National Tide 1980

Chapter 827 Shanghai Rat King

Zodiac stamps are indeed a scarce resource.

Although it is also printed by machine, no matter how high the circulation volume is, there is a limit after all.

Stamps are not like letter paper and envelopes. You can get as many as you want, and you can place orders for factories to increase production at any time.

Therefore, if the market has enough capacity to undertake it, the better the variety and the better the price, the more popular the stamps will be.

Not only can they be sold as much as they come out, they can even become more and more popular, causing market prices to continue to rise.

For example, during the two days that Ning Weimin stayed in Shanghai, he went to the street mail market in Shanghai and sold more than a hundred stamps of monkeys, chickens, and dogs that were rarely seen in the local area.

Just because the "piling models" couldn't wait to turn around and earn the difference, there was a small climax, and then it jumped up a lot.

The monkey's ticket is actually as high as 600 yuan, the chicken's ticket is 200 yuan, and the dog's ticket is 110 yuan.

Even the pig tickets and rat tickets moved a little.

The day after I paid "Zhu Sanwan".

The price of a full-page pig ticket on Taiyuan Road is only 2,400, and the price of a full-page rat ticket can be more than 145.

Now he gave "Zhu Sanwan" to Lede and took the initiative to call the hotel to thank Ning Weimin for the opportunity to make a fortune.

I also want to find a good place to entertain them again.

But for Ning Weimin, who is racing against time, he finds a very difficult problem - he will not be able to find more recipients in the short term.

I dare say "Zhu Sanwan" is Ning Weimin's best setter in the current relationship between Shanghai and Hainan.

The next two or three people Ning Weimin hosted for the banquet could not compare with him, which was quite disappointing.

Because no one can swallow these goods intact according to their original shipment figures.

This is not surprising.

After all, the domestic postal market is only in its infancy, and this is the first bull market for all stamp varieties after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Nowadays, people who are flailing in the market are basically trying to get the first pot of gold for themselves. There are only a few big players with considerable strength and capital.

Therefore, it is easy to make a market but difficult to ship goods.

What's more, even among the big households in the postal market, few can keep up with the growth rate of the market price of zodiac tickets.

A master who can really come up with hundreds of thousands in cash would be considered a good person.

No matter how good the price offered by Ning Weimin is, no matter how much profit he makes, it will be in vain if these people don't have that much money.

It can be seen from this that "Zhu Sanwan" is really capable if he can eat back the three thousand version intact.

It is enough to be called an outstanding person in the Shanghai-Haihai Postal Market.

Of course, these people who are not strong enough to eat stamps are not stupid. If they are stupid, they will not do this.

Everyone knows that when you have a sweet deal, it is better to join forces with others than to let it go in vain.

But even so, it takes time to find a partner, and it also takes time to raise money.

However, what Ning Weimin needs most right now is time. He will have to leave in Shanghai after staying in Shanghai for five or six days at most.

So in addition to having a master who can successfully find the allies and eat 1,500 copies in one bite.

Others can still only buy piecemeal with existing funds.

As a result, Ning Weimin was troubled.

The rest of the goods in his hand were like a rabbit pooping or a child peeing, which made him miserable.

One meal will produce hundreds of copies, and the next meal will produce hundreds of copies.

For these people with limited financial resources, they have to be served like the God of Wealth by smoking, drinking, speaking and speaking, which makes them a nuisance.

So seeing that his wish to sell eight thousand copies of mice in the Shanghai and Shanghai markets might not be realized, Ning Weimin did not dare to fight anymore and planned to change the battlefield.

He felt that he should leave a day early and go to Huacheng to try his luck.

The reason is very simple. Even among the economically developed first-tier cities across the country, the world is in chaos and there are many bad guys doing evil.

If you carry too much belongings there, you will most likely be targeted, and you will definitely risk your personal safety.

But conversely, it was also because it opened early, so there were more wealthy people, and there were also many big businesses in the postal market.

This is what happens when you are a foodie. They arrived in Shanghai first and met a lot of people before they bought the 8,000 edition.

When I went to Huacheng later, I easily bought 10,000 copies.

This is enough to explain the problem.

In short, don’t worry about where the Cantonese money came from, whether it was smuggling or taking advantage of Hong Kong cowards.

Anyway, if you want to do bulk wholesale, Huacheng is definitely easier than Shanghai.

As a result, he never expected that just after Ning Weimin bought the ticket to Feihua City, an unexpected big buyer came to the door.

This big buyer's name is He Jun. He is really big. Not only is he powerful, he is also generous.

If "Zhu Sanwan" were compared with him, he wouldn't be the best.

Because He Jun, like "Zhu Sanwan", was not only one of the first players in Shanghai after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he also had inheritance and heritage from the previous generation, and was a family that played with stamps.

I love He Jun's grandfather. He was a famous postal dealer on Shanghai Beach before liberation.

Mr. He has countless precious stamps in his hands, including "Gongmen Pour", "Zhongshan Pour", and "Small Prints for One Yuan".

I am usually close friends with other big stamp dealers and philatelists in Shanghai, such as Zhou Jinjue, Chen Zhichuan, and Zhong Xiaolu.

We often eat together, drink tea, and compare stamps.

Unfortunately, after liberation, this business gradually ceased to exist, and stamps gradually became irrelevant for resale and speculation.

The He family, which was originally extremely wealthy, lost its main source of income and gradually declined.

Mr. He gradually became a useless person who could only look after his children and buy groceries at home.

My sons and daughters basically became workers and salespersons.

No one in the next generation of the He family is interested in stamps anymore.

During the special period, the most difficult time for the He family was as shown in the movie "The Young Wife of the Zhang Family" that was just released this year. They had to make a living by selling old things.

Despite living in a small two-story western-style building, the east wall was demolished to repair the west wall. Everyone in the family had their clothes patched, and they were reluctant to even buy a bowl of beef soup for their children.

That’s true—the landlord’s family has no food left.

But even so, Mr. He was not willing to give up his precious mail and kept it hidden under his bed.

As a result, a successor was found among the third generation of the family, his youngest grandson He Jun.

Speaking of which, this fate is also forced by poverty.

The He family needs to supplement their household income, and their children have to pick up waste paper and broken glass after school every day.

He Jun is different from his brothers and sisters. In the colorful world of trash cans, he doesn't pay much attention to material treasures such as copper wire and iron sheets.

But he was very interested in the stamp on the envelope.

Every time I see a good-looking stamp, I always cut it out and keep it as a little book.

The children of the He family could not afford to buy little books, and they were reluctant to spend money to read them at bookstalls. Reading these letters became a unique hobby that He Jun cherished very much.

His spiritual world was deeply affected by this, and he began to understand the world beyond textbooks through stamps.

One time, the three siblings got lucky and picked up a broken pillow together.

Later, they discovered that there were more than ten dollars hidden inside, which undoubtedly made them a fortune.

After He Jun's sister and brother added up, they thought they could hand over the big ticket and keep the change so that the three siblings could have a good time.

Unexpectedly, He Jun strongly opposed this.

He values ​​spirituality more than material things. He said that he would rather drool watching his brothers and sisters eat than use his share of money to buy stamps.

In the end, he just begged 80 cents from his brother and sister and bought a whole set of "Goldfish" that he had been coveting for a long time at the post office.

That day, the three siblings felt completely different joys.

When his sister and brother were feasting and satisfied, He Jun endured the protests from his stomach and was overjoyed that he finally had a brand new set of stamps.

Especially when they don't know yet, their respective life directions and life circumstances are destined to undergo major changes because of this set of stamps.

A year later, the price of the "Goldfish" stamp set tripled.

So the inevitable happened again.

He Jun's sister and brother secretly took the stamps to the road market and sold them because they couldn't help their greed.

After losing the most precious thing, He Jun was naturally very sad and would inevitably cry.

Needless to say, making trouble would not help, and He Jun was scolded and scolded by his parents for exposing the secret of keeping money privately.

But despite this, the good thing is that Mr. He discovered that his youngest grandson was the same as him because of this incident.

And I also learned that stamps can be traded for money on the streets of Shanghai and Shanghai again.

So after seeing He Jun's private collection of stamps in iron boxes, Mr. He happily stroked He Jun's head and began to teach him the correct way to preserve stamps, as well as stamp-related knowledge.

The most important thing is that Mr. He also showed He Jun the precious mail he had hidden under the bed board behind other people's backs.

And taught him what good stamps are and how to maintain them with stamps.

It is precisely because of such a leader that He Jun truly entered the world of stamps.

After that, not only did his stamp number increase exponentially, but he also became more diligent in picking up trash.

He even focused on picking up envelopes in the trash can and didn't care about anything else. All he could see was the stamps.

For this reason, He Jun began to have a specialty, which is that he is particularly good at discovering beauty in filth and ugliness.

Underneath the rotten vegetable peels, rotten rice, and used toilet paper, he could immediately recognize the corners of envelopes that were accidentally exposed, and at the same time imagined the exquisite stamps covered by the filth.

When he picked up an envelope with a beautiful stamp in the garbage pile with flies flying around and the sour smell pungent.

He often cannot help but sit down and enjoy the scene for a long time.

The collected letters will be processed correctly and put into sets, and they will be sold at the road market with my grandfather.

The money they sell will be used to buy new issues with small circulations, good themes, and prospects for appreciation.

For all special stamps from the late 1960s to the late 1970s, He Jun never missed an opportunity.

This creates a virtuous cycle.

What He Jun gained was not only knowledge, but also wealth, and even more emotional connection with his grandfather.

It can be said that these days of picking up rags laid a solid foundation for He Jun to become the number one merchant in the Shanghai Postal Market.

By the end of the 1970s, He Jun and his grandfather worked hand in hand to build a tower, and had already made a fortune of no less than 100,000 yuan.

It's just that the grandfather and grandson have been hiding it from the family, and they have turned their wealth into stamps and placed them in the attic above Mr. He's room, stuffed full of iron boxes.

There are everything from peonies, chrysanthemums, Mount Huangshan, leader portraits, folk dances, acrobatics...

If outsiders came in and saw this scene, they would definitely mistake it for the warehouse of the Post and Telecommunications Bureau's inventory.

In addition, in 1981, the fortune of the Ho family shone brightly, and everything changed completely, turning a new page.

After the policy was implemented, the house deed and many belongings returned to the He family.

The He family suddenly became rich again and lived a prosperous life again.

But I never expected that just a few days after the good days, Mr. He accidentally left the window open after drinking. He accidentally suffered a stroke and was bedridden since then.

And he soon reached the end of his life due to old age and frailty.

Before his death, Mr. He made a seemingly muddle-headed property division in front of the whole family.

First of all, the small western-style house has two rooms per person, which is suitable for children and grandchildren to start a family and start a business.

The house where He Jun lived was adjacent to his brother. After Mr. He passed away, he had to give it to his brother.

Mr. He's room and attic belong to He Jun.

Secondly, those things returned to the He family, except for the stamps returned to He Jun.

The rest of the property is distributed equally among Mr. He's children and other grandchildren on a per capita basis.

In the end, He Jun didn't even have a share in the banknotes. The deposit certificates of more than 70,000 yuan were equally distributed among others.

In this way, except for He Jun who got all the stamps for two rooms, everyone else lost twenty to thirty thousand yuan.

Due to the gap in thinking and knowledge, the people of the He family had no objections except that they were a little puzzled as to why Mr. He "mistreated" their grandson and were a little secretly happy.

In their minds, those old stamps cannot be compared with mahogany furniture, jewelry and stacks of banknotes.

Even the housing allocated to He Jun was smaller than everyone else's.

Although the main house faces well and has a toilet, what is the attic?

Just don’t make the scene full of rats in the future.

As a result, He Jun, who seemed to have been wronged, actually got the most precious inheritance from his eccentric grandfather.

In terms of wealth, it is more than ten times that of other people. It can be said that he is uniquely blessed.

Later, relying on the knowledge and experience imparted by his grandfather, and with the rapid development of postal market trading, He Jun stocked up on goods and successfully conducted bulk sales of several hot-selling products, and his wealth expanded again. several times.

This made him feel that he had no rivals in the Shanghai and Shanghai markets. He became more confident and ambitious, and even determined to become the postal king surpassing his grandfather and dominate the Shanghai and Shanghai postal markets.

In 1984, when the national bull market for stamps was detonated by the "rat riot" in Beijing, he also saw a rare opportunity for speculation.

He did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to collect rat votes in Shanghai, and he wanted to test the waters and become the banker.

So in fact, He Jun's experience is surprisingly similar to Ning Weimin's.

Not only are they all big businessmen in the postal market who got out of the trash, and they all have an old man who taught them their skills, but they are also eyeing the Year of the Rat zodiac ticket.

It can be called the local rat king of Shanghai.

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