Chapter 1107: Clone Fruit

"Then how dare you say it's a Marine soldier, you dare to play with us, and you guys don't arrest him as soon as possible." The Marine officer said very annoyed.

Just as the Marine officers rushed towards Qin Yang's direction, he suddenly raised his right hand slowly, exerting the gravitational ability he had just acquired.

The huge gravitational force instantly acted on the Marine soldiers rushing towards him, but in the blink of an eye, all the Marine 12th Army soldiers were ejected.

"This is a Demon fruit power, everyone should be careful." The Marine officer said very vigilantly.

The commotion on this warship also attracted the attention of Marine on other warships, and Marine Rear Admiral looked over there in surprise.

"What's going on here?" Marine Rear Admiral, asked loudly.

"Sir Rear Admiral, the guy who just boarded the ship is a Devil Fruit ability, and his ability is very powerful, we dare not act rashly." The Marine officer said loudly.

After hearing such words, Officer Rear Admiral immediately jumped towards the warship and immediately walked in front of Qin Yang.

"Who are you? Are you a pirate too? Why don't I remember your bounty list? Could it be that you are a pirate who just went to sea? 35 The Rear Admiral officer said in surprise.

"I'm just a passerby. It's normal that you don't know me, but I hate Marine very much, so I want to show you some color." Qin Yang said calmly.

"It's not a wise choice to fight against us." Marine officer said with a gloomy expression, and then pulled out a long sword from his waist. The Rear Admiral officer is a trained swordsman and a Demon fruit power.

"I'm also Devil Fruit's ability person. If you want to fight, you can always accompany me." Officer Rear Admiral shouted very loudly, and then he clenched the sword in his hand.

Suddenly, behind Officer Rear Admiral there were many people who looked exactly like him, each of them holding a sword in their hands.

"Is it a clone of Devil Fruit?" Qin Yang said, very surprised.

"Yes, this is a very powerful Devil Fruit, if you admit defeat now, it's too late. Officer 35 Rear Admiral stared at Qin Yang and said.

"Sorry, I never admit these two words in my dictionary. If you have the ability, take it out as soon as possible. Qin Yang, said lightly.

"Since you're going to die, I won't stop you." Officer Rear Admiral said firmly.


In an instant, more than a dozen Rear Admiral officers rushed in the direction of Qin Yang.

"Gravity." Qin Yang stretched out his right hand again and said lightly.

A very powerful repulsive force acted on the silhouettes of the dozen Rear Admiral officers, and they immediately flew out towards the surroundings, with no room for resistance at all.

"What kind of Devil Fruit ability are you? I have never heard of your ability." The Rear Admiral officer said in surprise.

"There are so many things you haven't heard of, why don't you get closer to me, I'll tell you." Qin Yang said lightly.

"I'm not going to be tricked."

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