National Tide 1980

Chapter 993: Different

no the same!

It is indeed different!

The group of people who followed Ning Weimin out of the airport felt this themselves.

Even though they are all Chinese citizens coming from the same flight.

But no matter compared with those compatriots who have to wait at the airport gate and don’t know if anyone will pick them up.

Or compared with those compatriots who can only spend most of their money to buy shuttle tickets, and have to work hard to carry large and small bags to queue to get on the bus.

Even compared to Director Li and others who were picked up by a van driver.

They all seemed so happy.

Because they don’t have to wait at all, they don’t have to spend money, and they don’t have to worry about looking for maps.

A luxurious Hino RC bus specially designed to pick them up was already waiting at the airport gate half an hour in advance.

As soon as they came out of the airport, not only did they get on the bus and go, everyone had a seat, but they also enjoyed attentive service that is rare in China.

Uniformed airport attendants helped them put all their suitcases in the cabin under the seats of the big bus.

In addition to the uniformed driver who got off the bus and bowed to greet them, there was also a beautiful tour guide who looked like a flight attendant to receive them.

As soon as we meet, we stand at the door of the car handing out bottles of water one by one.

This is really a courtesy only available to VIP tour groups.

To a certain extent, their travel conditions were inferior to those of Asians and Westerners on the same flight.

This bus was sent by President Takahashi of the Yamato Tourism Branch in Meguro Ward.

The equipment is advanced and exquisite, the seats are spacious and comfortable, and the air conditioning is used for both heating and cooling. It can seat thirty-six people.

Just to thank Ning Weimin for fulfilling his promise, he gave priority to providing trolley suitcases to their branch.

President Takahashi was particularly enthusiastic about sending a car to pick him up from the airport today. As soon as he got the flight information, he arranged the vehicles and manpower, and even refused to charge a fee. He just treated it as a relationship.

Or else the richer people are, the richer they are.

When a person is mixed up and is needed by many people, his ability to mobilize social resources will exceed that of ordinary people.

Even things that make it difficult for most people are sometimes just one sentence away.

Even the things you can enjoy without spending money are better than those that cost money.

Moreover, those who serve him will be proud of it, fearing that they will not be able to handle him well if they do not serve him well.

Ning Weimin has this idea in Tokyo now.

The chartered car that originally cost at least 100,000 yen per trip was in vain. The car was almost brand new, and the driver and tour guide were also the best.

This should also be regarded as a sign of success.

Needless to say, from other people's perspective, what's there to criticize about this arrangement?

In fact, whether it is the ordinary staff of Tan Palace, the two master chefs, or Cui Jian, Zhang Qiang and her mother, they are all happy and quite satisfied.

Even though these people had all taken buses when they were in the capital, the feeling was completely different compared to Japanese buses.

Yamato Sightseeing's car gave them the feeling that it was spacious, stable, comfortable and smooth. It not only had heating, but also had a general aroma coming out of the car from time to time.

It is very different from those domestic buses with outdated models, poor maintenance and age.

It doesn’t matter even if they can’t understand what the tour guide is saying in English.

Anyway, the friendly smile and sweet voice of the tour guide were enough to make them feel at home, friendly and respected.

Especially when they saw the scenery and buildings along the way, excited smiles appeared on their cheeks.

Everyone looked out the window and felt extremely fresh and excited.

There are layers of three-dimensional interchanges, and multi-layer elevated highways seem to be flying by.

Endless car lights are arranged neatly and dazzlingly.

After a while, the bus entered the tunnel, and what passed through the window was still a continuous stream of car taillights.

When the bus climbed up from the tunnel again, almost all the passengers in the bus shouted "Yeah" in unison.

Tokyo city is a prosperous and developed city.

It was like a mirage, completely transparent before their eyes.

One skyscraper after another, like one huge monster after another, looks down at the densely packed crowds and motorcades.

It was as if the car was crawling between their toes.

The various advertising boards can be dazzling.

"The city of Tokyo is just ahead. Our restaurant and residence are in the city center."

Ning Weimin took the initiative to turn his head and introduce it to everyone.

Looking at this bizarre scenery, almost everyone in the car was stunned.

This is not surprising.

This is Asia’s largest metropolis, not to mention it will make foreigners who are new to the city feel extremely novel.

Even from Ning Weimin's perspective, he was still speechless.

If nothing else, prosperity comes from comparison.

These days, let alone Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou in the Republic, they are at least decades behind others in terms of urban construction.

Even in the whole of Asia, there is no city that can match the level of modernization of Tokyo.

Suddenly, the speed of the car slowed down again.

All the cars turned into snails, blocked on the viaduct, and could only crawl forward slowly and little by little.

All kinds of cars formed an almost solid river of cars on and under the bridge.

It’s like an open-air auto expo with all kinds of displays and displays of beauty.

It was also at this time that the long-lasting silence in the car was broken again.

"Look, look! It's such a tall building! It's all made of glass! It's so awesome! It's like the Dragon King's Crystal Palace..."

"Look, look! There's a train passing on the bridge over there! That's the Shinkansen! I know, I know..."

"Hey, the place we passed just now was the place where Ken Takakura hid from the police at the beginning of "Manhunt"..."

"Police, Japanese police! Look, they are sitting in a police car. They are exactly like in the movie..."

Boy, this is hilarious.

Maybe he was suffocating on the plane for too long, or maybe he was too relaxed in the passenger car where he was completely alone.

These people have returned to their lively, excited and free-spirited appearance.

But this time, Ning Weimin didn't interfere. Who said it was a chartered car?

It's just that they are rare and strange, but it is something that the driver and tour guide of Yamato Sightseeing cannot understand at all.

The two Japanese couldn't figure out the excitement of these Chinese guests.

To be honest, I couldn't help but look at these two people suspiciously. Even the tour guide's originally very skillful introduction came to a halt in embarrassment.

"Why don't you leave! The traffic jam is so severe, is something wrong?"

Especially after waiting for a long time, many people couldn't help but stand up from their seats or stick their heads out the window.

The tour guide was a little anxious and started to stop her.

Of course, Ning Weimin couldn't just sit idly by and ignore this kind of violation of safety.

He asked everyone to sit down, reiterated the discipline, and gave this explanation.

"Traffic jams are a major feature of Tokyo. The population density here is high and there are so many cars. So there is no need to panic compared to our country. You must learn to adapt. Don't be anxious whenever you see a traffic jam in the future. Oops, here What happened? Did something big happen? In fact, nothing happened. If you don’t believe me, take a closer look outside. Aren’t the passers-by just doing their own thing and going their own way safely?”

Sure enough, when everyone looked at it again, everyone outside looked as if nothing had happened.

No one glanced at the noisy traffic on the street.

They were in a hurry, focusing on their own affairs and going their own way.

Only Jiang Dachun suddenly said with emotion, "It is indeed a place for little devils. They are so damn evil!"

This sigh with a curse word immediately aroused laughter in the audience.

Even Ning Weimin suppressed his laughter and just said, "Pay attention to the occasion, you have some quality."

Anyway, the two Japanese people in the car couldn't understand it, so there wouldn't be any international disputes.

But the tour guide with a cute look on her face was a bit fooled, and she actually nodded and smiled along with him.

Little does he know that he is acting like a slutty Japanese rapist.

In this way, with stops and starts along the way, at around two o'clock in the afternoon, the bus finally arrived at the most prosperous and lively area in Tokyo.

At this time, what appeared outside the car window was a gathering place of top brands from all over the world. It really seemed like a paradise-like world.

Invisibly, not only the cars on the street have become upscale, but also people's clothes have become upscale.

Even in roadside coffee shops, you can see well-dressed old gentlemen or old ladies in kimonos.

As is commonly said in Tokyo society, upper-class people living in Tokyo will go to Ginza even if they want to buy a bottle of soy sauce.

Maybe it seemed a little unreal, but it was so beautiful, right in front of them.

So when the bus stopped and it was time to get off, the people on the bus became behaving again.

Not only did the speaking voice become softer again, the queues were orderly and the rules were followed.

Even Jiang Dachun, who had just been scolded as "a bitch", restrained his rough nature and behaved politely.

When I got off the bus, I repeatedly said "three grams of oil" to the driver and tour guide.

Of course, not everything will be satisfying.

For example, when these people followed Ning Weimin to the back of the Seiko Building, they finally arrived at Ginza 5-chome 6-8.

When they saw a dark alley next to the cafe, they heard that it was where everyone lived.

Compared with the prosperous street scene outside, it is inevitable that there will be a certain psychological gap.

At this time, completely involuntarily and unable to suppress the doubts in his heart, someone asked Ning Weimin a question.

"Mr. Ning, this...this is...where we live? Is that correct?"

"Yes. Right here. That's right."

"Mr. Ning,'s so deep inside. Can we see the sun from our residence?"

"The sun? You don't need that thing. Now that you're here, you have to work for me under the stars and the moon from morning to night..."

Although Ning Weimin obviously meant it as a joke, what he said was really cruel!

Everyone was laughing, but they all felt a little embarrassed for no reason, and it wasn't really funny.

Even Zhang Qiang's mother and two master chefs couldn't help but frown slightly.

But when they actually walked in, these people really felt Ning Weimin's sincerity, and the unhappiness and grudge just now were swept away.

Because there is a unique cave inside, the conditions are so good that it is completely beyond everyone's expectation.

Upon entering on the first floor, there is a hall, except for two long wooden tables and benches used as dining tables and chairs.

There are bookshelves with magazines and newspapers against the wall, a couch, a coffee table, a water dispenser, and a coffee machine attached to the wall.

The most important thing is that there is a 25-inch Sony TV.

Although it looks like a second-hand product, it comes with a remote control. The size and clarity of the image screen basically beat most domestic color TVs instantly.

In addition, there is a kitchen, toilet, laundry room, garbage room and utility room on the first floor.

To put it bluntly, this floor is a standard public space, which can basically meet all the needs of everyone's daily life.

Although there is no sun, there is enough light in the room and it is extremely bright.

Especially the garbage room is a considerate facility.

Because according to Japan’s current social system, garbage can only be thrown away on specific days, and only designated types can be thrown away.

If you miss it, you will have to let the garbage accompany you for at least a week and endure the stench for a week.

Ordinary people are inevitably troubled by this. Only high-end apartments equipped with 24-hour garbage rooms can satisfy residents' desire to throw away garbage.

Considering that Chinese people come to Tokyo, this aspect must be a weakness.

Ning Weimin simply copied the Akasaka apartment's approach to decoration this time.

Although these people who followed him abroad may not realize how convenient and valuable this is at this time, it is indeed his most considerate consideration for everyone.

As for the second and third floors, it is relatively simple to describe.

The second floor is designated as a male dormitory with twelve rooms.

The third floor is designated as a female dormitory with ten rooms.

In addition to separate wet and dry toilets and showers on each floor.

Without exception, they all have bunk beds, two desks, two chairs, and two wardrobes.

Let’s put it this way, it is similar to the university dormitory model in the Republic thirty years later.

But the key point is that in order to cater to everyone's living habits, all floors have tile floors, so there is no need to take off your shoes.

Ning Weimin also bought all the beds, bedding, work uniforms, toiletries, slippers and towels in advance.

One set for each person has been placed in the room in advance, and it is color-coded. Everyone just needs to look for it and use it by themselves.

Above the last three floors is the terrace where the accident happened.

After renovation, some flowers and plants are now planted on it, and many clothes drying racks are installed.

You can either hang clothes here or have a barbecue.

But this is not the end, Ning Weimin even told everyone that in order to make everyone work better.

He has hired a special administrator to be responsible for the sanitation of the public areas and floors of this small building, and he will come to work tomorrow.

After that, there will be a dedicated person to make breakfast every morning, which is completely a hotel-style management model.

Everyone just needs to keep their rooms clean.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was surprised.

Not only did Jiang Dachun blurt out, "Mr. Ning, you didn't bring us here to work, but you brought us here to enjoy ourselves, right?"

The two master chefs in the kitchen even advised Ning Weimin.

"No need, really no need. If we have to pretend to be someone else's in daily life, cleaning, wouldn't we really become useless snacks?"

However, Ning Weimin said, "Master, that's not what you said. Going out is not as good as being at home. Good health is the most important thing. I won't be embarrassed when I really have to work overtime to practice. But on the other hand, if I spend a few hours A little money can help you get a better rest, and I am willing to do so. If you are willing to come out with me, you can trust me, so I must be worthy of you. Don't feel embarrassed, both of you. I always believe that hardship and hardship are the key to success. , It’s a means, not an end, what we ultimately want is to pursue a good life.”

It really depends on who does what, these words clearly show the quality of Ning Weimin's character.

Not to mention the support of the employees of Tan Gong Restaurant, the several non-staff members watching were all envious and admired.

Even the two master chefs in the kitchen, who were dealing with Ning Weimin for the first time, felt at ease.

I feel quite lucky that I can work with such a reliable person when I go abroad.

Even if you're a little tired, that's okay. Why not show off your skills?

But is that all?

How can it be!

The last few decisions Ning Weimin announced truly reflected how kind and generous he was to his own people.

It was astonishing and everyone cheered.

"Well, let me tell you about my plans for the next few days. I don't have any work arrangements for the next two days, so I'll take the car that picks you up today. I will take you around Tokyo and get to know the city."

"On the first day, we visited the Japanese Imperial Palace, Sensoji Temple and the famous shopping street. On the second day, we went to Disneyland. On the third day, which is March 9, we went to the restaurant to get familiar with the situation and start arranging work. .”

"Also, everyone will put your luggage in the lobby on the first floor for a while. Then go back to your room to have a rest, and do some statistics again to see what is missing in daily life. In half an hour, wait for me to withdraw money from the bank. Let's Let’s go shopping and visit Japanese supermarkets.”

"I am very grateful for coming out this time. Everyone brought things for the restaurant and to help me, but they did not bring personal luggage. I am also very sorry. So in a while, each of us has 50,000 yen, so we can go there Go to the supermarket and buy what you need. This is my personal pet peeve.”

"One last thing, we are not working together these days. In order to let everyone understand the situation of the Japanese catering market as soon as possible and carry out work more realistically. Before March 9, I will invite everyone to taste various kinds of food in Tokyo. The restaurants have delicious food. Chinese food, Japanese food, and Western food are all available. As for the six or seven meals, you can apply for whatever dishes you want to eat. Don't be polite. But don't eat for nothing. After eating, you have to come back. Talk about your favorite dishes and comment on the Japanese service level and style.”

Finally, when Ning Weimin asked, "How is it? Can it be done?", the whole audience was excited.

Who would have thought that such a good thing could happen?

Everyone was talking, smiling, and wanted to explode.

Xiao Cha even raised his arms and shouted, "Long live! Wise and mighty!"

Jiang Dachun also raised his thumbs with both hands, "Mr. Ning, you are a hero! What a hero!"

Where is this going?

But this is also true love.

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