke quickly.

Song Xiaohong and Song Xiaocong were too young and lacked social experience, so they looked confused while listening.

But Song Huagui couldn't help but admire Ning Weimin's eloquent talk.

Especially the data coming back from the recent Temple of Heaven Garden Party told her that the ticket-based buffet at Maxim Restaurant was selling like crazy during the garden party.

The East Wing Hall of Beishen Kitchen receives at least thousands of guests every day.

Just with some cold food and bread, the turnover is as high as more than 30,000 yuan, and the gross profit per day is more than 20,000 yuan.

She could be sure that Ning Weimin's strategy, which sounded a bit sensational at first glance, was probably right.

She even understood Ning Weimin's painstaking efforts in suggesting to open a bakery on the first floor of Chongwenmen Hotel years ago.

"Wei Min, do you know? Your words remind me of a movie."

"Breakfast at Tiffany's?"

"That's right, can you guess which episode I'm talking about?"

"I can't guess this. However, whether it is the scene where Hepburn is holding coffee and French bread and looking at the jewelry in the window. Or the impoverished writer in the movie took Hepburn to Tiffany's in order to give her a gift. stores, painstakingly looking for things under ten dollars. That should all illustrate what I want to express.”

"you are really……"

Song Huagui did not say that word, and his appreciation was reflected in his emotional tone.

At this point, she has made a decision to give Ning Weimin as much support as possible.

"I agreed to the ice cream thing. I also approved the opening of a bakery on the first floor of Chongwenmen by Maxim Restaurant. But you still have to make a detailed budget and plan and go to the post-holiday meeting. Go through the process and explain it to others. After all, not everyone likes the movie, and not everyone understands the significance of the $6.75 silver telephone dial stick."

Yes, the telephone dial stick about the size of a toothpick that Song Huagui mentioned was the product that the heroine played by Hepburn and the writer in the movie painstakingly found for less than ten dollars by consulting the Tiffany counter clerk. .

Although Hepburn and the writer were surprised that there were such useless things in the world, they couldn't understand the world of rich people at all.

But they were still extremely happy and extremely happy to buy it.

This is undoubtedly a vivid explanation of a strange phenomenon discovered by Ning Weimin. The poor are more eager for luxury goods than the rich, and they don’t care what they buy with all their strength, as long as they can have something with the luxury goods that represent happiness. Just a certain degree of correlation.

This also proves the correctness of Ning Weimin's philosophy. Luxury brands can be high-minded, but they cannot be arrogant.

Always let the general public touch its toes and sell some small things that ordinary people can barely reach. Only then will the public have a better impression of it and win more fans and believers.

Otherwise it would be meaningless self-admiration.

Especially for a clothing brand like Pierre Cardon, which has signed countless OEM contracts abroad and whose main consumer group is still the middle class, its own "high-end" is mixed with water.

In fact, it is far more important for the people of the Republic to feel more close to it than to maintain a sense of admiration that only dares to watch from a distance.

It is also more in line with its corporate image and interests.

"Thank you, sis!"

There was no doubt that Song Huagui's answer made Ning Weimin particularly satisfied.

At this moment, it seemed that Song Huagui's family was alienated from her, and instead became observers who could not understand the meaning of their words.

And a rare sense of tacit understanding filled the hearts of Ning Weimin and Song Huagui, as if they had truly become brothers and sisters connected by blood.

Unfortunately, this most wonderful feeling did not last long before it was broken.

Because Ning Weimin's thinking is too fast and his appetite is too big.

The ice cream thing is actually far from over with him.

Next, he suggested that Song Huagui should take this as a lesson and should try his best to attack in all fields related to fashion.

Beauty salons, leather shoes, jewelry, music, film and television, sports and recreation, beverages and food, stationery, toys, gifts, cosmetics, and shampoos can all flourish.

Create products and services with the "PC" trademark as soon as possible to seize market opportunities.

He even suggested that he should consider getting involved in the fields of children's clothing and infant products.

In this way, the domestic people will form a subconscious feeling that Pierre Cardin can be everywhere. Wherever there is fashion, there is Pierre Cardin. Pierre Cardin is a symbol of fashion in life.

Needless to say, this was nothing short of shocking, and it sent Song Huagui into a "thunder" state, as if he was being charged with 10,000 volts of high-voltage electricity.

Her level of shock was no less than seeing Hitler resurrected and delivering a crazy speech in front of her about provoking World War III.

She knew Ning Weimin, and if she reacted like this, let alone her relatives.

Wan Man and a pair of mixed-race boys probably thought Ning Weimin was a lunatic, and they all looked at him talking to himself with bewildered expressions.

Everyone was so shocked that they couldn't close their mouths to see Song Huagui's reaction.

Even the action of making dumplings in his hands stopped unconsciously.

"Wait a minute!" Song Huagui finally lost his temper and stopped him, "Why do I feel so dizzy listening to you! Do you want the company to invest in so many fields at the same time? This... this is too whimsical..."

"No, no, sister, this is just a general direction. We can pick the main ones first, such as those that are closely related to clothing, such as makeup and hairdressing, leather bags, leather shoes, ties, lighters, and decorative accessories such as wallets. Others are less so What's important is to take your time and not rush..."

"That's not realistic." Song Huagui interrupted Ning Weimin, not allowing him to continue.

"Did you know? Whether it is cosmetics or hair and beauty, although they are closely related to the fashion industry, their production and sales are independent and not dependent on the fashion industry. Abroad, these two, regardless of their economic size or importance, are It is no less than the clothing industry, and even far exceeds the clothing industry in terms of service complexity. If you want to enter these industries, it is equivalent to setting up several more Pilkington companies, and we ourselves lack operation in these industries. Experience. Is this possible?”

"Even leather bags, leather shoes, and decorative accessories are not that simple. Don't forget, now our brand is absolutely high-end in China, so every product needs classic style and high-end quality. Once we fail, we will suffer financial losses. Small, but the damage to the brand will be serious. We can't just find a manufacturing company to authorize it and let them produce as they like like in foreign countries, right? And you yourself took the lead in opposing the licensing production model. It was you who told Mr. Pierre Cardon that domestic The law is lacking and there is absolutely no way to guarantee his legal rights and interests, so he gave up the idea. Now he won't go back on his word, right?"

"Weimin, I admit that you did run Tan Palace quite successfully. Because you took over the business and ran it well, Maxim Restaurant no longer loses money. But you can't be too confident and have no worries. Really? Do you really think that one person can really do it all? Is your energy unlimited? How can you manage several restaurants and several clothing stores while also managing several beauty salons? Shop, how many cosmetics stores are there? If that's the case, you first take over the modeling school we jointly run with the China Ballet, and let me see what you are capable of. Otherwise, there is no need to discuss..."

Song Huagui was really sincere in his words, but Ning Weimin blinked his eyes as if nothing was wrong.

So while talking, Song Huagui also became angry. In the end, he actually got a little angry and complained.

"Weimin, you are creative and insightful, and you often come up with fantastic ideas from other people's blind spots. But you are too idealistic in doing things. You are getting carried away, aren't you giving me a problem? You can Don't blame me for pouring cold water on you, who told you to stand and talk without your back hurting..."

It was probably the first time that her family members saw Song Huagui become so emotional when discussing work, and became increasingly uneasy.

In order to prevent them from arguing, Wanman took the initiative to bring his wife a glass of water.

"Sister, you have wronged me."

Finally, Ning Weimin began to complain.

But his face was full of smiles, as if he didn't care at all.

This is obviously more irritating.

Song Huagui almost threw the cup in his hand at his face.

"Ah? You were wronged! Then what do you mean? Tell me carefully. I can't explain clearly. You will make all the remaining dumplings today, and you will also wash the bowls..."

But Ning Weimin was still so unrestrained and seemed confident.

"Sister, don't worry. Let me explain to you slowly."

He first put down the dumpling he had wrapped in his hand, then picked up a piece of dumpling wrapper to remove the stuffing before continuing.

"First of all, time waits for no one. Nowadays, more and more foreign companies are entering the Republic and are eager for the mainland market. In terms of automobiles, American car companies are coming, Toyota is coming, Volkswagen is coming, Citroen and Mercedes-Benz are coming too. . There are more electrical appliances. In addition to Japanese brands, Philips has also settled in Shanghai. In terms of food, not only Nestlé is coming, Kraft Foods is coming, Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola are coming, and I heard that Mars candy is coming too. As for the clothing category, the news that Manager Zou gave us two years ago cannot be ignored. Since Goldlion in the Hong Kong City has opened stores in Shanghai and Haihai, it is obvious that they will not be satisfied with Guangdong and are implementing the northward strategy. I am afraid that the capital city This is the next step. Another thing you may not know is that the French Montagut Far East Company is also coming to Beijing to open a store..."

"Ah? Is the news reliable?" Song Huagui was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth. "How did you know!"

"I have friends in the Friendship Store, and we keep in touch when buying electrical appliances. When I called to say New Year greetings, they told me smoothly that both Goldlion and Montagnard were in contact with them, and they should cooperate in the form of counters, and Goldlion also asked for The counter is close to ours. In addition, there is news from the Great Wall Hotel that Goldlion plans to open a store next to our franchise store and is negotiating for rent."

I have to say that Goldlion is very good at taking advantage.

This is because they clearly saw Pierre Cardon's lack of accessories such as ties, wallets, etc., and adopted the strategy of chasing after Pierre Cardon's specialty stores to open stores.

But more importantly than this, it also means that more international clothing brands will enter the mainland and head towards the capital.

"First Evolution"

Pierre Cardon's dominance in the capital may not last long.

At the same time, the difficulty of conquering the southern market will also increase.

The potential of the mainland market is increasingly attracting the attention of international brands. The more successful Pierre Cardin operates in China, the more envied it becomes.

Some things really no longer allow Song Huagui to follow his own pace and play steadily.

Seeing Song Huagui frowning and thinking silently.

Ning Weimin continued, "Sister, don't worry too much. Because what I'm going to talk about next is our advantage. As the first international clothing company to enter the mainland market, we have received strong official support and enjoy the best We have preferential conditions and have carried out in-depth cooperation with the government. Which clothing company has as close a relationship as we have with the government? What’s more, our hard work in the capital in the past few years has not yielded anything. Not only has we formed a relatively mature sales system, but we have also had many cooperation projects. Partner, we also became the organizer of a model competition and won a prime-time advertising contract on national television. Within a few years, our leading position in the domestic clothing industry cannot be challenged, let alone shaken. Even in organizing production and sales, organizing In terms of cultural activities, renting business venues, and advertising channels, we all have favorable conditions that others cannot imagine."

"Secondly, we are a truly international brand. Our brand effect and information advantages are unmatched by other companies. Our 'PC' brand is not only well-known across the country, but also abroad. We have the same brand almost all over the world. branch. This creates favorable conditions for us to discuss cooperation. In fact, it is not only large domestic enterprises and large units that will give us face. I think many international brands and Hong Kong-funded enterprises will also sell our accounts. As long as we cooperate Profitable and maintains a mutually beneficial relationship.”

"For example, the patent for the easy-to-laid tie that I gave to the company may be a good project. You can try to cooperate with Jinlilai. After all, they specialize in making ties, so it is impossible not to be interested. There is also Wella from Germany, As a world-renowned cosmetics company, the bee flower shampoo they cooperated with Tianjin has now become the best-selling shampoo in Beijing. They cooperated with Silian Hairdressing, but they never refused to spend money on advertising for their brand, claiming to 'hide' Behind the hairdresser's back, the sales strategy is only for hairdressers. Isn't this our opportunity?"

"In my opinion, as long as Wella's business strategy remains unchanged, we can open a hair salon to cooperate with Wella and make Wella our supplier. Although we lack experience in hair salons, the problem is that there is no such experience in the country. Authoritative barber shop chain. As long as we are better than domestic ones. Besides, we can also cooperate with others in terms of beauty and hairdressing. The key is to start from the upstream. Beauty and hairdressing training institutions are generally not big. Find one We can cooperate with those who have the ability and experience to teach and manage for us. We pay a little money and act as middlemen based on our brand effect, and we can enjoy the benefits."

"Speaking of this, you should understand what I mean, right? There are many ways to play with authorization. We can jointly sign with other companies and focus on the big ones and let go of the small ones. We don't have to worry about specific operations, we only interfere with finances and supervise quality. Isn't this better than simply licensing? What's more, we models have makeup needs. If we have our own hairdressing agency, it will definitely be more convenient to work. At the same time, we can also get involved in the hairdressing industry and occupy another industry high point. Why not? ? If the cooperation partner is not capable enough and cannot meet our requirements and expectations, then we can just find another one. Find one that meets our requirements. Except for a little economic cost, there is almost no risk. "

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