National Tide 1980

Chapter 945: No teething

Japan has a maritime climate with abundant precipitation.

When we get to the north, it can’t rain, so it turns into snow.

In the northeastern regions such as Hokkaido and Hokuriku, heavy snowfall is common in winter, and it is not new for it to be so heavy that it can bury people.

If spring arrives, rusty cars will appear on both sides of the road in these places.

They look like unearthed cultural relics, but they are actually the result of being buried under heavy snow for several months.

Therefore, ever since Matsumoto Keiko went to Hokkaido to shoot outdoor scenes, Ning Weimin has been on tenterhooks and worried about her physical condition.

Every time we talk on the phone, I not only have to ask her about her diet and daily life, but also whether she is dressed warmly enough, for fear that she will not be able to adapt to the bad weather and will freeze.

Especially when I learned that there was another snowstorm in Hokkaido, schools were closed, and factories were shut down.

He also inevitably inquired about the equipment and personnel of the film crew.

I am very worried that the crew is poorly equipped and poorly prepared, which may lead to dangerous situations.

Fortunately, his worries are unfounded. Because "long-term illness becomes a cure", people living in northern Japan actually have a way to deal with heavy snow.

For example, tire chains are indispensable in the trunk of Japanese cars in the north.

A major task for the local government is to regularly dispatch bulldozer-style snow plows to ensure that at least the main traffic roads are open.

The phone line is also maintained by dedicated personnel, and normal communication with Keiko Matsumoto can be maintained almost every day.

This finally made Ning Weimin feel relieved.

Also, although Japan is resource-poor and due to frequent earthquakes, houses have to be built lighter, the concept of heating has never been used throughout the country.

However, the Japanese in the north also have their own special heating methods that can effectively resist the severe cold.

The first is the kotatsu, which the Japanese also call a "warm oven."

In this era, even Chinese people who have never been to Japan have seen such a scene through the Japanese TV series "Oshin" that was broadcast in China.

The family sat around a table eating and chatting.

This table is actually a heater, which is heated by an electric heater.

Japanese people can spread blankets anywhere in their homes and place such heaters, which are simple and easy to take care of.

In Japan, an ordinary kotatsu table only costs 20,000 yen, which is not expensive.

Next is the kerosene stove.

This thing is very powerful and heats up quickly, and kerosene is very cheap in Japan. It is really an economical and convenient heating device.

Although it has a long history, Japan's kerosene stove is by no means the crude thing we think of as being used for making light meals in domestic college dormitories.

In this era, Japanese kerosene stoves have developed into modern equipment with temperature control and deodorization functions.

Of course, these two heating methods are somewhat similar to the coal stove heating used in our country in the 1980s and 1990s.

The stove is on, and people are still very warm sitting next to it.

But it's not that easy if you want to heat up the entire room.

But then again, Japan is an economically developed country after all, and air conditioning and heating can be used as an effective supplement to heating.

Apart from the expensive electricity bill, this heating method really doesn’t have much trouble in other aspects.

So even though the latitude of Hokkaido is similar to that of Northeast my country, the coldest extreme temperature can reach minus 30 degrees.

But where Matsumoto Keiko lives, the indoor temperature can still reach 20 degrees, and with sufficient supplies, she has no worries about food and clothing.

If people stay in the room, it is still very comfortable.

Especially since she has Ryoko Ishida as her companion to relieve her boredom.

When unable to go out for filming due to snowstorms, the two would follow Japanese traditional culture and set up a Kang table in their residence.

Next, open the pocket warmer, cover it with a big quilt, and pile golden oranges and tea on top of the quilt.

Then they would sit around the table, put their feet under the quilt, eat oranges, chat and enjoy the snow.

Thinking about this kind of scene is quite nourishing and quite tempting.

Not only is it very similar to the old days when people in the capital went on strike due to bad weather, the whole family ate miscellaneous food and gossiped.

She enjoys life leisurely and elegantly.

After all, not everyone has the opportunity to see heavy snow more than one meter thick.

To be honest, even Ning Weimin was a little envious. It was a pity that he couldn't go with him and have a good experience.

And what's even more interesting is when Ning Weimin expressed this kind of envy.

He never expected that Keiko Matsumoto would feel strange and ask him on the phone instead.

"Hey, isn't this your Chinese habit? Knives are like water, Wu Yan beats snow, delicate hands break new oranges. I remember a few days ago, when you were buying porcelain in Kyoto, there was this poem on something. You You also told me, don’t you Chinese eat oranges this way now?”

Needless to say, Ning Weimin couldn't laugh or cry about this.

He really wanted to tell Matsumoto Keiko that this understanding was completely wrong. Wu Yan's victory over Xue had nothing to do with the snow.

However, I don’t know where to start.

I wouldn't spend such an expensive phone bill just to discuss ancient poetry.

In short, the most important thing is that since the two of them had to separate.

Every day, we rely on long-distance calls to inform each other of each other's situation.

When Keiko Matsumoto is not busy, she might get two or three calls a day.

If I get busy filming, no matter how late it is, I will definitely talk to Ning Weimin once in the evening.

Needless to say, there are some things that do not need to be stated clearly. Ning Weimin has experienced the joy of being inspected for the first time.

And from this, he could definitely conclude that the fact that he and Matsumoto Keiko were dating could not be hidden from the eyes of the crew.

So although Japanese women have always been known for their tolerance for their partners, few women are as persistent as Matsumoto Keiko in wanting to know their partners' daily whereabouts.

But Ning Weimin really doesn't worry about this. He doesn't think Matsumoto Keiko is unreasonable, nor does he feel uncomfortable or distrusted.

Because everything is relative, he understands that a woman will do this only if she truly cares about a man.

Yes, a woman who is too jealous is unbearable.

But if a woman is not jealous, it will make people feel unfeminine and unlovable.

What's more, men are also quite jealous.

Especially a man who is a famous female celebrity.

Ning Weimin asked himself, when Keiko Matsumoto joined the crew, he would inevitably think about it himself.

Matsumoto Keiko spends all day with those actors.

There are as many young guys as there are old handsome guys.

What does she do every day?

How did she reject and deal with those who were thinking about her and wanted to seduce her?

So Matsumoto Keiko's treatment of him was exactly what he needed.

This is enough to show that both of them focus on each other, proving that their relationship is very stable.

To be honest, he was not only relieved, but even a little happy.

After talking about Ning Weimin's emotions, we might as well talk about Ning Weimin's career.

Just as jealousy is part of women's nature, there is actually something contradictory about men's career ambition.

If a man cares too much about his career, he will make his woman feel cold and will be considered a cold-blooded animal who does not understand emotions.

But if a man doesn’t have his own career, or he can’t achieve anything no matter how hard he works.

It will also make women look down on him, and he will be considered a useless loser.

Only those who can achieve perfect balance are the real winners.

Ning Weimin understands this truth, so although he is thinking about his lover far away in Hokkaido.

But he didn't delay at all in getting down to business.

As soon as Matsumoto Keiko set off for Hokkaido, Ning Weimin made full and efficient use of his time, devoted himself to his work, and steadily advanced the layout of his grand plan.

Due to an accident involving the property under his name, his first priority after the New Year was somewhat different from what he had imagined a year ago.

Needless to say, he must put house renovation first.

So while I was looking for a design firm to produce design drawings and layout drawings, I was also ordering materials and making a project budget from the decoration company.

Because he has money, things are easy to do, and his requirements are concise and clear.

I just hope to transform the three-story Abato into a standard staff dormitory.

Pay more attention to function than beauty, as long as it can meet the needs of normal life.

Therefore, the design office can produce drawings very quickly, almost in one draft.

And because there are no bells and whistles, the cost-effectiveness of the project budget is also very high.

After all the calculations, the initial construction fee is 2 million, then the middle fee is 10 million, and the final payment is 5 million.

A total of 17 million yen was the cost of renovating this three-story building from the inside out.

Compared with the current land price which has increased by more than 30 million yuan, although this amount of money is enough to completely transform the small building, it cannot be said to be wasted.

To put it bluntly, if Ning Weimin builds this new house and sells it, he can earn at least 50 million based on the current market situation.

It’s only been a few days since I bought it, and I’ve already earned an ordinary apartment for nothing.

So in just three days, Ning Weimin finally settled the matter.

Although the final construction drawings are not yet fully available, it will take almost three or four working days to deliver.

But in fact, he can completely predict the final layout and effect.

I have a good idea and know that there won’t be many parts that can be adjusted.

So I happily signed a contract with the company responsible for the decoration project and paid the starting fee.

In this way, workers can enter the site and demolish it, first clearing away all the useless garbage.

Once the drawings come out, we can seamlessly splice them together and actually start construction according to the drawings without any delay.

After this matter is resolved, Ning Weimin will be busy next, which is how to expand his trolley suitcase business in Japan.

According to the priority, he planned the sequence and believed that it was necessary to complete three tasks in the early stage.

First of all, we need to fulfill our promise and contact the senior group customers we met at the airport.

See if they still need a rolling suitcase, if that doesn't change their mind.

Then he would have to hire a truck with a driver and deliver the goods himself.

The second step is to apply for a business license, open the Japanese market for three brands of trolley suitcases as soon as possible, and establish an import and export agency.

Although how to launch sales in Japan and open up the up and down channels, he can only do it by himself, no one can count on it.

After all, when carrying out related business in the future, he cannot always do everything by himself regardless of the big or small matters.

How many nails can a person punch out if he is covered in iron?

Not to mention that he still has a restaurant and a bookstore to take care of, so he is really busy.

But there is always someone to answer the phone for you, handle the accounts, and maintain the normal operation of the office.

Someone also needs to help pick up the goods from customs, transport them to your own warehouse, and finally deliver them to your partners.

So not only does he need an independent office registration location and a warehouse to store goods, but he also has to hire long-term employees.

Considering the granite heads of the Japanese, although I recognize their seriousness in doing things, I really can't expect their efficiency.

So there must be two or three office staff, two warehouse managers, and a driver responsible for transporting goods.

There is no doubt that this is a considerable expense.

It just so happens that the Japanese are very picky these days. They have been rich for too long and few people are willing to work as contract workers for small companies.

Especially since this small company still has a Chinese boss, it will be even harder to find people.

In view of this situation, Ning Weimin had to be prepared to be taken advantage of.

It is likely that you will have to pay one-quarter to one-fifth more wages than a company of the same size to hire people.

Fortunately, Matsumoto Keiko left the key to her apartment to Ning Weimin before she left, and asked him to move there as soon as possible.

This time, it was like virtually solving the office location problem for him.

You must know that the Akasaka apartment bought by Ning Weimin is a commercial and residential building.

Since the person no longer lives here, it fully meets the conditions for registering a company.

So I have to say that eating soft food will not hurt your teeth.

Just because I have such a good sister lover.

This thing that makes it difficult for ordinary people, when it comes to Ning Weimin, it actually becomes five words floating in the sky again.

In addition, Ning Weimin's last task is naturally to find ways to open up sales channels.

In this regard, it is precisely because Pierre Cardon Japan Co., Ltd. is unwilling to help that it cannot put the goods into shopping malls.

So Ning Weimin's original plan was to follow the idea given to him by Kagawa Rinko and try the mail order channel of the catalog sales company.

But later, unexpectedly, I took Zou Guodong to the airport and met a senior tour group, which gave me new inspiration.

After repeated weighing in his mind, he thought that rather than casting a wide net through catalog sales, it seemed more reliable to cooperate with a Japanese travel agency first.

If nothing else, this is an extremely accurate targeted delivery to the target customer group.

As the old saying goes, can an owner who can afford a horse still be unable to afford a saddle?

Also, Japanese people value trust in everything they do, and they are stubborn and don't like change.

Most people will never change the brand of milk they drink even if they read newspapers for a lifetime.

Then the travel agency chosen by the customer is enough to prove that the customer has trust in this travel agency.

Under such circumstances, it is conceivable that selling trolley suitcases may be just a casual remark to people from travel agencies, but the success rate is obviously low.

Why not?

Finally, there is another option, which is to cooperate with Japanese travel agencies. There are more possibilities that can be explored.

Ning Weimin can completely connect Sino-Japanese travel agencies and develop a travel route to the Chinese mainland.

Get all the Japanese who are extremely rich at this time to the capital.

In this way, his Tan Palace and Temple of Heaven Park will not only gain more benefits from them.

The Japanese travel agency was afraid that they would have to look high on him and not treat him like an ordinary little boss.

Isn't this a good thing?

Not only is it worthy of the country, but it is also worthy of oneself.

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