National Tide 1980

Chapter 925 Finally got the phone call

Although unlike Ning Weimin, who has been busy recently, he is exhausted and at the same time in an emotional whirlpool, and has to face a dilemma of emotional tests.

But to be honest, Keiko Matsumoto's condition during this period is not considered good.

Busy is one thing, tired is another.

The key is that Matsumoto Keiko is also experiencing emotional torture and suffering after failing to find a chance to meet Ning Weimin again for a long time.

You know, there is a Zeigarnik effect in psychology, which means that people are born with a driving force to do things from beginning to end.

This principle states that people forget work they have completed because their motivation to complete it has been fully satisfied.

This same motive will make a lasting impression on the work if it has not yet been completed.

Also, if this principle is brought into the love relationship between men and women, the principles are the same.

For example, if one party wants the other party to fill their mind with themselves, then they must create an unfinished memory point for the other party.

Just like when two people are having a good time chatting, you take the initiative to retreat and make an appointment with the other person to continue chatting tomorrow.

In this case, after separation, the other party will continue to think about you and the chat situation and content of tomorrow.

This is learning and applying in practice, taking advantage of the Zeigarnik effect that people will never forget about unfinished tasks in picking up girls.

Speaking of which, Ning Weimin has almost disappeared from Matsumoto Keiko's life since watching the sunset at the beach last time.

And almost no news.

Although he did it unintentionally, the psychological effect it had on Matsumoto Keiko was obvious.

Originally, the two of them got along smoothly at the beach, and the atmosphere was quite good.

Moreover, through the game, their fingers were connected, and they completed physical intimacy for the first time, bringing the two people closer to each other.

What follows should be a great opportunity for emotional growth and further intimacy.

But just because the sound of the pager ended everything, this supposed sweet satisfaction and rhythm were completely disrupted.

After Matsumoto Keiko responded to the call, she had to end the date early because she was concerned about her mother.

Although this is human nature, due to limitations of objective conditions, it was difficult for the two of them to find opportunities to meet and be alone in the short term.

How could this not make Keiko Matsumoto still unfinished, thinking about it day and night, and feeling deeply regretful?

In particular, the Zeigarnik effect has the strongest effect on responsible people.

A female star like Matsumoto Keiko who has a distinct personality and is able to study and study for a long-term goal and polish her acting skills all year round.

From a certain perspective, her pursuit and persistence in career can actually be regarded as a kind of paranoia.

A sense of responsibility that exceeds that of ordinary people is completely written in genes, and naturally the impact of this is greater than that of ordinary people.

It can even be said that this psychological effect is the Achilles heel of love for people like them.

As long as you are not in love, forget it. Once you fall in love with someone, it will be difficult to extricate yourself, and it may be difficult to recover for the rest of your life.

In fact, even though they were separated by a few days, Ning Weimin also had a phone call with Matsumoto Keiko, and they talked for at least half an hour.

But this still cannot be compared with real face-to-face contact, and it cannot satisfy Matsumoto Keiko's emotional hunger at all.

But later on, because both of them were busy with important things and their relationship needed to be kept secret, the two of them couldn't spend any time together.

In almost a week, Matsumoto Keiko will be able to get a general idea of ​​Ning Weimin's situation just through Ning Weimin's message at Huiwentang Bookstore. How can this not be worrying?

Originally, Matsumoto Keiko was able to endure it because she believed that good things are hard to come by and felt that no matter how busy Ning Weimin was, it wouldn't last long.

He would always find a way to find time to contact him at a convenient time.

But things backfired. Not only did Ning Weimin not contact her again, he completely lost track and news of her.

Even when she called the bookstore to ask about it, the people in the store said they hadn't seen Ning Weimin for several days and there were no new messages.

So the loneliness of lovesickness and the feeling of not getting what she wanted began to make her more and more painful.

On the other hand, Matsumoto Keiko herself was looking forward to Ning Weimin and was fully prepared to meet him.

In order to spend more time together in the future, in order to make Ning Weimin's life in Tokyo easier.

Matsumoto Keiko took the initiative to act as a guarantor and did not hesitate to take advantage of the favor. She contacted the president of the record company that released her album.

For Ning Weimin, he found a job at a record company that did not require an interview and guaranteed income despite droughts and floods.

The main job content is to manage materials and organize the music library, which is similar to that of a librarian and is very comfortable.

Including time for drinking coffee, eating, and resting, you only need to work six hours a day, but your salary is 450,000.

Therefore, although it is not a formal job, there is no annual leave and summer and winter bonuses.

But for Ning Weimin, a foreigner, being able to get this part-time job with a stable income is really enough to make most Japanese envious.

After all, the monthly salary of a newly graduated Japanese college student these days is only a few hundred thousand yen.

In most industries, the monthly salary of a 30-year-old senior member is only about 300,000 yuan.

Don’t forget, Director Taniguchi of Pierre Cardon Company’s monthly salary is only about this amount.

But he is a permanent permanent employee. How many years have he endured before?

In addition, because she deeply felt the pain caused by inconvenient contact, Matsumoto Keiko sent someone to NTT to apply for another number using her own identity, and bought a top-grade pager to give to Ning Weimin.

Even in her busy schedule, she even went to Ginza and spent her little rest time carefully browsing some well-known international men's clothing stores and selected some clothing brands in advance.

I am going to buy some decent clothes for Ning Weimin as a Christmas gift in a few days.

In this way, she could temporarily relieve her emotional uneasiness and let her spirit be immersed in a wonderful sense of pleasure.

It is fresh and exciting, warm and soft, can be expected, and full of unknowns.

But the problem is, when everything is ready, Ning Weimin is still missing and has not appeared.

At this moment, Matsumoto Keiko really couldn't bear it anymore.

The flame of longing burned day and night, making her feel the painful test she had not experienced for a long time.

Just like when the film in which she starred in her first important role was released, she was worried about whether the audience would like it and the critics' reaction. She lay awake until the early hours of the morning and could not sleep.

He was even a little cranky and worried about Ning Weimin's safety.

After all, for Ning Weimin, Japan is a foreign country, a capitalist country that he is not accustomed to.

Moreover, in Tokyo, Ning Weimin had no family or friends around him.

So in Matsumoto Keiko's heart, she thought that Ning Weimin might encounter some trouble that was difficult to resolve.

So even if you understand that good things take their time, you have reached the age where you can deal with most things calmly.

Matsumoto Keiko was also unable to offset her emotional anxiety and became trance-like.

During this period, Matsumoto Keiko was also invited to participate in the year-end dinner of NHK TV station and Shochiku Pictures' "year-end party".

Even though it is a grand event with a large number of guests and celebrities, it is a good opportunity for yourself to gain fame in your career.

But she still felt uninterested and couldn't cheer up.

And the more lively and flashy the occasion, the more bored she became and the more she missed the person she wanted to see.

In her eyes, these guests are nothing more than three types of people - those who want to sleep with beautiful women, those who want to be with powerful people, and those who want to make a lot of money.

Everything is a hypocritical and boring utilitarian game. Everyone at the banquet table is a clique, a sycophant, and a speculator...

Therefore, she only felt a kind of inner exhaustion and indescribable disgust.

She was helpless and exhausted, forcing a smile on her face, but her thoughts were completely forgotten, and in fact she was not interested in anything.

So much so that there was an extremely disrespectful scene at Matsumoto Movies' dinner party.

At that time, in front of media reporters, President Omoto and Director Fukasaku of Shochiku Pictures were introducing the preparations for next year's key project - the movie "The Man in the House on Fire".

Suddenly, the two people changed the topic and invited Matsumoto Keiko in public, hoping that she would agree to participate in the filming of this movie, despite never giving an accurate reply.

Although this move is a bit "kidnapped by public opinion", it also proves that Matsumoto Keiko is valued and gives her enough face.

However, Matsumoto Keiko's own response can be described as vague and quite perfunctory.

Not positive at all, not in the mood at all.

This made President Omoto and director Kinji Fukasaku a little embarrassed.

So the next day, this scene became the entertainment news.

Some media have speculated that Matsumoto Keiko has a disagreement with the president and director of Shochiku Pictures and may leave Shochiku Pictures.

Fortunately, Matsumoto Keiko's contract agent, Akira Okamoto, was very experienced. He mobilized his contacts and tried every means to put out the fires. He carried out effective public relations in a timely manner and controlled the direction of public opinion.

This prevented the incident from getting worse and becoming an out-of-control storm.

Afterwards, Mitsuru Watanabe repeatedly persuaded Keiko Matsumoto to apologize to President Omoto and agree to participate in the show to make up for her mistakes.

However, the instigator, Matsumoto Keiko, no longer had the energy to care about this matter.

Her mind was entirely focused on Ning Weimin, and as a result, she became disoriented and depressed, and could not even participate in rehearsals.

I had no choice but to take a day off from NHK on the grounds of physical discomfort and hide at home to adjust.

But it was at this time that Ning Weimin finally dialed Matsumoto Keiko's pager and stayed by the phone, patiently waiting for her reply.

Half an hour later, Keiko Matsumoto finally discovered the code words in the pager that were used between the two of them, "000860——hello" and "000106——waiting for you". Everything was different.

The decadence, suffering, torture and doubts she had accumulated for many days disappeared almost in an instant.

Especially when she actually called back and heard Ning Weimin's voice coming from the phone.

It was more like drinking from the fountain of happiness. I instantly regained my excitement, positivity and optimism, without any resentment or grievance.

"...I'm sorry I haven't contacted you for a long time. It's not an excuse. I'm really too busy. You...are not angry, are you?"

"Why would I be angry? Being busy at work only shows that you are a person who is needed by society."

"Huh? Is that what you think?"

"Yes, it is a good thing for men to be enterprising. But, having said that, you have been so busy recently. Is it too hard? You haven't been to the bookstore recently. Are you focusing on real estate transactions? I have been watching TV news recently. I found that real estate in Tokyo is really booming. Your judgment is really accurate, it is not easy."

"Qingzi, are you making fun of me?"

"I wouldn't dare. I'm sincerely happy for you. If you work so hard and have talent, your boss will definitely see it."

"If that's the case, I'll feel at ease. But Qingzi, I have to explain to you that selling houses is just a part-time job for me. I have decided not to do it anymore..."

"Great, I was still thinking about how to tell you. I happened to have connected you with a good job..."

"Huh? You...what?"

"I contacted you about a job. Do you want to go take a look?"

"are you joking?"

"Of course not, I'm serious."

"This is it"

"Don't worry, the job is very simple. I'm responsible for managing materials at a record company. You can definitely do it with your Japanese skills. And it's also very easy. You only have six hours to work every day. The salary is 450,000 yen, which is actually not bad. . Your status as a foreigner doesn’t matter, the president and I have already said hello. If you are willing, you can go to work at any time. Then it will be much easier for us to meet in the future..."

Ning Weimin was indeed surprised. The conversation just now had already made him sincerely surprised by Matsumoto Keiko's thoughtfulness.

What was even more unexpected was that Matsumoto Keiko would help him contact work.

After all, he is not a pretty boy who really wants to eat soft rice, and he has no psychological burden at all for such a thing.

I just feel very kind and grateful.

But this also made him more embarrassed, but what should I say?

"What... do you think? Are you unwilling to go?"

On the phone, Matsumoto Keiko sighed because she didn't get a response for a long time.

"No way."

Ning Weimin didn't know what to do, so he could only bite the bullet and said, "I'm very sorry, the work is really good, thank you very much. But unfortunately, I can only live up to your kindness. You should know that I actually... "

Unexpectedly, before the words were finished, the misunderstanding worsened, and Matsumoto Keiko actually apologized to Ning Weimin.

"No, don't feel embarrassed, but I need to apologize. It's my fault and I didn't consider your feelings. I'm really sorry. If you feel dissatisfied and really don't want to go, just pretend I didn't mention it. …”

With such sincere self-blame, Ning Weimin couldn't hide it anymore and quickly clarified the facts in the most straightforward way.

"No! No! Qingzi, I want to tell you that I went abroad on a mission. I was hired by Pierre Cardin China Company, and I came to Tokyo specifically to organize a restaurant. In fact, I will be so busy these days, I can't spare any time at all. It's because my superior has also come to Tokyo. Recently, I have been discussing work with him every day, arranging his schedule, and being responsible for his food, clothing, housing and transportation. Moreover, the restaurant I prepared will open next year Now, as the person in charge of the restaurant, I will put the restaurant's operation on the right track. In this case, how can I accept other jobs? Do you understand what I said? "

"Huh? Is that so? Are you coming to Tokyo to open a restaurant? Are you kidding me?"

Without seeing Matsumoto Keiko's face, Ning Weimin could tell that her eyes must have been wide open at this time.

In line with the principle of saying good things for free, he began to speak eloquently.

"I'm not kidding! If I didn't have such a responsibility, how could I live up to your kindness? Even if I resign, I won't hesitate. What a great job you introduced. The salary is high and the time is short. It's a pity. , before going abroad, I promised the company that I would run the restaurant well. To be honest, if the company hadn’t sent me abroad, I wouldn’t have known you. For this, I can’t be sorry for the company’s cultivation and expectations. So I still I hope you can understand, what do you think?"

"It doesn't matter, it really doesn't matter. I'm actually very happy to hear you say that. But...could it be that you said this deliberately because you were worried about my face? Could you be thinking...what a shame. A woman who will cause trouble?”

"I'm really touched. Ever since I was little, I've been the one asking for help. No one has ever thought about me like you have. What you did for me is like Schumann's "Fantasia""

"Oh... you are exaggerating, I will blush..."

Matsumoto Keiko's voice was very soft, just like an ordinary woman in love, and Ning Weimin breathed a sigh of relief.

"...By the way, can I ask you something else? I need to find a video tape of a program for work needs. Do you have any acquaintances at Fuji TV?"

"Huh? Fuji TV. What program is it? I think it should be fine."

"I forgot what program it was. It was broadcast just last month. I remember it was a variety show at 9:30 on Friday night. It took about half an hour to introduce how a restaurant called Salia is run."

"Are you in urgent need? The search will take time..."

"Well, it's urgent. If possible, it's best to do it before Christmas. My boss is flying back to China on December 24th. If he can make it in time, I hope he can take this video back to China..."

"Then I'll make the arrangements. Don't worry."

"Is that okay? Thank you so much!"

"Don't be polite anymore, it's a trivial matter. As long as I can help you."

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