National Tide 1980

Chapter 859 Collision

Space and time return to the moment when Ning Weimin opens the door of the Tokyo Prince Hotel and sees Rinko Kagawa...

In Japanese society, grooming is as important as a person's personality.

So, when Kagawa Rinko and Ning Weimin stood in front of the guest room, they met for the first time.

She felt extremely bad about Ning Weimin, who came out to open the door wearing a bathrobe and his hair was still dripping.

Especially when she bowed deeply to Ning Weimin.

I found that this guy actually walked out barefoot, not even wearing a pair of slippers, making the carpet wet.

In addition, when he raised his head, he saw this guy looking at himself up and down, his eyes moving around.

The disgust welling up in Kagawa Rinko's heart was even more difficult to restrain.

My heart says this person is so bad!

What a lazy, rude, vulgar, and impolite guy.

How can you stare at the opposite sex like this!

He looks like a man who is greedy for beauty...

You have to follow your own heart. At this moment, Kagawa Rinko really wanted to walk away.

She even ran back to the company in one breath and slapped her boss, Section Chief Kawasaki, who forcibly assigned her this task.

But no!

This time, there was a high-sounding reason, and the job Kawasaki assigned her was really different from the last time he asked her to accompany him for drinks.

What's more, she also knew that she had already punched her boss Kawasaki, and there would be no consequences.

Although Kawasaki knew he was in the wrong, he found it difficult to tell anyone about the punch he received, whether it was for face or reason.

It seems that I can only suffer the loss of silence, and there is no way to pursue it openly.

But what the bad guys are best at is "cold violence".

They won't use force, but the degree of mental torture can reach 120,000 points.

It was obvious that Kawasaki was digging a hole for her, expecting her to be afraid, regretful, beg for mercy, and run away.

If she was really like this, it would just give Kawasaki an excuse and a reason to blame her.

Then even if she decides to resign and leave, she may not be able to find a comparable job.

You know, in Japan, where seniority-based employment is widely used, resignation is naturally labeled as a traitor.

What's more, Kawasaki is definitely not a good person and will completely ruin her career with extremely poor evaluations. There is no other possibility.

This is reality, you have to accept it even if you don’t want to accept it.

So she had no choice but to jump in even though she knew it was a trap.

Hey, try your best to deal with it first, don't let your life collapse.

With this idea of ​​compromise, Kagawa Rinko took a deep breath and bowed again.

"Are you Ning Sang? The deputy director of Pierre Cardon China Company? I'm very sorry, if you have difficulty with Japanese, I can also speak English and a little bit of French, but only Chinese..."

At this moment, I checked again that the room number was correct.

So Rinko Kagawa had only one idea in her mind - Kawasaki clearly said that this person can speak Japanese, so there must be no greater obstacles in communication...

Fortunately, Ning Weimin finally responded.

He spoke in clear and fluent Japanese, although his pronunciation was a little stiff. …

"Yes, I am Ning Weimin from the capital. Xiang... Miss Xiangchuan, right? I can understand Japanese, although I'm not proficient enough, but as long as you speak as slowly as possible, it should be okay in general. Ah, by the way, I was taking a shower just now, and I thought it was the room service knocking on the door, so I came out like this, please don't be surprised."

These words finally made Toon Rinko breathe a sigh of relief.

Because as long as they can communicate, that means there is hope that the task can be completed.

She is always serious about her work and understands that if a person does not do things down-to-earth, all hopes will be in vain.

So if she can get things done, she is still willing to try her best.

What's more, the world is as dark as crows, and she doesn't think that if she goes to another company, she won't encounter such a bad boss.

In addition, the process of resigning from a Japanese company is very troublesome.

If the boss is deliberately trying to make things difficult, it will take half a year to complete the procedures alone.

It's better to stick to it and see if you can get some changes through hard work.

But even though she said nothing, Kagawa Rinko couldn't help but secretly complain in her heart.

Others bathe at night, why do you bathe so early in the morning? What a weirdo.

This guy has such glaring eyes, why is he always staring at my chest?

Be careful, maybe he is really a big pervert...

Yes, Ning Weimin's eyes were indeed firmly attracted to Kagawa Rinko.

But not only are they looking at her beautiful features and graceful figure, but they are also admiring her outfits.

Ning Weimin could tell that this woman had great taste and good physical condition, almost like a professional model.

With this outstanding appearance alone, he is a very competent employee of the clothing company.

At work, having such subordinates is now a very honorable thing, and it also helps to improve the company's image.

As for the eyes focused on Rinko Kagawa's chest, it was because she was also wearing the metal logo of the Pierre Cardin brand.

And this point was a misunderstanding by Kagawa Rinko.

In fact, after meeting her, Ning Weimin also had something he wanted to complain about, and this was one point.

After visiting his colleagues in Japan yesterday, he truly felt that the companies run by the Japanese were too rigid and dogmatic.

Office workers, regardless of gender, must wear badges even if they do not wear uniforms, as if they must reflect collective unity everywhere.

Even the fashion industry, which pays attention to individuality, is like this.

From a good perspective, this is of course conducive to the company's cohesion and allows employees to develop a sense of belonging and security.

But on the other hand, if everything emphasizes group, everything requires convergence.

Those who are a little different will be regarded as a weirdo, which will definitely limit one's imagination and creativity.

In the 1960s and 1970s, the situation in China was like this. People's spirits were extremely depressed and they didn't even dare to tell the truth.

There is no doubt that the emotions of employees in such a company must be depressed, and it is uncertain what will happen in private.

Once you make any mistakes that go against public customs, it can easily affect the company's image.

If the problem of personal indiscretion is not dealt with properly, the company will have to be held responsible.

Therefore, in his opinion, this approach of the Japanese is really undesirable, at least not suitable for China's national conditions. …

So it’s better not to learn for the time being, lest you get acclimated and get diarrhea again...

Oh, yes, there is one more thing.

This girl's smile is a bit too "business".

If you look closely, you can see that there is a vague coldness in the corner of his mouth that could repel people thousands of miles away.

Are you unwilling to help me? Or do you look down on me?

In short, although Ning Weimin said with a gentle smile, "Miss Xiangchuan, I'm afraid I'm going to cause you trouble during this period. Please take care of me."

Kagawa Rinko also bowed and responded, "Anyway, if there is anything I did inappropriately, please forgive me."

But their politeness to each other is just politeness and superficiality.

In fact, the two people felt a little discomfort when getting along, an obvious difference.

The only difference was that Ning Weimin considered that he had just arrived and it was better to have help than no one, so he didn't want to get into trouble.

And Kagawa Rinko was purely due to the situation and had no choice but to prevent her boss from finding faults, so she couldn't go back on her word.

Therefore, the two of them had the common idea of ​​"be patient", just like a couple who are accustomed to being alone.

Try to ignore the things about the other person that make you uncomfortable, try to show your best side, and continue to get along.

But having said that, sometimes sincerity is not enough to resolve cultural barriers.

After all, they are two people with completely different living environments, growth experiences, and even different nationalities.

It is destined that there will be frequent small collisions between them.

For example, half an hour later, when Ning Weimin had eaten breakfast, got dressed, and came to the club lounge on this floor,

When I met Rinko Kagawa again, who was waiting here while drinking coffee.

The misunderstanding between them became deeper.

Because although Ning Weimin had the habit of changing his shirt every day, he did bring a spare shirt.

But the problem is, he doesn't have the habit of changing his tie every day.

It happened that he was drunk yesterday, and he seemed to have spilled wine on his tie, which made him smell very strong, even after taking a shower and shaving.

So he came over and sat down opposite Rinko Kagawa, and the smell fell into Rinko Kagawa's nose, causing her to almost sneeze.

Needless to say, for Japanese people who have to change into clean clothes every day before going to work, Ning Weimin's performance undoubtedly makes him an undignified rough.

Now, for Rinko Kagawa, the label of laziness and uncleanness was finally attached to Ning Weimin.

And at the same time, Ning Weimin reacted too happily to the gift presented by Kagawa Rinko on behalf of Supervisor Ishikawa and the return gift from Vice President Takada, which also made Kagawa Rinko feel contempt and disdain from the bottom of his heart.

First, I think he is too philistine, and second, I think he has no vision.

What Xiangqing handed over to Ning Weimin was a stack of taxi tickets in an envelope.

For Ning Weimin, there is no doubt that this is a good thing that can be used.

Not to mention the practicality, the quantity and denomination also moved his heart. Ten thousand pieces, a total of five hundred thousand.

Converted into foreign exchange coupons, it's 5,000 yuan. …

However, Ning Weimin didn't know that this thing was too ordinary for Pierre Cardon Japan Co., Ltd.

Although Japan has just begun its bubble economy, Japanese companies, especially those in Tokyo, are already very wealthy.

Picardon's turnover last year was as high as 120 million US dollars, which is nearly 30 billion yen.

Therefore, this year, the average annual transportation allowance for each ordinary member who needs to work outside is set at 2 million yen.

The salary for middle-level cadres is 10 million to 15 million yen per year.

Then it stands to reason that a deputy minister like Ning Weimin should receive at least 1 million and 250 thousand yuan in transportation subsidies every month.

And it's reimbursed.

So comparing the two, these five hundred thousand taxi tickets are like looking down upon, and they are also flashy.

Because only one taxi ticket can be used at a time, any excess will not be refunded, and any excess will have to be replenished.

Doesn't this prove that Ning Weimin, the deputy minister of the Chinese company, is far inferior to a section chief of the Japanese company?

How could Kagawa Rinko be in awe of him?

So much so that the small lacquer mirror that Ning Weimin gave to Kagawa Rinko as a personal meeting gift, which the two front desk ladies liked at first sight, failed to win the slightest favor from Kagawa Rinko.

Instead, because she mistakenly believed that Ning Weimin was a playboy who took advantage of his position and casually used valuable gifts from China Company to please girls, Kagawa Rinko became increasingly wary and refused again and again.

Later, I couldn't push it anymore, so I reluctantly accepted it.

As for why it can’t be pushed?

It was also because Ning Weimin misunderstood that she was as upright as the front desk lady yesterday.

I obviously like it, but I just declined because I didn't dare to accept "expensive" gifts.

In short, the relationship between these two people is like a chicken and a duck, and they are full of twists and turns.

It really corresponds to the old saying in Beijing, you say the front door building, I say the hip axis.

But that's nothing.

What made Kagawa Rinko most dissatisfied today was that it was time to get down to business today.

The first priority, of course, is to help Ning Weimin find a place to live. He can't always stay in a hotel, he has to rent a house.

But Ning Weimin actually asked for trouble. Not only did he reject the arrangement that Supervisor Ishikawa had arranged for him, but the reason was still so ridiculous.

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