National Tide 1980

Chapter 95 Business Experience

People generally believe that poverty is the driving force that motivates people to make progress and embark on the road to wealth.

But this concept is actually one-sided, or the focus of the expression is wrong.

Being poor actually does not completely give people the desire to become rich.

Take Zhang Shihui for example. Like him, he can have three small rooms and a monthly salary of more than 60 yuan to spend freely.

Among the grassroots in the capital, he is already considered excellent, and he can even be regarded as a new generation of nobles.

Life is far more difficult than his, and there are thousands of families with heavier financial burdens than his.

This is still in cities, let alone vast rural areas and remote mountainous areas.

So this will produce a puzzling phenomenon.

There are so many poor people, so many impoverished families.

Everyone should be eager to seize the opportunities given by the times and become rich.

But why is this not the case?

Why are there so few people who can truly become rich under the same tide of the times?

Why does Zhang Shihui have the courage to take this step compared to those who are poorer than him?

From this point of view, trying to get rich just because you are poor obviously lacks the logic of life.

The fact is that the real motivation for getting rich comes from the awakening of one's own value orientation.

It can be said that our people are used to being poor. In fact, ordinary people are not afraid of poverty. As long as they don't starve to death, they just endure it.

No matter how poor he is, he will still use his wife and children to warm the bed, play cards and chess, and chat. These unique joys can achieve the spiritual balance of having sex.

Most of us are really easily satisfied.

When the steamed buns on the dining table turned into white flour steamed buns, the big pickled radish turned into scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and stir-fried pork with garlic sprouts.

Often one will be contentedly praising the nourishment of life.

To put it bluntly, although everyone is willing to live a good life, they are not willing to bear major setbacks and experience major fluctuations in their lives.

Only a few people, a few people, can awaken their self-worth and ambition.

Only then can we not be afraid of strong winds and waves, and be able to persevere from one extreme to another.

Such people will not get frustrated in their pursuit of wealth when they encounter setbacks.

On the contrary, you will cheer up more, shape yourself more bravely, and persevere to realize your wishes.

Ning Weimin was willing to give him some advice because he felt that Zhang Shihui showed such characteristics.

This is because businessmen and businessmen are as close as a blood relationship.

It is also due to the affinity of interests among businessmen.

People like them are not easy to meet these days. If you are willing, you will certainly have the opportunity to cooperate with each other for mutual benefit.

Ning Weimin actually needs someone like Zhang Shihui who he is close to and understands well.

Of course, to him, Zhang Shihui's flaws were equally obvious.

This kid is too young, although he has the determination and courage to pursue wealth.

But it still lacks the vision and experience of a businessman.

Especially in his first foray into the business world, he behaved quite naively and recklessly.

But he only attributed the reason why he choked on water to bad luck.

Still far from realizing how much skill it takes to be a businessman.

You know, there is a widely circulated folk proverb in our country, which is called "It takes three years to learn a craftsman, but it takes ten years to learn a businessman."

Another sentence is, "Those with first-class IQs go into business, those with second-class IQs go into politics, and those with third-class IQs go into literature."

Although these words are subjective and one-sided, or there are differences in the perspectives of looking at the problem.

But at least it shows that doing business is not as easy as people think.

In fact, let's not even mention how difficult it was for Ning Weimin to get along in the mall in his previous life.

It is known to be a great era for doing business, an era full of opportunities for making wealth.

Not many people can really make a fortune from shopping malls.

If anyone doesn't believe it, you can look at a set of data.

Because according to relevant records, there were about 50,000 individual industrial and commercial households engaged in self-employment in Beijing in 1980.

By 1992, only 20% of these people had truly become wealthy.

Another 20% of people even changed careers due to various reasons.

Just like the two failures Zhang Shihui experienced, they were both accidental and inevitable.

It can be seen from this that not all people who are willing to eat soup have the ability to hold this bowl of boiling soup and drink it safely.

The first person who wants to eat a crab is likely to have his finger caught by a crab, and will be afraid of this thing ever since.

Therefore, Ning Weimin was very necessary and willing to explain the general situation clearly to Zhang Shihui.

Just in case he suffers another big loss on this road.

That night, when there was no one around, I was behind the counter at the front desk of Chongwenmen Hotel.

After eating, Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui both made a cup of strong tea and chatted over a large pot of boiling water and two half-packed cigarettes.

To relieve their boredom, there is also a pack of "strange-flavored beans", leftovers from Ning Weimin's flattery of many female colleagues.

This thing is still a new food in the capital and is quite fashionable.

It was Ning Weimin who bought it from the old shop "Tong Sanyi" in Xianyukou, which still has the brand "Qiujiang Food Store".

It is precisely because of this that Sister Liu, who is currently working as a temporary partner with Zhang Shihui, happily took two packages of this stuff and ran to the logistics department to chat with an acquaintance in the laundry room.

The front desk was really given up to these two money sticks to discuss business.

It is not for nothing to say that Ning Weimin is so eloquent and has a lot of stuff in his belly.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he not only adopted the style of "Hundred Schools Forum", but also shocked Zhang Shihui.

Moreover, what he said was indeed meaningful and to the point. There was no reason why the other party was not convinced.

"...I'm telling you, if you want to do a good business and make money, it's really not what you think. Just luck is not enough. Some people attribute the conditions for doing business to shrewdness and opportunity. , it’s all too simple.”

"Because the Taoism here is too deep. It cannot be explained by just a few words. And I think the key point is to understand yourself clearly first."

"For example, it's like those well-known painters or writers. If you want to see whose works are good, you want to ask them the secret of success. They can only smile calmly."

"Of course, maybe he can tell you one, two, three or four. But even if it's the truth, if you do what he says, you're bound to be blind."

"Why? It's because everyone has their own conditions. You can become whatever you are. This is non-negotiable. If you try too hard, you can only find trouble for yourself."

"For the same reason, when we want to do business, we have to find projects and methods that suit us so that we can get twice the result with half the effort. Otherwise, things will easily go wrong. Otherwise, there is a jargon saying that it is better to be familiar with it. That's the truth."

"You, the reason why you lost money is because you suffered this loss in the first place."

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