National Tide 1980

Chapter 810: You have to scratch people and scratch them

The second contact between Pierre Cardon and Monita occurred at 2 pm on April 18.

The negotiation place is Maxim's restaurant.

The reason why it was not arranged in the company conference room was mainly due to the side effects of the news about Alain Delon in the newspaper and the start of the model competition.

I have to say that today's Pierre Cardon Company is very different from its usual situation.

Not only were there many phones and they were ringing endlessly, but it was also very chaotic with people coming and going.

There are several groups of reporters who come to the company every day, and there is also a constant flow of partners, service providers, and models from all walks of life.

Clothing organization work requires a large number of professionals and sufficient space.

For this reason, Song Huagui couldn't help but start to worry about renting a smaller office.

It was decided that after this modeling competition is over, they will move again and rent out the entire guest room upstairs.

As for how to solve the current dilemma, she could only negotiate with Chongwenmen Hotel and borrow their conference room for a period of time.

On the contrary, there were not many customers at Maxim's Restaurant in the afternoon, from two to six o'clock.

Except for the occasional scattered foreign guests who come here to enjoy afternoon tea, there is no one else around.

And the environment is quiet, there is food and drink.

You should know that during this negotiation, Song Huagui was already prepared to achieve partial cooperation and decided to hand over part of the competition makeup business to Monita.

Under this premise, she also had to ensure that Ning Weimin put just the right amount of pressure on the other party and not go too far.

Of course, this is such an environment, which is most suitable for controlling the scene, relaxing the atmosphere, and conducive to them singing on the same stage.

What's more, Zheng Mingming didn't come alone. In addition to a female assistant, she was accompanied by Liu Xiaoqin, the introducer of this matter.

So in this meeting, most of the participants were women.

There is no other way to feel more comfortable than to hold a salon and sit in Maxim's restaurant to enjoy tea and discuss business.

As expected, Song Huagui was very considerate.

The subsequent development of this incident was generally based on the script designed by her and Ning Weimin.

At the beginning of the meeting, Monita and her group were very happy.

Not only did Ms. Zheng like the environment of Maxim Restaurant and enjoy Song Huagui's hospitality, she was also extremely happy to successfully reach a cooperation in the makeup for the model competition.

She probably didn't expect that Picardon would be so generous, and almost agreed to all her requests without paying much of the price.

So he expressed his gratitude to Song Huagui repeatedly and complimented her endlessly, almost as if he wanted to worship her as a sister on the spot.

But when Ning Weimin, who had a calculated idea, started to approach him about the possibility of cooperation in running a school, Zheng Mingming began to feel uncomfortable.

Because Ning Weimin was polite and polite, but there was a sharp and cold sword wrapped under his soft feathers.

He used language skillfully and firmly expressed Pierre Cardon's determination to get involved in the beauty and hairdressing field in the mainland.

Claiming that this matter is inevitable whether Monita is willing to cooperate or not.

And not only do they need to open their own brand of training institutions, but they also need to open several beauty salons.

This is like hitting the snake seven inches in the face.

After all, Pierre Cardon Company's strong capital and connections in the mainland are obvious.

If you really want to get involved, no one can stop it.

It’s hard to say whether it can become bigger and stronger, but it’s easy to be a disruptor.

As a result, Ning Weimin's politeness and politeness in discussing matters, and even the generous cooperation conditions he had just reached, in turn, turned into Zheng Mingming's restraint on Monita.

She could neither blame the other party for using her power to overpower others, nor could she bear to give up the long-term profits that this big customer could create.

I am also afraid that if cooperation cannot be negotiated, Pierre Cardon will really stand on its own.

But I agree, but I'm afraid that Picardon will turn around and occupy the magpie's nest, and end up making wedding clothes for others in vain.

All in all, I was in a dilemma and had a huge headache.

This kind of worry about gains and losses means that in actual negotiations, we can no longer be as tough as before.

Zheng Mingming first agreed to establish a joint venture company to jointly develop the beauty and hairdressing market in the mainland.

Then they had to agree to expand the scope of cooperation.

In addition to running schools, the two parties will also cooperate in the development and production of physical beauty and hairdressing stores and beauty and hairdressing products.

Then the pricing for the shares invested by both parties began to collapse, and the share ratio also began to retreat.

What is 1 million and 10% of the shares, up to 20% of the shares? Such conditions no longer exist at all.

He directly asked Ning Weimin to expand up and down, which doubled the advantage.

Pierre Cardon still invested 2 million, but accounted for 40% of the shares of the joint venture.

If necessary in the future, capital will be jointly injected in proportion.

Then there are the issues of priority and exclusivity.

The two parties have reached a consensus that without the permission of one party, neither party shall introduce third-party investors or transfer the equity of the joint venture company.

The joint venture established by the two parties is the only vehicle for both parties to develop the beauty and hairdressing market in mainland China.

No party may carry out relevant commercial and promotional activities through other company vehicles in the form of sole proprietorship or joint venture.

Pierre Cardon has the right to prioritize and hire students trained by Monita.

The products and makeup artists of the joint venture company should also give priority to meeting the actual needs of Pierre Cardon.

Subsequently, there are also the specific management and operation methods and development direction of the joint venture, which require coordination and discussion by both parties.

Ning Weimin, on behalf of Pierre Cardon, promised Zheng Mingming that he would not directly participate in the specific operation and management of the joint venture, but requested financial supervision rights.

Zheng Mingming will build a mature talent training system within five years, and open three to four chain stores in Beijing to initially open the primary market for professional beauty and hairdressing products in Beijing.

After five years, if the joint venture is operating well, consider developing to the south.

It will deploy in Shanghai and Huacheng in order to develop exclusive brands of high-end cosmetics.

In short, in terms of overall rhythm, Zheng Mingming gave in step by step, while Ning Weimin pressed closely.

For example, Ning Weimin is like a master of PUA.

Relying on the strength of Pierre Cardon, Zheng Mingming was brainwashed in a condescending yet extremely gentle manner.

From time to time, he complained about Monita's arrogance and emphasized that he was very sincere, but he was treated insincerely.

And Zheng Mingming was just like an animal tempted by a carrot but afraid of being whipped. He was completely controlled by Ning Weimin.

In the end, the only thing that both parties struggled with and were unwilling to give in to was the joint venture's flagship brand.

Regarding the name of the joint venture, although Zheng Mingming could not disagree with Ning Weimin's joint plan.

However, Zheng Mingming insisted on using only Monita for the naming of the school institution and the use of commercial brands.

This is a dispute over core demands.

To say that Ning Weimin still lacked some experience, because he saw victory in sight, he unconsciously became anxious.

For a while, I only focused on arguing with reason and forgot to convince others with virtue.

All the skills of beautiful language and euphemism were thrown away, and only sharp words were used to forcefully force.

Zheng Mingming, who was fifteen years older than him, almost cried.

Fortunately, Song Huagui intervened in time and began to use pleasant words to eliminate the hostility between each other, and used sweet words to smooth out the wrinkles and negative emotions between Zheng Mingming's brows, thus maintaining each other's dignity.

Otherwise, the negotiations will reach a deadlock, and the harmony that the two sides have maintained on the surface will cease to exist.

If it doesn't work well, the talks collapse, making the originally good situation become harsh and complicated.

Ning Weimin was not stupid, and he quickly realized his problem.

I almost lost my grace and forgot the principle of conquering the enemy without fighting.

Now, it's obviously time to slow down.

So I quickly peeed, stood up and ran to the toilet.

However, he did not escape the embarrassment.

Liu Xiaoqin actually chased after him and blocked the door of the toilet, waiting for him to come out and teach him a lesson.

"Why are you like this? You don't want to be ignored. I didn't expect you to have such a handsome appearance and such a face. You are still not a man!"

"Ouch. You're still complaining."

"Then what's wrong? I introduced this matter, I arranged it, and you just don't give me face. Why don't you give me a few words?"

Ning Weimin was really surprised by Liu Xiaoqin's frank and generous intervention without any hesitation.

I thought to myself that Liu Xiaoqin, this aunt, had a really bad temper, and she would dare to say anything even if she didn't like it.

He's generous enough, but a bit heartless.

No wonder decades later, everyone said that the 1980s was a time when anyone with courage could win, and the same was true for celebrities.

"Hey, don't misunderstand this. Shouldn't I argue for the interests of our company?"

"It should be right." Liu Xiaoqin said with mockery, "But your fight will make all our early efforts in vain. Are you sincerely talking about the worst?"

"I said sister, you have really wronged me. I also want to sign a contract with Heqi. But the problem is how to give up the core interests? Obviously it is a joint venture, so both parties have the right to promote their own brands. If we can only start with Mengni With the tower’s reputation, doesn’t our company do charity?”

"Hmph." Liu Xiaoqin snorted. "Stop coming! I can see clearly who is pushing for others and who is being squeezed. Hey, I think you should be more or less the same. People have promised so much. Can't you give in? At the beginning, you You are so aggressive and domineering. What will happen in the future? What do you want people to think? You are not afraid of scaring them away. I am also doing it for your own good. Gay men should be open-minded when doing things, and you are not afraid of Mr. Song blaming you. …”

But Ning Weimin disagrees.

"You're wrong. If you don't say something ugly in the past, it will be more troublesome to cause disputes in future cooperation. No matter how open-minded I am, I can't sign a cession clause. That would be 'a loss of power and an insult to the country'. How could Mr. Song blame me? How dare I If you agree, you will have to take the blame and resign."

"You are still fighting for her. Do you know? She has already taken advantage of her. How famous is our Pierre Cardin in China? Who in the mainland knows about Monita? We let her take advantage of our popularity. She is not happy anymore. ? Why? Besides, we gave her two million. The child born is not allowed to have our last name? Is this reasonable? "

Ning Weimin's few words left Liu Xiaoqin speechless.

But then I thought about it and it still wasn’t too solid.

After all, Liu Xiaoqin did stupid things with good intentions. Why did he offend two people for such a small thing?

Then he softened his tone again and went back to smooth things over.

"Sister Xiaoqin, I know you have good intentions, but you are too generous. When it comes to business matters, friendship is not enough. In essence, it is interests. To put it bluntly, even if you are trying to protect the media, you cannot force it. It will be done as soon as we meet. Why don't you mention some conditions? In the past, how much gift was required to marry a daughter-in-law? We still have to have a good chat. When these two companies cooperate, everyone is trying to get benefits together, and everyone has to get it. Only what you want will do. Emotions and other things must be put after interests."

"Do you know why our President Song is so careless? I can tell you that it's because President Song really doesn't take this matter too seriously. At worst, we can't bring him down, so we can do it alone. Don't look at me for being serious. But I’m the one who really wants to make this happen. Do you think it’s interesting that you worry about me?”

"I'm not worried about you. No matter how worried I am about you, it's just a blind worry." Liu Xiaoqin finally realized that she couldn't control it, shook her head and started talking.

"Hey, let me ask you, didn't you like those four last time? After eating my meal, you didn't even have a word to say. What kind of one are you looking for?"


Thinking of that meal, Ning Weimin couldn't help but express his gratitude and said with a smile on his face, "Thank you so much. You worry so much about me. But the problem is that I don't want to get married before I am thirty..."

"Nonsense! Who gets married at thirty? Those are the poor people who can't find one. With your conditions, don't you have a girlfriend? I know you have eyes and a head. But there are so many good girls in the world, I don't believe you. Can’t you just look down on one?”

Liu Xiaoqin really looked like she was Ning Weimin's sister, and she actually wanted to help him.

"Hey, we have another little girl coming to Beijing Film Studio. She is very beautiful. Her name is Lin Fangbing. I will arrange for you to meet her then..."

Ning Weimin waved his hands in a hurry.

"Goodbye, there are thousands of good girls in the world, but they are all just as fucked up when they get married. The one who is wise and affectionate is a Bodhisattva, not a daughter-in-law. Don't bother me, I'm really not in a hurry..."

"De Xing! You're still in high spirits, aren't you?"

Liu Xiaoqin twisted her waist and stamped her feet, turned around and walked back in anger. "How come I'm trying to harm you by introducing someone to you? Forget it, I just want to talk to you."

However, Ning Weimin stopped her again, "Hey, don't leave yet, stay a step, I have something serious to talk to you about."

Liu Xiaoqin turned around and glared, "What do you want me to do? What can you do seriously?"

"I haven't asked you yet. How did you meet Ms. Zheng? How come you became her introducer?"

"Director Li Hanxiang introduced me. When I went to Hong Kong City, she styled me. What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? We are so close. How many years have we known each other? Well, I won't talk about myself. Mr. Song has more face than her, right? What about you? But why are you turning your elbows outward? Are you scared to talk?"

"Hey, with your're not afraid of people hearing you."

Liu Xiaoqin turned around and glanced at the seats where Song Huagui and Zheng Mingming were sitting, and then angrily came up. That was just scratching people.

Ning Weimin laughed, took a few steps back, and pulled her hand away.

"I won't tease you anymore. I don't plan to talk about this matter anymore. Later, you can help persuade Ms. Zheng and agree to get married. Otherwise, she will definitely regret it. If it really comes to pass, with you Fifty thousand yuan.”

"What? Real or fake?" Liu Xiaoqin was stunned.

"Of course, can I fool you?"

"Are you... trying to bribe me?" Liu Xiaoqin's self-esteem was a little damaged.

"What are you talking about? I am acting according to the rules." Ning Weimin said in a low voice.

"That's how it is in the shopping mall. There is no help in vain. What is a friend? To be a friend, you have to take care of each other. The more friends you are, the less I can bully you. Isn't it? It's because I didn't explain it clearly. You can persuade me if you want. It doesn’t matter if you persuade me or not. Anyway, the contract will be signed in the end. The money I promised is yours.”

"Hey, by the way, Ms. Zheng signed the model makeup contract with our company through you. Logically speaking, she must be very happy. But I also tell you, don't show happiness when I give you anything. Otherwise, when people see that you are satisfied, they will bully you because you have no business knowledge and have not seen the world. They will not give you the big head that should be given to you. Hong Kong businessmen have always been like this to mainlanders. They look down on us."

"Sister, I'm not instigating you. Are you friends enough? Can you see how Ms. Zheng expresses it? You can tell whether her character is good or bad by just looking at her without saying anything."

Liu Xiaoqin listened to Ning Weimin's words, looked at his face, and his expression gradually became complicated.

That look was very similar to the mixture of relief and worry in the movie "Curtain Behind the Curtain" when Cixi overheard Sushun's advice to Xianfeng to "keep the son away from the mother" and heard that Xianfeng couldn't bear to do it.

However, at this moment, a childish voice suddenly sounded behind them.

"Are you...are you Liu Xiaoqin? Really...really! Can you sign your name for me?"

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