National Tide 1980

Chapter 804 The Three Bosses

To be honest, although these 5% shares may not look like much, their gold content is real.

Pierre Cardon and Song Huagui did not play any tricks on Ning Weimin.

They are by no means like the American Chinachem Company that specialized in automobiles during the Republic of China, which only gave false equity shares in order to deceive the Chinese compradors.

I can't see the accounts, I can't serve as a director, and I don't have any credentials. I can only get bonuses when the time comes.

Especially based on the current performance of Pierre Cardon China Corporation, the economic value of this 5% stake is even greater.

You know, after this year, the retail gross profit in Jingcheng alone is probably more than 15 million.

This is based on revenue data before the company officially raised prices.

If you add in the bulk foreign trade business of the Beijing factory and the newly opened markets in Shanghai, Shanghai and Huacheng across the country, you may even get 30 million.

Calculated in this way, one million shares can bring Ning Weimin a profit of 1.5 million a year.

Loan sharking is not that profitable.

The key is that the markets in Shanghai, Shanghai and Huacheng still have great potential for growth. In the future, the systematic expansion of specialty stores in the two places will likely catch up with the sales in Beijing.

Therefore, this kind of equity incentive is definitely a reward given by the two big bosses with the utmost sincerity in order to retain Ning Weimin as a talent.

Logically speaking, Ning Weimin should definitely be grateful and seize this opportunity.

Because in addition to the huge economic benefits that can be expected, this honor and recognition are even more important.

Think about it, in such a well-known multinational company that was the first to enter the mainland market and has great influence on the government and the private sector, in just a few years, he actually became a shareholder while working. Who can say that it is not a miracle in the workplace?

This is enough to set a career benchmark worth emulating for all white-collar workers working in foreign companies in the future.

It was enough to become a career achievement that comforted Ning Weimin throughout his life.

In comparison, I am afraid that Tang Jun, who will shout "I am not working for others, but for myself" in the future, will no longer dare to admit that he is a "working emperor".

But the most important thing is that shareholders and wage earners are completely different.

Being a shareholder of Pierre Cardon Company can also improve Ning Weimin's social level, allowing him to truly enter the family.

As long as he has the company's equity in his hands, Ning Weimin is no longer dispensable to Pierre Cardon Company, and he naturally has the qualifications to deal with big shots in the officialdom.

I'm afraid that even if Director Huo wants to touch him in the future, he will have to consider the negative consequences.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is definitely a major opportunity that can turn a person into a snake and become a dragon, soaring into the sky.

It was enough to make everyone in the company envy and hate Ning Weimin, or worship him as an idol.

But the problem is that in addition to sucking up Ning Weimin's patent compensation of one million francs, this equity also has an additional condition.

That is, Pierre Cardin also hopes that Ning Weimin can change his original plan, give up "not doing his job properly", and go to Tokyo to open a Tan Palace branch.

Instead, he stayed in the capital to help Song Huagui run the China Pilkington Company and concentrate on the development of the main clothing business.

This was absolutely unacceptable to Ning Weimin, who was obsessed with "crossing the sea and conquering the east".

So after weighing the pros and cons, he could only make a choice between the bear's paw and the fish, and he was very grateful for this.

And this choice made even the experienced master confused.

For this reason, Mr. Picardon became silent for the first time.

It wasn't because he felt he had lost face, but because in his opinion, Ning Weimin was not someone who couldn't understand the stakes.

There is no way he would give up the opportunity to become a partner in a company just to open a small restaurant in Tokyo.

This only shows that Ning Weimin has no intention of working in the "PC" company for a long time.

Maybe he has been waiting for the five-year contract to expire and has other plans.

At heart, the master is not a businessman who puts profits first, but is also an artist who takes pride in discovering and supporting talents.

Naturally, it is not easy to force others to do something difficult. No matter how reluctant you are to give up, you can only accomplish it.

However, Song Huagui didn't believe that Ning Weimin had such thoughts, and had a private talk with Ning Weimin.

Ask him openly and honestly what his plans are for the future and whether he must leave the company after the five-year period.

This made Ning Weimin dumbfounded.

But at the same time, he also realized his own problems.

He was so self-centered that he completely ignored the opinions of others when he was busy, which led to such a misunderstanding that should not have happened in the first place.

No one today can see that Japan's bubble era is about to burst, let alone understand how fantastic this bubble will be.

Naturally, no one will understand his motives and intentions. This is the same for everyone. No wonder the master thinks so.

However, he was also a sweet-talking and coaxing master, and he quickly expressed his most sincere wishes to Song Huagui.

"Sister, I really don't have such thoughts, let alone such plans. To be honest, even I don't believe that any boss can have such trust in me like Mr. Picardon and you. Support. Then why should I leave? Our Pierre Cardon Company is the best company in the country. It is my greatest luck to meet you, and I am afraid I will always need your support."

"As for the reason for my refusal, it's actually very simple. It's because all the money in my hand was originally planned to be used in Japan, and I really couldn't give up my plan to open a Tan Palace branch in Japan. This matter is very important to me. It is of great significance. Because it not only means that I can see with my own eyes what the developed countries that are most similar to our culture are like, I can observe the advantages of their business operations at close range, and feed back popular information in a timely manner. It also means that we have finally taken the step forward. Taking the first step to open up overseas markets means that we have taken the first step to export Chinese culture overseas."

"Sister, Mr. Picardon may not understand me about this. After all, he is a foreigner. Whether France or Italy, as representatives of Western culture for many years, they have already occupied the world's cultural high points. And Mr. Picardon A branch has been established in Japan. No matter from any aspect, he has no urgent requirements in this regard. But it is different for us. You should understand me best. Don’t you often say, the first step? To bring European culture into the country, the second step is to bring our Chinese culture to Europe? Didn’t you say that the costumes of our past dynasties are also very beautiful, not inferior to the West at all? I think that in From this point of view, although your wishes are more pure and noble, and mine are more philistine and utilitarian, we still coincide with each other."

"To be honest, in my opinion, if any product wants to be bought at a high price, it must develop perceptual added value on top of its rational functional value. Otherwise, it can only be reduced to a cheap product. This is what I mean Understand the meaning of the brand. Then borrowing cultural means is undoubtedly the best way to achieve this goal. Food is also a kind of culture, just like what Mr. Pierre Cardin did when he opened Maxim in our capital. In this regard, our Chinese heritage is also It is also very strong and has the best chance of winning.”

"Think about it, the things passed down by our ancestors have been tempered for five thousand years. Can any country compare with it? Why can't it become popular all over the world? So what I look forward to now is to be able to use palace cuisine First, establish a small gourmet position in Japan and gain recognition from overseas customers. Then use this as a bridgehead to promote our other products with artistic and cultural attributes according to the situation. Including our products with national attributes and historical and cultural attributes. clothing."

"So sister, please understand my difficulties, and please help me explain it to the big boss. It's not that I don't want to stay in the country to assist you, nor that I don't want to focus on the company's main business. But the problem is, our company's products The fundamental reason why the Chinese people buy into it is that we represent the high-end taste of avant-garde fashion and have the ability to lead international trends. If we are only willing to work behind closed doors, we will always follow others. We will also gradually become more popular among the Chinese people. I have lost this brand positioning in my heart. Because in the long run, the domestic clothing market will be indispensable for competition in the future, and there will eventually be a day when state-owned brands and national clothing will shine. Don’t you want to always be a market leader? Don’t want to own Self-innovation in clothing styles and the ability to take the initiative?”

"I'm not even afraid to express my career ambitions to you. In my opinion, not only our country and nation will usher in a comprehensive recovery in the future. Based on the huge domestic market and gradually liberalized economic policies, our Huaxia Company's future prospects There is also full momentum for development. In less than ten years, thanks to the country's glory, our company's business volume will definitely be the largest in Asia, and it is likely to exceed the Japanese branch several times or more than ten times. In this case, shouldn't we advance in advance? Do you plan to expand overseas? Are you willing to limit your business margins to the country forever? Why can't we expand the Chinese head office to the Asian head office? Why can't the Japanese company become our subsidiary company? This will also benefit Mr. Pierre Cardin's business development The empire rules. To achieve this, I am willing to be a pawn."

Song Huagui was completely moved by these words.

Because Song Huagui studied art, she also has the qualities of an artist like Pierre Cardin.

When she and her husband Wan Man were studying wall hanging art together, she discovered the unique beauty of Chinese costumes throughout the dynasties.

As Ning Weimin said, she has been looking for opportunities to show the beauty of Chinese national costumes on the world stage.

So this time, when she learned that Pierre Cardon was going to select Chinese models and introduce them to the world stage, she was more excited than the models themselves, thinking that she was a big step closer to realizing her ideal.

What's more, Ning Weimin also described to her effective methods on how to expand the scale of Huaxia Company and her personal power.

She should support Ning Weimin both emotionally and rationally, in public and private matters, not to mention being moved by Ning Weimin's "silent sacrifice" and "sacrifice of personal interests" to realize his ideals.

So when she, as a middleman, explained Ning Weimin's thoughts to Pierre Cardon in detail.

This matter has been resolved relatively satisfactorily.

Although Ning Weimin's equity ratio has shrunk significantly, from 5% to 1%.

But in addition to being able to carry out the eastward crossing plan as usual and receiving full support from the company, he does not have to pay a penny for it.

This was given to him by Pierre Cardon as a reward from his personal shares.

To put it bluntly, you can earn 300,000 for nothing every year, which is an extra piece of hard-core crops.

This is obviously also good for the internal unity of Pierre Cardon and Ning Weimin's personal reputation.

It did not attract too much jealousy and jealousy for Ning Weimin, but also allowed him to obtain the honor and status promotion he deserved as a shareholder.

It even has a boosting effect on the work attitude of company executives.

Let me ask, after seeing that the boss actually distributes shares to employees, who wouldn’t want to become the second Ning Weimin?

As a result, Ning Weimin became the "three bosses" in the eyes of all Pierre Cardon employees, and he had a legitimate status for participating in the three-person meeting.

The company's senior executives have become more friendly to him, and ordinary employees have become more obedient and obedient.

Not only did Manager Sha and the others become more obedient to Ning Weimin, Zou Guodong also called from Shanghai to congratulate him.

This kid is living more and more comfortably and contentedly.

I can't help but feel sincerely, from now on we are also people who have casseroles. Don't recruit me!

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