National Voyage: Joining the Straw Hats at the Start

Chapter 1031 Replacing the Headquarters

Chapter 1031 Replacement of the headquarters

"Then why have we never heard of such a deal?" Franky asked in surprise.

After hearing the news, the soldiers of the revolutionary army immediately showed a sad expression on their faces, and they had a lot of worries in their hearts. Could it be that the revolutionary army was targeted everywhere during the period when they were caught.

"You people have been imprisoned by the World government a long time ago, so some things are still unclear. The headquarters of the Revolutionary Army has already been replaced by other places, and now the White Earth Island is no longer our territory. Now..." Sabo said slowly after pondering for a moment.

"But you don't need to worry about it. It's just that when our headquarters was empty, some pirates took advantage of the weakness to let our island fall, and it didn't cause much loss to our revolutionary army." Sabo Immediately shouted loudly.

In fact, Wanokuni is rich in seastone, and it is no longer a secret in the pirate world. Kaido's Beasts Pirates are also stationed in that country for this reason.

"Although this may sound outrageous, it is true." Sabo said slowly after pondering for a moment.

But what really surprised the Straw Hat Pirates "Five Six Zeros" was that the World Government would actually start such a deal with a country that was already under the control of the Four Emperors.

Since everyone left North Blue's territory, the revolutionary army and the pirates who were taken out by Qin Yang along with Sabo all acted with the Straw Hat Pirates.

"What is it? Just say it. Sabo said very surprised.

"Sabo, it's time for you to hurry back and report your safety. Long and Kal, as well as many soldiers of the Revolutionary Army, have long been anxious since they found out that you were caught by the World government." Qin Yang Looking at Sabo intently, he said.

"By the way, Sabo, there is one thing I have to tell you in advance, otherwise, you may miss out." Nico Robin said slowly at this time.

This is equivalent to the World Government fighting against pirates on the one hand, and on the other hand, it has to start such transactions with some pirates.

"I think so too, I want to go to everyone's side quickly." Sabo blinked his eyes and said.

"I can answer this question without Sabo. Because the World government has done such a thing, it has already damaged their image. Of course, they will block relevant news and try not to spread this matter. 35 Qin Yang raised his eyebrows and said slowly.

The mood of those revolutionary army soldiers calmed down after hearing the words, and it seemed that there was nothing serious about 3.9. They were afraid that during their absence, the revolutionary army would be hit hard.

"Sabo Chief of Staff! Let's hurry back to the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army! It's been a long time since I went to the White Earth Island." Some soldiers of the Revolutionary Army responded loudly immediately.

"Qin Yang's answer is very accurate. Besides, I can't accompany you to Wanokuni this time, because I have to go to the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army. I have been out of contact for a long time." Sabo pondered for a while. , said slowly.

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