National Voyage: Joining the Straw Hats at the Start

Chapter 1163 Arrangements for the decisive battle

Chapter 1163: Arrangements for the decisive battle

"The final decisive battle will at least wait until the revolutionary army has conquered more than half of the islands in the world. Only then will we be qualified to fight the World government." Qin Yang looked Blackbeard directly in the eyes.

This sudden look made Blackbeard feel uncomfortable. Qin Yang also noticed this later, and slowly turned his eyes away from Blackbeard, and looked at everyone present, as if asking others if they had any other opinions?

"For us now, this is a very smart decision, and I very much agree with Qin Yang's statement." After a moment of silence, the red hair slowly expressed his opinion.

Hearing the red-haired words, everyone present nodded slowly. It's not that the red hair has high prestige in the eyes of everyone, but the fear that Qin Yang brings to everyone is too great. Although Qin Yang has always been very easy-going, everyone knows how scary he is.

"The next question is about the establishment of our pirate alliance. I decided to divide our pirate alliance into six parts, which can be said to be six pirate corps, namely the Whitebeard pirate army and the red-haired pirate army. , Kaido Pirates, Charlotte Pirates, Blackbeard Pirates, and the last Straw Hat Pirates 々||."" Qin Yang was slightly satisfied with the attitude of everyone, and then continued.

"The Straw Hat Pirate Legion? Although I know that each of you is very powerful, your number is obviously not enough to be called a legion!" Blackbeard said slowly.

"You're right, you must also know that the composition of the pirate alliance, in addition to your five huge pirate groups, there are other scattered small forces, I decided to incorporate them all into the Straw Hat Sea The thief army is managed by Luffy." Qin Yang said lightly.

While speaking, Qin Yang looked at Luffy who was sitting on the other side, and their eyes met.

In the next second, Luffy stood up from the stool in shock.

"Isn't this suitable? I'm not suitable for the position of the legion commander, managing so many people's affairs. If I can't do it, I just want to have a good fight." Luffy said carelessly.

"Cough cough, don't worry! Of course I know that you are not good at managing so many people, and you are not alone in managing them. Zoro Sanji and the others will assist you, but the position of the army commander must be handed over to you. There is no more suitable person than you." Qin Yang said calmly.

Seeing Qin Yang's very firm eyes, Luffy also understood the deep meaning attached to his words, and did not continue to refuse, but blinked and said, I understand.

"."If you have no other questions, today's (Wang's) meeting is over!" Qin Yang said slowly after pondering for a while.

These big figures in the pirate world came out of the conference room one by one. Among the crowd, Blackbeard walked to Kaido's side, his eyes kept rolling, and he seemed to be thinking about something.

"Ah, I really don't know how long this fight will last." Blackbeard patted Kaido on the shoulder and sighed.

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