National Tide 1980

Chapter 966 Praise

Suddenly, Ning Weimin thought of Ganlu again. He didn't see her in the Pierre Cardin discount store today.

So I couldn't help but ask.

"Hey, I heard that you and Ganlu share this office. Where is she? Where did she go?"

And Yin Yue's answer was still something he didn't expect.

"Talk about her. This girl doesn't come here very often anymore."

"You don't come here much? What do you mean? Are you off duty?"

"No. Xiaolu is now highly regarded by the company. After you went abroad, Mr. Zou did not make it difficult for her. Instead, he asked her to continue to help manage the specialty stores below. As time goes by, when the discount store here is on the right track. Xiaolu Lu concentrated on managing the regular specialty stores under the company. With me helping her look after it, there wouldn't be too big a problem. If she couldn't do it, she would be there every day. Now, she might come here in a week. It will take a day and a half. The main reason is to summarize the accounts and check the operating status of the store. "

Ning Weimin was surprised, but he was also pleased with Zou Guodong's official business and his ability to make good use of people.

In this way, at least Ganlu's future is settled.

So he continued to ask with a somewhat complicated mood.

"Is it still possible to do this? How long have you been helping her like this?"

"It almost started after the National Day last year."

"In other words, all six stores in Tianqiao Department Store are now managed by one person?"

After hearing this, Yin Yue thought that Ning Weimin was worried that he would be too busy, so he quickly comforted him.

"Hey, there's not much to do actually. Now all six stores in Tianqiao Department Store have store managers, otherwise I wouldn't be able to stay in the office with peace of mind. I will only intervene in problems that cannot be solved by these store managers. You Don’t worry, I can take care of it completely, and it will definitely not affect anything in our store. In fact, I still have time to read books and review my homework every day..."

But Ning Weimin shook his head.

"I'm not worried about this. I also know that you have a good relationship with Ganlu. But if it's like seems to be a bit unfair. I'm afraid that Pierre Cardon and Jinli Lai will have objections..."

Only then did Yin Yue realize what Ning Weimin was really worried about.

But it doesn't matter. Although it involves legal issues, she still knows how to measure things.

"Don't worry, I never directly interfere with the actual work of those stores. In fact, when I say I help and watch, I just watch. Basically, there are things related to the overall planning. I still need to discuss it with Xiaolu and reach an agreement. Only when they are unanimous will they meet with their respective store managers and then implement them individually. And in those stores, if they need my help, their store managers will come to me. At most, I am only responsible for giving ideas. That is to say, taking action It’s all about talking. As for money and accounts, I don’t even ask. There won’t be any misunderstanding..."

As Yin Yue spoke, she made a cup of tea for Ning Weimin.

Then he brought Ning Weimin his favorite Peony cigarettes and an ashtray.

It can be said that the service was very attentive.

But even though she had explained so much, Ning Weimin remained silent and didn't know what he was thinking.

She still couldn't help but feel embarrassed because of this, thinking that her boss was unhappy.

"Am I making my own decisions? If you...if you think it's inappropriate, then...or I'll discuss it with Xiaolu in a few days. See if there are any other solutions..."

But in fact, this was her fault.

Yes, Ning Weimin felt very complicated in his heart.

But this was because he found that the six stores were able to run in such an orderly manner, which was most likely due to Yin Yue.

Although I had been mentally prepared for it, I was still a little surprised when my guess turned out to be true.

He had to admit that his impression of Yin Yue had changed again.

In the past, he only used Yin Yue in a general sense, not seeking merit, but seeking no faults.

To put it bluntly, what he valued in the past was Yin Yue's loyalty and practical work experience.

He just wants Yin Yue to help him take care of his home, clear his accounts, and maintain his basic foundation.

The only talent I feel she has shown is her speculative sensitivity on stamps, and she can be regarded as someone who can be entrusted with both aspects.

But after more than half a year abroad, he didn't think so when he came back. Everything he witnessed made him further understand Yin Yue's business talents in the clothing industry.

This girl is no longer just a general, but has the potential to become a handsome talent, and may be able to stand alone.

So what he was hesitating and thinking about was nothing else but how to better utilize Yin Yue's talents.

For example, he originally thought of surviving for a few more years, but suddenly found such a capable arm, it was like Pierre Cardin discovered Song Huagui.

Naturally, I had the urge to formalize my clothing industry, officially register a company, expand and open a chain.

It's just that he is a little unsure about domestic policies. After all, he will not be in the country for a long time in the future.

If something goes wrong, there are some non-business matters that Yin Yue may not be able to solve.

How to choose and choose is a bit of a headache...

"Don't get me wrong. I don't mean this. As long as you can control the scale, it doesn't matter if you are willing to help Ganlu. After all, you are also sisters. In fact, what I am considering are some obvious changes in the current store..."

Ning Weimin recovered from his trance and decided to have a good chat with Yin Yue first to truly understand the specific situation.

But he never expected that it would be okay not to ask. After asking about it carefully, he found out many surprises.

"Yin Yue, I see that all six stores have added lights? Is it your idea or Ganlu's?"

"It was my idea. How nice it is to be bright and bright. Both customers and our staff will feel a lot brighter when they stay in a store like this. Especially in winter, more lights can make it warmer. The shopping mall The heating is a bit insufficient. By the way, I also took the initiative to add several more posters for Guofeng and Playboy. Customers were also surprised when they saw it. They all thought that our brand was really the same as Li Ning, Lou Yun, Na Ji It has something to do with the Hong Kong and Taiwan celebrities. Adding up these two items, the total cost should be less than 20,000. Do you think it is worth it? You don’t think I spent the money in vain, do you?”

"No, no, I think the effect is pretty good. You spent the two dollars reasonably. At least it can improve the quality of the store."

"Yeah, so after doing these two things, I canceled the discounts on most of the products in our store. Except for the slow-selling styles and out-of-season products that are not easy to sell, there are no discounts on any products in our store. .”

"I said that when I came here today, there didn't seem to be any price reductions in the store. But in this case, the unit price can certainly be increased. But will the sales volume not be affected? The products in our store are not cheap. A set of clothes costs 180. , almost a worker’s salary. The single-item transaction rate must have dropped sharply..."

"It must have been affected. To be honest, when it was first implemented, the sales volume dropped by half. Many customers insisted on bargaining before buying. I was so frightened that I thought I was in trouble. "

"Ah? Has something like this happened before? Then how did you deal with it?"

Sales volume is the lifeblood of a store, and Ning Weimin couldn't help but focus on it.

"What else can we do? Just grit your teeth and hold on."

Yin Yue frowned slightly, but said firmly, "Then I thought about it, the price can't be adjusted back no matter what. Let's not set a precedent of bargaining with customers. Because this will lose credibility, and then everything will Customers who come to buy will wait for us to lower the price or bargain with us before they are willing to buy. Once this impression is established, it is difficult to change. Opening a store in this way will give customers the impression that it is a low-price clothing store. . It will also make customers who bought at high prices feel disgusted and lose their loyalty to our store. But on the other hand, what if we insist on not lowering the price? As long as our clothing styles are excellent, maybe customers will lose their patience if they wait for a while. Come back and buy. By then, what we have gained are loyal customers. Most of these customers will continue to visit our store in the future and form word-of-mouth publicity..."

Ning Weimin felt grateful that Yin Yue had such a clear thinking, and couldn't help but agree with her point of view.

That's right! In fact, what are you afraid of when selling clothes? Or are you afraid of constant price cuts?

Now that I think about it, it seems a bit hasty that he originally advocated lowering prices to attract customers.

"Well, you are quite right. This is how building a brand is. The price reduction when our new store opened is indeed not a long-term solution. I should bear some responsibility for this matter. It cannot be said that I have buried a hole for myself. , but it can be regarded as eager for quick success and quick profit, which is very unfavorable for the operations of several brand stores to go on the right track. I am the one who caused you trouble. "

Unexpectedly, his self-examination made Yin Yue laugh, and she actually defended him.

"If that's the case, you can't say that. In fact, I quite understand you. After all, when a new store opens, the most urgent thing is to gather popularity. It's one moment and another moment. I can understand your starting point at the time. There was nothing you could do about it at the time. , otherwise how can we compete with stores like Pierre Cardin and Goldlion. It would be embarrassing for us to be deserted when others are in full swing. I don’t ask for anything else, as long as you can understand my difficulties."

Such thoughtful words certainly made Ning Weimin feel comfortable, and he said it half-jokingly.

"I understand, of course I understand. Can we still understand each other? So what's going on now? How much have the customers recovered? It doesn't matter, just say it boldly."

"Please rest assured that the current sales volume is actually 20 to 30% higher than in the past."

"Ah, how could this happen? Are you kidding me?"

It was a completely unexpected surprise, and Ning Weimin felt an incredible shock.

If the unit price is not discounted and the sales volume increases, doesn't that mean the gross profit has doubled?

Unexpectedly, Yin Yue nodded in agreement without hesitation, proving that Ning Weimin's guess was correct.

"Yes, the gross profit has doubled compared to the past, but the net profit is not that high. Some money cannot be saved. In order to increase sales as soon as possible, I did not wait stupidly, but turned all the discounts into sales Commission is used to encourage sales by clerks. Therefore, although there is no discount, the profit of a single product in the store is about the same as in the past. The net profit has also increased by 20 to 30%. On the contrary, the clerk's income has increased significantly because of their hard promotion. Now we The people in the store must earn at least one thousand five hundred and fifty-six yuan a month. If any of them can't sell clothes worth thirty thousand yuan a month, they themselves feel ashamed, and that's called unqualified."

Hearing this, Ning Weimin couldn't help but say hello again, and he even wanted to clap his hands.

This trick of leaving the meat rotten in the pot is really awesome.

"Okay, okay, you have a good idea. This is really a beautiful thing! The same promotion effect is not passed on to customers, but our employees are cheaper. This is of course more cost-effective. Even if the store's profits have not increased compared with the past. Our employees earn If there are more, that is also a good thing. At least they will be more motivated and more serious and responsible in their work, so why can’t our business be prosperous?”

That's right, he couldn't help but praise it!

This Yin Yue has a very deep understanding of the clothing industry.

Some business strategy ideas were even beyond his own imagination.

Ning Weimin can now fully confirm that Yin Yue is an indispensable talent for him and the best candidate for the future CEO of his clothing company.

The position of just a financial director obviously cannot match her talents. It is a condescension and a waste.

Even if this girl smiles charmingly, she doesn't dare to take any credit.

"You're very flattering. To be honest, I was forced to come up with this idea when the situation came up. Mainly because I know your generosity and know that you are a good leader who never treats his subordinates badly. That's why I dare to make my own decision. You don't Just blame me, I really don’t deserve your praise.”

It must be said that Yin Yue's self-blame, which seemed to be a complaint but was actually a boast, was equivalent to putting a lot of money on Ning Weimin's face.

Ning Weimin didn't expect that her flattering skills would also improve, so he talked about it even more happily.

"Blame you? It's too late for me to praise you. I really didn't expect you to manage several stores in Tianqiao Mall so well. Not to mention the popularity, the employees are diligent, and the profits have increased. Oh, by the way, there's that one When the street sewing club entered here and set up the odd job processing department, was that also your handiwork? If so, this idea is even more impressive! You are better than your predecessors. Not only did you make up for the shortcomings of garment sales, Even Tianqiao Department Store has to thank you. How much business have you attracted for them? Their fabrics are selling better because of your idea."

"Oh, Mr. Ning, why do you praise me even more!"

To say that Yin Yue was still not completely out of innocence, a red cloud flew up on her face at this moment, and she mumbled to clarify the true situation.

"I did this purely by accident. The original idea was very simple, just to solve the problem of customers' need to adjust the size of clothing. By the way, I would take care of the street sewing club. Who knew that it would become a big business later, and it would get out of hand. . And the person who contributed the most to this matter was Director Su of the street clothing factory. In fact, the reason why this sewing department is so recognized by customers is entirely because of the good craftsmanship passed down from his family. He can say that his father did it better than Luo Meng. Mr. Su, our tailor master, has been invited to take charge. Even the idea of ​​providing free measuring tapes to customers to reduce queue time was the idea of ​​Factory Director Su. So you really have to give me the credit for this, I It’s a shame.”

After saying that, Yin Yue sighed softly and lowered his head.

He looked as if he had finished speaking his mind and his burden had been relieved.

But the more she behaves like this, the more pitiful and adorable she becomes, and she deserves admiration.

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