National Tide 1980

Chapter 846 Soft, Hard and Dark

Thirty years later there is a saying, "Retaining talents means retaining the future."

Ning Weimin, who has already experienced a lifetime, has a very deep understanding of this sentence.

In his previous life, he worked as a postal dealer, which is actually the most practical industry and cares most about material returns.

If you really have breasts, you are a mother.

No one in this industry talks about ideals, everyone comes here to make a fortune.

Therefore, Ning Weimin did not develop the bad habit of deceiving his employees by talking about his ideals.

The only side effect is that he is overly calculating and appears to be a bit shrewd and mercenary.

People who work for him often think that his boss has horns on his head, has thorns all over his body, is selfish, harsh, and unkind.

But as a subordinate who was employed by him, no one was grateful to him for this equivalent exchange, and it was difficult to feel any closeness or affection towards him, let alone loyalty.

As a result, Ning Weimin fell into a very uncomfortable vicious cycle.

He found himself perpetually worrying about the lack of a good team.

As long as his employees have certain professional capabilities and customer base, they can achieve some results in their work.

In less than a year and a half, I would naturally resign and go it alone, without even raising my salary or commission.

Who makes this industry require a certain threshold of professional knowledge, but it is also the most suitable industry for individuals to work alone?

As a result, he was ridiculed by his peers, saying that his business was simply a "training course for newbies."

Until this life, Ning Weimin stayed with Kang Shude and gradually understood the true meaning of "peace is the most precious".

In addition to remuneration and treatment, I have also begun to pay attention to the emotional management of subordinates, and I can play with emotional investment.

He finally got a right-hand man who was willing to work hard for him, truly ending the tragic fate of this "simple commander", and having the possibility of building a huge business empire in the future.

The biggest difference between his employees today is compared to those in the past.

The reason is that you will always be captured by his personal charm, have respect and trust in him, and then become a devoted supporter of him.

This is the case with the four girls "Meichun Youmeiko" who followed him from Zhaigu.

The same goes for Jiang Dachun and Xiao Zha, who were seconded from Beihai Fangshan and had conflicts with him.

Even the security personnel sent from the special department to monitor his every move were like this.

This is by no means a "tyrannical spirit", but Ning Weimin knows how to consider the various needs of others.

This major improvement in how he dealt with people finally allowed him to light up the technology tree he dreamed of and become a qualified boss.

For now, the day for Ning Weimin to go abroad is getting closer.

Those subordinates who might accompany him to go out to work hard are naturally overjoyed and gearing up.

But those who have no chance of this plan and can only stay in the country are another matter.

Many people were inevitably confused and uneasy, and had a sense of being alienated from Ning Weimin, or feeling emotionally abandoned.

Therefore, for the sake of stability in the rear area, it was necessary for Ning Weimin to do ideological work on some of the people he relied on before leaving the country, so that he could leave with peace of mind.

Yin Yue, who is in charge of the clothing business and stamps, is the first. …

Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao, who helped him handle the delivery of handicrafts, should be considered the second group.

Next, it was originally the turn of the Tan Gong Restaurant team headed by Zhang Shihui.

But Zhang Qiang's popularity, the huge buzz generated by her first album, and the signing of a new cooperation contract with China Audio and Video Company all prompted Ning Weimin to prioritize Zhang Qiang and her mother. object of comfort.

Frankly speaking, Zhang Qiang's current state is somewhat out of control for Ning Weimin.

Because she was at her peak when she debuted, and now she is so famous that she will no longer lack opportunities to perform. Her wings have become stronger.

Almost every day, someone comes to invite her to participate in performances and interviews.

Audio-visual publishing houses even smelled the smell and visited several of them, crying and holding money, hoping to release an album for Zhang Qiang.

Even in the original history, Yunnan Audio and Video Publishing House, which published "Tokyo Nights" for Zhang Qiang, was also included.

Moreover, I heard that the introducer there was an acquaintance of the same band as Zhang Qiang’s mother.

If Ning Weimin hadn't said it earlier, the two parties would have signed a contract.

If it weren't for Zhang Qiang's disdain for the songs given there, he wouldn't even be willing to try them out.

Maybe Zhang Qiang’s mother really agreed.

But having said that, Ningwei's people are fine in the capital. If he goes abroad, things may change.

There is no guarantee that if Zhang Qiang’s mother faces a similar situation in the future, she will be unable to bear the harassment, lose face, and make mistakes.

If such a situation really occurs, what will Ning Weimin do?

There's absolutely no way he can pursue it.

To put it bluntly, it doesn't matter whether the court recognizes the contract between them these days. It's just a gentleman's agreement.

However, once a lawsuit was filed over this matter, all previous friendships must have fallen apart.

That means winning and losing.

So how can we take full control of Zhang Qiang and control her mother to avoid such problems to the greatest extent.

It was actually a very technical job, and it really made Ning Weimin think a lot.

After pondering over and over again, Ning Weimin finally decided to follow Liu Bang and Cao Cao and adopt the strategy of "soft, hard and thick".

Let’s talk about the word “soft” first, which is the emotional card.

In this regard, Ning Weimin has done a good job from the beginning.

He never regarded himself as the boss or Zhang Qiang Bole.

Instead, they treat Zhang Qiang and her mother as their own relatives.

He asked Zhang Qiang to call him brother, and he called Zhang Qiang's mother aunt.

In addition, he was not only very tolerant to Zhang Qiang in terms of work requirements and encouraged her to perform according to her own feelings, but never forced her to do anything. He was even very concerned about Zhang Qiang's hunger, cold and warmth.

No matter what trouble she got into, she couldn't bear to blame her.

He was really like an older brother, pampering and caring for her like a younger sister.

Always try to give her more preferential treatment and create better conditions.

Even for the practical difficulties in the Zhang family's life, such as leaks in the house, lack of gas bills when buying gas, etc.

As long as he knows, he will definitely handle it properly.

As the saying goes, it’s the little things that reveal the truth.

These meticulous things fully reflected Ning Weimin's friendliness, cultivation and reasonableness, and naturally gained great favor and trust from the mother and daughter. …

Even Ning Weimin's carefully prepared conversation was the same. He went to Zhang Qiang's house as if he were visiting a relative's house, and brought some high-end fruits such as lychees, bananas, and pineapples and imported chocolate as gifts.

It seemed as if they were not here to hand over work and assign tasks, but just to say hello to relatives out of affection and make a special trip to say goodbye.

The conversation between the two parties was naturally much more lively, and there was no problem of alienation in communicating with each other.

Secondly, let’s talk about “hardness”.

Hardness, as opposed to softness, embodies dignity, principle and strength.

Specifically, Ning Weimin wanted to set rules for the mother and daughter.

Usually, such words and deeds are the most disgusting and disgusting, and are likely to make the other party dissatisfied or conflicted.

After all, no one likes to be controlled by others.

But Ning Weimin was smart. He gave the warning from a human perspective, as if he had Zhang Qiang's whole consideration in mind.

He first analyzed Zhang Qiang's current situation with Zhang Qiang's mother.

It is true that Zhang Qiang is famous now, but the fire is cooking the oil, and there are many people famous for right and wrong, so it is inevitable that she will make people jealous.

Zhang Qiang's style is disco. Although it is very popular among young people, it is a bit too alternative and avant-garde.

It is inevitable to be excluded from the mainstream stage, and naturally it is easy to be criticized, smeared and targeted by public opinion.

Today's flourishing flowers are only temporary. Once something happens, Zhang Qiang's stardom will definitely come to an abrupt end.

For example, if any delinquent young man attributes his depravity to his love of disco dancing, how can Zhang Qiang cope with it?

The key point is that Zhang Qiang became famous at a young age, his singing skills were not mature enough, and his performance experience was not very good. Even the songs he sang were covers of other people's songs.

In this case, Zhang Qiang's popularity and fame are false.

It will collapse if you say it will collapse, and it will disappear if you say it will not, and it is very likely that it will not go far.

So at the moment, Zhang Qiangyi wants to improve his professional level and refuse to make shoddy work.

The second is to try to be as low-key as possible and exercise self-restraint so as not to let those who stand on a high moral level take advantage.

Ning Weimin then took this as a principle and put forward several specific requirements.

The first is to ask Zhang Qiang to practice her singing well, perform seriously, and not act like a big star.

The second is to learn more about vocal music from my mother, practice physical fitness and so on.

You should have long-term plans and strive to become a singer-songwriter in the future and write the songs you like.

The third is to reduce interviews and interviews, and don’t accept performances or record albums casually.

When he comes back on New Year's Day, he will record Zhang Qiang's second album with the selected songs.

The fourth is to ask Zhang Qiang to take good care of her voice, not to smoke or drink, not to play outside, to pay attention to the scale when it comes to love, and to protect personal privacy.

Finally, there is one more thing. When meeting the media, you must not only be friendly with the media, but also pay attention to the scale of your speech, and never let reporters take advantage of loopholes.

Let's put it this way, Ning Weimin was deliberately alarmist and created a sense of crisis first.

At the same time, he gives his advice, which makes it easier for people to accept it.

As expected, what Zhang Qiang's mother cared about most was her daughter's future, and she suddenly became nervous.

Even though what Ning Weimin said was a bit exaggerated, she couldn't afford to take the risk. …

As long as there is such a possibility, she must try her best to nip it in the bud.

So not only was she frightened by Ning Weimin's photo, but she, the mother, also helped Ning Weimin oppress his own daughter.

No matter how reluctant Zhang Qiang is, she must give up her freedom and promise to do this.

After that, there is the use of the word "thick".

At this time, Ning Weimin did another money-spending move that Zhang Qiang and her daughter could never have imagined.

He opened the large suitcase he had brought and actually took out stacks of banknotes and placed them on the table. In the end, there were a hundred stacks in total, all in great solidarity.

He claimed that all the money was the reward for Zhang Qiang's first album, and asked Zhang Qiang's mother and daughter to accept it.

Good guy, this move almost scared Zhang Qiang and her daughter out of their wits.

Zhang Qiang's mother was dumbfounded as she stared at the money. She mixed garlic in her mouth and didn't know what to say.

"Oh, this... why is this so embarrassing? This is too much money. Quick! Quick! Take back two piles..."

You know, when the orchestra had no performance obligations, Zhang Qiang's mother only earned 70 yuan a month.

In comparison, Zhang Qiang could earn two hundred by singing a few songs a night, so the mother and daughter were already very content.

They could get 500 yuan in a performance at the Temple of Heaven Book Market, which made them feel the taste of wealth, and there was nothing to fault.

Who would have thought that Ning Weimin would spend a huge sum of 100,000 yuan on them today?

Of course he was knocked unconscious.

They would never have thought that Ning Weimin could make millions from it, but in fact he only gave them a little meat, bones and fish bones.

But to be honest, we can't blame Ning Weimin for being a traitor and bullying other people's mother and daughter.

It can only be attributed to the objective status quo created by the times.

You know, before coming here, Ning Weimin was actually worried about how much money to pay Zhang Qiang and his daughter.

Because in his mind, it is basically a rule that will prevail in the entertainment industry in the future for stars and managers to maintain a 70-30 split, which shows that there is a certain rationality to it.

Specific to this matter, because Ning Weimin is still an investor, he thinks that it is a more reasonable distribution plan for him to get seven and Zhang Qiang to get three.

If this is the case, Zhang Qiang should get 1.2 million.

But the problem is that these days there is no such price in China.

Ning Weimin specifically asked Feng Chaonian about the industry conditions.

He really didn't expect that the audio and video publishing house would usually pay the singer only about 2,000 yuan for recording an album.

A well-known singer may have a salary of 3,000 to 5,000 yuan.

No matter how famous a big singer is, the price is only tens of thousands at most, and there will never be a higher price.

Think about it, if he dares to give 1.2 million to Zhang Qiang and his daughter, they may not dare to accept it.

If not done well, it can really scare people out of their minds and cause unnecessary trouble.

So after thinking about it, he could only accept the injustice and suffer more.

And this 100,000 yuan was the price he thought Zhang Qiang and her daughter would be frightened, but not frightened, and would also allow him to exclude all competitors.

Sure enough, under Ning Weimin's kind words and comfort, Zhang Qiang's mother went from being frightened and speechless to being grateful and overjoyed.

When you accept the money, you don't have to do anything to yourself. …

"Oh, this money is really a good thing. Nowadays, our family's expenses have increased unknowingly, and we are a little tight. It's better for you to be conscientious and kind. Don't you know, those audio and video files begging us to record How much money would the publishing house be willing to pay? As for Yunnan Audio and Video, they kept saying that no one would pay more than them, but they let us record two albums and were only willing to pay a total of 9,000. Fortunately, you warned us in advance. , otherwise if we don’t understand the situation, we might really be fooled by them..."

Look, in this comparison, Ning Weimin won this botched match with an overwhelming advantage.

He has become a perfect and good person.

But that's not all. In the end, Ning Weimin still had the word "black" to use.

This guy struck while the iron was hot and made three additional promises. It was a scheming trick and he completely trapped Zhang Qiang and her daughter.

One is to use the country as bait.

Ning Weimin promised that once he opened a store in Japan and found out the situation there, he would also deal with Zhang Qiang and her mother.

As everyone knows, Japan's pop music level is well-deserved number one in Asia.

What he means is that while the mother and daughter are having fun, Zhang Qiang can also learn from the stage skills and packaging methods of Japanese singers to enhance her own strength.

The key is that they can spend money to buy cover songs for Zhang Qiang in Japan, so there will be no shortage of original songs.

You can also rent advanced recording studios and hire local bands to record tapes.

These can directly improve Zhang Qiang's tape production level.

This effectively ensures the vitality of Zhang Qiang's singing career and allows her acting career to go further.

Second, generous rewards are used as bait.

Ning Weimin also told the mother and daughter that no matter whether at home or abroad, celebrities cannot make money by making money from performances.

The main way for celebrities to make money is through advertising.

Although there is no such precedent in China, he does have certain business resources in his hands.

If the mother and daughter still want to make money, he can immediately let the "Champs Elysees" women's clothing brand in Tianqiao Department Store hire Zhang Qiang as a spokesperson to shoot some commercials.

The labor fee is still 100,000.

If the mother and daughter had no objections, he would ask the Champs Elysees to send someone to contact them in a few days and sign the contract.

Third, it is the temptation to realize the crossover of movies.

Ning Weimin also said that although Zhang Qiang's reduction in interviews and performances is a necessary measure, it cannot make her feel really cold in the past six months.

So he contacted Chen Peisi, who was filming a movie, and planned to let Zhang Qiang audition.

If possible, let Zhang Qiang play Sanya, the sister in Chen Peisi's play.

In this case, when this movie is released next year, it will be able to make up for Zhang Qiang's lost popularity in the past six months.

Think about it, these three pie paintings.

Whether it's Zhang Qiang's mother or Zhang Qiang, who can refuse?

As long as they agree, Zhang Qiang will never have time to do anything else in the next half year.

Her mother has no need or motive to contact people from the outside world anymore.

Of course, Ning Weimin was not just lying with empty talk, he really had this intention. …

In fact, only he has this ability to make all three of these things come true.

What is this called?

This is called using IQ to tie people up, and they are as perfect as they are perfect.

So after this conversation, both Ning Weimin and Zhang Qiang's mother felt at ease, and the trust foundation between the two parties was further strengthened.

Ning Weimin was so happy that he drove the mother and daughter to Tan Gong Restaurant for a meal as a final reunion.

What Ning Weimin didn't expect was that just in case, who should he ask to help keep an eye on the mother and daughter while they were abroad, just in case.

When Zhang Qiang's mother went to the bathroom, this girl secretly recommended herself to him to be the traitor.

After Zhang Qiang asked him to go abroad, don't forget to tell him as soon as he got the phone.

He said that if his mother might violate the agreement, he would inform him in time.

Zhang Qiang also said that she actually didn’t want to be so famous, and the joy of singing was more important than anything else.

She actually only likes to make small money, and making big money scares her a little.

Ning Weimin gave her so much money that she didn't know how to spend it.

In fact, it’s so brilliant, so glorious, isn’t it just about eating something good?

Besides, she doesn’t like to eat things that are too good.

Just like this meal, she likes to eat steamed buns, roast duck, big skewers, and sweet and sour pork belly!

She doesn't like those really high-end dishes, sea cucumber, shark's fin, abalone and so on.

Not to mention that it was quite a big plate and there wasn’t much room for it in the middle, but there were a bunch of fancy things on the side.

Your mouth is watery even after you eat it, you are so good at pretending...

See what you say.

Ning Weimin was relieved, surprised, surprised, and amused.

He suddenly realized that he had underestimated this girl.

Despite her careless appearance, she is actually quite mature in her thinking and quite delicate in her emotions.

Can children from single-parent families live so clearly at such a young age?

It's incredible.

Friendly recommended book "The Sword Is a Demon" - the author is lazy, the writing is sophisticated, the story is exquisite, the artistic conception is far-reaching, and the fairy grass hidden in the classical fairy tales.

Write a few sentences carefully.

First of all, the author is a fifth-level author. He has written three sword-themed books. He has ordered thousands of books, and this is the third one.

Therefore, judging from the public's taste, the quality is undoubtedly fully guaranteed and has been verified by the market.

But for this book, which is still relatively young, what I want to praise most is that the characters are good and suit my taste.

The protagonist feels a lot like Yang Zheng in "Parting Hook" in Gu Long's "Seven Weapons".

This is one of the few characters written by Gu Long that I can remember and like.

I like Yang Zheng. In addition to his ordinaryness, I also like his kindness and his cruelty that ordinary people cannot do.

These seem to be contradictions, but if they can be integrated into a person's blood, he is a true hero.

Treat bad people, bad things and suffering with "ruthlessness".

Treat good people, loved ones and a good life with "kindness".

The protagonist of "The Sword Is a Demon", Hou Zi, should be such a person.

Although he is in the Taoist sect, he is a person with extremely poor qualifications.

Life is very ordinary. As a catcher, he devotes himself to official duties.

A small person like him is actually the epitome of a working man. He is so ordinary that the powerful don't take him seriously. The only thing valuable is his own hard work and persistence.

It was precisely because of his coexistence of ruthlessness and kindness that he took the life of the murderer for an ordinary old man whose daughter was murdered, and upheld justice regardless of gain or loss.

Of course, if he doesn't know how to protect himself wisely and abides by unspoken rules, he will definitely be severely punished for this.

And so began a journey of cheating that seemed unfair on the surface but was actually full of opportunities.

The most interesting thing about such a character is that he broke the ceiling by working hard and broke the rules as a small person to become a legend.

He knows he can't do anything but does it, never retreats, the protagonist himself is an extremely sharp sword.

Such a story, which also combines the creativity of "Infernal Affairs" and "New World", should be very enjoyable.

If it is like what I think, the more courageous the protagonist is to fight, the more likely he is to avoid danger, and the bumps along the way should be a mental training.

This should be the normal logic of cultivating immortality.

Didn't Taiyi Zhenren in "Nezha Makes the Sea" say this?

Gods are also made by mortals, but mortals are not determined...

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