Chapter 1073 The General's Mansion

"I wonder if you've heard of Kurozumi Orochi?" Qin Yang asked calmly.

But none of these guards were Zoro's opponents. No one could withstand his blow. In less than a minute, the courtyard of the General's Mansion was already full of corpses. Such a sight scared the guards who had not yet fought. They started to flee in panic, and no one had the courage to fight against these three people, and they all lost their courage.

"Who are you? This is the General's Mansion, and idlers are not allowed to enter." The guard said to them sternly.

Immediately, Kozuki Hiyori walked at the front of the road and led Qin Yang and the two of them towards the front.

"Is this all true?! That's really great, when can we go to Kurozumi Orochi now. 35 Kozuki Hiyori said very excitedly.

Before the two guards could say anything, they were slashed by Zoro, and they all died on the spot, with bright red blood flowing from their chests.

"Let's go there as soon as possible, we will leave here soon as we have other things to do." Qin Yang replied lightly.

"It's nothing, our captain is more powerful than me." Zoro said very generally.

So the three of them pushed open the gate of the General's Mansion and walked straight in. On both sides of Dao (Li Zhaozhao) Road, there were many guards holding hands.

There are several guards in heavy armor, holding swords in their hands, stationed here. At the front of this mansion, there is a huge plaque with three characters "General 々|| Mansion" printed on it.

"What? That's our general of Wanokuni, are you from the outside world? Unexpectedly, an intruder has infiltrated here, and we will kill him immediately." Knife, said loudly like another guard beside him.

"." your strength too strong?!" Kozuki Hiyori said dumbfounded.

Kozuki Hiyori waited until this day, I don't know how long he has waited, his enemy can finally be judged in his lifetime.

Zoro also spoke at this time.

"Who, you dare to fight, do you know the fate of going against our captain?" Zoro said with a gloomy face at this time.

"Who are you looking for?" the guard asked in surprise.

I don't know how long it took, after they passed through countless alleys and shops, they finally came to a huge mansion.

Then the two guards rushed in the direction of Qin Yang, but before they touched Qin Yang, Zoro suddenly appeared at this moment and pulled out the treasured sword Yan Mo he had just obtained. It was easy to resist the attack of the two of them.

"Then do you know where the Kurozumi serpent is?" Zoro asked at this time. Although he usually doesn't like to deal with other people, he has long been familiar with Qin Yang's nosy temperament, and he is not surprised.

"Kurozumi Orochi is now in the General's House, I'll take you there now." Kozuki Hiyori said very excitedly.

"We came here to find someone." Qin Yang said lightly.

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