The first thousand one hundred and eleventh chapters solidified bullet

When Qin Yang used gravity to rush the five Marine's warships into Marine Fortress, numerous Marine soldiers locked onto his position immediately.

Countless bullets flew towards him in an instant, and the entire sky was immediately filled with these countless bullets, as if a rain of bullets had fallen.

But just when these bullets were about to hit Qin Yang with "610", all of a sudden, all the bullets stopped in the sky, as if they had solidified in that place.

"What's going on here? Why are all these bullets stopped? Is this our hallucination? Or is it for some other reason?" a Marine officer exclaimed in confusion.

The other Marine soldiers also echoed, they were very surprised by such a scene, they had never encountered such an abnormal scene before.

"This guy should be a Devil Fruit ability user. His Devil Fruit ability seems to be able to manipulate gravity." The Rear Admiral officer lying on the Marine warship, at this time, reminded loudly that he has recovered much more than just now. His face turned from pale to ruddy.

"Devil Fruit that controls gravity? This is really terrifying, it's more pervert than Whitebeard's Shock Fruit." The Marine officer said in horror.

"Your guess is quite accurate, why don't I reward you with these bullets." Qin Yang said lightly.

Qin Yang's voice just fell, and those bullets that were still in the sky suddenly resumed their movement and rushed towards the direction of countless Marines.

After seeing the charge of the bullets, the Marines immediately turned and fled, but because the number of bullets was too large, countless Marines still fell to the ground with bullets.

"It seems that you all like my reward very much, and all of you are lying on the ground happily." Qin Yang said at this moment, expressionless.

In the eyes of many Marine soldiers, Qin Yang seemed to have turned into a Shinigami at this moment, and their lives and deaths seemed to be controlled by Qin Yang.

"Dare to ask this brother, which pirate group are you from?" At this time, the head of the North Blue Marine branch slowly walked out of the fortress. This head once served as Vice Admiral in Naval Headquarters. The strength is very strong, but when facing Qin Yang, he feels that he has no chance to win...

Although Marine has been at odds with pirates since ancient times, in the case of such absolute suppression of power, Marine must also be flexible. If they do not do this, they are likely to be wiped out.

And this minister is obviously a person with a great view of the overall situation. What he wants to do now is to reduce the losses of Marine as much as possible. If all the Marines of a branch are killed, then for Marine Some important power is also lost.

With such a huge division as this 3.9, there are not many Marines in total. Although the total number of Marines is very large, it cannot bear such consumption.

"I'm not a pirate from a certain pirate group, I'm just unhappy looking at your Marines." Qin Yang said slowly with a slight smile. But the smile seemed terrifying to Marine. Because he just killed so many Marines.

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