National Transfer: Necromancer! I Am A Disaster

Chapter Six Hundred And Eighty Eighth One Hundred Secrets One Sparse, Omission Is Wrong

Jiang Yi looked at Ye Hao, "Your surname is Ye?"

Ye Hao nodded, "Ancestor Ye Boran!"

Jiang Yi said, "I didn't expect you to be a descendant of Bo Ran."

Ye Hao said, "Thanks to God of Righteousness for saving our ancestors, our ancestors later established the Ye family in the mountain city, which has been passed down to this day.

Jiang Yi didn't say any more about the Ye family, but spoke for the fourth time, "Open the formation."

This time he seemed to try to keep calm, but Lin Moyu felt that Jiang Ai was more anxious than before.

He paid attention to Jiang Yi from one side, and he found that Jiang Yi had no interest in Ye Boran in his eyes, and he was just perfunctory in his mouth.

It can't be said that there is no interest, but there is a trace of disgust.

Ye Hao was a little excited at this time, and didn't notice the strangeness of Yishen.

Lin Moyu secretly sent a message to Bai Yiyuan, telling him to be careful and stay away.

Ye Hao immediately ordered to open the formation to let Jiang Yi in.

Naturally, Wang Lin would not disobey Ye Hao's order, and a passage was revealed in the formation for Jiang Yi to pass through.

Jiang Yi entered the formation and did not stay, but flew towards the center of the fortress.

It looks purposeful.

Ye Hao followed Jiang Yi, "Senior God of Righteousness, your ancestor Bo Ran once left an ancestral precept, saying that you have not fallen, and you will most likely be resurrected in the future."

"Really?" Jiang Yi smiled, with a strange look in his eyes.

Ye Hao said, "That's what the ancestors said."

"What else did he say?"

"The ancestors said that you are unparalleled in talent and love. If you are resurrected, you will be the strongest in the human race. If anyone can surpass God, it must be you.

Ye Hao's tone was a little excited. Obviously, Jiang Yi's return and the fulfillment of his ancestor's words had a great influence on him.

Jiang Yi smiled, "Bo Ran really understands me, what a pity...

"What a pity?" Ye Hao didn't know it, but Wang Lin felt something was wrong.

Wang Lin frowned, fixed his eyes on Jiang Yi, and clenched his fist unconsciously.

Jiang Yi glanced over Wang Lin inadvertently, then shook his head with a hint of disdain.

At this time, several people have come to the center of the fortress, an empty square.

This place was originally the place where the Demon Extinguishing Tower was placed. After the Demon Extinguishing Tower was taken away by Lin Moyu, it became vacant here.

Lin Moyu followed from a distance, he didn't know why Jiang Yi came here.

Jiang Yi stopped and glanced across the square, "It's pretty clean".

Ye Hao said, "Originally there was a pagoda here, but now the pagoda is... 11


Before he finished speaking, Wang Lin suddenly shouted violently.

Then the sword light flickered, Ye Hao was pushed away, screams sounded, and blood rushed to the sky.

Wang Lin pushed Ye Hao away, and his arms were broken by the sword light.

Before Ye Hao could react, the sword light lit up again.

At the same time, a huge aura rushed from behind and collided with Jianguang.

The violent impact shook Ye Hao far away, and Bai Yiyuan blocked the fatal blow for Ye Hao, but at the same time he was also sent flying.

With a bang, blood rained all over the sky.

Wang Lin was strangled to pieces by another sword light.

Bai Yiyuan rescued Ye Hao, but failed to save Wang Lin.

Wang Lin first pushed Ye Hao away and broke his hands.

Then the second sword directly died.

No one expected that Jiang Yi would suddenly violently attack his own people.

If Lin Moyu hadn't told Bai Yiyuan to be careful, Bai Yiyuan would never have thought of it.

"Wang Lin!" Ye Hao finally came to his senses and let out an exclamation.

Bai Yiyuan stared at Jiang Yi, and shouted angrily, "Jiang Yi, what are you going to do?"

Bai Yiyuan has no friendship with Wang Lin, but Wang Lin is also a god-level powerhouse in the human race. He watched him being killed, and the person who did it was also a human race.


The relationship between Ye Hao and Wang Lin is very deep. Wang Lin has always regarded Ye Hao as his elder. Ye Hao has no heirs in his life, so he also regards Wang Lin as his half son.

Seeing Wang Lin's death on the spot, his eyes were full of sorrow and tears, and he shouted at Jiang Yi, "Why?"

Jiang Yi's face was gloomy at this time, and he sneered, "I didn't expect this guy to be so loyal that he was willing to die for you."

"Why? There is no reason, I just want the blood of the gods. Originally, you were quite suitable, so let's make do now.

Jiang Yi was expressionless, and stretched out his hand, and a lot of blood flew out, falling down like raindrops.

The blood is black and red, the black is the blood of the devil, and the red is the blood of the dragon.

The blood exudes a powerful aura, without exception, all the blood of the Demon King Dragon King.

A large amount of god-level blood was collected, and no one knew what Jiang Yi was going to do.

He shot so fast that even Lin Moyu couldn't react.

No one could have imagined, "He will attack his own kind.

If it wasn't for Wang Lin's quick reaction, it would be Ye Hao who died at this time.

Jiang Yi, who is as high as level 98, has already entered the threshold of a half-step super god. Under the law of swaying, it is not difficult to kill Ye Hao.

Ye Hao said coldly, "You are not a god of righteousness, who are you?"

Jiang Yi spilled all the blood on the ground, hehe smiled, "I am Jiang Yi, the God of Righteousness that your ancestors spoke of."

Ye Hao roared, "Impossible, the God of Righteousness mentioned by the ancestors will shed blood for the sake of the human race, and it is absolutely impossible to do anything to the human race."

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

Jiang Yi laughed again and again, his whole temperament changed drastically, exuding a cold aura, "That's because you don't understand this deity too well."

"Not only do you not understand the deity, but your ancestors did not understand the deity either."

"Of course, this deity doesn't know you very well."

"Back then, if that coward Ye Boran hadn't escaped during the battle, the deity wouldn't have died in battle.

"Really think that this deity will fight to the death for the human race? There is no way for this deity!"

"You don't understand, you don't understand at all!"

Jiang Yi's face became more ferocious, and he couldn't stop laughing wildly.

Lin Moyu suddenly realized that he had missed something.

According to the information, Jiang Yi obtained the Heavenly Demon Gold by accident.

But it didn't say when he got it.

Magic gold has the characteristics of bewitching the mind, at least top professionals can resist it.

If it is said that Jiang Yi obtained the magic gold before the third turn. . .

Does this mean that Jiang Yi has been abnormal since then.

Jiang Yi gave people the impression that he was a half-step super god, and people subconsciously ignored the time when he obtained the magic gold.

"Wrong, totally wrong!"

"This guy is acting, since I entered the secret realm and touched me with my soul, he has been acting.

"At that time, I was too weak to find any abnormalities."

"Antares must have known, but it didn't say."

Combined with the few words Jiang Yi said now, Lin Moyu suddenly figured everything out.

Jiang Yi has never been a god of righteousness who sacrificed himself for the righteousness of the nation.

He has his own purpose, as for what the purpose is, it will be revealed soon.

The blood spilled on the ground and was quickly absorbed by the ground.

Then a bloody formation emerged.

The space around Lin Moyu was distorted, and Meng Anwen brought the god Xiata to appear beside Lin Moyu (by Hao Nuo), and Yan Kuangsheng also came over at the same time.

Lin Moyu sent them a message just now, and they rushed back and forth immediately.

Meng Anwen's face changed slightly when he saw the formation, "Is this a blood formation?"

Lin Moyu asked, "What is a blood formation!"

Meng Anwen said, "A very evil formation that absorbs the blood of the strong and transforms it into energy, which can quickly upgrade people."

Lin Moyu knows that every gain must be lost. While upgrading rapidly, there must be a price to pay.

Meng Anwen continued, "As long as you have enough blood from the strong, you can level up very quickly, and you can even upgrade three times in one night."

"But the sequelae are also very serious. Some people use the blood array, and they either go crazy or explode to death. Even if there are successful ones, they will be unable to make progress in life and their foundation will be broken."

"The blood formation appeared a long time ago, it was recorded, and then it disappeared. Why is there a blood formation here?"

Jiang Yi suddenly turned his head to look at Meng Anwen, "You are a very good god-level formation mage, and you have reached level 96, so you didn't waste your energy to save you last time.

As soon as the voice fell, the formation exploded, and blood rushed to the sky!.

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