National Tide 1980

Chapter 887 Tokyo Taotao

"Ah, Director, are you exaggerating? Isn't it so magical?"

Seeing Ning Weimin looking a little carried away, Xiangchuan was a little unconvinced.

Unexpectedly, Taniguchi responded with a rhetorical question, and she looked even more confused than herself.

"Hey? Miss Kagawa, haven't you tried it at home? Until now...haven't you tasted it?"

Just the look of genuine regret for her on his face proved that what he just said was without water.

"Well, I really haven't had time to try it myself. If I want to cook, I'm afraid I have to wait until the weekend. In the past few days, I have been preparing materials for next month's clothing show, and I have to work overtime every day. so late……"

Regarding the sincere Taniguchi, Xiangchuan explained a few words awkwardly, then remembered something else, and couldn't help but thank him again and again.

"By the way, director, I would like to thank you today. Thanks to your help, otherwise, if those hundreds of documents were not prepared, I would probably have to..."

Taniguchi smiled kindly, but waved his hands repeatedly and kept saying "It's okay" to stop Kagawa from being polite anymore.

"Hey, don't say that, it's just copying some documents. I'm the best at doing these simple tasks. If you are assigned to such tasks that make you distressed again in the future, Miss Kagawa, I will handle them all. , no problem. Just concentrate on the important work. Don’t be discouraged. Even if everyone in the planning class deliberately makes things difficult for you, you have to work hard and persevere."

However, Ning Weimin's remark instantly turned off Xiangchuan, who was moved by Taniguchi's encouragement.

"Hey, are you really isolated? Kagawa, it's as expected. It's not just Kawasaki who is targeting you this time, right? I've advised you not to be too obsessed with your work. You're asking for trouble..."

"Cough...cough...Ning...Ning Sang!"

Kagawa Rinko almost spit out the sip of beer she just put into her mouth, and finally stopped coughing.

"Why do you say that? Do you mean that I have to be lazy to be reasonable?"

He looked at Xiangchuan and frowned.

Mangukou was also quite surprised, with a wry smile on his face, wondering why Ning Weimin still sprinkled salt on Xiangchuan's wounds.

"Deputy Minister, you...what are you doing?"

Ning Weimin took out a cigarette and handed one to Director Taniguchi, while smiling and comforting Kagawa.

"Kagawa, don't be angry. Listen to me and tell you slowly. You will understand. First of all, as a woman, you have such a strong working ability and work so hard. Aren't you comparing other colleagues to idiots? Japan is currently The social environment in China is one where machismo is prevalent. You don’t know this, so how can men’s self-esteem tolerate it?”

"Also, you just keep your head down and do things, but don't bother to think about your interpersonal relationships. This is a big mistake. No matter how hard you work, it only makes sense if you are seen by people who are willing to promote you. Now the only people around you who are jealous of you are If your colleagues and the boss who bullied you can see it, does it make any sense? Will they put in a good word for you?"

"Finally, other female colleagues will not have a good impression of you. They are jealous of you and don't understand you. They will definitely use unpleasant words to talk about you behind your back. You said that since the effort is meaningless, why do you work so hard? ? And the more complicated things are, the more help they need from a team. If there is no one to help you, but there are many people deliberately making things difficult for you, how can you possibly get it done?"

Indeed, although Ning Weimin's words were not pleasant to hear, they were heart-warming and went straight to the core issue.

Not to mention that Kagawa was stunned and unable to argue, even Director Taniguchi was in awe.

"Well... it seems... it makes sense... Miss Kagawa, the deputy minister's words are worth considering carefully..."

As expected of a good old man, seeing that the atmosphere was a bit stiff, Taniguchi took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat while trying to smooth things over, for fear that Kagawa wouldn't be able to accept it.

And Xiangchuan can still tell the difference between good and bad after all.

Although she was in a gloomy mood, she took another drink from the wine glass, but still admitted that Ning Weimin's words made sense.

"Ning Sang, you are right, I admit it. But the question is, besides working harder, what else can I do?"

"Don't be so pessimistic. Let me give you a suggestion."

Ning Weimin smiled, blew out a smoke ring and said, "Actually, I have thought about your matter seriously. I think you need to adjust your efforts and stop focusing on the work in hand. And don’t hope for recognition in a men’s group. Instead, focus on the women you interact with regularly at work.”

"Designer, model, agent, female employee of the company, you can't be the only woman pursuing a career, right? What's more, since work intersects and many people have the same needs as you, then under certain conditions, everyone is We can help each other. Since you are a woman, your gender is both your disadvantage and your advantage. You can't change the general environment, and you can't fight against it, so you have to go with the flow."

"On the other hand, although the workplace is dominated by men, the fashion industry is the industry with the highest level of participation of women, and there are a lot of gender blind spots that men cannot reach. That is your opportunity. If you get the support of a large number of women in the industry, you The importance will become more prominent. By then, it will be impossible for the company to turn a blind eye to you, and it will no longer be indifferent to you."

Ning Weimin had just finished speaking, and before Xiangchuan could respond this time, Director Taniguchi had already applauded and praised him highly.

"Miss Kagawa, the deputy minister's strategy is amazing. Based on my experience, this is a wise saying, and it may be able to solve your troubles."

"Huh? Is this a dead end in the industry? This seems to be..."

And Xiangchuan murmured, his eyes dazzling, seeming to be greatly inspired and touched.

It wasn't until she was silent for a long time and drank all the beer in her cup that she finally realized that she should express her gratitude.

"Thank you, Ning Sang. After listening to your analysis, I seem to have found the direction."

But she didn't forget it here, because her gratitude was not limited to words, she could also reciprocate.

This, in turn, also surprised Ning Weimin.

"Then as a thank you, I will also give you an idea regarding your troubles. Maybe it can solve the sales channel problem of Ningsang's trolley suitcases in Tokyo..."

"What? My troubles? Sales channels? have a solution?"

Ning Weimin was surprised, and then his face was full of joy, "Great, please tell me, I will definitely listen."

Kagawa Rinko did not speak this time, but opened her purse and took out a magazine-like booklet and pushed it over from the table.

Then he stared at Ning Weimin with meaningful eyes.

Ning Weimin took the brochure in his hand and looked at it carefully, and found that it was an advertising brochure for the "Riqian" company.

After opening it, it was full of colorful and dazzling varieties of daily necessities.

It looks a bit like a future domestic IKEA brochure.

But there are differences. The biggest difference is that the layout of all magazine pages is divided into two, and the advertising content and the product order form are actually combined into one.

The upper part is the product information, and the lower part is the "Order Product Delivery Requirements" column. Each of the two parts occupies a certain space and can be folded or torn apart, just like an order contract is attached to the advertisement.

"Is this... postal sales?" Ning Weimin's eyes lit up and he looked at Kagawa Rinko with eager eyes.

It was only then that Rinko Kagawa truly revealed the mystery.

"Ningsang is really awesome! I saw the essence of the channel right away. Yes, this is indeed a commercial retail model that uses the postal system to deliver advertising and delivery, uses the Postal Savings Bank for settlement, and sells daily necessities, but The correct term is 'catalog sales'."

"This sales method was introduced from overseas. It refers to selling by mailing catalogs to carefully selected consumers or equipping shopping malls with catalogs. Compared with the traditional sales model, the advantage is that customers do not need to visit shopping malls and stay at home. You can browse a wide range of products through advertising brochures, which can save physical strength and a lot of time. And because they are directly supplied by manufacturers, the price will be lower than similar products sold in shopping malls. Therefore, even though it was launched only a few years ago, it has already become popular in Japan. It’s become popular in big cities. It’s a very fashionable new sales method.”

"However, it should be noted that food, fragile goods, and clothing that require a shelf life are not suitable for this sales method. Because mail ordering is time-consuming, there is a possibility of accidents during transportation. As for clothing, due to size issues, frequent It is also inconvenient to replace goods, which will not only incur excessive postage costs, but also make it difficult to satisfy customers."

"As for this Nichisen company, it is currently one of the largest catalog sales companies in Tokyo. They regularly deliver dozens of catalogs and hundreds of leaflets to their customers every year. Tokyo housewives like to see this the most. sales catalog. There are indeed a lot of orders placed. If you want to sell through this method, just contact this company and pay the advertising fee..."

Xiangchuan took the trouble to explain in detail, describing the advantages and disadvantages of this catalog sales business model as objectively and truthfully as possible, fearing that Ning Weimin would not understand.

But the problem is that there is no essential difference between the nature of this thing and future online shopping. As an experienced online shopping user, how could Ning Weimin not understand this operating model?

What's more, he already knew five years ago that he would use magazine advertisements in China to sell fish farming technology in exchange for monkey tickets.

He even knows better than Kagawa what the identities of the post office, postal savings bank, advertising platform and manufacturer are, and the roles each of these roles play in this model.

All in all, this is a miracle created by the joint efforts of production, logistics, information, and financial security.

The source of profits lies in reducing the operating environment and reducing commercial, storage and sales costs.

But Ning Weimin never expected that Japan had already made mail order so professional and formal in the 1980s.

Placing sales advertisements on this kind of platform is of course more efficient and more effective than the random advertising of tofu cube news in newspapers and magazines in China.

You don’t know if you don’t see it, the world is really amazing!

One cannot help but sigh that Japan is indeed at the forefront of the times in this era.

Although in the future, this sales model that Japanese people have become accustomed to may be like credit cards, but it will also hinder the development of Internet shopping in Japan.

But at this time, there is no doubt that Japan is leading the world in commercial technology!

To put it bluntly, this is Taotao that appeared in Tokyo thirty years in advance!

Even Ning Weimin gained additional business inspiration from this if he could bring this model into the country and replicate it.

Can I seize the direct shopping market in advance of the Internet era?

Do I still need to wait to take advantage of Taotao and Dongdong in the future?

I will become the industry leader!

A blue sea and sky...

Imagine the future!

Ning Weimin couldn't help but think about the colorful and brilliant future!

Don't look at his eyes staring straight at the advertising brochure in his hand, but his mind is filled with his imagination of being the most powerful person in the country.

His thoughts had already soared from the ground to the sky, to the universe, and were separated from the actual problem of sales of trolley cases.

And he was speechless for a long time and showed no sign of expression, which caused Director Taniguchi and Kagawa to misunderstand and thought he was not sure.

So Director Taniguchi once again spoke out in support of Kagawa.

"Deputy Minister, I think you can give it a try. This should be a good idea. Even my wife likes to see such things. My family has bought a lot of things from the sales catalog in the past few years, and many of them are unnecessary. . Because the price is cheap, it seems to be very attractive to housewives. Moreover, there are some items in the sales catalog that cannot be bought in shopping malls. They are also very attractive to young people. Your trolley suitcase should also be considered. It’s a fashionable new product. In fact, if the advertising fee is not too expensive, it would still be..."

Ning Weimin finally came to his senses. When he realized that Taniguchi and Xiangchuan were still waiting for his response, he immediately smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Yes, yes, that's right. I also think this is a great idea. I was just surprised by Xiangchuan's suggestion, and I was speechless for a moment. Thank you, Xiangchuan, you really solved one of my biggest headaches. What’s the question? How about this, I’ll bear all the expenses today?”

"No." Kagawa refused flatly. It was about self-esteem, and the queen's style was revealed unconsciously.

"Ningsang also gave me a good idea. We are mutually beneficial. Director Taniguchi and I will be embarrassed if you always ask for treats like this. This is a private party. Equality is the best way to maintain the atmosphere."

"Oops, you misunderstood again, didn't you? In fact, I still have something to ask for, which is why I'm like this. If you don't let me treat you, then if I want to talk, I can only talk about money directly with you."

Ning Weimin took his time and defended with a smile, "You should know about the bookstore I bought, right? The business is very bad now, so I plan to change the way I do business. I want to turn the bookstore into a place where I can drink coffee, chat, and A place to read books and listen to music. But I don’t want to spend too much. It’s best to keep using the original things. Kagawa, you graduated from the design department of a prestigious school and are a practitioner in the fashion industry. I believe in your taste, and I believe in your ability. Are you willing to help me plan it? If you don’t adopt it, you will be rewarded..."

"Hey, me?" Xiangchuan opened his eyes wide and was really surprised.

After all, few college students in the Tokyo workplace can find a job in their major as they wish after graduation.

And who among those who study design doesn’t want to use what they learn?

So Xiangchuan immediately felt embarrassed because of the conditions offered by Ning Weimin, "There is no reward. Last time I helped draw a few drawings of trolley boxes and received such a generous reward, I was already embarrassed. This time, I will As a friend, I’m here to help you for free. But if the design isn’t what you want, please don’t be disappointed!”

"Don't say that. The fee must be paid, otherwise we won't discuss this matter. After all, it takes up your time..."

"Hey, that won't work. I will never accept Ning Sang's money. this okay? Can you give me some books?"

"Of course. Miss Kagawa, if you need it, just go and choose. As long as the bookstore has it."

"Wow, that's great, it's settled..."

"By the way, Mr. Taniguchi, would you like to go to the bookstore and choose some books?"

"Ah? Can I go too?"

"Why not? Your children are in school. At least they need to learn to use books, right? To be honest, I am worried about dealing with too many books. If you are useful, you can help me solve the problem. It would be the best."

"Oh, I really can't afford this. To be honest, study books are very expensive. Thank you so much Ningsang. Let's do this. I'll be the host today..."

"Haha, I appreciate Director Taniguchi's kindness. But no, otherwise Kagawa will be angry again, and maybe he will think that we are male chauvinists..."

"Then... well, when you need help, please call me. Measuring work and moving things are no problem for me."

"Okay, definitely, oh, my fried rice is finally here..."

"It's really good. Such rich ingredients look delicious..."

"Xiangchuan, do you want to try it? I'll give it to you..."

Don't look at it. This drinking party was originally just for each other to relax and reduce stress.

But I don’t know how, while everyone’s topic achieved this effect, it unexpectedly had practical help and gains for everyone.

Not just today, but also in the past.

This may be the wonderful effect that can only be produced by people who can truly think about each other and who are kind-hearted sitting together.

If it is just a pure fair-weather friend, or a relationship between colleagues with mutual interests, it is impossible to happen.

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