Chapter 1161 Conference Center

No matter where it is or what era it is, strength will always have the most say. Although Qin Yang is very young, his strength is absolutely capable of smashing everyone present. His every move has a great pressure of 3.9. None of those present dared to sing against him.

Not only Qin Yang and the leaders of the five big pirates, but also some other leaders of smaller pirates, in addition to the members of the Straw Hat Pirates and representatives of the Vinsmoke family, attended this meeting. All were present.

After several days of rushing work, the prototype of the headquarters was finally built slowly, and Qin Yang and the leaders of each pirate group moved into the headquarters.

All the people present are important figures in this era, all have deep qualifications, and they are senior-level figures among pirates, but in front of the young man Qin Yang, their attitude is extraordinarily respectful and accurate. Say in awe.

After completing this engineering task, Reiju began to arrange a new task, that is, to build a huge conference center for this decisive battle, so that Qin Yang and others could deploy various combat tasks.

While continuously accepting more and more pirates, the soldiers of the Vinsmoke family have become busier and busier, and the island of battles has been expanded over and over again.

On the day of the meeting, the powerful figures of each pirate group arrived here one after another. Whitebeard and Kaido walked in the front, their tall stature was particularly conspicuous, and Blackbeard walked in the back. Under Yang's auspices, he and Whitebeard have temporarily put aside their previous grievances, but he still doesn't want to get close to the man.

"During this period of time, everyone has worked hard to prepare for the final battle, but what I want to say is that if we can only achieve this level, we are still far behind. 35 Qin Yang pondered for a moment and then , said indifferently around the surroundings.

After everyone was sitting at the conference table, Qin Yang tapped the table in front of him slowly, motioning everyone to keep quiet, and the meeting started immediately.

After Qin Yang finished dealing with Fujitora, he immediately called everyone to the conference center. The conference center is a very tall white building with a total of five floors and a very large area, which can accommodate thousands of people working here.

"Your idea is very good, we do need a conference center, but just a conference center is not enough, I suggest you build a huge command directly, the conference center is just a very important part of it ." Qin Yang pondered for a moment after hearing Lei Jiu's report, and said slowly.

If Marine knew about this meeting, he would be shocked, because all the people who attended the meeting were vicious pirates, and everyone's name made Marines scared to hear it...

Fortunately, the number of "640" clone troopers of the Wensmoko family is very large, so they have enough manpower. Dorms for millions of people.

Before the last war, such a large number of pirates had to live here every day, and the problem of accommodation alone was a headache.

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