National Tide 1980

Chapter 981 Big Wine Tank

I've seen enough of the freshness outside, not to mention I've been standing chatting for a long time, and I feel cold, so naturally it's time to go inside for a while.

As a result, when he entered the store, Ning Weimin, who thought there would be no more surprises, was wrong again.

The scene inside the store was special, even more surprising than the pretense outside just now.

So much so that he actually widened his eyes because of the extraordinary shock.

As soon as he followed Kang Shude and pushed the door open, he saw six large wine vats neatly and evenly distributed in the middle of the room.

Each one is about one meter in diameter and is buried underground.

Based on the height of a wine vat, which is usually about 1.2 meters high, these large vats must be buried half a meter deep in the ground.

In terms of capacity, if you pour cold water into it, it would take more than a dozen buckets.

Needless to say, everyone would be shocked to see so many fat guys all of a sudden.

"Old man, you didn't just bring the wine vats from another winery when you purchased the goods, did you? I asked you to do it all. Do you want to open a tavern, or do you want to do wholesale?"

Ning Weimin's eyes were fixed on several large vats, unable to move at all, and he asked in surprise.

Unexpectedly, Kang Shude shook his head and sighed again at his ignorance.

"You, you, you are lucky enough to be from the capital. It's ridiculous to say such things. You don't even know what a tavern in the capital is like."

When Ning Weimin heard this, he couldn't believe it.

"What? Did I hear you correctly? According to you, this is what a tavern in the capital should be like? How many large vats should be placed in the room?"

However, Kang Shude took it for granted and confirmed this without hesitation.

"No! There is a synonym for taverns and wine shops in the capital called 'big wine vat'. Big wine vats, big wine vats, how can there not be several wine vats? This special style is the characteristic of the taverns in the capital. Even if you travel all over the world and go out of the country, you will never find another place."

What the old man said was interesting, but Ning Weimin was fascinated and couldn't help asking.

"Then why? Why do you have to put so many big things in the store? How much space does it take? They say they can be used to store wine, but have you used so much? Do you really want to store all these jars? It’s full of wine, and it’s just a small shop like yours, how much can we sell it for?”

"Come here, come here, take a closer look and you'll understand."

Kang Shude brought Ning Weimin to a large vat, pointed at it and told him.

"Did you see? Why is this wine tank buried halfway underground? That's to make the height of the wine tank the same as the table. And the half-matched red lacquered wood cover on the tank is inconspicuous. . I spent money to have a master craftsman from the lacquerware factory do this painting job for me carefully, so that the color will not fade. And why does it have to be non-fading? Because the wine jar is covered with this lid just to be used as a table. It’s for use. The paint job on this wooden cover must be good so that it can withstand the scratches of dishes and wear on sleeves, and it can’t be afraid of being sprinkled with wine, vegetable soup, or soy sauce soup.”

"Is this called occupying land? This is the wisdom of the older generation and the unique taste of Beijing people. There are wine in these large wine jars, and the jars are covered with lids. There are so many wine jars around this jar. Get a stool. If you are a drinker, you will be served a few taels of wine and a few side dishes to go with the wine. You will sit around the vat and have a drink with the dishes. Isn’t that exciting? Especially in the cold winter months, when the strong What does it feel like to sit here and drink from a vat when the strong north wind is howling? This is the unique heroic spirit of people in the capital. There is a special name for this kind of drinking, called drinking 'martial arts wine'."

At this point, Kang Shude couldn't help but pursed his lips, as if he himself was greedy for wine.

After smacking it several times, he continued.

"As for what you said about storing wine... Yes, it seems a bit redundant to store so much wine. I couldn't sell the volume of this wine jar even if I sold it for a month. It's true that I got so much wine. It cost thousands of dollars. But there are many advantages to putting wine in tanks like this. One is that it is cheap and convenient to buy wine in large quantities, and you can take it out at any time when the wine jars on the counter are sold out. Not to mention that tobacco and alcohol are things that are easy to increase in price. , can store as much goods as possible, this small and profitable business can be practical. Secondly, as long as the wine is added continuously over time, the mud at the bottom of the tank will become thicker and thicker, which is natural sake mother. In other words, these few days The longer the big wine vat is used in the future, the more mellow our wine will be.”

"So, I really feel pity from the bottom of my heart. I pity that this kind of business has been extinct in the capital for too long. People nowadays can only go to the grocery store to have a few drinks. There are not even liquor stores and taverns. , let alone such a big wine vat. Otherwise, if an old store is unwilling to work, it would be really suitable if we could take over other people's old wine vats. I think back to the time when 'Bei Yixing' The big wine vat is an old thing from the Qianjia period. It is a treasure that has been used for drinking for hundreds of years. There are just a few big vats there. If you add water to them, they can turn into wine..."

Well, this explanation of the big wine vat really made Ning Weimin burst into laughter.

He originally thought that the "big wine tank" was just a superficial gimmick.

But after listening to it, I realized that "Big Wine Tank" is truly a Beijing wine culture.

And what the old man told was so vivid and interesting.

Thinking about it, even he felt that if the tavern was opened like this and the drinkers would sit around the big vat and drink, it would be delicious.

Especially at this time, his attention had shifted away from the large wine jars.

He raised his head and looked around, taking a good look at the environment of the entire tavern.

He discovered that the decoration of this tavern also had a unique flavor.

Don't even look at the walls, which are completely white. They are so white that they are dazzlingly white, and there is not even a painted wall surround.

The ceiling on the roof is completely Zhihu, and there are not many lights.

There are only two simple chandeliers in each bay, both with iron caps.

In addition, the tables, chairs, and benches are all made of firewood, and they are not of high quality at all, they are all of a relatively poor quality.

Just these guys, if they sit there for a few years, they're bound to get banged up.

But despite this, the general decoration and furnishings of this pub can only be described as "simple".

But just because everything here was restored as much as possible by the old man, it can wonderfully make people feel like they are back in the old days.

It seems as if there are decades of difference between the outside world and the outside world, which is full of sense of time travel.

For example, that big square-shaped cabinet.

It was more than four feet high, black with oil, and there was an abacus placed on it.

It immediately reminds people of the Xianheng Hotel in Lu Xun's novel "Kong Yiji".

Six large porcelain jars have been placed on the front of the large cabinet, with cork stoppers wrapped in red coarse cloth.

The jars are labeled with the names of the wines: Mao San, Mao Qi, Lotus White, Chrysanthemum White, Tongzhou Laojiao, and Jimo Laojiu.

On the other side of the large cabinet were wine warmers, two hundred coarse porcelain wine glasses upside down on red cloth, two large tea cans, and a bold bottle with a feather duster inserted.

In addition, there is an unknown painting of "Dukang Drunk" hanging on the back wall, and there is also a vertical scroll to match the painting.

It says, "The smell of wine is priceless, and the dream of having three glasses of wine is also sweet."

Not to mention, the sound, color and charm of this fine wine were immediately revealed by this large cabinet.

But that's nothing.

You know, Fang Bin, the front man just now, was not idle after he came back.

He then began to sit on the stool in the room again and hung things on the walls on both sides of the large cabinet.

What's hanging on it?

It's really interesting to talk about it. It turns out that they are all the snacks and food written on the wooden signs.

The top of the white wall has been divided into three stalls, with three columns: regular, seasonal, and staple food.

The next step is to divide the nails into categories and hang corresponding wooden signs with red cloth strips hanging on them.

Such as fried peanuts, boiled peanuts, dried tofu, spicy cabbage, black bean tofu, shredded tofu, dried shrimp beans, flowered beans, fried soybeans, rose dates, bean paste, salted duck eggs, preserved eggs, crunchy boxes, fried river shrimp... …

These are the common food and drinks at four seasons.

Like cucumbers, kohlrabi, vermicelli, spinach, mustard, toon beans, fresh lotus root, fried red fruits, fish jelly, crispy fish, fried small yellow flower fish...

This all has to be done according to the season.

At present, the staple food is the least, and there are only two kinds for now, rotten pork noodles and knife-shaped noodles.

As a result, the wall no longer seemed empty, but became particularly lively.

Ning Weimin looked at this with sincere admiration from the bottom of his heart.

Hey, this old man really knows how to do magic.

Surprisingly, just relying on a wine vat, a large cabinet, a wooden sign, and a few simple props, the room became interesting and beautiful.

Absolutely turning decay into magic.

And the most brilliant thing is to say that these things are definitely not for decoration, they are indeed useful.

Let’s just talk about the wooden sign in front of me.

It can be picked, removed, turned over, and washed and rewritten, making it easy to add new categories.

When drinkers come, they can see clearly without any effort, and they can also know what is still there and what is missing.

Is there any decoration that is cheaper, more practical, and more interesting than this method?

Just looking at the names of these wines and dishes makes people excited and greedy.

With these signs, anyone who thinks this is not a place for drinking must be either blind or stupid.

High, really high!

All of this made Jean think of only one word - "turning stone into gold".

"Old man, apprentice, I'm convinced. I really don't know if I didn't come here, but I was shocked when I came. To be honest, your tavern is really good. It's much better than the antique teahouse at our New Year garden party. You This brings me back to the illusion I had during the Republic of China. I see, your place is suitable for filming movies and being used as a set. Now I really feel that your store is good at business. Even when I came here, I wanted to drink some. . In the future, I’m afraid I won’t be able to come less often.”

"That's right. Master Zhang and I, can we do anything wrong if we take action personally?"

Kang Shude was very happy to be praised by his apprentice, but he was not messy about money and must settle the accounts clearly.

"You want to drink too? Okay. I won't invite you if you don't come, and I won't refuse you if you come. But there is one thing. When you are here, whether you eat or drink, you have to pay twice as much. You can't pay on credit."

"Then why?"

"I still don't understand this. Killing the rich and giving to the poor."

Kang Shude spoke plausibly, "Look at how many places in the capital today there are places where poor people can have fun. You are so rich that you can't go anywhere. You have to come here to join in the fun. I am entertaining others. I'm so happy, why am I entertaining you? Of course it's for money."

Ning Weimin didn't expect that he would be discriminated against, and he was angry and funny.

"Old man, you are really good at it. At this time, you and my apprentice will kill each other for justice? You are really a good master of mine."

"Don't talk nonsense. In terms of circumstances, it's disobedient for you, a disciple, to let a master serve you. It's a business. I'm the master, and you're just a guest. A guest doesn't understand if he follows the master. Besides, this is yours too. It makes sense, isn’t that what your Tan Gong Restaurant does. Make a lot of money upstairs and support the dim sum shop downstairs, right? Since I am your master, can we, master and apprentice, act differently?"

After being teased for a while, Ning Weimin finally understood that Jiang will always be hot when he is old.

Don't worry about finding an advantage with Master or trying to be clever, it's no use.

It was at this moment that a man walked out of the kitchen, made a move without noticing, and greeted Ning Weimin.

"Man, we're here. Don't trust your uncle Kang, he's just teasing you. It's like home here. Can you still pay for a drink?"

Ning Weimin turned around when he heard the familiar voice, and sure enough, it was the Zhang Dashao he was looking for.

The old man was holding a large blue and white basin in his hand, placing it on two large elm and eucalyptus leaves under the wooden signs.

From the looks of it, it was obviously freshly prepared food and wine.

So Ning Weimin not only stepped forward to say hello, but also had the foresight to help.

Just like that, in a short time, with his help, Zhang Dashao moved a dozen large blue and white pots on the eucalyptus.

But it has to be said that during this process, Ning Weimin couldn't help but glance at the blue and white plate in the glass cover.

If nothing else, he always felt a little jealous looking at these things.

As a result, this little move fell into Kang Shude's eyes, and the old man was happy when he saw it.

"Don't think too hard, these are just a dozen pieces from Guangxu folk kilns. Don't you think about it, can the good things be used here? This is what I found at the Tangenxiao market after I opened the store last year. . The total cost is only 60. The only advantage is that it comes with a matching set and has a more aged flavor than ordinary porcelain. In fact, it is not worth anything..."

Kang Shude said this, but he didn't know what thoughts were running through Ning Weimin's mind.

If it weren't for his willpower to endure it, Ning Weimin, who almost broke his defense, would have screamed on the spot.

Hey, what's not worth it?

My old man, what you said is really understatement.

Even if these things are cheap now, in a few decades, everyone will be able to buy a new car.

Okay, you have so many plates, that's a whole small parking lot.

If anyone comes to buy food and drinks, you will have to pay the parking fee.

Yes, you are the master, or you have a personality.

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