National Tide 1980

Chapter 913 Reception Specifications

"Where have you been for such a long time? I thought you were captured by the Japanese police."

After calming down his bad mood, Zou Guodong finally spoke, but he still made angry accusations.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I was busy renovating the restaurant and I forgot about it. I came here from the construction site. Look at my body, it's all covered in dirt. I'm not easy either. ?”

"It turns out that when I was in the capital, I was always late. Is this still the case here? It is said that Japanese people have a strong sense of time. You kid, you have been here for so long, why haven't you made any progress?"

"I'm sorry, sorry. It's not that the stall is too big, there are too many things. I'm just one person, with a copper head and an iron arm, how many nails can I drive out? I really have no choice. Please be more understanding. "

Ning Weimin came to pick up the suitcase with a smile.

No matter what you say, I haven’t heard the local accent for a long time, nor have I spoken the capital dialect.

It's really a pleasure to communicate in my mother tongue.

"Don't be objective. You have made me embarrassed. I also told you that there were several international students on the same flight as me, and we chatted all the way. Originally, these poor students were still counting on me, saying that if no one else It was up to me to pick up people who were unfamiliar with the place. But what happened? As soon as they landed, everyone had the same idea. But I, a white-collar worker from a foreign company who was originally enviable, came here and was blinded. I couldn't tell the difference between the southeast and the southeast. The Northwest is not lost yet. An international student who was on the same flight was very generous and asked me if I wanted to contact the embassy when leaving. It seemed that I had really become an international refugee. Tell me, you are really..."

Got it, got it all.

Ning Weimin really couldn't blame Zou Guodong for being so preoccupied with this matter.

Who told Zou Guodong to fake it on the plane, but he didn't reveal the truth, and instead caused others to be embarrassed and embarrassed.

If you think about it from his perspective, you would feel aggrieved if you put him in his shoes.

What's more, he came all the way to help him with office work. The porter has successfully completed his task.

In terms of emotions and reasons, he had to tolerate a few complaints from others.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zou. It's all my fault. The concept of time really needs to be strengthened. Let's do this. I promise you that similar problems will never happen again next time. Let's go to the duty-free shop first. What cigarettes do you want to smoke? Pick. I’ll treat you. Is that okay?”

Ning Weimin quickly bowed his head and admitted his mistake. With such a combination of courtesy and benefit, he could barely let Zou Guodong appease his anger.

But having said that, through Zou Guodong's complaints, Ning Weimin also felt a sense of time advancing and changes in the times.

You know, when he came to Tokyo a few months ago, the people on the plane with him were all Japanese, Europeans and Americans.

He was the only one from the mainland.

What's more, he has never met many Chinese people from the mainland in such a long time in Tokyo.

The limited number of Chinese here are either old overseas Chinese who have settled long ago, or they are from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

After a few months, there was actually an international student on Zou Guodong's flight...

From this point of view, the Japanese government’s plan to let the world know about Japan and attract 100,000 international students every year is not empty talk.

Indeed, the scope of introduction has been expanded to mainland China.

In other words, there will soon be more compatriots from mainland China in Tokyo.

For this reason, Ning Weimin couldn't help but feel the excitement of witnessing the motherland beginning to open its doors and the emergence of expansionary external forces.

What he didn't expect was that students studying in Japan were not the only change in the motherland's active foreign development.

When they entered the duty-free shop, they also made a surprising discovery.

Dare to respond, the soldiers and horses have not moved, the food and grass have gone first.

When Ning Weimin bought two soft seven stars for Zou Guodong for 2,800 yen, he got a lighter as a gift.

He was surprised to find that a domestic cigarette from his hometown, Changle from the Beijing Cigarette Factory, appeared in the duty-free shop.

After asking about it, Ning Weimin learned from the teller at the duty-free shop that it had just been delivered last month and no one had bought it yet.

So without saying a word, he took out 3,000 yen and wanted to buy two more cigarettes.

His move not only surprised the people in the duty-free shop, but Zou Guodong was also shocked.

It’s not for anything else, just because these Changle brand cigarettes are placed here. The price tag is one thousand five hundred yen a piece.

Even if the RMB is converted according to the current official exchange rate, it will cost 30 yuan, but the actual black market price is 60 or 70 yuan.

In Zou Guodong's eyes, spending so much money on cigarettes that sell for ten yuan a pack in China is not purely a disease.

So he couldn't help but intervene.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing? You're crazy! I know you have money, but don't mess with it like this. Just this broken cigarette. It's worth a thousand and a half? It's so cost-effective for you to buy foreign cigarettes, and domestic seven-stars are worth a thousand and a half. There are two. You have to use foreign exchange coupons, and the cigarette stall costs six yuan a pack, and they are not authentic. I can buy these two for half the price."

Ning Weimin could only patiently explain and tell his pain.

"Boss, you smoke foreign cigarettes, so how do you know my sufferings. These foreign cigarettes are cheap, but I can't get used to smoking foreign cigarettes. To tell you the truth, after staying in Japan for the past few months, my work has become more and more difficult. The more you do, the less you smoke. Recently I have been thinking about quitting smoking altogether. You said that there is no place in Japan except here for domestic cigarettes. Since I saw it today, I will not buy it here. Where can I buy it?”

After explaining these words, Zou Guodong could finally understand.

It's understandable, but there are still some minor issues that I can't understand.

"Then why don't you say hello to me in advance, how about I bring you two pieces of Chinese this time?"

"Forget it. I asked you to bring enough things. Besides, to be honest, the things I asked you to bring are more cost-effective than cigarettes. If I really want you to bring two more cigarettes, I might as well replace them with these items. You Don't worry, don't worry, these two pieces of music will make the Japanese hack me. But if I take the contents of this box to Tokyo, they won't be able to benefit the Japanese."

"You are really good at scheming. But that's right, this is how you look like. Okay, I'll give away the two Seven Stars in exchange for your Changle."

"No. The Japanese are not that strict. Although there is only a limit of two cigarettes per person. But last time I came here, I only showed my passport and didn't show my ticket, and they sold me out. Just wait... Look, you don’t get paid for this. However, you still have to thank the leaders. The level is high, and you are so considerate of the people..."

"Don't come. If I'm not satisfied with the reception standards later, it'll be up to you whether I'm done with you or not."

Don't tell me, Zou Guodong really said what he said.

Because when the two of them packed up their cigarettes and walked out with three large suitcases.

It’s time to figure out how to get to central Tokyo.

Ning Weimin actually didn't call a taxi, but went to the service counter to queue up to buy two airport bus tickets.

He really doesn't regard Zou Guodong as an outsider. This is obviously to save money.

But this also made the nominal leader a little angry, thinking that this kid didn't treat him as a dish.

Suddenly, I saw that Ning Weimin's nose was not a nose, and his eyes were not eyes.

"You're too stingy, aren't you? Why can't you even take a taxi? Let's stop queuing, I'm tired. How about I pay for the fare?"

Ning Weimin had no choice but to explain with a smile.

"Mr. Zou, don't be upset. You may not know how expensive taxis are in Japan. We have to take a taxi back, which costs at least 30,000 yen, or more than 500 yuan. Even Japanese people rarely do this. Come on. What if you take the bus? The fare per person is 2,700 yen, which is less than 50 yuan. You can only exchange a few hundred thousand yen in total when you go abroad. Wouldn't it be nice to buy more things for your family when you go back? Besides, Well, I am definitely not taking you seriously. To be honest, I mainly want to use my money wisely. Let’s put it this way, I will cover all your food, accommodation and supplies in Japan. When you really meet and negotiate with the Japanese , I will also do my best to give you face. Regardless of the entourage, exclusive driver car pick-up, and high-end suites in five-star hotels. Can we deal with it for the time being? "

"What did you say? Thirty thousand yen? Just take a taxi? Why is it so expensive!"

Zou Guodong was indeed shocked.

Because he only had 150,000 yen in his wallet. How could he not feel pain if he spent a fifth of it on a taxi?

"Hey, don't forget, it's a Japanese driver driving for you. Their income is much higher than ours. It's hundreds of thousands of yen a month."

"Then forget it..."

As a result, Zou Guodong also stopped and completely stopped.

"Hey, by the way, what you just said about drivers and cars sounds a bit exaggerated to me. Isn't it just a contract signing? Normal business activity standards are enough, and there is no need to be too extravagant..."

"Hey, I'll settle for you now. Just listen to me. The Japanese are more snobbish. You represent Mr. Song and the dignity of our Huaxia Company!"

"That's true..."

And when they got out of the airport and got on the bus, they both finally felt happy.

You know, although there are trolleys available at the airport to help passengers transport heavy luggage by themselves.

But these days, passengers taking buses still have a distance of tens of meters from the end of the trolley at the airport gate to the bus boarding area.

They are not like passengers waiting for a taxi, who can push their luggage directly to the waiting area in a trolley.

You have to rely on yourself, hey yo hey yo, you have to work hard.

But Ning Weimin and Zou Guodong pulled up their suitcases with great ease.

It is a completely different effect. How could it not win the attention of tourists?

And this thing is much easier to use than the box where the dog is walked.

Except for the trouble of going down the stairs, everything else is flat.

So they became very popular.

Especially women, when they see their boxes, their envy is beyond words.

Many people on the same train couldn't help but ask where they could buy these trolley suitcases.

Not only did this allow Ning Weimin to live in the daydream of a house full of gold, but even Zou Guodong was proud of you and even praised him for the first time.

"I really underestimated you in the past. I didn't expect that you are really a bit of an inventive talent. The easy-to-open tie in the past and the easy-to-open suitcase now. These two things you made are really good. Use it. You accidentally get ahead of the world. It seems that you have relied on these two things in your life to ensure that you have no worries about food and drink, and you can become a proper local tyrant and evil gentry, right?"

Ning Weimin, on the other hand, enjoyed the fruits of plagiarism without blushing.

"That's right, this is called talent and hard power. Just kidding, I also remind you to take a photo with me as soon as possible. When you are 70 or 80 years old, you can brag to your descendants. Say that you know me, the Chinese Edison."

These words made Zou Guodong so angry that his nose almost crooked.

"Oh, what about China Edison? You can pull it off. Can your little invention compare with Edison? I think it's really unfair. Why don't good people get rewarded? I have to give up all my money to give you a head like this. I've made a bunch of money out of you! You, please don't be unkind because of your wealth. Otherwise, you will implicate me and make me feel ashamed to know you."

"Oops! Why do I smell sourness in the air? Has anyone eaten a lemon?"

Ning Weimin's psychological quality is so high. The more he listens to Zou Guodong's mean words, the more he wants to laugh.

"Brother, don't be jealous. Do you still suffer a loss because I have such a brain? Is it unfair to return my wealth? Am I a solitary eater? Did you suffer a loss if you listened to me and hoarded yen? I like the big guy best. Eat together and pursue common prosperity..."

Indeed, when he mentioned this, Zou Guodong's complaints disappeared, and he couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, I'm being petty. I do have to thank you. Your first credit for buying Japanese yen will definitely be remembered! Let me tell you the good news. Our company has already earned a thousand yen from the 1.5 billion yen we have saved. It’s six million yuan. It’s more than enough to build a building for the company. Even Mr. Song can’t believe such a harvest. Old Xiong from the finance department is also very grateful for your advice. Even now, everyone in our company is in high spirits. Everything has changed. Everyone feels that we are the number one foreign company in China. Of course, everyone has also made a little fortune, and many people are now exchanging Japanese yen privately. Lao Sha and Lao Qi earned At most, you want to hide it from me. So, this time I come, you really have to tell me what to do next? How long can we keep the renminbi today, and how to implement the building matter..."

"Don't be anxious, just hold on to it. At least you can plan in one or two years. What I'm anxious about is that you communicate with the government as soon as possible. It's best to take down the land next to the Guomao Building and complete the demolition." Work. Otherwise, the longer this matter is delayed, the more trouble and the higher the cost. In addition, I also have some opinions on floor design. Our building needs to be considered in the long term, so the larger the number of floors and area of ​​the underground parking lot, the better. Also , when it comes to Japanese yen speculation, remember that this is just one time, and it won’t be the same next time. Don’t be obsessed with this kind of thing, and don’t ignore the actual operation just because the money comes quickly. Otherwise, I will become the company’s leader. sinner……"

In this way, the two people chatted closer and closer on the bus.

Especially because I can be open and honest, I have the same views on many issues.

They actually started to feel like old friends and cherish each other.

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