National Tide 1980

Chapter 821 Generous Gift

Song Huagui really saw the sales of the discount store on the first day of its opening in the afternoon of the second day.

This is because the next day is a working day, and the number of people visiting the mall is destined to be greatly reduced, so the accounting personnel have the spare capacity to calculate in time.

Otherwise, there is no point in rushing.

And even though Song Huagui had been prepared, he knew that the discount store was extremely popular and had already become an instant hit.

But the final sales and gross profit figures were far beyond her expectations.

What a surprise.

On the first day the discount store opened, it actually generated more than 120,000 yuan in turnover and a gross profit of 80,000 yuan!

Both sales volume and gross profit exceeded that of Pierre Cardon's best-performing Great Wall Hotel franchise store, and it was three times its same-day turnover!

It can almost be said that one meal is enough to last half a month.

The key is that such data was actually obtained at a 20-30% discount on the price of clothing.

In other words, the discount store equivalent to Pierre Cardin sells a hundred times the amount of goods as the authentic specialty store.

And to be honest, since discount stores not only sell clothing, more than half of their sales are generated by countless small OEM products, and the actual situation is even worse.

For example, ballpoint pens and mechanical pencils together sold more than 4,600 pieces, which is 10,000 yuan.

More than 3,000 keychains and 200 pencil cases were sold that day, adding up to another 10,000.

More than 300 wallets of various styles were sold, worth 20,000 yuan.

Lighters, watches, and Western glass wine sets from Huashi Street Factory are even more unexpectedly popular among customers.

Two hundred lighters were sold, watches were sold for more than 50 yuan, and more than 100 sets of Western glass wine sets were sold, totaling more than 50,000 yuan.

The remaining part is Pierre Cardon's main business-clothing sales.

It can be seen from this that people in the capital are very attracted to the brand "Picardon". This is the power of the brand!

You know, although the unit price of these OEM products cannot be compared with Pierre Cardin ethical clothing, they seem to be very cheap, but in fact they are not.

Because these OEM products are high-end products commissioned by pilcardon's overseas agents in order to covet the low domestic manufacturing costs.

The quality and functionality are not much better than similar domestic products, and there is nothing advanced at all.

Looking at things alone, the only bright spot is that the product styling is novel.

However, the brand named "Picardon" can successfully ignite consumer enthusiasm and sell at a price several times higher than similar domestic products.

Its selling price is not much lower than after exporting to Europe, Japan, and Singapore.

Considering the high logistics costs these days, if this is not a huge profit, then there is no huge profit!

Of course Song Huagui was excited. There was only one thing she felt uneasy about right now.

I am just worried that this is a temporary excitement. Customers who buy these things should not regret it or return them later.

Fortunately, more than ten days have passed, and after the second Sunday in May, everyone at Pierre Cardin Company has clearly seen the discount store through the sales data that are still very hot during this period. Potential, there is nothing to worry about anymore.

Yes, discount stores sell the most on the first day they open.

That's right, sales began to drop sharply from the next day, falling by more than 70%.

And this is true as long as it's a working day.

But to be honest, most people never get back what they bought.

At most, the clothes I bought were for someone else, and I wanted them returned because they really didn't fit.

Especially when everyone has to go to work, the discount store can still maintain a daily turnover of 40,000 yuan, which is unique in Beijing.

The key is that as soon as Sunday comes, the sales volume of discount stores goes up again.

Even if it can't compare to the first day of opening, it's not far behind, with sales reaching 80,000 to 90,000 yuan.

This is still an astonishing, unbelievable number.

If you compare it carefully, you will also find that the sales on the second Sunday are higher than the first Sunday, which further illustrates a good trend.

Obviously, with the fermentation of word-of-mouth, consumers in Beijing are becoming more and more enthusiastic about this discount brand store.

This yearning and pursuit of the brand is not a one-time event, and will most likely continue like this for a long time.

Originally, Song Huagui thought that Ning Weimin's purchase of 300,000 yuan worth of OEM goods from franchisees seemed a bit too much.

If it can be sold within a year, it will be considered good.

Looking back now, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on to it for two months, and I will have to restock it soon.

Even her son told her that Pierre Cardin ballpoint pens were popping up in their school.

Some people in many classes showed off their skills, making the whole class envious.

He also asked Song Huagui if he could give him two pens. He also wanted to be fashionable.

For this reason, Song Huagui, who never encouraged his children to compare, agreed to satisfy his son's vanity for the first time and actually got a pen for his son.

It is also worth mentioning that it is not only the Pierre Cardin Discount Maintenance Store that stands out, but the sales of Easy Lad and Goldlion are also very optimistic.

Even though it is just a tie, the average daily sales volume of each brand can be maintained at about four to five thousand yuan per day from the beginning, and then gradually rises.

Especially Yi La De, although it is a new brand, there is no advertising.

But because of its functional advantages and the attribute of self-propagation, the trend of repeat customers is particularly obvious.

People often buy one and then buy it again a few days later.

And there are many cases where they bring friends with them, or even buy things for others.

In fact, by the second Sunday, there was a clear trend that the sales volume of Yi La De had doubled that of Jinli Lai. It was a real hit.

So worried that there was not enough inventory, some of the low-end goods to be sent to Shanghai were held back by the capital.

Then add orders to urge the factory to work overtime for production.

The situation in Huacheng is similar to that in Beijing.

You know, the south is more open and more people wear suits, so the sales of easy-to-tie ties are more popular than in the capital.

The high-end goods that Goldlion was responsible for producing in Huacheng were also not enough to sell, so Zeng Xianzi had to choose to sacrifice part of the Shanghai and Shanghai markets to ensure supply in the capital first.

To put it bluntly, Zou Guodong, who is in Shanghai, is a soft-spoken person who has nothing to do with shop criticism and product manufacturing.

He is simply a master that his uncle doesn't love and his grandma doesn't love, so he can only suffer from it.

Not to mention this, Zeng Xianzi saw the positive feedback from the market and became more and more aware of the importance of Yilaide’s patent. He was glad that he did not refuse cooperation in the first place.

So in order to consolidate the alliance, he later flew to the capital to visit Mr. Picardon.

And he made a special trip to bring a valuable gift - an 18K gold lighter.

Gifts were given to Pierre Cardon, Song Huagui, and Ning Weimin, one for each of the three company shareholders.

If Zou Guodong learns about this, he will probably become even more jealous of the widening reality gap between himself and Ning Weimin.

But having said that, Ning Weimin didn't accept the gift in vain. Even Zeng Xianzi had to admit that this gold lighter was well worth the gift.

what's up?

When Ganqing received the lighter, Ning Weimin's eyes lit up and he expressed his gratitude to Zeng Xianzi on the spot.

"Mr. Zeng, this lighter looks so beautiful and is exquisitely made. I like it very much. But I am also a little curious. Is this an OEM product that Jinli has found from others, or is it made in your own factory? Is it capable of production? "

Zeng Xianzi answered very honestly.

"The movement is made in my own factory, and the gold casing is made entirely by hand by craftsmen from outside. Mass production is unlikely, mainly because the casing pattern is difficult to make and requires extremely high skills. So I only have this batch of lighters. Sixty of them were made, forty were sold in the Hong Kong City market, and twenty were kept specifically as gifts for distinguished guests."

After hearing this, Ning Weimin naturally thanked him again, and then continued to ask questions.

"I would like to ask, how much does this lighter cost? How much are the raw materials and labor costs? How much does it sell for in Hong Kong City?"

"The cost is probably close to 15,000 Hong Kong dollars. The raw materials cost about 138 grams of gold, which is nearly 11,000 Hong Kong dollars. Most of the rest is labor costs. As for the selling price, let's take a hard figure. , Hong Kong dollars 28,880..."

Then Ning Weimin's eyes brightened, "Mr. Zeng, you seem to be making a bit of a loss on this deal. The price seems to be a bit low, less than four thousand US dollars, and the profit margin is less than 50%."

Zeng Xianzi could only sigh, "When I made this lighter, I was coveting the plummeting international gold price, and thought it was a good opportunity to launch high-end products and establish a product image. I didn't expect that the labor cost would be so high, and I didn't know until it was launched. Such a high-end luxury product It’s not that easy to make. Unlike a tie, it can’t be sold because of its good quality, fine workmanship, and beautiful style. A really rich person would rather spend 13,000 US dollars on a gold Dunhill lighter. I have thousands of dollars worth of cheap and high-quality things. The middle-class people who have a little bit of money and are too shrewd in calculations usually have to estimate the price of gold. They are afraid that the price of gold will continue to fall, but they are reluctant to pay more for processing fees. To tell you the truth, those in Hong Kong City By the way, I have been selling it for more than a year. I have only sold nine. I regret it now. This gold lighter does not help Goldlion’s reputation, and I have to bear the additional risk of gold price. One million Hong Kong dollars. I'm afraid it will take several years to recoup the investment. Fortunately, the output is not too large..."

Ning Weimin was completely happy.

"Mr. Zeng, don't say that. Seriously, I agree with your idea and would like to cooperate with you on this matter. How about we continue to develop gold lighters in the mainland together? From now on, Goldlion will be responsible for providing production raw materials and styles. We will be responsible for the relevant procedures and special processing. We will share the profits equally..."

Zeng Xianzi was immediately shocked.

"Ning...Mr. Ning, don't be joking. Such expensive things can't be sold in Hong Kong. You want to sell them in the mainland? The living standards of the people in the mainland are too low. How can they afford it?"

Ning Weimin shook his head and said with a smile.

"Mr. Zeng, the economic level of the mainland is not high, and most people can't afford it. But as the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Aren't there still a few people? Otherwise, why can our products sell so well? Is it higher than the price in Hong Kong City? Of course, gold lighters are not clothes and ties after all, they are indeed much more expensive. But don’t forget, the biggest difference between the mainland and Hong Kong City is the closed information and economic growth. Today There are more and more domestic nouveau riche, and they are getting richer and richer. However, there are not so many foreign brands and high-end luxury goods in the market. Why don’t we work together. Even if only ten people in one city buy it If you can afford it, how many cities in the mainland can you count? This is a good opportunity for us..."

Zeng Xianzi thought for a while, but was still not convinced.

"Mr. Ning, I admit that what you say makes sense. But the problem is that the market is not a simple arithmetic problem. You have to think about it. This kind of pure luxury product should not be eaten or worn. It is different from a suit and tie. After all, The latter is required for important occasions. I don't believe that when mainlanders just have a little money, they don't think of ways to expand their business and make more money. Instead, they buy things that have no practical use to show off. Don't forget, I I am also a half-mainlander. I grew up in Meizhou and experienced hardship. The first million I earned was to increase the equipment of the factory. I was not even willing to replace my watch..."

"Haha, Mr. Zeng, you are right from your own point of view. I believe most people think so, but having said that, there are also some blind spots in thinking. Have you ever thought about it, if some people do not open factories, but only make What about the buying and selling business?”

Ning Weimin asked back, his smile did not fade, but became even brighter.

"Mr. Zeng, you should know something about the current situation in the Mainland. The most profitable business is actually to obtain supplies through connections. Some of the people who eat this bowl of rice rely on their background, and some rely entirely on their mouths. But no matter what the situation is, they are taking advantage of the two-track system, and what they buy and sell is a contract with a red seal. The most important thing for them is how to gain the trust of others as soon as possible. Therefore, in domestic shopping malls, they put on a show to show their economic strength. , it’s not surprising that people pretend to be fat. Many people who wear high-end suits don’t take off the cuff labels, just so that others can see the foreign labels. Invite guests to dinner, even if you only eat in the second half of the month Even if you want to drink steamed buns and drink cold water, you will have to take people to a star-rated hotel. Maybe in order to discuss some business, the meeting place is very close, but these people have to find someone to get a car. Do you think that in this kind of situation, these people have to To show your identity and strength, is there any better prop than this golden lighter?"

This moment was truly enlightening, and Zeng Xianzi was immediately speechless.

He finally realized the crux of the problem - it turned out that showing off was not without practical significance.

"It looks like this... Yes, you are right, I understand a little bit. For these people, buying luxury goods is actually buying production equipment, which can generate huge profits."

"Yes, although this phenomenon is not a good thing. But after all, it represents a certain degree of practicality and is a very real consumer market."

Ning Weimin added again, "What's more, from a production point of view, there are some objective conditions that are more beneficial to us. For example, the gold price in the mainland is not completely synchronized with the international market, it lags behind, and the common people can only have access to gold." There is no quotation for pure gold in terms of jewelry prices for labor costs. Currently, the mainland is 85 yuan per gram, which is about 28 US dollars. Converted to one ounce, it costs nearly 800 US dollars, which is far more than the 300 US dollars per ounce in the international market. The price of gold. On the other hand, jewelry processing is very cheap. There are a large number of exquisite craftsmen in the special arts factories in Beijing. As far as I know, the labor cost for processing such a lighter gold shell is at most one hundred yuan. We can also do more Give the company one hundred yuan..."

Now that the words have come to this point, there is nothing Zeng Xianzi doesn’t understand.

"You mean, we import the movements and materials from the port city to the capital, and then process them here?"

"Yes, even if customs taxes are excluded, the cost can be reduced by at least double, and the selling price can be doubled on the contrary. It doesn't matter if you go back to the port city to sell it. After all, lighters are small and the logistics cost is not high. One People take it with them and go out. If the cost of 15,000 Hong Kong dollars is reduced by 3,000 Hong Kong dollars, the profit margin will be larger..."

Zeng Xianzi couldn't help but marvel. "Yes, that's a thought-provoking insight."

But then he couldn't help but gasped, "That's' the price too high? Do you want to sell this lighter for eight thousand dollars? This...will really be someone Buy?"

Ning Weimin did not answer directly this time. Instead, he took a pen and paper and pondered silently for a while.

Then he offered an offer that Zeng Xianzi couldn't refuse.

"Mr. Zeng, you're talking nonsense. You won't believe me when I say this. Otherwise, wouldn't it be hard to sell these gold lighters in Hong Kong City? It doesn't matter, you can get them all for 9,000 yuan each." Sell ​​it to me. I will engrave the Pierre Cardon trademark and sell it in our specialty store at a price of 19,999 yuan. If the market feedback is not good, we will give up and treat it as if it is not available today. We have talked about cooperation. If the market feedback is good, we will develop gold lighters together..."

Zeng Xianzi used the official exchange rate of 100 Hong Kong dollars to calculate the 35 foreign exchange coupons, and knew that it was a good deal for him.

Because Ning Weimin promised him 9,000 yuan for a lighter, which was nearly 26,000 Hong Kong dollars.

After the deal was completed, he could not only withdraw the funds quickly, but also make a lot of money. Each lighter made a profit of 11,000 Hong Kong dollars.

However, he was a little worried for Ning Weimin, fearing that Ning Weimin's thoughts were too beautiful and it would be difficult to get what he wanted.

So although he agreed, he kept trying to persuade Ning Weimin.

"Mr. Ning, what you do is really embarrassing. However, I think you still need to be conservative and don't set the price too high. Twelve thousand yuan is about the same. I'm really afraid that you will make the same mistake as me. Finally I can only keep these goods in my hands. Well, at worst, I will give you the goods for 8,000 yuan and give you a profit of 1,000 yuan, so that you will not have difficulty in the company. "

Ning Weimin was a little dumbfounded by Zeng Xianzi's behavior.

To be honest, his calculation of this account is completely different from Zeng Xianzi's.

Because in terms of exchange rate, he did not calculate it based on the official exchange rate of one hundred Hong Kong dollars to thirty-five foreign exchange bonds, but the black market exchange rate of one hundred Hong Kong dollars to sixty-seven yuan.

So in his mind, the gold lighter that sold for 28,888 yuan in this port city was originally worth 19,000 yuan.

Even the raw materials cost RMB 12,000 according to mainland market prices. What about the processing fees and brand added value? Doesn’t it count?

In terms of goods, there is not even a profit margin of more than 50%. It is really the most practical and least deceptive deal for Pierre Cardon.

To put it bluntly, the source of his profit was actually from cutting Zeng Xianzi in the waist. The purchase price was low enough, and the selling price was really not bad.

But the problem is, he doesn't understand, why is this person so grateful to him even though he has suffered a big loss?

After thinking about it for a while, he finally figured it out. In the final analysis, he still got the benefit of the dual-track exchange rate system.

It's really embarrassing to think that this good guy is acting like this, it's so ridiculous.

He could only find another reason and said it half-jokingly.

"Mr. Zeng, don't worry about me. I'm not afraid of selling goods at all. You know, the value of gold may still appreciate. I have nothing to explain to the company. Do you believe it? Even if, like you said, I have to put a ten In twenty years, I will definitely be able to sell these lighters at a price of ten thousand US dollars each. Okay, just sell them to me. Unless you are ungrateful for profit, listen to me and tell you how good the mainland market is. , I want to eat alone again, I regret it..."

What else can Zeng Xianzi say?

I can only shake hands with emotion, accept Ning Weimin's kindness, and look for opportunities to repay him in the future.

However, he also determined in his heart that Ning Weimin was a true friend he could make, and he always took the initiative to help him solve problems.

Therefore, in the days to come, he not only cherished his personal relationship with Ning Weimin, but also strictly abided by the terms of cooperation between the two parties.

He has always told others that Ning Weimin is a moral model for mainland businessmen.

There are too few such talented and moral people in the shopping mall, and they are definitely an endangered species.

But whoever is lucky enough to work with such a person will definitely get twice the result with half the effort and have nothing to worry about anymore.

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