National Tide 1980

Chapter 838 Tianjin and Shanghai

The time cycle of my country's first stamp bull market probably started in January 1984 and ended in May 1985.

It lasted almost a year and a half.

Therefore, the scope of influence is very wide and there are many participants.

This time, the plummet caused by the sudden news of additional issuance of panda souvenirs did not only affect the capital city, but also affected the whole country.

Other large, medium and small cities have also been affected, and the postal market has also begun to decline.

And because the market conditions in various places use the capital as a barometer, geographically speaking, the one that will bear the brunt of the impact is of course Jinmen, which is closest to the capital.

To be honest, in the first few days, several Pierre Cardon executives had an unpleasant experience selling full-page rat tickets in Tianjin.

As soon as they arrived here, they were first entangled by the mushroom team at the entrance of the market, and a lot of goods were taken away.

Then I entered the market and found no trading partner that was strong enough to buy more than 2,000 editions, and the price they offered was harsh, with each one being lower than the other.

They had to be delayed for several days and were brutally stabbed by the opponent.

But the same reason also caused the "quantity" needed for speculation to be dispersed into the hands of many people, and Tianjin did not form a single major banker.

Therefore, when it comes to the selling of rat tickets, the Tianjin market is not only scattered and unorganized, but also scrambling and extremely anxious.

You know, the people of Jinmen themselves say that "the people of Jinmen just don't take care of themselves, and there are some black sheep in the group. One fish stirs up the whole pot."

This sentence reflects the little problems that people in Jinmen have.

It's hard to find a job, but often before you have enough food, someone will come out and beat you in the dark.

No way, the people in Jinmen are bold, and they can only control themselves if they starve.

As long as there is a mouthful of food to eat, I will never eat it honestly.

On the contrary, someone will definitely come out and eat "better" than others, which means losing their jobs.

Many people's thinking mode is - anyway, if I don't smash it, there are still people who do it. It's better for me to smash it first and get the advantage first. If I go back and wait for others to smash it again, I will make enough.

This has even become a recurring historical pattern.

Including future taxis in Tianjin, buses on the Beijing-Tianjin Highway, a food street, and the tourism service industry on the Fifth Avenue... People in Jinmen have smashed their own jobs again and again, and in the end everyone will guard their jobs together. Hungry.

So let’s not forget that the people of Jinmen have cut off a few people from the capital, and made a few foreign executives in suits return to Beijing in anger.

But once the goods were in their hands, the market price dropped faster than anywhere else due to vicious price bargaining.

In addition, the capital was not idle either. At the same time as the investment risks were increasing day by day, Hardman and the others acted as setters for Ning Weimin and gave away thousands of rat tickets to people traveling between Beijing and Tianjin. Postal dealer.

This was great. The rats that had flowed into Jinmen were completely stagnant, causing a "rat disaster".

As a direct result, the investment return rate of Jinmen's rat tickets dropped sharply, and shipments were not smooth.

And the most critical point is that the market did not give people in Tianjin much time to react and adjust.

Within a few days, the news of the additional issuance of Panda’s souvenir sheets triggered a huge collapse.

Come on, this time it’s really a Japanese ship, it’s full of (pills)!

Looking at the overall market, regardless of category, it is shrinking every day. Various stamps have fallen sharply, and among them, panda and rat stamps have led the decline.

Those people in Jinmen who took the rat ticket and failed to throw it away in time felt regretful.

They couldn't help themselves, they cursed the people in the capital who sold them the goods, and they denounced them incessantly, saying that this hatred was irreconcilable.

In the end, I couldn't stand the cursing anymore, so I had to close my eyes and "jump off the building" to clear everything.

Originally, the postal dealers in Tianjin did not earn much from rat stamps.

Facing the avalanche of the overall market, most people holding rat tickets suffered serious losses.

For this reason, almost all of these people couldn't stand it anymore and changed their careers.

For example, open a small restaurant, or resell clothes, sell pancakes, ride three wheels, etc.

Those who are lucky enough to still be in the market are not doing so well.

Think about it, even the postal market in Beijing has become deserted, and the postal markets in other places are naturally even deserted.

Within half a month, the postal market in Ichinomiya Garden was deserted.

The remaining stamp dealers can only pass the long days in small groups, playing cards.

Although these people sometimes get excited when playing cards, they can't help bragging about yesterday's glory when they get together, and all they talk about is "I remember back then...".

But what's the use of thinking about it in the first place?

The stamp albums they brought were kept nearby, and no one might turn them over once a day, so they accumulated a thick layer of dust.

The grand occasion of the postal market has been completely forgotten in my memory.

As for Shanghai, the second largest city in the country, which also has the second largest postal market in the country, the collapse is definitely more tragic than that of Tianjin.

The postal market frenzy in 1985 still swept away the wealth of many Shanghai and Shanghai speculators, reducing the wealth of many Shanghai and Shanghai people who dreamed of getting rich overnight. The market will always treat everyone equally in terms of ruthlessness.

It's just that Shanghai is an old speculation city after all.

Before liberation, various financial speculation activities were prevalent in Shanghai.

Whether they were speculating on stamps, speculating on stocks, or plowing gold, the people of Shanghai back then were leaders in the country.

If Huhai wants to claim to be second, no one will dare to claim to be first.

Therefore, the name "Magic City" is not for nothing, and all aspects of the situation must be special.

For example, those who have experienced this, or those who know some past situations from their elders, will always have more experience in dealing with similar situations than people in other places.

He Jun, who manipulated rat votes in Shanghai, is such a special case.

Although he was a bit arrogant and thought he had forced Ning Weimin back to the capital from Shanghai, he ran into the double trap of Ning Weimin in Shanghai and Huacheng.

But after all, he was personally trained by his grandfather, Mr. He, and started earlier than others.

He has brains, knowledge, experience, courage, and funds. He can be regarded as an outstanding person in the Shanghai Post community.

He is very different from Tang Wuji, who once swept Liechtenstein stamps in Shanghai for three days before liberation.

Tang Wuji was a son of a wealthy family, commonly known as Xiaokai.

Although he is known as the "Stamp King", he also held important positions in the Shanghai Philatelic Association after liberation.

But his stamp collection is also a small-open stamp collection. He doesn't hesitate to spend a lot of money on whatever he is interested in. The emphasis is on reward, not appreciation.

Once you have thoroughly researched a stamp, you may lose interest and move on to another area of ​​new challenges.

However, He Jun is a seller and speculator who mainly focuses on accumulating wealth. In comparison, speculators are of higher quality.

Then what he mainly pursues is the appreciation of the stamps, and then sells the stamps at high prices to people like Tang Wuji to make a profit.

Therefore, he understands the importance of market wind direction and pays more attention to market risks.

Although he was confused and suffered a loss from Ning Weimin, he did not continue to be confused. Instead, he gained wisdom and realized that everything was unpredictable and anything could happen.

Just in case, he spent money to arrange manpower in major postal markets across the country to observe changes in market prices and call Shanghai once a day.

It turned out that this seemingly unnecessary move saved him at the critical moment.

When he learned of the collective outburst in postal markets across the country, He Jun immediately realized that the situation was not good.

Mr. He had repeatedly warned him during his lifetime about the many characteristics of a complete market turn.

So he immediately weighed the situation and made a wise move to survive at the risk of cutting off his tail.

On the one hand, while the Shanghai Rat Stamps were still at a high level, he asked his assistant Xie Ling to take charge of the base camp and quickly use various methods to sell off the Rat Stamps and other road stamps in his hands.

On the other hand, he took people and goods to avoid the northern market, which collapsed first, and flew to the Flower City further south to sell.

And because of the inconvenient transportation and relatively closed market environment at that time, Chengdu went to sell.

In the end, he escaped with more than 2.3 million yuan at a price of 60% of the market price.

Although compared with his net worth of 1.6 million at the beginning of the stamp bull market, his asset value has only increased by 40%, which is far less than his expectations.

But compared to those who have ridden a roller coaster and come back to their original shape, there are also those who have lost money and continued to be ruined for many years.

He has been incredibly lucky.

The key is that he also understands that when others lose money, he still makes money even if he does not lose money. There will be more and better opportunities for foodies in the future.

With this idea and the funds he had escaped, he had already succeeded in defeat, accomplished half of his original goal, and essentially became the Shanghai Post King.

Although the coronation ceremony was not grand enough, and even a bit embarrassing, the king was still the king.

When the wave subsides, he will be the undisputed master of the Shanghai and Shanghai postal markets.

Even when it comes to manipulating the Shanghai Post market, his power is heavier and less laborious than during the bull market.

In addition, there is another lucky person who almost completely escaped in the Shanghai-Haihai postal market, which needs to be mentioned.

That is "Zhu Sanwan" who worked happily with Ning Weimin.

As the market grows, there will be occasional exceptions. "Zhu Sanwan" is a man with a broad heart and a fat body, and is not easy to get into trouble. Moreover, as he gets older, his temperament becomes slower and slower.

Although it was used as a gun by Ning Weimin, he managed to get a large amount of cash after selling the rat stamps from the Shanghai and Shanghai postal markets.

In addition, she was afraid that He Jun would target her, so she wanted to take a closer look at the scenery before talking about it.

For a time, he was not in a hurry to find a new project to invest large sums of cash. Even if he followed the trend and speculated on Panda, he would only get a small amount of 20,000 to 30,000 yuan for fun.

So whether it was a mistake or caution, when the market crash came, it happened to be the time when he had the most cash in hand and the most sensitive nerves.

Then can he still run fast?

While others were still stunned and didn't react, he had already taken all his inventory to the market and sold it off.

His net worth exceeded the 660,000 mark in one fell swoop.

Look how auspicious this number is.

If we look at the rate of return alone, he is probably the number one earner with the highest returns in Shanghai and Shanghai during this bull market.

But what is a bit ridiculous is that "Zhu Sanwan" sat back and watched the postal market plummet. In addition to the inevitable joy, his heart was also filled with gratitude to Ning Weimin.

He actually thought that he was able to escape the disaster only because of Ning Weimin's "kind-hearted" reminder.

He was so moved that he couldn't wait for Ning Weimin to come to Shanghai again. He took the initiative to make a long-distance call to the capital to ask about Ning Weimin's situation, fearing that he would fall into this disaster and be unable to extricate himself.

Although the word "money" was not mentioned from beginning to end during the phone call.

But Lao Zhu's hidden meaning was that he wanted to be a "model" and could provide certain financial assistance to Ning Weimin.

A model is a role model.

There was a popular saying in Shanghai in the 1980s: "Being a model is painful!"

Because to be this kind of person, you often have to cut the flesh and let blood, which is also called "eating pain".

On the contrary, the calculations of Shandong people, the calculations of Shanghai and Hai people, and the economic attitude of Shanghai and Hai people are well-known to the people across the country.

People in Shanghai are famous for their "three no-borrows": they don't borrow their wives, they don't borrow their ID cards, and they don't borrow their banknotes.

Living in Shanghai, you don't have to have any skills, but you must be able to do math. It is commonly known as the "Threshold Sutra", also known as the "Skin-Scraping Ghost", which is the first skill in life.

People in Shanghai can even calculate to the point of "eating three meals for one chicken", using face wash water to urinate, vegetable washing water to wash stool, and rice washing water to wash dishes.

Even the big ones in Shanghai and Shanghai are "thieves at the threshold", and their biggest feature is that they "can't get in but don't get out".

So Lao Zhu's kind warmth is really surprising and heart-warming.

This made Ning Weimin really happy that Lao Zhu escaped unharmed after finishing the phone call, but at the same time he couldn't help but feel a little ashamed and ashamed.

I couldn't help but mutter in my heart, this guy is too honest, why is he more angry than the people in the capital?

Is he from Shanghai?

Look at the fuss over this matter. Didn't you ask me to sell it and count the money for me?

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