National Voyage: Joining the Straw Hats at the Start

Chapter 1077 Qin Yang's At10tion

Chapter 1077 Qin Yang's idea

"What question do you want to ask me? Just ask it directly." Zoro said very puzzled.

"I really want to thank you this time, but thanks to me, I met Zoro, and I have a question to ask you. 33 Kozuki Hiyori said very gratefully, and then her face started to turn slightly red again, and she asked very shyly. .

"Didn't I already say it, I don't have any ideas about this? So I don't know what kind of girl I like, so I can't answer you 577 question." Zoro pondered for a while, answered truthfully.

"You don't have to worry about the Beasts Pirates. I will make it clear to Kaido, but in the next period of time, Kaido and the others will disappear, because they will leave here with us and go out to execute It is a confidential matter. But they will still leave some people on the ghost island, and those people will support you to gain power on their behalf." Qin Yang said slowly after pondering for 12 moments.

"That's good. I will also contact those who are willing to support our Kozuki family to gain power as soon as possible. With their help, and the support of the Beasts Pirates, I am sure that I will be able to take power soon."" Kozuki Hiyori said very happily at this time.

"Then answer my second question quickly, what kind of girl do you like?" Kozuki Hiyori asked anxiously.

"Ah? I'm not married yet, but I don't think I should have such thoughts. The only thing I think about is to improve my swordsmanship, because I have a promise that I need to fulfill." Zoro pondered for a moment, then slowly said slowly.

After hearing Kozuki Hiyori say such words, Qin Yang showed a satisfied expression.

Kaido was actually a very sinful person. According to the original anime development of Pirate World, he would definitely be defeated by Luffy. But the current Qin Yang really needed the power of their Four Emperors, so he had to keep them.

"Are you telling the truth? Can you really speak to Kaido?" Kozuki Hiyori asked in surprise.

"Hahaha, Zoro is such a person, you must not know more about him, don't worry, the two of you will definitely have a chance to meet in the future, and there will definitely be many opportunities." Qin Yang naturally understands Kozuki Hiyori's intention, and then he quickly expressed it.

"I wonder if you are married now? Or what kind of girl do you prefer?" At this moment, Kozuki Hiyori blushed like an apple.

"Of course, I don't need to deceive you because of this kind of thing." Qin Yang said confidently.

"It's a very difficult thing for me to regain power in our country. Because I can't get the support of Kaido's Beasts Pirates, there is no way to regain power in our country anyway." Kozuki Hiyori said very helplessly at this time.

After hearing Qin Yang's words, Kozuki Hiyori's expression calmed down a bit.

"I'm really a boring person, can't I hear such obvious hints? I don't want to talk to you anymore." Kozuki Hiyori said with a pout at this time.

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