Chapter 1133 someone is coming

The detection range of the Observation Haki currently owned by Qin Yang is very wide, and it can observe almost everything in the North Blue field.

Qin Yang watched the number of Pirate Legions continue to climb, and was very happy in his heart. The balance of daily battles slowly shifted in their direction.

Afterwards, Qin Yang also brought a small boat and kept moving forward in the direction he sensed.

The distance between the two is getting closer and closer, and they are about to collide.

"Marine seems to have only sent one person this time. This aura is very unfamiliar, but it is very powerful. If it wasn't for that guy Akainu who came here in person, it must be a certain Admiral who has just been promoted 々||. 35 Qin Yang muttered to himself at this time.

"All the people who joined the Pirate Legion later were divided into the Sixth Army under Luffy's control. These people don't need much intensive training, they are a raiding army. 35 Qin Yang thought for a moment, then slowly said.

I don't know how long it took, Qin Yang finally saw a small wooden boat in front of him, a man with short black hair was sitting on the small wooden boat, its eyes kept closing.

The man sitting in the small wooden boat is exactly Fujitora in Marine Admiral. He is wearing a purple kimono. Behind the kimono, he is wearing a Marine coat and holding a long sword in his hand. .

"But now the establishment of the Pirate Legion has been completed. There are six armies in total, which are all divided by you just now. 35 Reiju said helplessly at this moment.

Before he knew it, Qin Yang once again left everyone's sight.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't notice it just now." Qin Yang pretended to be very sorry.

But at this moment, Qin Yang suddenly frowned, because he felt a very powerful aura that was constantly approaching North Blue.

"6"Sir, we almost collided with the ship just now, please be careful. ' Fujitora said slowly after thinking for a moment.

"Since the two of us met in this place, it means that we are still very fateful. I wonder if you can answer a few simple questions for me. Fujitora said slowly.

"Then I'm welcome. I don't know if this gentleman has encountered a large number of pirate fleets in North Blue. I was ordered to investigate this matter. By the way, I haven't had time to introduce my identity. It's the latest Marine Admiral Fujitora Admiral, nice to meet you." Fujitora said very kindly.

After hearing Qin Yang's words, Reiju nodded thoughtfully. Then she said hello to Qin Yang and went back to work.

During the recent period of time, various other things have emerged from the establishment of the Pirate Legion, many of which have been dragged on Reiju's body, which makes her busy running around all day, but she Not complaining, it's nice to be able to do something.

"Just ask, and I'll tell you right away if I know." Qin Yang said slowly.

"Well, I seem to have seen groups of Marine fleets leaving North Blue before, but I haven't seen the Pirate fleet.

At this time, Fujitora suddenly stopped the boat and looked in Qin Yang's direction, but his eyes were always closed.

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