National Tide 1980

Chapter 977 Small Group

The meal lasted until two o'clock in the afternoon.

Everyone sat together, and in addition to chatting about the development plans of the Tan Palace Restaurant and the Temple of Heaven Park, and the current preparations for the Tokyo Tan Palace Branch, they also talked about a lot of interesting gossip.

The Japanese eat fish almost every meal, and it’s not the same, because it’s very cheap, but vegetables and fruits in Tokyo are much more expensive than meat...

Not everyone in Japan drives a car, and traffic is extremely congested.

Just like taking the subway to and from get off work in Tokyo, just like the buses in our capital, someone must push people in before they can close the door and drive away.

Transportation fees are also very expensive. One train ride is equivalent to a monthly pass in China. The cost of commuting is extremely high...

There are also more men than women in Japan, and wedding expenses are huge. It is really not easy for a man to find a wife.

But after marrying a daughter-in-law, the little Japanese likes to act chauvinistic...

In short, until they had had enough wine and food, and all these new and interesting gossips were exhausted, everyone was satisfied and willing to disperse.

But I have to say that the most enjoyable thing about this meal was that Ning Weimin gave everyone another unexpected surprise before parting.

what's up?

As soon as the "BP" machine was mentioned at the banquet today, Ning Weimin's heart moved. He thought that he didn't bring enough gifts, so he could use this thing to make up for his mistakes in favor.

So when the party was about to break up, he left everyone alone and made suggestions in public, saying that he was really anxious to come back and he didn't bring any Japanese souvenirs to everyone, which was a bit embarrassing.

Simply, let Tan Palace fund and equip everyone with a pager as a New Year gift.

It will also be convenient for everyone to contact you on official business in the future.

And as soon as this statement came out, who would be unhappy?

Everyone immediately toasted together, and there was an outpouring of praises, trying their best to thank Ning Weimin for his kindness.

It really makes a person smile and the host and guest enjoy themselves.

This is not because they are blind, nor can it be said that they are superficial.

The key is that the value of BP machines these days is really high, which is basically equivalent to the annual salary of an ordinary employee.

It is both a symbol of status and a symbol of status.

And it is a black technology product, which is absolutely fashionable.

Whoever wants to have such a thing is really awesome. It will definitely satisfy people's vanity better than the Apple mobile phone in a few decades.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s useful or not, whether it’s good or not, whether it’s useful or not, anyway, don’t wear a big one on your belt, that’s good!

Especially since such a gift can be called for work, so no one can say anything.

Isn’t this a way to show off openly and openly?

While everyone was happy, they couldn't help but secretly praise Ning Weimin for being really good at giving gifts and being able to understand everyone's thoughts instantly.

The small regret of not getting a Japanese gift is nothing.

Naturally, everyone can understand the difficulties of Ning Weimin's busy schedule and long journey.

Therefore, it also requires brains to pretend to be public for personal gain.

Thanks to Ning Weimin's clever use of the topic, this meal was a complete success.

But speaking of Ning Weimin's original intention of coming to the Temple of Heaven today, it was not only to inspect the operating conditions of Tan Gong Restaurant.

In addition to sitting down to have a meal with the management of the Temple of Heaven and Qiao Wanlin to maintain the emotional temperature.

In fact, there are a few old friends who he met in Weimo, and he also wants to meet them.

So when the banquet broke up that afternoon, Ning Weimin didn't leave, but went to the manager's office to rest.

After taking a nap for a while, when the Temple of Heaven Park was about to close, he called Sun Wufu and Gu Si'er.

Then he called back to Shan'er Hutong and called Luo Guangliang and Xiaotao, leaving Zhang Shihui behind.

In this way, Ning Weimin organized another dinner party in the evening. The six of them gathered at the table and continued drinking at Tan Gong Restaurant.

In fact, Ning Weimin's meaning is very simple.

The emotional relationship between several people here is greater than the interest relationship, and almost all of them can be regarded as his buddies.

In addition, Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao will also come to Tiantan Park to do business next year.

As the saying goes, "You can't see them if you look up, but you can't see them if you look down." He hoped that these people could get close to each other and become more familiar with each other so that they could take care of each other in the future.

Needless to say, everyone present responded positively to his kindness.

Under his auspices, the people present drank and chatted happily, saying words of justice and justice like heroes in the world.

Perhaps at this time, each participant was not so pure and sincere in their hearts, and they only acted affectionately out of consideration for Ning Weimin's face.

But don't forget, the members of this small circle are all honest people that Ning Weimin can trust.

Ning Weimin brought them together, just in line with the saying, "Birds of a feather flock together, and people divide into groups."

Some people who have similar values ​​and moral values ​​can actually find it easy to find how compatible they are with each other.

So although Ning Weimin quickly left the capital again.

But starting from this meal, the gathering of these people continued for a long time.

And slowly, each of them really realized the real benefits from it.

If not for anything else, just because the way people get along with each other is absolutely different from the so-called fair-weather friends, or the kind of philistine people commonly seen in shopping malls.

When they meet, they never care whether you drink the wine I mentioned or what brand of cigarettes you smoke.

Each other only cares about how the other is doing recently and whether I can help you if you encounter difficulties.

If someone really encounters any practical difficulties in their business, once they ask for help, everyone will not do "errands".

We will definitely provide tangible help within our ability.

Such a sincere relationship is the greatest significance of Ning Weimin's introduction to them, and it is also the most heart-warming and gratifying thing.

You know, things in the shopping mall are like ships on the sea. Who can tell when they will encounter icebergs and snowstorms?

But it would be a big difference if there were some like-minded people who could unite together.

Everyone's business risks will be greatly reduced, and contacts, information, and outlets will be effectively increased. It can even be said that everyone's business life has an extra 1up backup.

Of course, Ning Weimin, as the elder who built such a small group, gained more from it.

These people are united because of him, and of course they will always be his helpful arms and staunch followers.

As the saying goes, if one is prosperous, both will be prosperous; if one is deprived, both will suffer.

If we use an analogy, he is like the aircraft carrier of this group, and these people are all wingmen surrounding him.

Otherwise, how can we say that we are "one of our own"?

Just like this time, fish farming professional Togo Shi'er was worthy of him.

This kid actually still remembered his entrustment. He really worked hard before the end of last year and went to Huacheng to throw away 40,000 yuan.

Successfully brought back a pair of blue dragons, two pairs of red dragons, three gold dragons and five silver dragons for him.

These fish are now kept in a quiet room in Nanshen Kitchen, and people are hired to go to the moat every day to catch small fish and feed them.

At present, it has been maintained for a quarter, and it is almost considered supported.

Although the conditions are limited due to the long distance.

Even if Gu Si'er had the know-how taught by Ning Weimin, he secretly measured the original water temperature of these arowanas when he bought the fish, and tried his best to keep the water temperature constant during the transportation.

But several arowanas were lost on the road.

But fortunately, the rarest blue dragons and red dragons were saved, and the losses of the gold and silver dragons were completely acceptable.

Ning Weimin was naturally happy from ear to ear when he heard the good news.

Unlike others, no one knows better than him the economic value these arowanas can create in the future.

If we say that the tropical fish craze that started in Beijing in the 1970s was just a herd mentality and a popular way of pastime.

Then in the 1990s, the arowana craze that revived across the mainland was a typical speculative hype.

The price of arowana flowing from the south to the north is incredibly high.

The golden period of ten years is even more exciting than the hype in the stamp currency market.

Just relying on these fish that Gu Si brought back, relying on the arowana breeding technology that he has mastered, which is unique in this era.

Ning Weimin was absolutely confident that he could multiply these dozen arowanas into tens of thousands.

Then maybe throughout the 1990s, the arowana market in the entire north would be in his own hands.

Isn't it beautiful to secretly manipulate the market of dragon fish under the name of "Dragon King"?

Thinking that it was even possible that he could export the dragon fish from north to south, it gave him an even greater sense of pleasure in breaking the rules of the world.

This is called jumping out of the Three Realms and not being in the Five Elements!

In addition, from a personal preference point of view, he feels more satisfied.

He originally liked raising arowana.

This kind of fish has a graceful shape and spirituality. It is said that it can also promote feng shui and show off its style.

But in his previous life, he could only look at high-end varieties like blue dragons and red dragons, but he couldn't figure them out.

First, he doesn’t have enough money to afford it.

Second, the arowana craze arose from the mainland, driving up prices to sky-high prices. Artificial breeding technology was not yet mature at that time.

Many arowana origins have designated these rare arowanas as protected animals and are prohibited from export.

He started raising silver arowanas in 2010, and then he only raised a pair of golden arowanas.

As a result, he got better in his life. As early as 1985, Gu Si'er helped him catch all the varieties of arowana that can be seen in the southern market today, making him the number one arowana player in the capital today.

Not to mention that he can play around with these precious items at will, and he can move them into his private room to appreciate them at any time.

If we really breed a batch of these arowanas, we can even put a few tanks in Majia Garden and Tan Gong Restaurant to add some wealth and fairy aura, so that guests can feast their eyes on them.

This is the difference between him and others in vanity.

In an era when others are flocking to BP machines worth several thousand dollars, and electronic products worth thousands of dollars are being pursued wantonly.

His favorite toy is the "dragon fish" that will sell hundreds of thousands of pieces in the future.

What I am thinking about is how to create a trend of raising arowana and stimulate a promising aquarium industry.

What can one say about this?

It can only be said that there are huge differences between people.

The small step that Ning Weimin took casually was a distance that would be difficult for others to catch up with even ten horses.

Coincidentally, after the fish-playing Gu Si'er presented his treasure, the scrap king Sun Wufu also gave Ning Weimin a big gift.

But what's more interesting is that Sun Wufu himself didn't know about this gift.

And he actually took it upon himself to plead guilty to Ning Weimin as his own fault.

He was still full of self-blame and his heart was full of guilt.

After the Spring Festival last year, Sun Wufu brought several nephews and nephews from his hometown.

Just like Ning Weimin taught him how to do it, he also taught these young people how to handle the second-hand recycling work as required.

He originally counted on these people to help him.

But people are unpredictable.

Some people can work hard, some people like to cheat and play tricks, some people obey the rules, and some people don't.

At the end of the year, Sun Wufu finally discovered something was wrong.

Among the things those young people collected, many of the items he was interested in were missing, and instead there were many broken utensils.

Later, after an investigation, he found out that it was actually his own nephew Pan Erzhu who had done it.

This kid had been in the capital for a long time and was fascinated by the colorful world. He also figured out Sun Wufu's purpose of collecting used goods on behalf of Ning Weimin.

After that, I gradually became unwilling to work hard and earn a living, and began to dream of getting rich overnight.

Adhering to the principle that a horse cannot be fat without weeds, this boy began to secretly take the things he collected and sell them in the cultural relics store.

If he can sell it, he will make a profit on it, and if he can't sell it, he will hand it over to the public for storage.

It's also a coincidence that since last summer, many people with Henan accents have come to Liulichang, carrying sacks of leftover utensils and porcelain pieces to sell on the street. When asked, they all claim to be from Qingliang Temple.

Because what they brought was not entirely good, the market these days didn’t recognize it at all, so everything was sold very cheaply.

The porcelain tiles cost only 10 cents, and the remaining utensils only cost 30 to 50 cents, so Pan Erzhu thought about it and thought about the things that others had collected.

He first spent dozens of dollars to buy several sacks of residual utensils and secretly stored them.

Then he used these remnants to exchange for good items in the library one by one.

So, by the time Sun Wufu discovered the omission, the economic losses had already been caused.

At least hundreds of items were replaced by Pan Erzhu into rags.

After the Dongchuang incident happened, although Pan Erzhu couldn't bear it, Fat Beat explained the whole story.

But in the middle of the night, this kid climbed over the wall and ran away, but he couldn't get his money back.

In this way, Sun Wufu had no choice but to break his teeth and swallow them in his stomach. In the end, he could only make up for the losses for this boy.

Frankly speaking, when Sun Wufu told Ning Weimin these things, Ning Weimin didn't take the issue of economic losses seriously.

First of all, the cost of losing money on a hundred or so items is only one or two thousand yuan, which is nothing to him.

As for how many of those lost things are antiques, this should not be considered at all.

Because a lost thing is like a killed chicken.

It's a pity, it's a pity, it's impossible to calculate the gains and losses based on the "chicken lays the egg, the egg lays the egg", right?

He is not Master Bai from "Afanti". There is no such far-fetched reason in the world.

Secondly, from the perspective of Sun Wufu's background and temperament, Ning Weimin also believed that this kind of thing was inevitable.

Now that Sun Wufu has taken the initiative to admit his mistake, this kind of aboveboard behavior is obviously more valuable.

As for Ning Weimin, he felt that as long as Sun Wufu could gain wisdom from his mistakes, this might be a good thing.

Finally, Qi Qi heard that the source of the remnants of the artifacts was actually sold by some people from Henan who claimed to be from Qingliang Temple.

This gave Ning Weimin a subtle feeling.

I think it was a mistake and a bad thing turned into a good thing.

If nothing else, Ye Hemin’s discovery of the Ru Kiln ruins last year was published in the newspapers.

In order to express his gratitude to Ning Weimin for sponsoring his archeology, Ye Hemin made a special trip to express his gratitude and gave him a fragment of Ru kiln Song porcelain as a gift.

So for Ning Weimin, there is no need to mention money or not, it is over.

The most important issue has become whether those remaining weapons are still there today.

Ning Weimin especially wanted to see if it was what he thought.

Not to mention, Sun Wufu really kept it for him.

And not only were the remnants of Pan Erzhu's changed items, but there was also a sack of remnants of items under the bed where Pan Erzhu originally slept.

In this way, when nothing happened that day, Ning Weimin comforted Sun Wufu, fully demonstrating his generosity.

The next day, Ning Weimin went to the warehouse where Sun Wufu kept his things to check out the goods.

what's the result?

Good people are rewarded in the cold winter!

Those more than a hundred things, a piece of incense ash body, agate glaze.

The glaze surface generally has fine ice cracks and is mainly azure.

In addition, there are moon white, pink green, egg green, bean green, gray green and astaxanthin colors.

These are all characteristics of Ru kiln Song porcelain, and the texture is exactly the same as the fragments Ning Weimin obtained from Ye Hemin.

What's more important is that most of these remnants can be guaranteed to be 50-60% complete, and more than ten pieces are even more than 90% complete.

So Ning Weimin was pleasantly surprised, and he could basically confirm that he had won the jackpot again.

The value of a Ru kiln remnant will be at least several million in the future. I have accomplished several small goals by accident!

The boy named Pan Erzhu never dreamed that he once owned hundreds of millions.

Instead, they were smart and exchanged the rags in the library for real treasures.

It is said that if a person is unlucky, he will jump on his own heel when he farts.

It seems that if this person is lucky, gold will pop out of his fart.

There is nothing more wonderful than this in life.

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