National Tide 1980

Chapter 823 A strange combination of circumstances

No one can do everything perfectly.

How wonderful that sentence is, "It is not difficult for a person to do some good deeds. What is difficult is to do good deeds throughout one's life, not to do bad deeds, to consistently benefit the masses, to the youth, to the revolution, and to work hard." It’s been going on for decades, and this is the most difficult thing.”

The same goes for Ning Weimin's behavior. No matter how thoughtful he is, he can't satisfy everyone.

Why else would Lan Lan's father and brother have such a hostile view of him?

Professor Lan opposed his commercial use of ancient buildings, and Lan Zheng hated him for standing together with Qiao Wanlin and blocking his future.

Although this was not what Ning Weimin wanted, he had no choice. He was inevitably forced by the situation, and he even didn't know about some things. How helpless this was.

On May Day this year, something like this still happened.

Precisely because the opening of Tianqiao Shopping Mall was so popular, Ning Weimin, who originally wanted to take care of both, had no choice but to focus on one.

As a result, at the opening ceremony of an exhibition held at the Temple of Heaven on the same day to raise funds for the "Journey to the West" crew, it was inevitable that some people would regret his absence, or even become dissatisfied.


Not that he was a member of the "Journey to the West" cast.

After all, people are poor and their ambitions are short, but their hair is thin and their hair is long. The whole crew is so poor that only their acting skills are left.

Who would dare to have an objection to the wealthy businessman who took the initiative to help them solve their financial problems?

But the problem is that Director Yang is a woman, and the problem lies precisely with her.

This female director, besides having the problem of not keeping her words, is also quite meddlesome.

At this opening ceremony, she invited the station leader who had appointed her as the director as a distinguished guest to support the crew.

It should be said that such an idea was entirely her impromptu personal act.

It may be a good thing if it is placed in the filming of a TV series, but it is not the case for the opening ceremony of a large-scale cultural event that requires a lot of preparation work.

Because it will cause great trouble to the host organizing the event.

Originally, the Temple of Heaven thought it would be enough to have a deputy director come forward to cooperate with the crew to complete the opening of the exhibition.

After all, tourists come here for the "Journey to the West" crew, and it doesn't really matter whether other people come or not.

As long as everyone can see the main actors of the four masters and apprentices, they will be happy, which will be enough to increase the popularity and increase ticket sales.

Unexpectedly, this was so good that it actually alerted the Taiwan leaders.

Not only does he have a high level, but he also controls the media channels.

If Tiantan Garden dared to neglect, the entire leadership team would come out to accompany him.

Not only the director of the garden came, but also a large number of attendants, even Qiao Wanlin rushed from the bureau to wait on him after getting the message.

The relaxed and lively atmosphere that was originally expected for the opening ceremony was gone. The crew members all became serious and reserved, and their speeches were cautious.

Many people have tried their best to figure out how to make a rainbow fart without showing off.

So the most embarrassing thing is the Pierre Cardon side.

As the main organizer of the exhibition, they can't find a suitable person to accompany them.

Zhai Gong and Beishen Chef have nothing to do with this matter.

Only Ning Weimin's first confidant, Zhang Shihui, was still a subordinate of the head office's operations department and was temporarily promoted to take up the job.

But the problem is that Zhang Shihui doesn't know anything about the exhibition and the preparations, which were all decided by Ning Weimin himself.

When Taiwan leaders ask relevant questions, Zhang Shihui can't tell the truth. He doesn't even know the details when asked, and he can even say the wrong thing if he's not paying attention.

It all depends on the help of people from the Temple of Heaven, so naturally when he speaks, the atmosphere becomes very awkward.

Finally, the fact that the real organizer of the exhibition, Ning Weimin, was not here, but at the Tianqiao Mall to accompany the district leaders, could not be concealed.

It has to be said that once a person reaches a certain level, his thoughts will definitely be different from ordinary people.

There are some things that ordinary people may not care about, but people with status may not.

Although the leader of the station seemed calm and smiled generously at this time, he still looked cheerful and smiling.

Next, it’s time to take photos and visit, but there’s not much to say.

Basically, we just watched him during the visit. It is difficult to say that he was as happy as when he first arrived, and he had no grudges at all.

But then again, Ning Weimin is very popular, and Temple of Heaven Park is his hometown.

Every one of the people accompanying the leader here, including Director Yang, no one does not miss his kindness.

Although no one dared to take credit for him openly, they still pointed towards him between the lines.

What's more, this exhibition was really well run, with highlights everywhere. It would be too easy for everyone to give him a thumbs up in front of Taiwan leaders.

For example, at the entrance of Nan Shen Chu, next to the ticket gate of the exhibition, a giant background board with a photo of Sun Wukong was erected against the courtyard wall.

Not only is the theme of the exhibition "Dare to Ask Where the Road Is - The Difficulties of the Crew of "Journey to the West"" written on it in large red characters, but there is also a brief introduction to the text.

This head-starting background board made the Taiwan leaders very satisfied.

Because it not only has a strong visual impact and attracts attention, but also clearly explains the causes and consequences of the birth of the domestic "Journey to the West".

Why does the country spend huge sums of money to film this TV series?

That's because the Japanese remake of "Journey to the West" is such a waste of our classics, and it's just a joke.

If we don't produce a qualified "Journey to the West" ourselves, people around the world will think that our so-called masterpieces are only of this low level.

Therefore, filming "Journey to the West" has become an urgent mission in the contemporary literary and artistic creation world.

So why is the exhibition called this name?

It's because the crew of "Journey to the West" has had to face and overcome countless problems and difficulties since the day it was established.

There was insufficient funds, backward technology, insufficient crew, and even only one camera.

If it weren't for the firm support of a certain leader of the national television station, the general audience would not have seen such a wonderful mythological drama.

But even now, the crew is still facing the dilemma of insufficient funds and may stop filming at any time.

So the purpose of this exhibition is to raise funds for the crew.

The crew hopes that the audience who like this TV series will come and buy tickets to watch it.

Not only can we have an in-depth understanding of the unknown filming inside story, but we can also provide support and contribute to our favorite "Journey to the West".

In short, such a title and introduction not only give the exhibition a legitimate necessity and demonstrate the personal achievements of Taiwan leaders, but also encourage everyone to donate generously and openly.

Everyone's interests are taken into consideration in every aspect.

No matter whether they are organizing exhibitions or watching exhibitions, I am afraid that no one will think that this is something that should not be done.

After entering the first exhibition hall, more than a hundred photos and picture materials on the walls are presented in the light.

There are also some physical props to reflect the actual difficulties and various dangers faced by the crew of "Journey to the West" during the filming process.

For example, in order to film the Fire Cloud Cave, the crew went to Changbai Mountain to shoot the scene.

But because they were too far from residential areas and the budget was insufficient, they could only eat moldy bread to satisfy their hunger.

Even the packaging bags used for bread are polyester bags that have been filled with fertilizers.

It can be said to be risking food poisoning to make art.

For example, during the scene where the master and the apprentice were walking along the waterfall, they almost fell to the bottom of the cliff while the crew was filming.

Poor Bai Longma was in danger several times and almost fell to pieces.

When filming the scene of Sun Wukong and Ma Wen on the grassland, the photographer was almost trampled to death under the hooves of a horse.

In order to shoot the Five Elements Mountains, the crew took the opportunity to go to Kunming, Yunnan.

But I never thought that during heavy rain, the plane was affected by turbulence and almost crashed.

Fortunately, the air force pilots were experienced and they were able to escape death.

When the crew went to Huangshan for filming, the van that came to pick them up didn't even have headlights. They relied on the driver's intuition to drive along the cliff late at night.

For another example, both Liu Xiaolingtong and Ma Dehua fell while hanging wires, and Liu Xiaolingtong even fainted after falling.

Not only are working at heights risky, but in order to be realistic, the sea of ​​​​fire in "Battle of the Red Boy" was filmed in real fire by actors who risked their lives.

In addition, in order to create a fairyland dream like the floating clouds and mist in the heavenly palace, the props group uses dry ice to create gas.

At the filming scene, dozens of staff were shaking dry ice bottles at the same time to create gas.

Although the wonderland shrouded in fairy mist is indeed wonderful, the staff almost suffocated to death due to poor ventilation in the environment.

To put it bluntly, the crew is definitely worthy of the broad audience.

It was precisely in order to perfect the filming of "Journey to the West" that the entire crew survived several disasters, which made this TV series widely recognized and praised.

Visiting the last part of this exhibition hall, there is another blockbuster exhibit that makes the outside world's doubts about the crew's spending money unanswered.

That is an original shooting budget form for "Journey to the West", placed in a glass display case with lights.

The date of signing is May 1982, and the paper used is the special paper of the national television station.

This can be seen through the large enlarged photo that hangs on the wall behind the original.

According to the table, the main actors in the play are not even paid as much as ordinary people, and some even bring their own wages to film, which is really sad.

For this reason, the exhibition content in this hall is more powerful and credible.

Not to mention that the audience who saw the exhibition were moved by the content, even the station leaders truly felt the efforts of the crew and couldn't help but say "Thank you for your hard work" to the director and crew on the spot.

In this way, the awkward atmosphere just ended and turned into a harmonious atmosphere of mutual sympathy.

And looking further back, we came to the props and special effects area. The content was quite interesting, which made everyone feel happy and relaxed at the same time.

The props here range from big to small.

There are the alchemy furnace of Taishang Laojun, the guillotine and oil cauldron of the tiger power immortal, the lotus throne of Buddha,

There are elixir pots, Nezha's wind and fire wheel, the circle of heaven and earth, and the pagoda of King Li Tian.

There are small paper-mâché peaches, carved ginseng fruits, etc.

The exhibition hall also provides detailed explanations in the form of large-scale picture explanations on the completion methods of several special effects that the audience is most concerned about.

For example, how does Sun Wukong walk on water?

How did Sun Wukong soar into the clouds and mist?

How were the hot wheels on Nezha's feet photographed?

How does the golden cudgel in Sun Wukong's hand change from big to small... and so on.

In addition, there is a large-scale on-site photo of "The Burning of Guanyin Yuan" hanging on a side wall.

The Guanyin Temple above is a miniature wooden landscape, and the crew is arranging the fire source.

Although it is a pity that there are no physical objects on display here, you can fully feel through the photos that the props are quite exquisitely made, and the crew did not make do because of lack of funds, and they were very careful.

As for the most amazing parts of this hall, there are two points.

First, in front of many prototype sculptures of Buddha and Bodhisattva characters, and in front of many architectural prototypes, the exhibition organizers imitated the style of real temples and also placed a merit box made of wood and glass.

Through the glass, you can see the colorful banknotes and coins inside.

Second, there is a large fish pond with an area of ​​more than ten square meters in the middle of the house.

Not only are there thousands of small goldfish, rockeries and water plants in the pool, but there are also miniature dragon palaces, shrimp soldiers and crab generals carved from stone.

Looking towards the middle of the fish pond, it’s even more amazing.

There is a tall stone pillar standing there, with a stone carved Sun Wukong squatting on it.

There are also the Dragon King and the Turtle Prime Minister under the stone pillars.

Obviously, it is modeled after the scene in "Journey to the West" where Sun Wukong "obtains a treasure from the Dragon Palace" and obtains the Dinghai Needle.

Such ingenuity not only fits the theme of the exhibition, but is also lively and interesting.

Especially for the visitors to the exhibition, in this exhibition hall, you can throw a piece of 50 cents to the crew of "Journey to the West" and collect some money.

You can also look at the goldfish and relax, or spend a few cents to buy two small goldfish to take away.

Some people even threw coins into the pool, trying to hit the Monkey King on the stone pillar.

It undoubtedly greatly enhanced the interactivity of the exhibition.

Even the leader of Taiwan led his people here and saw many people beside the fish pond saying, "One dime is not too expensive. These are fish swimming in the Dragon Palace. It will be lucky to buy a few and go back."

Or some people who had just stuffed money into the merit box couldn't help but raise their thumbs and say to the group, "You guys took great photos! It's amazing!"

He suddenly became interested, took out ten yuan from his pocket, and went to collect a donation box to donate to the crew.

Unexpectedly, the Temple of Heaven Garden had already thought of it for him.

At this time, naturally, an accompanying person quietly handed over the 100 yuan prepared in advance.

At the same time, there were also people holding cameras and getting ready to take pictures.

In this way, the Taiwan leader not only left a generous and stylish photo amidst the huge applause, but his mood really improved.

He became obviously talkative and started asking questions again.

Continuing walking further, you will come to the costume and makeup hall, and the content here is even more interesting.

Because the costumes of each character, the headgear of various monsters, and weapons and armors are displayed here.

In addition, there are many rich three-dimensional display methods.

For example, the Academy of Fine Arts has made statues based on the physical proportions of actors. There are both wax figures and wood sculptures in the exhibition hall.

The wax figure is closer to the character in the play, and the costume is particularly lifelike, which surprised the audience.

Even the cast and crew felt it was too realistic and had the urge to stand under the characters they played and take photos with them.

The wood carvings are movable, something that emerged based on the cooperation between teachers and students of the Academy of Fine Arts and the National Puppetry Art Troupe.

The advantage of wood carvings over wax figures is that the joints are made in the manner of puppets and can be manipulated manually.

Therefore, this exhibition hall rarely has two life-size dynamic scenes.

One is three dozen white-bone spirits, and the other is Zhu Bajie cheating on his wife.

One thrilling, one humorous.

This greatly enriches the interest of the exhibition.

Although it is only shown every half hour, it not only requires special personnel to operate it, but also uses a tape recorder to play the tape.

This method is very crude, and it is indeed not as realistic as other American theme parks, which are fully automated.

But there are other folk customs, and looking at the country, it can be regarded as the only one where scorpions poop.

The key point is that the sculpture level of the Academy of Fine Arts is also there.

To use an analogy, these wood carvings are the Hermes of the puppet category.

Not only is it large, but it is also exquisite and has collection value.

In addition, there is another feature in this hall that is not found elsewhere.

That is, the dedicated staff put on makeup according to the characters in the play, and the four people who acted as masters and apprentices took photos with customers.

This is of course chargeable.

Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie each received one yuan, while Tang Sanzang and Sha Seng received five cents each.

If you need four masters and apprentices to accompany you for a group photo, the package price is two yuan.

This project made the hall very busy, and there was a long queue of customers who wanted to take photos with the four people.

It must be managed by dedicated personnel, otherwise it will be blocked.

Liu Xiaolingtong and Ma Dehua looked at each other. Not only did neither of them expect that their costumes would be so popular and they could make so much money, but they both found it very interesting.

The two quickly developed a tacit understanding, and then negotiated with the Temple of Heaven Garden, claiming that they had always taken photos with others while wearing makeup, and had never taken photos with the characters they played.

So I hope to take this opportunity to take a photo with the staff who play the role of "the four masters and apprentices".

Naturally, the Temple of Heaven Garden had no reason not to agree, so in front of everyone, a wonderful scene appeared.

The four masters and apprentices without makeup took a photo with their own character styles, and finally there was a group photo of eight people.

This is simply the best of Li Kui and Li Gui.

Even though the four actors didn't queue up, so it was considered a convenience to go through the back door, the people queuing up behind didn't complain at all, and everyone was happy to see it.

Some people even took the lead in applauding this scene.

For this reason, the number of spectators in this hall was increasing, which soon caused huge congestion.

The station leader, who was smiling and watching the excitement, did not dare to stay longer. After the actors took photos, he quickly took the lead and entered the next room.

At this point, the exhibition content has come to an end.

Looking here again, there is more of a commercial atmosphere than elsewhere.

Because in addition to the dough makers, there are also craftsmen who draw sugar paintings.

There is also a special counter selling snacks and cold drinks, masks of Journey to the West characters, inflatable golden hoops, rakes and crescent shovels, as well as books and comics related to Journey to the West.

At the same time, free large bowls of tea are provided to tourists to quench their thirst as a consistent welfare measure.

What's more worth mentioning is that the house also functions as a movie theater.

Ganqing hung color TVs and video recorders in the four corners of the room, playing the accidents of the "Journey to the West" crew while filming different episodes.

These filming behind-the-scenes can provide visitors to the exhibition with first-hand information in a very timely manner and understand the latest progress of the "Journey to the West" crew.

So don't look too much at the copper smell and worldly atmosphere, but this room is the most lingering one.

Those with children, as long as they come here, they can't help but buy something to comfort them.

Then, while drinking tea or soda, you will be amused by the scene of the four masters and apprentices taking a break and smoking on the TV screen, as well as the shot of Dao Wei Ya hanging in the air.

When the leaders of Taiwan came here, they couldn't help but sigh that the exhibition organizers had a knack for making money.

Through the theme of the exhibition, the business aspect is very good. The more money you make, the happier the audience will be.

Second, I was sincerely shocked. This exhibition was really poorly organized. It cost a lot of money at first glance.

Not to mention anything else, there are tens of thousands of color TV and video recorders.

At this time, according to the director's instructions, another accompanying person went to the cold drink cabinet and fetched ice cream for everyone to taste and quench their thirst.

The station leader was stunned again when he saw it. It turned out to be a peach-flavored ice cream with a three-dimensional statue of Sun Wukong. The facial features were almost consistent with the character of Liu Xiaolingtong in the play.

I couldn't help but feel very interesting and surprised, and couldn't help but ask

"Is it any wonder that the cold drink shooting team is all buying this ice cream?"

The director of Tiantan took over and said, "Yes, thanks to the idea of ​​Pierre Cardin manager Xiao Ning, we cooperated with the Polar Bear Company, and we have such a stable financial source. Don't underestimate this thing, the profit is quite a lot. We The Temple of Heaven now has cream ice cream from the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, Sun Monkey's peach ice cream, and soon there will be Zhu Bajie's chocolate ice cream, Tang Monk's lychee ice cream, and Sha Seng's coconut flavored ice cream. If you are interested, I will ask someone to give it to you later. I’ll send you a few boxes here, let’s try them all.”

At this time, a six-year-old boy was heard saying to Director Yang, "This ice cream is so delicious. It blooms once every three thousand years and bears fruit once every three thousand years. It's much better than the papery flat peach you forced me to eat..." …”

Just because of this sentence, the scene suddenly burst into laughter.

However, this is not the end, Ma Dehua said again, "You eat yourself, don't you have any psychological barriers?"

"Hahaha..." The smile became even louder now, and the person who mastered the camera also lost no time in taking a classic photo.

As a result, Taiwan leaders' bad impression of Ning Weimin finally began to dissipate.

Especially after learning that Ning Weimin was only in his twenties, he seemed to think that this young man was very talented, and it was understandable that he was a little unstable.

For this reason, I happily called Director Yang and said in front of everyone, "This manager Xiao Ning from Pilkington has organized the exhibition very well. I would like to meet him. Please remember to contact us."

At this point, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that there would be no sequelae from today's exhibition.

In the back, of course, everyone is dining together at Tan Gong Restaurant, where the guests are enjoying themselves.

Zhang Shihui also had an idea. For this reception meal, the chef changed the dishes to look like characters from Journey to the West.

He succeeded in getting the Taiwan leader to smile, making up for his past mistakes.

Logically speaking, this matter should move in a good direction.

But it was a pity that the Taiwan leader wanted to see Ning Weimin. He left it to Director Yang, and he didn't say why he wanted to see Ning Weimin.

Director Yang didn't take it seriously, thinking that the leader was just being polite.

After that day, she was so focused on the crew that she completely forgot about it.

It wasn't until more than a week later, when the crew was almost ready for the business trip, that she remembered and called Pierre Cardin to convey the station leader's request for a meeting.

Unfortunately, Ning Weimin is no longer in the capital.

Even the people at Pierre Cardon didn't know where he was. They only said that he had urgent personal matters to deal with and asked for a week's leave.

He had to wait until he called the company to tell Director Yang that he was looking for him.

So Director Yang, who was preoccupied with the progress of the filming, was too lazy to say anything else.

The next day, I took the crew to the woods in the Temple of Heaven to film a scene about the master and apprentice traveling westward, and a martial arts scene about fighting a little monster.

Leaving the Temple of Heaven Park with cultural resources as a filming location for the "Journey to the West" crew will be considered as fulfilling the promise.

Then I also took the team on a business trip and devoted myself wholeheartedly to the filming work.

Therefore, Ning Weimin didn't know that there was such a situation at all.

Is there anything that can't be offended?

The Taiwan leader waited for a few days and asked his secretary to contact Director Yang, and finally got a reply that Ning Weimin was on a business trip.

The Taiwanese leaders also mistakenly thought that Ning Weimin was Canada, and of course they were even more unhappy.

So without waiting, he called two capable subordinates to come in and assign tasks.

"The "Journey to the West" exhibition jointly prepared by the Temple of Heaven Garden, Pierre Cardin Company and the "Journey to the West" crew to raise funds for the filming is very good. You two should go take a look and learn from the experience. Isn't our station still there? Filming "Four Generations Under One Roof" and "Dream of Red Mansions"? I think we can learn from it. Let's figure out how much it will cost later. Let's organize the exhibition of "Four Generations Under One Roof" first. If the effect is good, maybe we can From now on, we won’t have to worry about funding for the filming of TV series... Hey, but don’t say hello to the Temple of Heaven Garden officials when you go. I don’t want them to interfere. We will organize the future exhibitions ourselves. I don’t believe that without Zhang Butcher, we will have to eat Pig with hair..."

The two subordinates looked at each other, understood a little, and said yes.

Look at what happened, it was all a mistake.

People say that nothing can be done without words, and this statement is probably true.

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