National Transfer: Necromancer! I Am A Disaster

Chapter 1124 Nine-Star Spell? Nonexistent!

After asking repeatedly, Taoist Qingjian was very patient and told Lin Moyu everything he knew, without hiding anything.

"Our human race does not have many spells, unlike some races that have dozens of spells. But we strive for excellence, not for many."

"I have read some ancient materials. It is said that a long time ago, our human race also pursued the number of spells, and each person mastered at least twenty or thirty spells."

"It's just that times have changed. The practice of seeking quantity over quality is not suitable for our human race."

"Since Xiao Zhanshen turned the tide with his own strength, our human race has learned from the painful experience and stopped pursuing quantity and began to seek quality.

"Now it seems that this path is correct. Although the number is small, the combat power of the human race has increased."

Daoist Qingjian sighed a long time. From his words, it can be heard that he admires Xiao Zhantian very much, it can be said that he is an iron fan of Xiao Zhantian.

Lin Moyu even wondered why the Green Sword Taoist didn't join the Temple of War God.

After all, it shouldn't be difficult to join the Temple of War God with the talent and combat power shown by Taoist Qingjian.

But Lin Moyu finally understood why Antares was not surprised when he saw that he had so many skills and spells.

The former human cultivators did have a lot of spells.

The same is true for the dragon clan, and the number of spells may be even greater. 557

The two continued to move towards the center of the fire source, and the green swordsman said with a smile, "Now you understand, magic tricks are more expensive than fine ones, and they are delicious all over the world.

That's the reason. "

"It's like the old man, who comes and goes with one move, but who in the same realm can block it."

When he said this, he turned his head to look at Lin Moyu, and added, "Of course, you little pervert is an exception."

Hearing what Taoist Qingjian said was good, but Lin Moyu also had his own thoughts, "But there are too many spells, can't they form multi-star spells?"

Taoist Qingjian laughed, "Hehe, it's good that you can think of this level.

"It is precisely because of this that there was a time when the human race was divided into two factions. Some people firmly believed that multi-star spells were the strongest."

"Multi-star spells are indeed very strong, and can greatly increase combat power. But similarly, it is very difficult to form multi-star spells."

"Those who insisted on forming multi-star spells became fewer and fewer as the years passed, and finally the human race chose a compromise method."

Speaking of this, Taoist Qingjian smiled mysteriously, "Do you want to know?"

Lin Moyu nodded, "Please enlighten me, senior."

Taoist Qingjian took out a wine gourd and took a big gulp, "Actually, it's not a secret. If you have a master, I probably would have told you already."

After drinking a few sips of strong wine, Daoist Qingjian opened his mouth and began to chatter.

Lin Moyu once again learned what the Terrans did.

At that time, led by Xiao Zhantian, after thousands of years of exploration and research by the human race, the high-level officials finally made a decision, which changed the way the human race practiced spells.

The first step is to change from the pursuit of quantity to the pursuit of quality, but not indiscriminate pursuit.

Then it involves the second step. In the second step, when choosing the technique, you need to choose it in a targeted manner.

For this reason, the human race spent thousands of years classifying the spells and forming a complete set of large-scale complete systems.

It classifies many spells into different systems, as long as you choose spells in the same system, there is a great possibility to form multi-star spells.

For example, a set of spells that belong to the Law of Fire, the cultivator can choose one or two of them that are powerful but relatively difficult to practice as their major spells

Then choose a few similar spells that are easy to learn but not powerful.

After sublimating them all into stellar spells, there is a high chance of forming multi-star spells.

In this way, the difficulty of cultivation is greatly reduced, but the bonuses of multi-star art majors are real.

After thousands of years of evolution, this practice mode has become more and more mature.

Facts have proved that it is very practical and powerful.

Simple is simple, but the multi-star technique is still the patent of geniuses.

Ordinary cultivators can convert at most one star-level spell, and if they are lucky, they can only convert two.

How can it be possible to form a multi-star spell.

The power of the multi-star technique also requires three stars to greatly increase its power, and it is good for ordinary people to see it.

(acai) Taoist Qingjian said with a smile, "Now you understand."

Lin Moyu is not stupid, how could he not understand, and at the same time he has already thought through the advantages and disadvantages of this method of cultivation.

Seeing Lin Moyu's expression, Taoist Qingjian said with a smile, "If you have any ideas, just say it directly. 17

Through the contact with Lin Moyu, the Green Sword Taoist knows that Lin Moyu has his own ideas.

Talking with Lin Moyu is very interesting, it is not like teaching other juniors, he is what he says.

Lin Moyu is very good at drawing inferences from one fact, as long as he says one thing, Lin Moyu can think of two or three things.

Lin Moyu expressed his inner thoughts, "This kind of cultivation method is certainly good, but it can't get out of the top powerhouse."

Daoist Qingjian asked, "What kind of strong man do you think is the top strong man?"

Lin Moyu thought for a while, "Extreme cultivation base, multi-star spells above seven stars, this should be almost the same.

Daoist Qingjian suddenly laughed out loud, making Lin Moyu a little confused.

After laughing for a long time, Taoist Qingjian spoke again, but he couldn't hide the smile in his eyes, "You really dare to think about it, the seven-star you know how difficult the seven-star technique is?"

"Even those top geniuses don't dare to think about the seven-star technique."

"Throughout the history of our human race, there are no more people who can achieve seven-star magic.

Lin Moyu was surprised, "Is it so little?"

Taoist Qingjian immediately said, "A lot, I should say a lot. You go and look at other races, don't look at them. They may have dozens of spells, but most of them are useless.

"It's already difficult for most people to sublimate into a star."

"The more spells there are, the more difficult it is for Tian Hua.

Lin Moyu continued to ask, "Has there ever been a nine-star spell in the human race?"

Lin Moyu originally wanted to ask, who is the highest multi-star spell in the human race, but after thinking about it, he thought it was not a good question, so he changed the question.

Taoist Qingjian said, "Xiao Zhanshen possesses a set of eight-star spells. This is also no secret, you can find out when you go back and check the information."

"The eight-star technique is truly top-notch in the big world. As for the nine-star technique, I have never heard of it."

There was more worship in his tone.

It is conceivable that Xiao Zhantian saved the human race from fire and water with his absolute strength.

Relying on his own strength, he swept away all ethnic groups.

One of the most important reliance is the eight-star technique.

Lin Moyu muttered to himself, "Is there no nine-star spell in the big world?"

Daoist Qingjian shook his head, "That's something in legends, don't be too ambitious. Don't talk about nine-star magic, if you can reach six-star magic, you are already at the top of the big world."

During the conversation, the two unknowingly came to the center.

This area is full of stellar fire.

The huge blue star is burning and emitting a hot light.

It is the source of all stellar fine fire, and is the core of area 5-38.

Lin Moyu is only tens of millions of kilometers away from the blue star, which is very close.

He faintly saw the center of the blue star, and there seemed to be something, and he couldn't help blurting out, "What is that?".

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