Chapter 1116 Gravity Wall

"I'll tell you these questions after the retreat. Now is not the time to talk about them," the minister said vaguely.

"There is no retreat now. We, as brave Marines, cannot submit to other forces," 35 Smoker said solemnly.

"The situation is really special right now, we'd better leave as soon as possible." Chief "610" of the Marine Department kept winking at him as he spoke, hoping that Smoker would understand.

But Smoker didn't seem to want to give up, he no longer continued to pay attention to the Marine Minister, but wanted to fight Qin Yang, and he walked towards the Marine warship step by step.

Qin Yang is now standing on top of the Marine warship, he is staring at Smoker, not knowing what he is going to do now.

"Smoker, why don't you retreat with us quickly, what are you doing there?" Minister Marine shouted very loudly at this time.

"I'm not like you, I'm going to fight this guy and defend the dignity of our Marines," Smoker said firmly.

"I know that you have recently been promoted to Marine Vice Admiral. You are already very powerful, but you are definitely not his opponent. Don't do such stupid things again." Minister Marine persuaded bitterly.

But at this moment, Smoker has not listened to any advice.

"Are you going to fight with me?" Qin Yang said slowly.

'Of course, not every Marine is as timid and cowardly as they are, and I will fight till the end. Smoker said frantically.

"Then let the horses come!" Qin Yang didn't take Smoker in his eyes at all.

After Smoker heard Qin Yang's provocation, he immediately turned his legs into smoke and flew towards Qin Yang's direction.

"Gravity Wall." Qin Yang suddenly said softly. As he spoke, he raised his hands.

A huge gravitational wall suddenly appeared in front of him, but this wall could not be observed with the naked eye, and Smoker directly hit the gravitational wall, unable to move forward.

"What kind of trick is this?" Smoker said in surprise, no matter how he rampaged, there was no way to break through this wall...

"This is my absolute defense, you use all your strengths, is there any way to break it, I have already said, you don't want to kill people today, you should retreat with them quickly! Qin Yang said lightly.

"You don't want to kill, what's my business? I'll kill everyone who insults Marine, especially an arrogant pirate like you." Smoker said sternly.

But no matter what Smoker said, he still couldn't make an effective attack.

At this time, the Minister Marine couldn't stand it anymore. He felt very helpless. They could have retreated in good condition, but Smoker actually made this 3.9 out.

"Since you insist on seeking death, then I will fulfill you. Just wait until you don't regret it. Qin Yang said slowly after thinking for a while. He is very clear that Smoker has no other seas and is easy to persuade. , must let him taste a little bitterness.

Only a good beating to Smoker will get him out of the way.

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