National Tide 1980

Chapter 952 Investment Key Points

As a teacher, of course I also like such studious and smart students. sand

Ning Weimin smiled slightly and didn't mind Axia's slightly impatient rudeness. Instead, he was happy for her eagerness.

You know, even if it is just an ordinary chat, the speaker still needs an interested audience to continue the chat.

Forget about teaching people how to fish.

The two people's focus must be on the same channel in order to continue.

"Next, let me talk about Roppongi where Dantes is located. As you said, the main feature of this area is that there are many foreigners. Why is this? The main reason is that there are many embassies here. So there are not However, places where foreign companies and foreign-funded institutions are concentrated are also places where Japanese companies engaged in international trade like to gather. And the people who live near Roppongi are not the executives and employees of foreign-funded companies and foreign-funded institutions, but they are the Japanese who have made their fortunes through foreign trade. "This has led to the fact that in Roppon, there are more girls from Europe and the United States and more avant-garde girls from Japan, and they attract extroverted foreigners and Japanese men. Of course, for energetic young people Men and women also have strong attraction. Therefore, when doing business here, the most important thing is to be lively, gorgeous, and full of movement. In addition, it must be stylish. If you pay close attention, you will find that no one wears kimono in Roppongi. They’re all in Western clothes.”

"So if you ask me, whether it is a discotheque, a music bar with a band performing, or a karaoke bar that provides all-you-can-drink service, these businesses should be more suitable, and there will definitely be no shortage of customers. However, on the other hand, with Japanese characteristics Snaku and the club are no longer popular. This is probably why the store where you work is not doing well. To put it bluntly, Snaku's business model is too warm and euphemistic, and is only suitable for older Japanese people. , completely inconsistent with the overall atmosphere of Roppongi.”

"Of course, the consumption level in Roppongi is not bad. After all, there are more foreigners and Japanese employees of foreign-funded companies here. Most of the directors and section chiefs of Japanese companies will also be attracted by the well-known Western restaurants and more Western things here. Attract them. They should be considered the middle class of Japanese society. They have enough financial ability to spend 20,000 to 30,000 yen every three to five days to live a feasting nightlife."

Ning Weimin's analysis was well-founded and to the point, and Axia had to be convinced by it.

She then suddenly realized and echoed, "Huh? So that's it. I thought that Dantes' business was not good because the decoration was old, the location was a little remote, and there weren't enough girls. Now that I think about it, it's true. Yes, your analysis is right. Roppongi is actually a more fashionable place than Ginza. Snaku's business model is indeed inconsistent with the expectations of most customers who come to Roppongi. How can the business be good? It's not as good as the one in the alley. It’s karaoke at home. No wonder Mama Sang is barely supported by regular customers. there any way to change the store’s situation of resting on its laurels?”

Ning Weimin smiled noncommittally. He did not answer the question, but left it to Axia to think about it on her own.

He has already said what needs to be said. If he can't even figure this out, A-Xia is no longer A-Xia, and it's not worth wasting his breath.

As for him, of course he followed the topic just now and analyzed the last area.

"I have to say that the fundamental difference between Ginza and Roppongi is Shinjuku's Kabukicho Street. In addition to its large area, the most important thing is that it has everything. In addition to izakayas, Western restaurants, and clubs, , Snake, karaoke and music bars, from dance halls to massage parlors, from love hotels to transvestite shows. There is everything there, like a colorful kaleidoscope. Only things you can’t imagine, there is no place in Kabukicho that you can’t see Otherwise, why are Ginza and Roppongi just prosperous areas, while Kabukicho Street is a well-known red light district?"

"But even though Kabukicho Street is so colorful, the consumption level is not high. This is because Shinjuku is just a rising star in Tokyo's prosperous area. And the prosperity there was originally laid by the working class. After 1945, Japan was defeated and surrendered. The slaughtered lamb. Tokyo's Ginza was occupied by the United Nations forces led by the US military, and since then it has completely become a high-consumption business district. The working-class people who originally ate, drank and had fun in Ginza were driven to Shinjuku in the west. It was under this circumstance that Kabukicho Street has achieved unprecedented development. Since the level of the customer base is not high, the business content and style are naturally not high, and it has become the largest red light district in Asia."

"In short, it is precisely because Kabukicho Street has a variety of business contents and is not expensive that it is so famous and can attract tourists from all over the world. But the shortcomings also come from this. The businesses on Kabukicho Street and The customers are a mixed bag, and everyone is there. Naturally, there will be problems with insufficient security. Not only is it a place where violent gangs are rampant, but the methods of competition in the industry are also relatively dark, and it is inevitable to encounter the kind of drunk who pretends to be crazy through drinking. You are a scoundrel who eats tofu randomly. So, based on your own conditions, where should you choose to open a store and what kind of store should you open? You should have a general direction now, right?"

After saying these words, Ning Weimin blinked deliberately at Axia.

Axia, who had been listening carefully, immediately understood the meaning of Ning Weimin's teaching test, and her brain started to spin rapidly.

"Well...Kabukicho Street should be eliminated first, and you definitely can't go there." Axia said thoughtfully, "According to your analysis, Kabukicho Street should be the worst with its chaotic environment and low customer consumption level. Choose a location. Although it is a business threshold for mass consumption, there should be no shortage of customers. But from an investment perspective, it is not cost-effective. Because they are both prosperous and famous commercial districts. The rent in Kabukicho Street is not necessarily cheaper than in Roppongi. The labor cost will be higher because there are more customers to receive. Especially for me, there are many tourists in Kabukicho Street, which is even worse. If not, I will meet acquaintances in Hong Kong City, which will leak out. The whereabouts..."

They are all people who are good at calculating. Listening to Axia's eloquent words, Ning Weimin felt happy to have met someone of the same kind. He nodded happily.

"Yes, I don't recommend you choose Kabukicho Street. It's almost for these reasons. It seems that we agree."

After receiving Ning Weimin's initial affirmation, Axia became more confident and continued. sand

"From the perspective of consumption level and safety, opening a store in Ginza is of course the first choice. But the problem is that in order to screen customers and maintain business quality, almost all clubs in Ginza adopt a membership system. They can only introduce customers through customers. Come and operate it, and keep out the strangers who come alone. This makes the threshold for operating a nightclub in Ginza very high. What’s more, Ginza is the most expensive place in Tokyo, and housing prices and rents are not comparable to other places. It must be much higher than Roppongi and Kabukicho Street. Especially the girls who work in the Ginza club are not only beautiful, but I heard that almost all of them have university degrees. So the labor cost must be beyond imagination. So like this First of all, the funds required to open a store must be astronomical. You mean, you don’t recommend me to open a store in Ginza, right?”

Seeing Axia's big eyes flashing, Ning Weimin couldn't help but be pleased with her intelligence and understanding.

"You have to think clearly. Opening a store in Ginza does require a lot of capital. And because Ginza clubs are usually membership-based. If there are not enough customers, the loss will not be a small amount. If you are a novice If you rush into business with a signature, you will suffer losses every day due to lack of customers, and if you don't do it, you will become a joke in Ginza. Therefore, almost without exception, the mamasangs who open a store in Ginza are the popular ladies in Ginza, and they have the support of their financial backers. , and also have a certain number of familiar customers as a stable source of customers. Very few women can succeed in Ginza purely by relying on their own abilities..."

"Ah, is that so? But...are these words a bit absolute?"

I don't know if Axia's nature is too strong. When Ning Weimin said that "women must rely on men" to open a store in Ginza, there was an unconvinced look in her eyes.

At this moment, I feel like I have to be more serious.

"Actually, opening a store also depends on the scale. If I rent a small place in Ginza and build a small bar-style bar, it can seat about ten people. I don't hire bartenders or girls to sit at the table. This will probably greatly reduce the number of people. Funds are needed. And because the place is small, most of the drinks ordered by the guests are not too difficult. I learned basic bartending techniques here, and I can also mix and serve drinks in a decent manner. In this way, even if I serve two people every day You can maintain three customers, right? Why can't you slowly accumulate customers by yourself and make the store bigger?" Sha Sha

Of course, this also shows that Axia does not regard Ning Weimin as an outsider, otherwise she would not express her true emotions.

Therefore, Ning Weimin fully tolerated Axia's somewhat angry reaction.

He didn't object directly, just expressed it tactfully.

"You're right. Maybe there is such a possibility. But if you do this, the difficulties and pressure are still not something ordinary people can bear. You may not know that the rent in Ginza is not very high now. Because Ginza is too small, and it’s rare to find a free space. Even a corner in the basement of a building, or a narrow counter in a worse location, is beyond the reach of ordinary people. If you have such a sum of money, most people will choose it. There are other more reliable investment methods. I think that only people with both ability and perseverance like you can succeed in counterattack. But the question is, if you are so good at calculation, why bother to wade into this muddy water? There are obviously other better choices..."

Axia immediately understood Ning Weimin's subtext, which was telling her that the cost of trial and error was too high.

He advised her not to hang herself from a tree.

But the more she said this, the more curious she became about how expensive Ginza was. sand

"Then how much does it cost to open a store in Ginza? Can you tell me directly so that I can learn more about it?"

However, Ning Weimin's answer made Axia angry.

"Frankly, I don't know either. After all, I'm a layman."

Fortunately, he then added, "But we can still make a rough calculation. As far as I know, a small Japanese restaurant in Ginza is about fifteen square meters, and the rent is 700,000 yen per month. . This is considered cheap. However, the aisle in front of the elevator in that store takes up part of the store, and the actual area of ​​​​the store is only a little more than 13 square meters, which cannot seat many tables of customers. It cost 8.4 million yen this year. , not counting the rent paid to the landlord and the free gifts..."

Axia is worthy of being a human calculator. Almost as soon as Ning Weimin finished speaking, she calculated the price.

"Oh, that is to say, for two such small shops, the rental cost alone is tens of millions of yen. It is really expensive. For Dantes, the rent is only half."

"This is nothing, this is the most common situation in Ginza." Suna

Indeed, what Ning Weimin later revealed was even more frightening, "Compared to renting, buying it is of course more expensive. A while ago, I learned that there is a 22-square-meter apartment on the ninth floor of an old building in Seven-chome. Bars have to put up advertisements to sell out, and the selling fee for the roof alone is 50 million yen. Now the house price in Ginza has reached 1.2 million yen per square meter, and one square meter is only 3.6 million yen. This is still In the old building, the floors are not that good. If the location is better, the floors are better, and the facilities are better, it would be higher."

"Ah! If you add it all up, wouldn't the cost of the house be 130 million yen?" Axia's voice became louder unknowingly.

"And you haven't even considered the decoration fee. One million yen per square meter is probably enough for the restaurant. But since you are opening a luxury club, this standard is not enough. I'm afraid it will be as high as 1.8 million yen per square meter."

"Including the decoration costs, the total cost will be at least 170 million yen..." Axia finally sighed.

But that's not the end yet, Ning Weimin actually added an explanation.

"Actually, consumables are the big deal. Things used in Ginza high-end clubs are also very different from those used in other places. For example, candlesticks, ashtrays, and tablecloths are all custom-made and must bear the name of the club. Wine glasses must be made of Edo Kiriko. Towels and tablecloths must be of high quality. Even the ashtrays must be changed. The Ginza Club has its own rules. Unlike other nightclubs, guests who smoke a cigarette in the Ginza Club must change the ashtrays. Towels and other items have been used. Once it’s done it can’t be used again.”

At this point, there is no need to say anything else. sand

In addition to high-end furniture and furnishings, you will definitely need to buy drinks, hire people, and have cash to maintain operations...

Counting them all together, even 200 million cannot stop it.

One million dollars! It's not even enough to open a small bar of about 60 square meters in Ginza.

Without in-depth understanding, who can believe it?

So Axiarao was arrogant and had to face reality at this time.

She may have the capital in hand, but after considering it, she really doesn't dare to invest it easily.

If you lose, you will lose everything. sand

"I understand. Mr. Ning, as you said, it is really not easy to open a store in Ginza."

Axia became modest again, "It seems that only Roppongi is a more suitable soil for me. It's just what Mr. Teruning meant, it would be inappropriate for me to open a snack shop here. What should I run? Where is the store? Please give me some advice from Mr. Ning..."

"Actually, like what I just said, you can choose any store that suits the atmosphere of Roppongi. It depends on you. I can't give you too specific suggestions. But I can tell you two I hope it will be helpful to you. First, with the current economic development situation in Japan, the country will become richer and richer. The consumption of the entire Japanese society will be upgraded. Even the working class who go to Kabukicho Street will sooner or later There will also be the idea of ​​​​going to high-end places, or new places that have never been to, to be luxurious. So you should not make the store low-end, but look up and make the store more high-end. Second, if you can buy the store, you can Don't rent. It doesn't matter if the store is small, and it doesn't matter if the location is not very good. As long as you can buy the store, these are nothing. Why? Because housing prices are destined to rise. Although this will not happen in Japan, the landlord can increase the rent at will and put you All the profits will be taken away. But if the house price goes up, you will make an extra sum. Why not? In my opinion, as long as the yen continues to be strong and continues to appreciate. Then if the house price rises, the income will far exceed the operating income. The income situation is not surprising. Even if you really don't run the store well and transfer it to someone else, you won't get nothing."

This time, Ning Weimin still did not give a direct answer.

But you can never say that he is hiding it, because the two points he said are the most important.

Axia, who is smart and has a talent for money, immediately understood the true value of these two suggestions.

It even made her seem to have grasped something again. sand

She had given up on opening a store in Ginza, but she further realized that the success or failure of this matter depended on the amount of funds she had.

According to Ning Weimin's judgment, Ginza is expensive, but if you can afford to buy a store and run it yourself, the risk doesn't seem that big.

Thinking this, she couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Because he was so focused, he didn't even notice that Ning Weimin drank the wine in one gulp and showed his intention to leave.

"Okay. I'm leaving. Axia, give me the store's phone number and I'll contact you tomorrow."

"Hey, you... want to leave? Why don't you sit down for a while. I've only asked you questions for so long. The reception is really not good."

"Don't say that, we are friends. We should help each other. Besides, you poured me wine and paid for my drinking. We chatted in Mandarin for a long time, which I already enjoyed very much."

"Then let me sing you another song. Do you want to listen to "Layers of Love" by Teresa Teng? It's very popular in Japanese bars recently..."

"Forget it. I want to talk to my girlfriend on the phone when I go back. That, to me, is true lovesickness."

Ning Weimin's half-joking words surprised Axia. She didn't expect that Ning Weimin's personal life had changed so much.

When they were in the capital, they also talked about this issue. At that time, Ning Weimin also said that he was alone.

"Ah! Has Mr. Ning already fallen in love? This is really unexpected. Is his girlfriend Japanese? Did he meet her in Tokyo?"


"That's really congratulations. Well, don't let your girlfriend misunderstand and I won't keep you." Sha

"Okay, goodbye then."

"I send you."

"No need. It's cold outside. Don't freeze you."

"It doesn't matter, this is a requirement of the store, and it is the same for every customer. Mama-san always said that only sincerity can win repeat customers. If you take care of me, Mama-san will blame me."

"Okay, please wait a moment. I'll give Mama-san the drink money and say hello to President Takahashi again..."

"It cost you money..."

"Come again? You're not welcome..." Sha

In this way, Ning Weimin paid 95,000 yen, ended the day's encounter with Axia, and went home on time.

As soon as Axia, who was only wearing a dress, came back from seeing Ning Weimin off, she was still shivering from the cold, when Mama Sang called her aside and gave her instructions with excitement.

"Axia, I heard what President Takahashi said. This President Ning is a very promising industrialist. He is so young, handsome, and so generous to you. You have to take good care of this customer. . If we can have a real relationship, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it.”

Axia didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and wanted to explain clearly, but they didn't mean that.

But seeing how happy Mama Sang was for him, he couldn't bear to displease her.

Besides, when someone says something, it doesn’t matter if you explain it yourself, as you might make others feel that you are pretending to be noble.

So in the end, he could only nod perfunctorily, "Yes, President Ning is a good person."

But I never thought that Mamasang was more straightforward.

"Not bad? At least let him be your sponsor and buy a store for you. Only then will he be worthy of such an evaluation. Don't be confused and believe in a man's sweet words. Don't be like me. Back then Just look good, you will regret it when you are old."

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