National Transfer: Necromancer! I Am A Disaster

Chapter 654 Sighing Is Useless, The Water God Wakes Up

There are not as many statues in the second courtyard of the palace as in the first.

There are only fifty or so, and they are all kinds of monsters.

The monster in the center is seven points similar to the king of wild beasts, but stronger than the king of wild beasts.

Lin Moyu found the statue of the king of wild beasts near it, and also found statues of other wild beasts.

From the statues, Lin Moyu could tell the difference between the desolate beasts.

In addition to the difference in body shape, the most important thing is the hair.

There are a few thick and long hairs on the head of the desolate beast. These hairs look very strong and are different from the hairs on other parts of the body.

There are six hairs on the head of the king of wild beasts.

Ordinary little desolate beasts have three or five hairs on their bodies.

And on the wild beast statue in the center, there are nine hairs.

"The amount of hair should represent the lack of strength."

"A desolate beast with three to five hairs should be an ordinary desolate beast."

"The six hairs are the king of wild beasts."

"Then this...

Lin Moyu stood in front of the statue in the center, muttering to himself, "This should be the king of wild beasts."

It can be analyzed from this that the desolate beasts are a powerful group, and their ranks are strict, and their combat effectiveness is unparalleled.

"Judging from this statue, the great battle back then should have been fought between the gods and wild beasts."

"The gods are very likely to fall because of this."

"In Thor's copy, there was a similar picture.

"But what are these?"

Because of these statues, part of the mystery of the war of gods has been revealed.

In addition to the wild beast statue, there are some other 693 statues in the courtyard.

They look like bugs. All kinds of, huge bugs.

The smallest of them is more than two meters high, and the largest one is more than ten meters high.

The statue is too vivid, and the appearance of the worm is extremely ferocious, it seems to be more terrifying than wild beasts.

According to the previous speculation about the desolate beasts, Lin Moyu felt that these bugs may also be one of the reasons for the fall of the gods.

But it is only a statue, and no more information can be analyzed.

Lin Moyu continued to walk forward and entered the third courtyard.

There are also many statues here, all of which are statues of the human race.

Human race professionals, wearing a variety of equipment and holding weapons, are all awe-inspiring.

These are god level powerhouses!

Lin Moyu had this idea in his heart, if he didn't reach the god level, he didn't have the right to become a statue at all.

300 seats!

Lin Moyu counted, there are a total of 300 statues, representing 300 god-level powerhouses.

Lin Moyu was a little surprised, "Unexpectedly, there were so many god-level powerhouses in the human race at that time."

The statues here are arranged in a triangle, and there are only two statues at the sharp corners.

Arranged neatly in rows and backwards.

Lin Moyu could see clearly that the two statues with the sharpest corners should be the two strongest humans in the human race at that time.

The number of people behind is increasing, and the strength is correspondingly weakened.

"Great God Kunlun once said that at that time, the geniuses of the human race came out in large numbers, and it took only a few years for them to become gods from job transfer.

"It seems so."

"Compared to now, it was really a glorious time."

Lin Moyu respectfully (accj) salutes these human statues, they are all his ancestors.

No matter what the reason was, they all paid the blood price for this world and for the human race.

"The belief of the human race will not be broken, and the inheritance will not be broken."

"Seniors, let's go on a good day."

After Lin Moyu finished speaking, he continued to walk forward and entered the fourth courtyard.

In his mind, Lin Moyu has already connected the statues in the three courtyards together, forming a picture in his mind, and bid farewell to the picture of the year with his guess.

The gods and the human race joined hands to besiege the wild beasts and those bugs.

That battle must have been extremely tragic.

The final result should be that the human race and the gods won.

Otherwise the world would not be what it is now.

But the price is also unimaginable.

There is only one statue in the fourth courtyard.

The statue is more than 20 meters high and looks like a woman.

Inside the statue, there is also a woman frozen in ice.

"Water God!"

Lin Moyu sensed the aura of the gods on her body, and judged that she should be the deity of the water god.

But just in case, the detection technique was used.

【Water God (sleeping state)】

The detection technique cannot return the specific attributes of the water god, but it is enough for Lin Moyu to be sure that the frozen one is the water god.

The water god is beautiful, not stunning, but the kind of beauty that combines the most beautiful advantages of the human race.

There are hardly any flaws in her.

Even in the frozen state, there is that kind of feminine gentleness, which makes me feel pity.

Lin Moyu also has to admit that the water god is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen.

Taking out the water god's flute, the breath of the water god suddenly fluctuated slightly.

The water god's flute exudes a gentle light, like water flowing into the embrace of the water god.

Different from the fierceness of the God of Thunder, there is gentleness like water everywhere.

The water god's flute flew from Lin Moyu's hand, touched the ice, blended into it soundlessly, and landed in the hands of the water god.

The huge ice sculpture melted in the blink of an eye, turned into a water element, and dissipated into the air.

The whole process happened in an instant, but it still looked warm and moist without the slightest smell of fireworks.

After the ice was gone, the water god was suspended in mid-air, and a soft sigh sounded, and the water god opened his eyes.

The light blue eyes are so beautiful that they cannot be described in words.

Lin Moyu lost his mind for a moment.

The original water god was perfect enough, but now, she has a touch of beauty and weakness.

The light sigh made people feel even more sad, as if there was endless grievance.

The Water God looked at Lin Moyu, "Thank you for waking me up."

Her voice and tone were the same as her appearance, extremely gentle.

Although Lin Moyu feels that the water god has no malice towards him, he is still vigilant.

After the water god wakes up, water elements are pouring in continuously.

The breath of the water god fluctuates constantly, ups and downs, very unstable.

Lin Moyu knew this was abnormal, and the water god's injury had not recovered.

"Dear Water God, have you recovered from your injuries?"

Water God slowly landed from the air, and sighed again at the same time.

There was no answer, but there was an answer.

Lin Moyu could feel her helplessness, "Is your injury so bad?"

Sadness appeared in the water god's eyes, "It hurts the root, it's hard to heal."

Her sorrow filled the palace, and the water element also rolled up the waves.

Lin Moyu found that in just such a short time, the breath of the water god was more unstable than before.

It seems that waking her up is not a good thing for her.

"Is there no other way?" Lin Moyu asked.

"Yes, but it's difficult." The Water God smiled, "Our gods are different from your human race, and the healing techniques of the human race have no effect on us. Our foundation lies in the soul, which is what your human race calls soul."

Lin Moyu said, "It's difficult, so it means there is a way, talk about it, maybe I can help.

Lin Moyu is not a good person, but he is not a bad person either.

From the current point of view, the water god once fought side by side with the sages of the human race, and awakened her by himself.

So Lin Moyu is still willing to help if he can.

The Water God said, "If the God of Life is still there, maybe there is a chance. Unfortunately, she is the first among us to perish."

"However, the God of Life will not truly fall, and she should have a chance to be resurrected."

"If I can last until then...

The water god's voice suddenly stopped, and she saw the scepter in Lin Moyu's hand, the creation scepter.

Lin Moyu shook his head, "She should have completely fallen.

Surprise appeared in the eyes of the water god, "Even the scepter of creation was broken, it seems that something happened later. Can you tell me what happened?"

There is nothing that can't be said, Lin Moyu briefly talked about what happened in the corpse world.

The water god showed disappointment, "It seems that there is no chance."

Lin Moyu shook his head, "Aside from the God of Life, is there no other way?"

The water god sighed, or maybe there was. "

Listening to the sigh of the water god, the water element between heaven and earth also seemed a little sad.

Lin Moyu is determined and unmoved.

He doesn't like this kind of complaint, he prefers to solve the problem when there is a problem.

Sighing is the most useless way.

Lin Moyu said, "I will see if there is another way."

"Thank you! In fact, it doesn't matter whether I can be resurrected or not." Water God said softly, she didn't seem to attach much importance to life and death, but she was still grateful for Lin Moyu's willingness to help.

Lin Moyu asked, "I want to ask, why your sleeping place did not appear, but now there is a sudden movement."

He knew that although the water god was sleeping, he was not ignorant of the outside world.

At least she knew something about what happened around her, and she also knew how long she had been asleep.

The water god said faintly, "It's because of the godhead of the God of Holy Voice, she is a high-level god, and the power of the godhead is so powerful that it suppresses my instinctive will.

There are also strict levels among gods, low-level gods, middle-level gods, high-level gods, and great gods. . .

Every level is different, the status and strength are completely different.

If she wasn't in a deep sleep, the God of the Holy Voice's godhead would not have much influence.

But she herself also severely injured Shenshui, and the godhead of the God of Holy Voice can affect her. .

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