Chapter 1082 Nest Island

"I heard that his body structure is different from that of ordinary people, and his Dark Fruit also has the power to absorb other Devil Fruits, and the other fruit it absorbs is also a Devil Fruit of Logia." Kaido pondered for a moment. After that, he said slowly.

"Speaking of this, I should blame you. You actually fought with my subordinate Enel. If you didn't kill him, how could Thunder Fruit get to him? Qin Yang was a little unhappy at this time. said.

"Didn't you tell me last time that you won't care about this matter again? How did I think that the arrogant guy turned out to be your subordinate?" Kaido said helplessly.

Seeing Kaido admitting counsel, Charlotte Linlin showed a mocking expression at this time.

When did this guy Kaido be so humble to a person, it was impossible before.

"Okay, you don't have to be nervous. Since I've already said it, I won't care about this matter with you again. But if you want to do it in the future, you need to think twice. Qin Yang said lightly.

In fact, although Qin Yang received Enel as his subordinate, he did not have a deep friendship with that person. He could also see that Enel did not sincerely want to be his subordinate, but he just couldn't beat Qin. Yang will make such a choice.

"But how should we find Blackbeard now? This sea is bigger than we thought." Charlotte Linlin asked slowly at this time.

"I think we can try our luck at the place on Chao Island, maybe he will be there." Qin Yang said slowly after pondering for a while.

"Nest Island!" Charlotte Linlin and Kaido both said in surprise at this time.

Because both of them are familiar with the place, Nest Island is the birthplace of the Rocks Pirate, and Charlotte Linlin and Kaido were both previously crew members of the Rocks Pirate.

"Why did he go to that place?" Kaido asked in confusion.

"If you ask me, I don't know, but I think it is very likely that she wants to inherit the ambition of the Rocks. As a pirate who has just developed in the past two years, his ambition is no less than that of the two Four Emperors. ." Qin Yang said thoughtfully.

"Indeed, I have had close contact with that guy Blackbeard. He is indeed an unfathomable man. I have no way of guessing his true intentions. Even if we cooperated with him for a short time at that time, I feel that This person is a very dangerous person." Kaido said with deep disbelief.

"Blackbeard once announced to everyone that 577 will be his era. We will go to that place now to see what he is doing now." Qin Yang said lightly.

This very large pirate fleet continues to sail on the sea, and Nest Island is also located in the second half of the New World, which is not particularly far from where they are now.

After about two or three days of sailing, the huge pirate fleet finally arrived at the port of Nest Island.

There are many ships of the pirates outside the island, Qin Yang and others can see the logo of the Blackbeard pirates very clearly.

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