National Tide 1980

Chapter 962: Artistic Pursuit

Even though it was during this Spring Festival that Ning Weimin met the fifth-generation director or the future movie king for the first time, it could not be said that he was very close to each other.

But that doesn’t mean you can overturn a whole boat with one stroke.

Even as we all know, in the long run, the entertainment industry is indeed a pirate ship.

It is a vanity fair full of flattering philistines, speculators, flattering the high and undermining the low, and following the trend.

But after all, the domestic situation is still a bit special.

Anyway, in this era, the domestic entertainment industry is much cleaner than the outside world.

The filth beneath the water's surface is far from horrific.

Even the next generation of newcomers are not all utilitarian. They only use half a bottle and always feel that they are smarter than everyone else.

There are also many people who always maintain their sincerity and original intentions and truly pursue artistic pursuits.

Especially those who engage in avant-garde art appear to be even more pure and persistent among these people.

Cui Jian, the future godfather of domestic rock music, is the most typical example.

Ning Weimin also had a good chat with Cui Jian, and he realized how many unfortunate things happened to Cui Jian after he went abroad.

Understand how this "Father of Domestic Rock" was born.

At the end of 1985, Cui Jian's solo albums "The Prodigal Son" and "Seven Plywood Collection" were released successively, but both suffered disastrous failures.

The audio-visual publishers released these two albums to make money, and their attitude towards them quickly cooled.

To put it bluntly, you only have one chance.

With this kind of market reaction, there is basically no chance of releasing a new album.

It happened that at this time, Cui Jian and the others were revealed to have performed privately and sang foreign songs every day at Maxim.

So the Beijing Song and Dance Ensemble and the Beijing Symphony Orchestra to which they belonged also responded quickly and dealt with them seriously.

Not only were their musical instruments confiscated, but they were also asked to pay a fine to the regiment.

At the same time, they were also ordered to stop their private performances immediately, leave Maxim's Restaurant, and go home to write an inspection.

As a result, the Seven Plywood Band will inevitably face the situation of falling apart.

Most of the members were disheartened and reluctant to part with the band.

So after much discussion, the "Seven Plywood Band" disbanded on the spot and ceased to exist.

Only Cui Jian did not want to "change his evil ways and return to righteousness" whether in life or in life.

He couldn't bear to part with those days spent in Maxim's restaurant where the drums and music were intense and the music was howled until dawn.

So he resigned from the band without even consulting his family.

It seems like a road leading to the end of the road.

When Cui Jian's parents found out, they were not only sad but also extremely puzzled. They thought people were really strange.

Besides eating, what kind of freedom of thought is needed?

But it was also because of this that after the Seven Plywood Band was officially disbanded, Cui Jian finally turned into a butterfly and found his musical voice.

Don't look at Cui Jian, only his lover Song Xiaohong is still firmly supporting him.

But after experiencing all the warmth and coldness of the world, full of anger and confusion, creative inspiration surged forth.

As if he had an apocalypse, this kid composed several original songs with a unique personal style.

"A Piece of Red Cloth", "Nothing", "Start Over", and "Girl in the Flower House" are among China's earliest native rock classics, and they were released one after another.

All this happened very quickly, like lightning piercing the night sky.

In Cui Jian's own words, "It's just like a love call. It's instinctive and I can't control it at all."

And this is precisely what moved Ning Weimin.

Because he discovered that China's native rock music is not just a "shamate" that expresses anger and rebellion, but a philosophical poetry full of life insights.

Cui Jian's works are not written songs at all, they are not pieced together word for word.

It's that he has experienced too many setbacks and has accumulated a lot of things in his heart. In the end, he suppresses a cry that can directly touch the depths of a person's soul!

Therefore, the problem that countless music fans and musicians in the Chinese-speaking circle seemed to be unable to figure out was inadvertently solved by Ning Weimin.

Why is it that in so many places around the world where there are Chinese people and there is no shortage of information, funds, or good equipment, there is no decent Chinese rock music?

Why did it happen to be in the capital, which was relatively backward in all aspects at that time?

The answer is because the less something is lacking, the more people want it.

Chinese rock music is simply a child born under extremely difficult conditions by a prodigy who is obsessed with music with full enthusiasm and advanced consciousness!

That’s why it’s so vital!

Ning Weimin didn't talk nonsense. He only relied on a demo tape Cui Jian recorded for himself and after listening to two songs in it, he issued a sincere invitation.

"Awesome! Really awesome! I think these songs are good! Cui, come to Japan with me. I keep my word. If the domestic conditions are not good, I will go to Tokyo to find the best band for you. Then we will arrange the music and go into the studio , record songs and release an album. Xiaohong will also accompany you. Hey, didn't your "Prodigal Son's Journey" sell poorly? Then I'll buy it all and give you another 10,000 yuan to settle down and relieve your worries. How about it? ?I provide you with the best conditions to express your emotions through music."

Needless to say, this appreciation from Bole made the couple Cui Jian and Song Xiaohong so excited that they almost cried with joy.

Unfortunately, what was so unfortunate was that Song Xiaohong really couldn't leave.

Because after the Spring Festival, under the arrangement of her mother Song Huagui, she would work as an artist on the crew of Italian director Bernardo Bertolucci's "The Last Emperor" and learn costume design and production from foreigners.

Of course Ning Weimin knew the weight of this movie.

It is co-produced by China, Britain, France and Italy, and was specially approved for on-site shooting in the Forbidden City.

With a huge investment and a special subject matter, this biographical film is destined to attract much attention from the day the filming plan is confirmed. It can be regarded as a symbol of Chinese film and television people's entry into the world film industry.

What's more, this movie has indeed won numerous international awards since its release, and it also created the first Chinese actor to win the Golden Globe Award.

Needless to say, whoever gets a spot in this drama will have a bright qualification for entering the film and television industry in the future.

Not to mention others, the fifth-generation director who made Ning Weimin dislike him as soon as he met him, tried every possible means to squeeze in.

I also got the role of a guard officer in the Forbidden City.

In total, he didn't say a single line, and when he said it, he had to stick his butt out and kneel down.

Think about it, how awesome is this movie?

Song Xiaohong can put her name in and participate in the production from beginning to end. How exciting is it?

Naturally, Ning Weimin could understand Song Huagui's painstaking efforts in paving the way for his daughter's future.

It was hard to persuade Song Xiaohong, who was interested in making movies, to give up this rare opportunity in order to accompany Cui Jian to Japan.

But then I thought about it, and there was an additional benefit.

Since Song Xiaohong went to the crew to participate in the costume production, wouldn't it be much easier for him to get the costumes and props?

So Ning Weimin proposed to Song Xiaohong, hoping that she could help get a connection if she had the opportunity, or ask the person in charge to help mention it and inquire about the price.

He said that after the filming of the movie is completed, he hopes to buy all the costumes and props in the play.

Look, if you don’t tell me, what is the human brain used for?

Ning Weimin still has this ability.

Even spending money can be turned into money making with him, and he can always find an advantage.

Coincidentally, there was another person who was in a similar situation to Cui Jian at this time, and he was also very familiar with Ning Weimin.

It’s just that this guy is not in music, but in the film industry.

And he is definitely not an unknown person, he has been famous for a long time.


Chen Peisi.

Although with the wonderful performances in the Spring Festival Gala in the past few years, the CP partnered by "Chen Xiaoer" and Zhu Shimao has become a household name and popular all over the country.

He even single-handedly made the "sketch" performance form, which was originally difficult to gain popularity, more popular, ushering in a new era of sketches.

Many people who were originally ordinary, with no good looks, could not sing or dance, or could not speak cross talk, found a way out because of him.

According to ordinary people's imagination, such a career achievement can be regarded as success and fame. Wouldn't anyone be so beautiful that they can live a life that is superior to others?

But in reality?

Some people may not believe it.

This actually doesn't mean much to Chen Peisi.

Because it’s really not easy for celebrities these days to monetize their traffic, they basically have to resort to cheating.

Moreover, performing sketches is just a side job for Chen Peisi.

After all, he is a movie actor, and he is also a comedy movie actor who has ideas, pursuits, and ambitions.

His biggest wish is to shoot a comedy series in his lifetime that is as influential as Japan's "The Story of Torajiro" and that truthfully reflects the lives of ordinary people.

Unfortunately, due to various limitations of the domestic objective situation, he encountered obstacles in the development of his main film business, and he felt the pain of being unable to use his hands and feet.

That's right, in the first "Father and Son" series of "I'm Born to Be Useful", Mr. Chen did get his "birth certificate" while he slapped the table and glared.

Thanks to Ning Weimin's generous funding, the filming was successfully completed and will be released soon.

But the problem is that this is just a one-time deal, not a long-term solution.

The film bureau's acquisition of "Fathers and Sons" was out of sheer helplessness, and it also issued a warning that "it won't happen again."

Therefore, the script for the second sequel that Chen Peisi has already written will definitely not be able to continue filming based on his father's favor.

He still had to beg for help and try his best to get another "birth certificate" for his second movie.

And he is not good at sociability and does not know how to ask for help. It is too difficult for him to get stamped at the Yamen Gate.

This is an almost impossible task.

In fact, until the end of 1985, Chen Peisi had no clues.

On the contrary, the screenwriter who participated in the creation with him had connections in the Northeast and found the "Changying Studio" specifically for this matter.

It's just that "Changying Film Studio" agreed to take over the filming even though it felt that the script had potential.

But it also denies the unique model of Chen's comedy of father and son partnership.

Their creative consciousness is still relatively conservative, and they require that movies must show tall and complete characters.

It is said that the protagonist cannot be a comic character, it must be a positive character.

Therefore, it was decided to change the script into a political propaganda drama and even change the name of the movie to "Hey, Buddy."

In this way, Chen Peisi faced a difficult choice that was heartbreaking no matter how difficult it was.

Do you want your hard work to be completely wasted?

Or should we give our "children" to others and let them dress them up as they please?

What was even more unexpected was that after New Year's Day, even the "August 1st Factory" began to put pressure on Chen Peisi.

He was told that he would not be allowed to work outside from now on and asked him to focus on his job.

As a result, Chen Peisi's handling method was completely different from that of the "second son" he played. He was particularly straight-faced and straightforward.

There was no turning around at all, so he voluntarily gave up his iron job, not even taking the quota for titles and housing assignments, and resolutely changed his career from the "August 1st Factory".

Even in order to adhere to the ideal of comedy, even "Aunt Tian" who originally admitted him persuaded him to change his mind, but he did not waver.

It's just that although his father understands him, his wife at home doesn't do it.

My wife has been crying for several days, saying that he is "famous all over the world but has no money." She is very worried about the future life of the family.

Now Chen Peisi was a bit confused.

Because even though he can make some money by "traveling" in his spare time when he is not making movies, this extra money is not stable after all.

Moreover, the "Big Maoer" who has been responsible for organizing performances was criticized years ago. I heard that there were voices from above demanding that Liu Xiaoqin be dealt with seriously.

If even she fails, then there's no telling whether she can do this in the future or how long she can do it.

Chen Peisi has to be afraid. He no longer has a job, and his wife and children have already suffered with him.

It's better to let the whole family worry about you again, right?

So when Liu Xiaoqin contacted him about going to the Temple of Heaven Park to earn extra money, how dare he agree? Pushed directly.

He said he didn't care about it, but in fact he was afraid of causing trouble for the family and causing more worries to his wife.

But when he heard from Liu Xiaoqin, who was paying him New Year's greetings, that Ning Weimin had returned to the capital, it was different.

Because I feel guilty.

Of course Chen Peisi knew that Ning Weimin organized the Temple of Heaven Garden Party.

When he was in trouble, people were so helpful.

Now it was his turn, but he pushed six, two, and five, which seemed a bit unreasonable.

After pondering over it, I was really afraid that Ning Weimin would misunderstand, so I wanted to meet to clarify the issue.

Fortunately, Ning Weimin doesn't care about this matter now, otherwise he would really have no shame to see him like this.

There is another matter that Chen Peisi also wants to explain clearly to Ning Weimin in person, and that is the matter of money.

In fact, Chen Peisi didn't spend the 400,000 yuan that Ning Weimin raised for the film "Fathers and Sons" last year.

The actual cost of filming was only 260,000 to 70,000 yuan.

But Ning Weimin asked him to buy a courtyard house for long-term shooting, but he didn't have time to do it.

Now faced with this uncertain future, he didn't even know whether he should buy the yard or not.

He couldn't dig a big hole for Ning Weimin to jump into before he knew whether the next movie would be approved for production, right?

So there was nothing else, so Chen Peisi could only bite the bullet and make an appointment with Ning Weimin to explain his situation.

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