National Tide 1980

Chapter 909 Meeting at the Restaurant

Through the restaurant's floor-to-ceiling windows, you can clearly overlook Tokyo's prosperous cityscape from upstairs.

But Keiko Matsumoto, who was sitting on the sofa and sipping her coffee, couldn't help but feel so confused that she had no intention of enjoying it.

She raised her wrist and checked the time for the third time in five minutes.

Because even though the scheduled meeting time was at 4:30, there were still five minutes to go.

But until now, Ning Weimin has not appeared in the direction of the entrance of the restaurant.

This is already an unusual thing for Japanese people who are used to planning their time fifteen minutes in advance.

To be honest, even though we haven’t seen each other for more than ten days, it seems like we just came over.

But at the moment when they were about to meet, Matsumoto Keiko's inner anxiety could not be expressed in words.

After finally squeezing out half a day, all she could think about at this time was the desire to meet Ning Weimin as soon as possible, and she even lost the mood to enjoy the background music.

Not afraid of blushing, the closer the time is, the more so.

Even just now, she was like this when she was dealing with Michiko Harada.

Although she had planned the time in advance and deliberately exaggerated the urgency of the facts, she later discovered that women really couldn't be restrained when shopping in stores.

When she was in the Chanel store, she faced Michiko Harada, who had trouble choosing and tried on clothes endlessly. It didn't take long for her to lose her patience.

In order to be able to leave in time, she simply spent more than 400,000 yen and bought two sets of clothes that Michiko Harada had a hard time choosing between.

After some good talk, Harada Michiko let her go and quickly arrived at the meeting place.

But I didn't expect that I was so excited, but I was disappointed. Ning Weimin hadn't arrived yet.

For this reason, while Matsumoto Keiko sat and waited, he couldn't help but make random guesses about what happened to Ning Weimin.

Did you remember the time or place of today’s meeting incorrectly?

Or is it inconvenient to ask for leave from the place where you work?

Maybe you even got busy and simply forgot about it, or something unexpected happened on the way here...

Fortunately, after much guessing, her worries were unfounded. She had been worrying for a long time in vain, but Ning Weimin did not break the appointment.

When the time on the watch pointed to half past four, a tall, clean and simple figure walked into the restaurant almost as fast as ever.

The moment this tall and handsome young man appeared at the entrance of the restaurant, his eyes were still wandering around looking for the target.

Matsumoto Keiko, who had been paying attention to this direction, had captured him immediately.

In an instant, all worries disappeared.

Instead, there is the joy of having all your wishes come true and the satisfaction of getting what you want.

She quickly stood up with a smile on her face and waved gracefully to the person she longed to meet from a distance.

Immediately, Ning Weimin discovered her location and walked towards her quickly.

But for Ning Weimin, after he came and sat down, he was surprised that Matsumoto Keiko was not in disguise today.

You know, Matsumoto Keiko is absolutely beautiful today.

The upper body is a light gray loose sweater, with one silver button unbuttoned at will, and the beautiful collarbone sets off the slender white neck.

The rolled up cuffs revealed slender wrists, and the watch was a silver Cartier.

Pair it with a pair of black jeans underneath to look both smart and comfortable.

In particular, she wore a pair of black high-heeled short boots, which made her figure look even taller and more attractive.

But the problem is, this is in a public place.

Matsumoto Keiko didn't even dress up her appearance at all, no sunglasses, no headscarf, not even a hat.

Isn't she afraid of being recognized and getting into trouble?

Just after the waiter came over to take Ning Weimin's order, Ning Weimin couldn't help but worry and asked concerned questions.

"Miss Keiko, why aren't you wearing sunglasses today? Are you just sitting here, not afraid of being recognized by others?"

"It's okay, it's fine here. Generally in higher-end places, no one will pester me for autographs or ask for photos."

Matsumoto Keiko's smile remained the same, and she was no longer unfamiliar with Ning Weimin.

She even made a joke about herself.

"And I'm just a has-been actress. With my current popularity, I'm afraid even reporters won't bother to follow me anymore. This is also a rare freedom."

In this regard, Ning Weimin can only think that this is the benefit of a small country.

Obviously, if you compare the number of Japanese stars with the total number of citizens, the number will definitely be much smaller than what China does.

It’s no wonder that young people here are not as crazy as those in China.

But of course he wouldn't take Matsumoto Keiko's self-effacing remarks seriously, and he still had to say them in a nice way.

"How is that possible? You are an international movie star. At least I am sure that you have many movie fans in China, even more than in Japan. If you go to the capital, be sure not to go out on the streets by yourself, otherwise you will definitely What causes chaos is that once someone recognizes you, thousands of people will surround you and ask you for autographs and photos. By then you won’t be able to leave even if you want to.”

"Really? I don't believe it. This is too exaggerated. In fact, not many of my movies have been released in the Republic. Just one or two."

"If the character is deeply rooted in people's hearts, one movie is enough. The Xiao Xia you played is so beautiful and has moved many people. I reluctantly tell you that you are the dream lover of many Chinese boys."

"Haha, that's what I said, but you didn't recognize me when we first met. It seems that I didn't act well enough."

Although Matsumoto Keiko was amused, she still pretended to be modest.

Of course, Ning Weimin's tongue would not be troubled by this kind of question, and he would come up with excuses as soon as they came.

"Huh? Did I make you misunderstand? That's a pity. Actually, I'm not to blame for this. The main reason is that the day I watched "March of Kamata", there were too many people watching the movie. There was a person sitting on either side of me. The big fat guy couldn't move because he was caught in the middle, and it was really uncomfortably hot. This led to my lack of concentration. If it weren't for you to watch Konatsu, Anji and Ginshirou, I would have left long ago. Completely. It’s because of you that I persisted in watching this movie. And to be honest, who in the right mind would have thought of meeting Xiaoxia herself during a trip to Japan? I still can’t believe it, not only do I have this What’s more, I met Konatsu, who has become a big star without the two annoying Ginshiro and Anji around me. This thing is so dreamy, you might as well think about it from my perspective..."

Keiko Matsumoto was very happy to be coaxed, but she was also a little embarrassed at this time.

She chuckled, but the meaning of self-deprecation was even stronger.

"Actually, being a star is just a daydream. Many people have dreams that they will never wake up from! I'm not afraid of your jokes, but I can't live with my dreams anymore..."

Ning Weimin noticed that she was somewhat exhausted mentally and physically, so he stopped smiling and comforted her thoughtfully.

"Don't be so pessimistic. In fact, no matter how you go in life or choose any path, there are many difficulties. But if you look back many years later, it may not be difficult at all..."

Keiko Matsumoto was touched after hearing this, but after being silent for a while, she still couldn't help but refute.

"But only successful people can look back. People who work hard have no time to look back and can only keep moving forward. Therefore, ordinary people never write memoirs. I am the same. For so many years, I have never dared to look back."

"Actually, you are qualified enough for this, really."

Ning Weimin coughed lightly and expressed his stance in a solemn manner this time.

"Listen to me, I am actually a person who has no interest in celebrities. I will never become a fanatical supporter of any actor. Even Yamaguchi Momoe and Teresa Teng, who are all crazy in Asia, are in my eyes. Normally. But you are an exception to me. I have watched a lot of your movies recently, and my calmness seems to be gone. I like your movies, and I am obsessed with the characters you portray. The more I watch these days, the more I feel like this. You She is talented, and the awards she has won are well-deserved. There are not many actresses in the contemporary era who can compare with you. Please never doubt this. You are just tired now. What you need is to be kind to yourself, don't be too hasty, Take your time and I believe everything will be fine."

"thanks for saying that!"

Keiko Matsumoto was truly moved. She raised her head and stared at Ning Weimin.

At this time, she had almost completely forgotten to ask the reason for Ning Weimin's late arrival.

Ning Weimin didn't say a word, but just smiled at her.

It shows sincerity and understanding, yet seems calm and gentle.

For some reason, Matsumoto Keiko liked his smile and was even obsessed with his smile.

Maybe it was just because this smile was on Ning Weimin's face.

This delicate mood is difficult to express in words.

But just when everything was getting better, the waiter came over with a glass of tonic water.

She put the drink in front of Ning Weimin, which turned out to be an obstacle to the friendship between the two.

Matsumoto Keiko, who was feeling excited, could only stop trying to reach out and hold Ning Weimin's hand.

At the same time, he turned his head and looked out the window to cover up the emotion that he could barely control just now.

"The weather outside is so nice today, the sunset must be beautiful..."

"You like sunsets?"

Ning Weimin, who didn't notice anything unusual about Matsumoto Keiko at all, took a sip of his drink and asked casually.

"Yeah, don't you like it?"

"I like it." Ning Weimin replied.

But then I felt that this answer was too unsatisfactory and had the tendency to talk to death, so I added another sentence.

"But everyone has different reasons for liking the sunset. What is your reason?"


Matsumoto Keiko really started to think about it seriously.

He replied after a while, "Maybe it's because the sun is slowly disappearing. Every time I watch the sunset, I feel a little sad for some reason. I always feel that every moment in front of me is so precious, but I can't really catch it. Everything seems to be a waste at this time, so I can only watch quietly. Especially at the seaside, the colorful clouds in the sky will dye the sea surface into the same color. This strong contrast is breathtakingly beautiful, but it is It will make people sad again..."

Ning Weimin immediately heard the hidden meaning.

It was as if Keiko Matsumoto was lamenting her own situation.

Indeed, so many successful people are like the sun hanging high in the sky, shining brightly for everyone to look up to.

Matsumoto Keiko must also lack confidence in the future, so she is very worried that she will sink slowly like the setting sun until she disappears.

"A few years ago, when I was in the capital, I once accompanied an old man to watch the sunset at the Wanchun Pavilion in Jingshan, the capital. It was the highest point of Jingshan, and it was a sunny day, so the sunset was very atmospheric. Sitting at the pavilion Looking to the south, the setting sun is slanting on the Forbidden City, and the glazed tiles are really shining with golden light, as if they are made of pure gold. Looking to the north, in addition to the Drum Tower, you can also see the mountains and city buildings in the distance, and the sky There were pigeons flying over from time to time, and it was so beautiful. At that time, I was only worried that the scenery in front of me was too old, which would make the old people who went with me sad. Thinking of my own age, I hurriedly invited people to visit me while it was still dark. The old man went down the mountain. But I didn't expect the old man to tell me that the reason why he likes to watch the sunset is because the sunset reminds him of the sun tomorrow."

Matsumoto Keiko also realized the implication of Ning Weimin's words and said a little surprised.

"That's very well said. It seems that this old man is really a wise man."

"Yes, the old man does know more than the young man. In fact, what he just advised you to look back on was also what he said."

"Really? It's amazing. This old man understands life very well, like a philosopher. Is he a relative of yours?"

"Well, they are my relatives, but they are not related by blood..."

Matsumoto Keiko looked surprised again.

"What? No blood relationship?"

"Ah, I haven't told you. My parents have passed away a long time ago. This old man has no children. So in the past few years in the capital, he and I have become a family. We are dependent on each other. Of course, apart from relatives, In fact, he is a strict and knowledgeable teacher to me. I have benefited a lot from him."

Ning Weimin frankly explained his situation in the country.

In fact, his main point was to express his luck in being able to have a good teacher like Kang Shude by his side.

But Matsumoto Keiko's maternal nature is overflowing, but her attention is focused on other aspects.

"Are you really an orphan? Since when did you lose your father and mother?"

"I can't remember exactly. I was probably sixteen or seventeen years old."

"So early? Don't you have any brothers or sisters?"

"No, but the neighbor's children are also nice to me..."

"How can it be the same? are too pitiful..."

Matsumoto Keiko, who had never thought that Ning Weimin would have a miserable life experience, was full of pity and sympathy, and his eyes were a little moist.

At this time, there was only one impulse in her heart, which was the desire to protect him and help him.

In the past, Matsumoto Keiko always felt wronged and pitiful because of her bad relationship with her father.

But now she realizes that compared with others, she is actually a lucky person. At least her relatives are still alive and healthy.

She simply could not imagine how a helpless orphan grew up in an economically backward country and what he had experienced.

Perhaps Ning Weimin's days would be more miserable than those North Korean miners in "Gate of Youth" she acted in.

However, it was completely different from Matsumoto Keiko's violent reaction.

As the object of sympathy, Ning Weimin smiled calmly.

And from his appearance, there was no trace of suffering or cynical anger at all.

To be honest, having lived in two lifetimes, he had already become accustomed to his life as an orphan.

If he really had a father and a mother in this life, he wouldn't know how to get along with them.

Not to mention that he has Kang Shude who is both a teacher and a father by his side, so the regrets about family relationships are long gone.

It can be said that he is living such a good life now and is simply a child of God.

Fate has no regrets for him.

It would be shameful for him to remain dissatisfied.

But then again, there is by no means only one way of getting along between men and women.

Everyone knows that a woman will have true feelings when a man loves her. In fact, the same goes for a man.

At least that's the case for Ning Weimin.

He has neither a mother nor a sister, and has almost never experienced the tenderness and care given by women.

In this life, he can meet a woman like Matsumoto Keiko, who is older than him, but very beautiful, gentle and considerate, and feels sorry for him. This is his weakness.

So it was okay at the beginning, he could show his indifference with a smile.

But when he saw tears welling up in Matsumoto Keiko's eyes, he felt this long-lost warmth.

His warm smile gradually froze, and his heart began to surge like lava.

All the coldness, numbness, indifference, and pretense in the flashy life seemed to have been melted away by the woman in front of him.

All lifelessness, all philistine calculations, all caution, all rules and regulations also melted away at the same time.

But a small oasis of thriving life slowly grew in his heart.

At this moment, he realized that he was still weak, and a certain point in his heart was already tightly bound by something.

He could no longer act distantly or indifferently towards this woman.

"Do you want to see the sunset today? The sunset by the sea?"

Ning Weimin pretended to be calm and said.

He quietly changed the subject.

"What? Today?"

"Yes, you just said that the sunset over the sea is the most beautiful. Since I can't take you to see the sunset at Jingshan, how about you take me to see the sunset over the sea?"

"Okay, okay, I really want to. But it's impossible. The beach I mentioned is going to Kamakura. It's too far."

"What about Tokyo Bay? Tokyo Bay should be in time, right? Do you want to go and have a look? The direction here is wrong, so you can't see the sunset. I really want to watch it with you..."

It has to be said that Ning Weimin perfectly grasped the temper and propriety of the relationship between men and women.

When a woman least expects it, the fire of surprise is unexpectedly ignited, creating an impulse that makes her want to take risks.

Especially the last sentence, no woman can refuse.


Matsumoto Keiko happily responded.

And her face, whether because of the flush of excitement or the reflection of the colorful clouds, was so smooth that it made people imagine.

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