Chapter 1063 Moths to the flame

While speaking, Qin Yang suddenly exerted force on his left arm, and quickly knocked Drake away.

Drake fell heavily on a branch in the distance, spat out a lot of blood from his mouth, and the blood ran down his chin to the ground, looking particularly oozing.

"I wonder if you've heard of moths flying into flames?" Qin Yang asked very plainly.

"A moth to a flame?" Drake asked in surprise.

"Yes, what you are doing now is like a moth to a flame. You clearly know that you are not my opponent, and there is no way to escape under my nose, but you are still holding on here. Your Behavior is like a moth to a fire." Qin Yang said in a very calm tone.

"Not everyone in this world is afraid of injury and death. Because in our hearts there is something more worthy of our cherishing, which pirates like you will never understand 々||. Drake suddenly used the With all his strength, he shouted loudly.

"Why don't we pirates understand? There are too many prejudices attached to what you said. We pirates have many things that are precious to us. You don't know much about us at all, so just say this. Words taken out of context. Qin Yang immediately retorted after hearing the other party's words.

"What precious things do you bastards have? You are just some people who like to do bad things very much. How can you have anything precious?" Drake said slowly.

"You can't treat us too much just because some of the pirates have very bad behavior. Whether it's a pirate or a Marine, there are good and evil in it. There are many pirates with good intentions, and many Marines with bad intentions. It's the right thing to do." Qin Yang said slowly after pondering for a while.

"Marine represents justice, but you pirates represent evil. This kind of thing is not negotiable at all. Since the day you became pirates, you have become villains. You should not be here to cleanse your pirates. Well, this is a very stupid thing, Drake said firmly.

"Are you so convinced that there isn't any good pirate? Or are you so determined that there aren't some very jerk guys in Marine?" Qin Yang said lightly.

"Do you know that in some very remote places, there are many Marines who have been doing bad things by virtue of their positions. Are all these people good people, do they also have justice in their hearts? Don't you think this is A very ridiculous thing?" Qin Yang said, looking at Drake intently.

After hearing Qin Yang's words, Drake fell into a deep silence, because the other party's words made him realize the one-sidedness of what he just said (Li Zhaozhao).

It's not that he has never seen Marine Drake with a bad character, but in his opinion, there are more Marines with good hearts, so he will say such words.

"Seeing that you are now in deep thought, I already know your inner thoughts, and some shaking has begun. Now I want to tell you something else. Maybe your thoughts will be shaken because of this." Qin Yang continued.

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