National Tide 1980

Chapter 97 Popularity

It’s absolutely amazing!

Zhang Shihui put a strange-flavored bean in his mouth, blinked for a long time, and licked his mouth again and again, unable to say a word.

Ning Weimin's lofty remarks were just like the beans in his mouth.

It's sweet or salty, spicy or spicy, it's hard to say in one word.

But one thing he has figured out.

Ning Weimin is right, this fruit business is indeed the biggest pit that people who want to do business are most likely to fall into.

If he had known that there were so many words here, he would have been hiding eight feet away.

From now on, of course I can't touch this business again even to death.

"You can do it! Your uncle Kang is also a master! I just thought about it now. With the money I lost on this, it's not unfair!"

After a long time, Zhang Shihui finally praised him, but then he couldn't help but have questions.

"I probably understand why this fruit can't be sold. Then tell me, can I sell this toad mirror? Can I go to the south?"

"Isn't this thing a bad thing? I really almost made money, if I didn't run into that reckless bastard..."

Ning Weimin was stunned and quickly raised his hand to stop Zhang Shihui from complaining.

"Brother, it's not me who's attacking you. How can I say you really score?"

"Huh? Is there a saying here?"

Zhang Shihui's tone was full of disbelief.

"Yes, I have!"

Ning Weimin picked up the tea cup and took a few sips before putting it down and starting to speak.

"There is no doubt that this toad mirror is much better than fruit. It is fashionable and popular, and young people are rushing to get it. You can earn several yuan by selling one. If you get it directly from the south, the profit will be doubled... …”

"Then isn't that great? What else is there to say..."

Zhang Shihui couldn't help but interrupt.

"Don't be anxious. Listen to me and tell you slowly. There is a 'but' behind this."

After squeaking twice and clearing his throat, Ning Weimin did not continue speaking directly.

He was quite okay, so he gave me a warning first.

"Pay attention and don't interrupt me again!"

"Okay, okay, just tell me."

Zhang Shihui couldn't laugh or cry at Ning Weimin, who really regarded him as an expert.

"What kind of money does Toad Mirror make? That's popular money."

Needless to say, Ning Weimin's choice is correct, but this principle is correct and can be chosen.

Zhang Shihui nodded in approval.

“But the biggest problem with popularity is that it’s just a rush of enthusiasm, and that’s it.”

Ning Weimin curled his lips, not afraid of exposing his shortcomings.

He began to exterminate relatives for justice and denounced the shortcomings of his countrymen.

"Don't you know what we ordinary people are like? We are just like a herd of sheep, blindly following fashion! The characteristic of following fashion is to swarm it, but when it becomes popular, it fades away quickly. To put it bluntly, we go to extremes and like the new and dislike the old."

"In the past, shearling hats, sea soul shirts, white-edged loafers, white tennis shoes, and fake collars were so awesome! Everyone regarded them as good things, and those who didn't have them would only dream of them. But now? Most of them. Everyone just threw it at the bottom of the box."

"And drinking kombucha and injecting chicken blood. When it became popular, everyone wanted to participate. Once this trend is over, whoever does this again will definitely be regarded as a lunatic. You have to look back and see, were you stupid at the beginning?"

"Especially, you have to think carefully. In recent years, has the cycle of various fashions become shorter and shorter? Isn't it just a blink of an eye to grab gauze scarves, drumstick pants, and true-to-goodness shirts? Yesterday's fashion will be gone in just a blink of an eye. He became the country bumpkin he is today.”

"Don't go into detail, let's just say that at the beginning of February this year, Li Xiaoxia's furry scarf became popular among the girls on the street because of the performance of the drama "Save Her". Later, as soon as the drama ended, no one wore it within half a month. Yes. Right?"

Zhang Shihui is not slow in thinking, and knows how to draw inferences from one instance and wake up immediately.

"You mean? "The Man from the Bottom of the Atlantic" has already finished its performance and will soon become popular?"

Ning Weimin nodded with relief.

"Hey, if you think so, then you're on your way. Brother, the emergence and existence of anything has an inevitable process, with peaks and declines, and cycles. Besides, this is not without signs. If you pay more attention, you will find out, Although microphone mirrors are still quite popular, are there fewer people playing Frisbee?"

It's a pity that it's one thing to understand the truth, but it's another thing to accept it.

Zhang Shihui was somewhat unwilling and still harbored illusions.

"But... can it really happen so quickly? I mean, aren't some things popular and long? For example, military uniforms and bell-bottom pants..."

Ning Weimin shook his head and dismissed him.

"...But there is a reason. Military uniforms are not easy for ordinary people to get. You see, the ones with four pockets have been popular longer than those with two pockets. The popularity of generals' coats and 55th generals' boots has not completely subsided until now. It’s a matter of scarcity.”

"Bell-bottom pants are due to the opposition of public opinion. Newspapers criticize them every day, unit leaders control them, and schools even use scissors to twist them. It is this kind of resistance that delays the fashion cycle."

"Once the resistance is gone, or as time goes by, everyone will gradually have it. When there is no comparison and it is difficult to have a sense of superiority and freshness, it will end immediately."

"Look at the young people around you now. Three out of ten people wear toad glasses. I don't know how many of them still don't wear them. The popularity is much faster than bell-bottoms. So I think it's almost time for microphone glasses. .”

Zhang Shihui cannot argue, but at this moment, his eyes are like the classic line spoken by Chen Zhen, played by Bruce Lee, at the end of "Fist of Fury".

"I haven't read much, don't lie to me!"

Ning Weimin was almost not amused by his expression. After thinking about it, he felt that it was most practical for businessmen to talk about money.

"I won't say anything else. I just remember that before summer, before I started acting in this TV series, I also bought a pair of sunglasses. They were only twelve yuan. How much have they increased now? You can't even buy them. I just Let me ask you this, if you really buy it and find that it is no longer easy to sell, or the price drops back, would you still be willing to sell it at a low price?"

Ning Weimin's hypothesis could not help but shake Zhang Shihui's heart again, and his brows furrowed into knots.

"I'm going, don't 'favour' me. You're asking me for a box of money. could I be willing to vomit this blood?"

Ning Weimin smiled bitterly.

"You are still stubborn, why haven't you learned to behave at all? What did you say when we were talking about fruits just now?"

"If it really comes to this, you don't have to think about it. No matter how painful it is, you have to accept compensation. Otherwise, it will really be sold as junk."

"I'm not bluffing you. Don't forget, you are not the only one selling this thing in the whole capital. If you don't sell it, others will. The more they sell it, the cheaper the thing in your hand will be."

"If someone makes money, it will be easier to sell than you, and then use the money from the sale to make up for it. You will lose a lot of money here and there..."

No matter how hard Zhang Shihui is, he can still pass the arithmetic test. After all, he is a high school student.

After thinking about it, I gave myself a head scratch in annoyance.

For no other reason, always making a mistake and not knowing how to learn lessons is undoubtedly an IQ problem of remembering food but not fighting.

Fortunately, after the pain, his eyes lit up and he thought of his last hope.

"Wait a minute, buddy, I almost let you go in. You just said that if you go to the south to buy goods, you will get double the profits. Don't I just want to go to the south to buy goods."

"The capital purchased a pair of toad mirrors for fifteen yuan, but I heard that Huacheng only costs five or six yuan. What if I can get a hundred pairs back? Even if the price really drops, I can sell them for ten yuan and make a profit at most. ah."

"What's more, with your reminder, I already know the risks, can I still be stupid again? I won't get married until I get into the toad mirror. I have decided to go south and get a digital watch."

It's a pity that he thought he had a plan, but he still suffered a blow from Ning Weimin.

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