National Tide 1980

Chapter 991: Thousands of Miles High in the Sky

The plane passed through the thick clouds and flew up to an altitude of 10,000 meters.

There was a vast expanse of white beneath the plane, and the Capital Airport of the Republic had already been swallowed up by the rolls of white clouds.

Once the plane climbs to the predetermined height, the chair at a 45-degree angle will completely return to its normal level.

At the same time, there was a "pop" sound, and the eardrum seemed to have been poked open.

A squeaking sound spread into the passengers' newly opened ears.

From this point on, people on the plane can unbuckle their seat belts.

The stylized and sweet Japanese voice of the JAL flight attendant came from the loudspeaker in the cabin.

"Dear passengers, good morning, welcome to Japan Airlines flight CA925. We are now serving breakfast. Please

Flatten the small table in front of your seat and we'll start serving. Thank you for your cooperation. "

Not long after, two JAL female flight attendants pushed the breakfast into the economy class with a small trolley.

However, at this time, they were surprised to find that the order in the cabin began to become chaotic.

In the spacious cabin, there are two seats on the left and right sides, and eight seats in the middle.

In the first three rows, many passengers were inexplicably excited, chattering and making loud noises.

Not only were the people near the windows on both sides looking out, but even the passengers in the middle seats got up and ran to both sides to look at the wings and white clouds outside the window.

This not only makes it difficult for them to carry out their work, but is also a violation of aviation safety regulations.

It can be said that the two Japanese girls were immediately dumbfounded.

This flight has been regularly flying between Beijing and Tokyo since the opening of China-Japan air traffic in 1974. They have flown so many times, and nothing like this has ever happened to them.

Especially when they began to try their best to persuade them, they found out that these noisy passengers were all Chinese-speaking passengers from the Republic of China, which made them even more troubled.

Because in their perception, Chinese people generally do not understand foreign languages ​​and cannot communicate in either Japanese or English.

Simple things can probably be understood through gestures, but complex things require professional translation.

Given the disorderly situation in front of them, let alone the fact that they couldn't find the translator who was responsible for these people, there was no way they could even find one.

No matter how you look at it, there is no possibility of controlling the situation in time.

And this means that they will inevitably suffer unreasonable disasters and bear corresponding serious consequences.

It has to be said that major airlines in this era have very strict requirements for flight attendants.

In particular, Japan Airlines, which pays great attention to service, is almost unreasonable in its complaint mechanism.

Passengers are required to be "very satisfied" on their flights, not even "satisfied".

As a result, practitioners will inevitably suffer a lot of grievances.

For example, many JAL flight attendants have received such complaints.

Some passengers complained that they chatted with passengers during the descent, affecting the rest of the passengers next to them.

The specific content of the chat is nothing more than - do you fly this route every day?

Or - do you fly a lot now?

Once a flight attendant responds to these issues out of politeness, there is a high chance that other passengers will complain.

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But the problem is that it doesn’t work if they don’t answer.

Passengers who take the initiative to strike up a conversation may also complain that the flight attendants are looking down on them and are indifferent to passengers' problems.

What does it mean to be "in a dilemma" and "whatever you do is wrong"?

It can be said that the job of JAL flight attendants is to try your luck every day.

There is no support, no reliance, and no right to refuse or say no to passengers.

Some people can only try their luck to see if the boss is in a good mood and the passengers are reasonable.

Fortunately, the two Japan Airlines passengers were at a loss, their faces turned pale in panic, and they almost asked the flight attendant for help.

Their savior stood up from a passenger seat.

A handsome young man sitting in the middle of the front row stood up and said a few words.

Needless to say, the chaotic situation was miraculously brought under control, and the noisy scene became orderly.

Those who were leaning against the windows returned to their seats, and no one made any more noise.

Some of those people even said sorry in English.

And the subsequent performance of this young man who took control of the situation was even more graceful.

Not only did he apologize to other passengers in English and Japanese for what had just happened, which had disrupted the normal order of the flight, he also expressed his apology.

And the two flight attendants also made a special explanation for this.

He claimed that these people he brought with him were going abroad for the first time, taking a plane for the first time, and traveling together with dozens of people, so they were so excited and a little carried away.

During the subsequent flight, he will be responsible for keeping these people in order and ensuring that they will not affect the flight attendants' work.

If there are communication needs, he also allows the flight attendants to come to him for help at any time.

At this time, the two Japanese girls were truly relieved.

Not only did I have a good impression of this young man, but it also reduced my bad impression of the abnormal behavior of these Chinese passengers just now.

To be honest, based on their understanding of the Chinese people, they have never seen such a polite and elegant Chinese youth.

And it's rare that he is so handsome and young, surpassing even their boyfriends.

He looks very much like an elite member of Japan's upper class society, more like a cadre of a Japanese conglomerate or the son of a big shot. So it is inevitable to feel a little curious about this. What is Ning Weimin's identity?

In fact, these two flight attendants were not the only ones who thought so. Many other Chinese passengers on the same flight also felt the same way.

If nothing else, it is enviable and eye-catching for anyone to go abroad these days.

It can almost be said to be synonymous with a bright future and good fortune.

But unlike these people, they gained full pride and confidence when they got their passports and visas.

When they really go abroad, these people's hearts are often filled with guilt and low self-esteem.

No one is embarrassed to admit it, but the fact is that almost everyone thinks that developed countries are better than domestic ones everywhere, and foreigners are just one step ahead of us.

So whether you are holding public office or going abroad for business.

No matter what experts and scholars go to participate in exchange activities.

He is also a top student studying abroad at public expense and at his own expense.

For these social elites in China, from the moment they walked into the registration gate and waved goodbye to their loved ones, their excitement and excitement were gradually replaced by tension and anxiety.

The identity that was once highly praised and the worth that was praised by others have now escaped without a trace.

Everyone will be just a passerby in a foreign land, and everyone will have a tense face and a sense of loss.

So by the time they boarded the flight, these former figures had become rigid and restrained.

Silently worrying about their own fate will become surprisingly quiet.

There are even many people who cry because they have to leave their familiar relatives and hometown and go to the East to stay for several years.

Few people are as open-minded and lively as the people on today's flight.

Think about it, how big the gap is.

Especially after the plane had been traveling for more than half an hour, there were still several Chinese passengers who were airsick and couldn't stand JAL's Japanese breakfast and felt nauseous and vomited.

In this case, the huge difference between the two sides is even more reflected.

Because when the cabin was filled with an intermittent unpleasant smell, all the passengers and flight attendants did not expect it.

On the contrary, the people who had just made a scene became the saviors in the cabin.

The same handsome and decent young man stood up and asked his people to deliver cooling oil to those who were vomiting and airsick. As a result, everyone was soon shaking their heads, frowning and covering their noses. The situation of cabin air was ensured to the greatest extent. Fresh.

For this reason, some Chinese tourists quietly inquired about the people who had just disrupted the order.

"Comrade, I see you are so relaxed and well-prepared. You even brought cooling oil with you. You must go abroad often, right?"

"No, it's our first time. It's also our first time to fly. What about you?"

"It's... my first time to go abroad. However, I have taken planes before, but they were all domestic flights."

"That's better than us. What are you doing out there?"

"We are all from the Light Industry Bureau. This time we want to introduce Japanese production lines to several factories and go out to inspect advanced technologies. What about you?"

"Oh, we cook..."

"You... cook? Comrade, can you really joke?"

"Hey, you still don't believe it? I'm the cook. It's not just me, it's all in our row."

"Hey, what are you going out to do...? Ah, I understand, to participate in an international cooking competition, right?"

"Oh, don't tease me. There's no place to go. We were just running to the restaurant. We are all chefs at the Tan Palace Restaurant in Beijing. The one who stood up just now is our leader, Manager Ning..."

"Leader? That's young enough..."

"Don't judge a book by its appearance. What's wrong with being young? As long as you have the ability."

"That's true. Being able to open a restaurant overseas does not depend on your true skills. Don't say it, the food in your Tan Palace is amazing. I have eaten it twice, and the clear soup with jasmine and peach blossoms is unforgettable to this day. If it were from another restaurant, I would I really can’t say, if you go out, it will definitely work. It will definitely earn face for our Chinese food."

"Thank you for your kind words. This time we are relying on craftsmanship to earn foreign exchange. If you have time, you can come to our store to support us..."

"I would like to go, but it's a pity that I don't have enough funds. Let me tell you something, your food is expensive enough. We can't afford it at home, let alone abroad? Even though I am a director, I can just follow you. It’s only because of the director’s credit that I can eat your food.”

"Hey, it turns out you are the leader. It doesn't matter, since we are all from the capital. You just need to go, and I will entertain you then. No money from you. Although I can't afford it, at least two dishes and one soup can satisfy you. You’re full. How was it?”

"Okay, with your words, we can be considered friends. My surname is Li, what do you call me?"

"My surname is Cha, and this is my senior brother, whose surname is Jiang..."

"Hey, where is your store? We are going to Shinjuku in a while. Will we pass by your store?"

"I don't know. Anyway, our manager told me that it is a very prosperous business district. I don't know how to get there. Anyway, our manager has chartered a big car in advance. There will be a car to pick him up when the time comes, and food and accommodation will be arranged. Okay. We dozens of people can just close our eyes and follow the big army..."

"Hey, your arrangements are really thorough. Do you have dozens of people? Are there cars to pick you up? You're quite powerful. This is a company that has cooperation in Tokyo, right?"

"No, no, it was all arranged by our manager Ning. He came to play in the front line last year. Otherwise, he is very capable..."

Hey, let's just talk about work, accommodation, how to get through customs at the airport, and whether anyone will pick me up.

For the first time, a cook and a section chief had equal status, and they actually chatted all the way on an international flight that lasted more than three hours.

This is also fate.

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