National Voyage: Joining the Straw Hats at the Start

Chapter 1086 Akainu's Considerations

Chapter 1086 Akainu's Considerations

"Report," said a Marine from the door of the Marshal's office.

"Come in, what's the matter?" Akainu was sitting on his desk at this time correcting documents, and when he saw someone asking for advice, he asked in surprise.

"The 73 Fleet patrolling has very important information and wants to report it to you." The Marine soldier said in a panic.

"593" "What news?" Akainu put down the document in his hand and asked slowly.

The Marine soldier immediately handed Akainu the phone bug in his hand.

"I'm Akainu, if you have anything, you can start talking now. 35 Akainu asked very calmly.

"Marshal Akainu, I just found a very large pirate fleet on the road leading to North Blue in the first half of the great route." The other end of the phone worm said very hastily.

"How many pirate ships are there?" Akainu asked with some doubts.

"There are more than 1,000 pirate ships. This number is really terrifying." The Marine on the other side seemed to be in shock and stammered.

"Then have you seen clearly what the flag on the other side's pirate ship looks like? Can you tell what pirate group it is?" Akainu asked in surprise.

"Report to the marshal, because the number of the other side is too large, we dare not go too close, for fear of being attacked by the other side's pirate ships, so we didn't see what their flag looks like." The Marine soldier Said very guiltily.

"It doesn't matter, your approach is very correct. There is no need to make unnecessary sacrifices in that situation. Next, try to track the huge fleet, and if you can, see where their destination is. ?" Akainu said slowly after pondering for a moment.

"Okay, received," the Marine replied immediately, then hung up the phone bug.

At this time, Fujitora also slowly walked into the Marshal's office, he had just heard part of the phone call.

"What happened? You look a little nervous." Fujitora asked slowly.

"Some pirates seem to have some big moves. And the battles they made are very exaggerated..." Akainu said slowly.

"How exaggerated?" Fujitora asked in confusion.

"The other party has more than 1,000 pirate ships." Akainu said.

"What!? The Four Emperors regiment probably doesn't have so many pirate ships, right? This time the number is too many. Could it be that the other party's purpose is our newly established Naval Headquarters? They are too lawless?" Fujitora was particularly shocked.

"I'm afraid it's not just as simple as one Four Emperors regiment, at least two Four Emperors regiments have so many troops, and judging from the location where they appeared, the target should not be us, those pirates gathered together, If the target is not us, then in fact, their 3.9 target can be easily guessed. 35 Akainu said with a gloomy face at this time.

"Could it be that the other party's goal is the World government?" Fujitora said in shock after thinking for a moment.

"I think it's most likely the World government. I'm going to Red Line right now, and I'll leave the matter here to you first." Akainu said slowly after pondering for a while.

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