National Tide 1980

Chapter 882 Cool Wind

For Tokyo, October is the month with the most good weather of the year.

During this month, sports meets are held from elementary schools to high schools.

At sports events, even families come to cheer on the children’s games and competitions.

Generally divided into two groups, red and white, to compete for victory, the children are very interested.

Companies and enterprises also hold sports games at this time, with not only employees but also their families participating. This is seen as an important event that can help unite the company.

In addition, most of the autumn festival activities are concentrated in this month. In Japan, farming rituals to thank the gods for blessing the rice harvest are not only still preserved across the country, but are as grand and lively as in the past.

In particular, October 10th is also Sports Day, which is one of Japan’s unique legal holidays.

This is a festival to commemorate the opening day of the Tokyo Olympic Games on October 10, 1964. It is a festival that loves sports and recognizes the importance of cultivating physical and mental health.

Therefore, various sports events will be held in Tokyo on this day, and many sports events are held at the Education Forest Park in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo.

So on this day in Tokyo, the entire city is very lively. It can be said to be a day for everyone to go out together.

Not only teenagers and adults, but also children and the elderly can find suitable sports.

There are also parent-child activities, which invite the whole family to participate together, which is very spectacular.

But having said that, for Ning Weimin, who was in a foreign country and had everything going wrong, this day seemed a bit boring.

You know, a national holiday in Tokyo means that he has nothing serious to do.

Stocks cannot be speculated, transactions cannot be negotiated, procedures cannot be completed, and everything that needs to be done must be suspended.

And despite the fact that there were people everywhere in the city, there were no relatives or friends around him who could keep him company, which made him feel uncomfortable no matter where he went.

Coupled with the matter of the bookstore, the inventory clearance was not going very smoothly.

The Japanese are not that easy to deal with, and Japanese businessmen are even more greedy and like to take advantage of others.

Their reply was that it was okay to buy it, but not with a 50% discount.

Everyone wants to seek a lower discount and directly bids for 20 or 30% off.

This is very distressing.

Although Ning Weimin had the ambition to cut off the strength of a strong man, he never expected that 100 million would turn into 20 or 30 million, which would be faster than the stock price falling.

In addition, the side effects of the appreciation of the local currency on the export economy have begun to appear.

During this period, the Japanese stock market also began to turn downward, and actually the market continued to fall to the lows before the Plaza Accord.

Co-authored by Ning Weimin, almost all the profits he made from the stock market in the early stage were vomited away. It was basically a rollercoaster ride in vain.

However, his stockbroker began to pester him endlessly, calling him tirelessly or visiting his home to persuade him to sell his stocks.

Do you think Ning Weimin can feel better in these days when there is so much noise around him and he is alone? What a depressing person!

Of course, everyone has ways to adjust themselves.

Especially for people who are doing big things, if they don’t have strong mental endurance and don’t know how to restrain and improve bad emotions, it’s impossible.

Of course Ning Weimin also has his own tricks.

In fact, he planned to go to the Tokyo National Museum in Ueno Park, Taito District, where he wanted to visit parks and museums to hide and relax.

He heard someone say that there are a lot of Chinese cultural relics in Japan. He wanted to see them, take photos, be influenced by art, and feel the charm of Chinese culture.

But the problem is that after going there, he realized that on days like this, it was better not to go.

Because even though Ning Weimin had been mentally prepared in advance, he still did not expect that the Chinese cultural relics looted by the Japanese were of high quality, large in quantity, diverse in variety, and complete in history.

Even though he prides himself on being well-informed and personally owns some high-quality cultural relics that can be entered into the Forbidden City, he is easily crushed to the limit of his psychological endurance!

I have to admit that the exhibits in the Tokyo National Museum cover almost five thousand years of Chinese art. The precious cultural relics of all Chinese dynasties are collected here.

From prehistoric stone tools to bronzes from the Shang and Zhou dynasties.

From the pottery and portrait stones of the Western Han Dynasty to the famous Tang Sancai of the Tang Dynasty.

There are also JDZ’s precious porcelains from the Song and Yuan Dynasties, to the musical instruments, chess, calligraphy and paintings of Ming and Qing calligraphers, etc.

For example, the well-known calligraphy works of Wang Xizhi of the Jin Dynasty, pomegranate pictures, peony pictures, loyalty and filial piety pictures and other calligraphy and paintings by famous artists of the Ming and Qing Dynasties are all included.

And because the largest collection of Chinese cultural relics in the entire museum is so numerous, the Tokyo National Museum built an Oriental Museum specifically for these cultural relics.

It can even be said that for every one hundred national treasures here, eighty-seven are Chinese cultural relics, and even the treasure of the museum is a Chinese cultural relic.

For such a place, not to mention Ning Weimin's own collection, there is no comparison at all. Even the treasure hall of the Forbidden City in the capital may not be able to compare with the collection here.

Like the skull of the BJ ape-man, the stone Buddha group in Baoying Temple of Wu Zetian of the Tang Dynasty, the Queen Mother Money Tree of the Western Han Dynasty, the bronze statue of the Warring States Period unearthed from AH, the self-propelled gecko unearthed in Sichuan...

Ning Weimin became more and more angry as he watched. He was really angry.

That's not all. What he couldn't accept the most was that at the end of many introductions to cultural relics, the Japanese would always proudly write a sentence - "Please appreciate the taste pursued by the ancient Chinese, and be able to appreciate such a complete cultural heritage." The works are limited to this museum in this world."

This sentence made him intolerable and extremely uncomfortable!

The Tokyo National Museum is just one of the hiding places for stolen goods in Japan.

There are thousands of museums across Japan that collect Chinese cultural relics, and the number of collections can be calculated in the millions.

Thinking of this, look at these precious cultural relics.

The unhappy feeling in Ning Weimin's heart could be summed up not just as anger, but also as frustration and hatred.

He even felt an indescribable sadness and sadness in his heart, and he wanted to curse and cry!

To be honest, after coming to Japan, Ning Weimin's impression of the Japanese has greatly improved after a period of in-depth understanding and contact.

Not only did he feel that many Japanese civilians were not much different from us, many of them were the same as ordinary domestic workers, he even found many people around him with very excellent qualities.

For example, Taniguchi is amiable and enthusiastic. Kagawa is serious and polite in his work.

I never expected that even a bookstore owner could be so considerate of two college students working part-time.

He was inexplicably impressed by the sense of responsibility and humanity displayed by this kind of operator.

However, after seeing the Tokyo National Museum today, Ning Weimin's Japanese thoughts have changed.

From this moment on, Ning Weimin felt that he would no longer have any psychological barriers to doing things that would add insult to injury in the future.

Precisely because he took photos with such emotions, after several hours, Ning Weimin was not only so tired that his back ached and his arms ached, but his face also became very ugly due to the influence of his emotions.

He knew that it would be impossible for him to take pictures of all the Chinese cultural relics collected here in one day with the camera he brought.

And if I keep reading, I am afraid that I will be so angry that I will vomit blood on the spot.

So after taking five rolls of film in the museum, Ning Weimin left here with nostalgia and pain as if his veins had been broken.

He secretly swore in his heart that one day, he would let the little devil himself send these things back to China!

Needless to say, on the way back, Ning Weimin, who had just received a patriotic education, became even more out of tune with the lively environment around him.

His mood also got worse and he was not even in the mood to eat.

I took the car directly back to my apartment in Akasaka. It was almost 3:30 in the afternoon.

Ordinarily, there would be almost nothing worth being happy about this day.

The best thing to do is go back and make yourself some delicious food to soothe your stomach that is already growling with hunger.

Then turn on the TV, drink beer, watch news and Japanese dramas, and practice listening and speaking.

Finally, like the Japanese custom, take a hot bath and go to bed as soon as possible to get some sleep.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a new day, and maybe we will have better luck.

That's how it went.

However, the reality is so incredible. Just like the movie "Forrest Gump" said, life is really a box of chocolates. You never know what you will get or what the next piece will taste like.

Ning Weimin never expected that he would be downstairs where he lived.

On the steps at the door of the apartment, I found a tall girl who was quite beautiful and elegant.

At first he thought it was a Japanese girl waiting for a friend.

I couldn't help but take a closer look at the girl's long black satin-like hair and model-like figure.

But who would have thought that the more he looked at it, the more familiar it became. As a result, when he walked up the steps, the girl heard the noise and turned her face.

Okay! As a result, Ning Weimin was completely stunned!

Because he never expected that this girl was not an outsider, but an acquaintance of his.

Qu Xiao! It's actually this girl!

"Hey? Xiaoqu, why are you here?"

At this time, in Ning Weimin's eyes, standing on the white steps, his graceful smile was like a white and delicate pebble on the beach, illuminated by the sun, smooth and shiny.

She wore an orange sweater, light gray jeans and blue sneakers.

Although the clothes are ordinary and a bit old-fashioned, don't forget that she is a professional model.

The long legs, slender waist, and straight back still gave this ordinary clothes a sense of fashion.

Especially the feet without socks, the exposed white porcelain round ankles are very cute and exquisite.

The shoelaces are tied very casually, even messy.

If someone with obsessive-compulsive disorder saw it, I'm afraid they would have to help her tie it up again.

However, this is exactly a kind of unpretentious temperament that Japanese girls will never have.

"Brother Ning! You are finally back! Is it unexpected? I came to see you..."

Qu Xiao wore a fresh and neat ponytail, with a transparent smile on her face, like an apple just picked in the morning.

She walked down the steps happily, jumping like a deer, and walked to the opposite side of Ning Weimin.

In this way, the height of the two of them is barely a good match.

Frankly speaking, Ning Weimin is 1.78 meters tall and Qu Xiao is 1.73 meters tall, although they are both in good shape.

But if they stand together, Ning Weimin, a girl who is too good, will still look a bit unmanly.

This was because Qu Xiao was not wearing high heels, otherwise the gap between the two would have been even greater.

"Hey, how did you know I live here?"

"Hehe, I made a special international long distance call back to the capital, and then I got your Tokyo address from the company."

"Ah? Let me tell you, I have just moved here only a few days ago. There is really no other way to ask except telling the company."

"So I'm smart, right? But as expected of Brother Ning, the place you live in is quite nice."

"Hey, let's not talk about it for now. Aren't you supposed to be in France? Why are you here in Japan again? Are you just here to see me, or have something happened? Also, do the leaders of the team know that you came to see me? By the way, why isn’t Xiao Shitou with you? Aren’t you two always inseparable?”

"Look at you, you asked me so many questions at once. Let me know how I answer. Besides, I have been waiting for you for so long, and I am already tired and thirsty. You have to let me drink a glass of water, right?"

"Ah, yes, then... let's go upstairs."

Ning Weimin just responded, but then immediately regretted it.

"Hey, wait, wait, no, no, my house is in a mess and I haven't cleaned it up yet. Let's not go up there. Just find a place nearby."

"Don't go to such trouble. It's normal for boys' dormitories to be messy. At worst, I can help you clean it up. Girls are suitable for this."

"No, I've made you wait for a long time. How dare I exploit your labor anymore. I'm not Zhou Papi. Besides, there is nothing in the refrigerator at home, not to mention I haven't eaten either..."

"Well, men are good at face, so I'll give you some privacy. I'll come back next time and visit your mansion. Then let's find a place to eat quickly and I'll treat you."

"Stop being ridiculous, where can I get you to spend money? Oh, by the way, how long have you been here? Have you been waiting for me for a long time?"

"Well, it didn't take long...I...I wandered around for a while..."

"Looking at the insincerity of your words. It must be a long time. I'm really sorry. However, if you had called in advance, this problem would not have arisen. Did you forget to ask for the phone number?"

"No, I asked and called, but no one answered."

"No one answered, it means I'm not here. Then you still come? Are you stupid?"

"I'm lucky. I didn't wait for you..."

"You're such a good girl..."

As they talked, the two walked together.

He didn't know what was going on, but suddenly, Ning Weimin felt at peace, and all the irritability and anger that he had felt that day had subsided.

The arrival of Qu Xiao was like bringing a cool breeze to his heart...

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