Chapter 1097 resolves hatred

"All the crew of the Whitebeard Pirates, I know that I am a very deep enemy in your eyes. I have murdered your brothers, which makes me feel very guilty, so here today, I think I want to ask for your forgiveness. 55 Blackbeard said helplessly, and then slowly moved his knees.

Kneeling on the ground.

After seeing this scene, all the people on the scene were stunned. They never thought that the wicked Blackbeard would do such a repentance thing.

Since Blackbeard had just been deflated on Qin Yang's side, he looked very lonely, but it seemed to everyone that he was sincerely admitting his wrongdoing.

"I don't know if the brothers of the Whitebeard Pirates can forgive Blackbeard for what happened before. I know that he has done a lot of damage to you, but the past has passed. Next, we need to unite and face it together. World government is a powerful enemy." Qin Yang said slowly after pondering for a while.

"Even if his actions today can't just satisfy you and resolve all the hatred in your hearts, I hope you will think for the sake of our Pirate Alliance, if there is any deep hatred, we will wait until the war with the World Government. I'll report after it's over. Can everyone present give me this face? Qin Yang continued.

The phoenix Marco, who was still debating just now, also lowered his head at this time. This action was indeed very sincere.

"Little guys, as the head of the Four Emperors Pirates, of course I should focus on the overall situation, but the matter between us and Blackbeard involves our family, and I can't make the final choice by myself, so People who agree to forgive Blackbeard, I need to ask for your opinion, now raise your right hand." Whitebeard also spoke slowly, his voice was loud and imposing.

After Whitebeard's speech, some pirates slowly raised their right hands after a moment of contemplation. In the end, more than 80% of the people present raised their right hands, which means that they all agreed to put aside their grievances with the Blackbeard Pirates for the time being.

"In this case, I will follow everyone's choice, forgive the Blackbeard Pirates, and forgive the actions of the Black Monkeys before. Before the world war comes, I also hope that all the family members, you can restrain the hatred in your heart, don't Undermining the unity of our league at a critical time," Whitebeard continued.

"Whitebeard, what you said is great." Qin Yang couldn't help but praise at this time. 593

"Why don't I want to focus on the overall situation? It's just that those things are too much, but it's time to turn the page." Whitebeard blinked his eyes and said slowly.

At this time, Iji led the crowd of Wuyang Wuyang towards this side, and all the pirates from the Blackbeard Pirates Kaido Beasts Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates came ashore.

Reiju and the others immediately arranged their troops again, but they were not very professional, so they just gathered the numerous troops together to make them stand more neatly.

About half an hour later, 250,000 troops were standing there uniformly.

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