National Tide 1980

Chapter 996 Extremely Busy

In the following days, Ning Weimin suddenly entered an extremely busy state.

Because if the Danmiya branch in Ginza wants to open smoothly, there is still a lot of follow-up work that needs to be done, and it is not just about bringing people over from China.

In addition to helping these domestic employees adapt to life in Tokyo as soon as possible, become familiar with the working environment of the branch, and standardize their work processes.

He had to lead these people to carefully practice the newly renovated shop and kitchen, the stage in the restaurant, and even the purchase channel and warehouse.

See what else is inappropriate and hinder business operations and actual operations. Problems must be solved before opening.

In addition, Ning Weimin adheres to the business philosophy of "museum restaurant", and in order to increase the cultural interest of the Ginza Tan Palace branch and create a corresponding cultural atmosphere, this time he also brought a batch of special exhibits from the capital.

For example, there are replicas of the entire court uniforms and armor of Emperor Xianfeng and the two empresses in the movie "The Burning of the Old Summer Palace".

Replicas of the Qianlong Dynasty's Household Household menu, meal plates, recipes, and royal wine utensils, tableware, hand stoves, and wine and meal baskets.

A copy of the Ming Dynasty "Picture of the Palaces in the Capital".

Inscriptions written by the last prince and the last princess from Japan, Fu Jie and Saga Hiroshi.

A complete set of silk figures from "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and a scene in the imperial dining room of the Qianqing Palace decorated with hairy monkeys made of cicada sloughs.

There are also palace lanterns with Kowloon beads, bonsai with flowers and fruits, fruit and vegetable ornaments, bionic porcelain with birds and animals, mother-of-pearl lacquerware, gilt Ruyi, pastel gourds, enamel charcoal hotpots... and so on.

All these things require him to put in the proper display locations and arrange the lighting fixtures scientifically and rationally.

What's more, the most important thing is that the selection of raw materials for the dishes must be determined as soon as possible. This is the top priority.

Even though Ning Weimin and the chefs had already drawn up a reasonable menu, they had already contacted suppliers of ingredients and seasonings in Tokyo.

But this is only a theoretical assumption, still wishful thinking, and not entirely based on reality.

After coming to Tokyo, in order to eliminate business risks as much as possible, I pursued the quality and taste of the dishes to the greatest extent.

Ning Weimin must take the chef to find out the local tastes in Tokyo, the market situation of ingredients, and master the types and characteristics of ingredients on the Japanese market.

It was precisely because of this that he took the people in the country to eat and drink for two full days regardless of money.

Then we went to the nearby Tsukiji Market in a group with the chefs.

I don’t know how much chicken, duck, fish, sea cucumber and abalone fins, matsutake mushrooms, vegetables and fruits I bought back.

Not only did I cook it almost exactly according to the predetermined menu, but I even made some dishes several times using different ingredients.

This is really not a wasted effort.

Apart from anything else, it is extremely necessary to be careful in the selection of poultry.

You know, you can't eat live chicken in Japan, and the texture of cold and frozen chicken is not very good.

What is available on the market and can be eaten by ordinary people are basically Western varieties.

The American Rhode Island Red chicken and the British White Cornish broiler chicken are cheap, but tasteless and completely do not meet the standards of Tan Palace cooking dishes.

For domestic chefs, it is actually no different from wood residue. After tasting it, they can only sneer at it.

What’s especially unbelievable is that in such a big city, it’s hard to find a whole chicken.

Whether in supermarkets or wet markets, the chickens sold are all dismembered.

Of course, it’s not that Japan doesn’t have domestic chickens and native chickens. They also have them, which are called “local chickens” locally.

But the question is, what is better than mainland chicken, Nagoya chicken, and Satsuma chicken? They are extremely expensive and scarce in quantity.

One piece easily costs tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of yen, and the annual output is only 10,000 pieces.

Even if price is not taken into account, it is almost impossible to achieve long-term stable supply.

So the final result was that Ning Weimin took the chefs almost all over Tsukiji Market and finally found a suitable Japanese white bantam chicken.

This kind of chicken is definitely not as good as a real free-range chicken that has been raised for 170 days.

But the quality is better than ordinary broiler chicken, and it can taste a little fresh.

However, there is a price to pay for being a general in Jiuzili, and that is the additional increase in procurement costs.

Even if Dan Gong orders thirty of these chickens every day, the merchant who can supply them will charge at least 2,500 yen per chicken.

The average frozen chicken only costs 1,200 yen, which is twice as expensive in comparison.

Think about it, if it’s so hard to choose a chicken, it’s certainly even harder to find a duck.

Ning Weimin and the others looked around and found that all the ducks on the market were not suitable. They were disappointed after buying one.

In the end, he almost gave up, but unexpectedly, Yang Feng accidentally discovered a kind of Kyoto duck in a pet store.

As a result, he and Ning Weimin put it together and they simply bought it back and baked it.

Once it tasted good, I found a barely usable duck.

Although the meat of this duck is lean and the fat is not fragrant enough, it cannot be used to make duck fat snacks.

But fortunately, the meat was tender, the taste was passable, and the duck skin was barely crispy.

Later, after Ning Weimin communicated with the Japanese supplier, they agreed that they could supply the goods.

I just pointed out that these ducks are free-range and are a specialty of Kyoto. It would cost a lot of money to bring them to Tokyo.

The lowest price is 4,200 yen per piece, and the order quantity is at least 25 pieces per day.

Yes, at this price, it’s more than three Canadian ducks in the supermarket.

The key is that this Kyoto duck is simply not comparable to other ducks in terms of size.

The big thing weighs only five kilograms gross, and the duck embryo only weighs three kilograms, not much bigger than a chicken.

But there is no way, little devils, little devils, everything is small. This is already the best alternative species that we can find at the moment.

As for pigeons...don't even think about pigeons.

Eating pigeons is illegal in Japan.

If Ning Weimin really dares to sell this stuff in Japan, he will have to go to jail and be fined, and he is not far from closing down.

So you can imagine how difficult it is to make Chinese cuisine in Tokyo these days without looking out of place.

Not only is it difficult to find suitable raw materials, the key point is that they are quite expensive.

Even according to the current official exchange rate, this is equivalent to 88 yuan for a duck and 50 yuan for a chicken.

With such purchasing costs, is it possible to make dishes that are not expensive?

Even Japanese people, most of them can’t afford it.

What's more, the menu required by a restaurant, no matter how simple the dishes are, must have sixty or seventy items.

There can be hundreds of ingredients involved. If you choose them one by one, how much energy and money will be spent?

The amount of work involved in this matter alone is huge! Ning Weimin, can he not be tired?

But this is nothing, there is more to come later.

After the general ingredients were decided, Ning Weimin had to quickly prepare a menu in four languages: Japanese, Chinese, English and French.

Then comes the work of determining tableware styles, plating methods and service standards.

However, the number of service personnel was not enough. At the same time, Ning Weimin had to find time to recruit people.

After all, most of the direct descendants transferred from the country are chefs. For such a large restaurant, it would be impossible to just point to Liu Jianxing and his limited number of people.

He can only hire some Japanese to expand his own puppet army.

Fortunately, since they are definitely puppet troops, there is no hope that these people can fight a tough battle.

You don’t need to be highly skilled in professional skills, nor do you need extensive relevant experience.

What they really need to do is to greet guests at the door, communicate normally with Japanese customers, and take orders.

As long as you are optimistic, diligent, and obedient to management, your English proficiency will be comparable to that of Huaxia employees for basic work-related communication.

However, it is also for this reason that the huge gap in the income of employees between the two countries is a troublesome issue full of hidden worries.

Don’t forget, this was the heyday of Japan’s economy, and the average salary in Tokyo was very high.

Especially in the service industry, the job is not stable and long-term, and you have to pay for your smile.

For example, the average employee of a high-end restaurant in Tokyo today earns about 250,000 yen per month.

Senior employees and management positions can even cost up to 400,000 yen, which is far more than white-collar workers working in ordinary companies.

And for Japanese people, there may be some psychological barriers to working for Chinese people.

Anyway, compared with local catering companies in Japan, if Ning Weimin had to pay more, they would definitely not let him work.

Then he would have to pay at least 30,000 to 50,000 yen more to hire people.

But looking at the direct troops from the country, it immediately showed an imbalance.

Take Yang Feng and Jiang Dachun as examples. Their salaries among chefs in Tan Palace are among the best, and they are undoubtedly high-income groups in the country.

The monthly salary is almost 1,000 yuan, and Tan Palace's unique savings bonus is about 800 yuan, which makes it almost 1,890 yuan.

After I went abroad, I lost this bonus and had an overseas subsidy of 50,000 yen per month.

Calculating, they now get a little more than the domestic ones, and they can get 2,000.

But even so, it is still not enough compared to the income of Japanese people.

Two hundred and eighty thousand yen, which is currently equivalent to more than 6,000 yuan, what difference is there between the outside and the inside!

How does it make sense to work with little Kalami to do menial jobs, but get three or four times as much money as the big guys?

Of course, this can be understood as a labor cost advantage, after all, domestic employees account for the majority.

But the problem is that it is difficult to take advantage of this kind of advantage because it is too unfair.

Ning Weimin has to turn a blind eye. Over time, it is difficult to guarantee that all people will lose their hearts and that there will be no emotional problems for Huaxia employees.

To put it bluntly, even if this matter were left to Ning Weimin, he would not be able to figure it out.

Therefore, how to properly handle this problem is also a priority that Ning Weimin needs to think clearly as soon as possible and come up with solutions.

All in all, although Tan Gong Restaurant is relatively close to opening, there are still a lot of problems that need to be solved urgently, and most of them are urgent.

Do you think Ning Weimin can stop worrying? Can he not be tired?

What's more, this is just Danmiya Restaurant in Ginza.

Don't forget, Ning Weimin still has a lot of property of his own.

He entrusted the renovation work of Ebuntang Bookstore to Kagawa Rinko.

But he has to show up when he comes back, express his gratitude and reward others.

Moreover, during this period, the two clerks in the bookstore should have sold some slow-moving inventory, and he should pay the commission to them.

There were also handicrafts from China, which had been out of stock since last year’s cultural festival. This time when he returned from the capital, it was time to restock the store.

The business of Dadao Trading Company is really good, but its shortcomings in management are also obvious.

Advertising for trolley suitcases needs to be produced, more sales channels need to be opened, and the expansion of warehousing and logistics is even more urgent.

But under such circumstances, Ning Weimin had to try his best to find time to meet with Matsumoto Keiko every day.

Even if he is the top time management master, he is still too busy to do all the work.

To be honest, when he returned to Tokyo this time, Ning Weimin really put public before private, sacrificing himself for others.

Basically, I spend my personal time and energy on the affairs of Tan Gong Restaurant.

Whenever I have some spare time, I just contact the hospital for Qu Xiao’s mother and take care of the production of Zhang Qiang and Cui Jian’s music album.

He really didn't care much about his own affairs.

Like the transactions between Huiwentang Bookstore and Dadao Trading Company, he just called to inquire about the situation.

I heard that no major incident occurred and the situation was completely maintained without any relevant instructions on business operations.

Basically lying flat.

But even so, there are some things that cannot be avoided, such as the annual accounts of bookstores and trading companies.

In Japan, March is the last month of the fiscal year.

March 15 is the deadline to file income tax returns.

For this reason, not only the whole of Japan is filled with a year-end atmosphere.

Ning Weimin also had to put aside other things temporarily and squeezed out two days to carefully reconcile the accounts with the tax accountant he hired.

Otherwise, if he dares to treat this matter with a perfunctory attitude, he may be imprisoned.

Of course, in addition, expressing gratitude to Kagawa Rinko is also inevitable.

This is the basic etiquette for people to interact with each other.

But Ning Weimin could only keep everything simple.

He just waited in front of the company until Kagawa and Taniguchi got off work, sent them some "souvenirs" and invited them to a meal.

If you want to make up for it, you can only wait for this period of time.

Because he was so busy, Ning Weimin had no time to even care about the price of his personal stocks and real estate.

For him personally, this was the first time that he had ever "treated money like dirt".

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