Chapter 1033 Sabo's departure

"Besides, you are also Luffy's brother, and I have to help you too." Qin Yang looked at Sabo and said with a smile.

Sabo immediately replied with a smile, and then, he also looked at Luffy who was standing beside him.

Luffy's expression was very complicated at this time. Of course, it was a good thing that Sabo could return to the revolutionary army, but the two brothers had just met, and now they have to separate immediately, which made Luffy feel very reluctant.

"Luffy, I did something wrong this time. As a brother, I made you worry so much and caused you a lot of trouble. I'm very sorry." Sabo said apologetically.

Recently, Sabo felt very guilty. When Ace was caught by Marine's men, he didn't remember the existence of the two brothers and didn't lend a hand. Not long after, he was also caught by the people of the World government, who wanted Luffy to run around, so anxious.

"Sabo, we are sworn brothers, why do you say such foreign words? If I were caught by the World government or Marine, I believe you must be very anxious 々||." Luffy came out and hugged Stop Sabo and speak slowly.

"You have to be careful in the future, and don't be caught by the people of the World government again." Luffy shouted loudly.

"Don't worry, I won't do such a risky thing again. Then let's say goodbye, but don't be sentimental, because soon, we will definitely meet again." Sabo patted Luffy's back, faintly said.

A few minutes later, Sabo also boarded the ship, and he and the revolutionary army continued to advance in the direction of the Shemale Island, slowly disappearing from the sight of Luffy and others.

After saying goodbye to Sabo and others, Qin Yang once again turned his attention to the pirates rescued from the prison of the World government.

"We have a lot of things to do during this time, and we didn't have time to take care of you. What are your plans in the future?" Qin Yang said slowly after pondering for a while.

"I have been imprisoned by the World government for more than ten years, and I suddenly escaped, and I don't know what to do, but according to you, it seems that you are going to do something big, I don't know. Can you tell us about it?" The pirate in the white hat said slowly.

Qin Yang didn't speak right away, but looked at these pirates in thought for a moment. It stands to reason that the matter of fighting with the World government is a secret and cannot be leaked to outsiders at will. But these pirates already had a life-long friendship with him, and they all had a very deep hatred with the World government. It seemed that they could be told about this.

"Since you have made it so clear, I will not continue to hide it. We intend to declare war on the World Government, overthrow the World Government and the rule of (King Li's) Celestial Dragons, and create a new order. " Qin Yang said loudly.

After hearing Qin Yang's words, the pirates present showed very shocked eyes.

World government has long been an unshakable existence for everyone. I haven't heard of any pirates trying to fight the World government.

"Are you serious? Do you understand how powerful the world government really is?"

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