Chapter 1165 Fujitora is here

In the dark night, Blackbeard and Kaido walked to an unknown small room, planning their next plan.

In the staff room of the Battle Island Command.

In the dark night, the light here is particularly prominent, and countless people are walking around here, talking about various things.

In the very center of the staff room, several men gathered around, frowning, and seemed to be thinking about something.

"Qin Yang, I always feel that Blackbeard's performance today makes people feel weird, I suspect that he seems to have a back bone." Sabo said lightly.

"I think so too. That guy has always been very dark. From his early experience, we can see that Madara, in order to get a Devil Fruit, can endure for so many years on Whitebeard's pirate group, this is not an easy one. Role. The redhead also expressed his opinion at this time.

"Of course I know that Blackbeard is extremely treacherous, and it is impossible to convince him completely, but now that the war is coming, we can't care about so many things. After the battle is over, I will Be careful of him." Qin Yang said after thinking for a moment, opening his eyes.

"Since you have already made a plan in your heart, then we can relax." Sabo~ said slowly.

At this moment, a soldier banged on the door of the staff room in a panic.

"Please come in." Qin Yang said calmly.

"According to the report of the front-line soldiers, they found that in the border area of ​​North Blue, there is a small wooden boat that is constantly moving towards us." The soldier said immediately.

"Oh? Could it be the intruder? Marine's or the World government? The other party obviously didn't take us seriously, and only sent one person here." Sabo said lightly after hearing the news.

"I think I know who is coming, let's go, the two of you also come and see with me." Qin Yang took a coat from the hanger and put it on his body, leading the red-haired and Sabo out the door together.

On the endless sea, a small warship was driving straight ahead, and the three people sitting on the boat were Qin Yang.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

"Who is that person? It seems that you take him seriously. 33 Redhead said very puzzled.

However, just as the red voice finished speaking, the three of them saw a small wooden boat through the fog in front of them. A burly man was sitting on the small wooden boat, paddling the oars very leisurely.


Through the excellent Observation Haki, Redhead and Sabo also immediately realize who the people who are constantly approaching them are. That was Fujitora, who had just been promoted to Marine Admiral.

"How could it be this guy? Could it be that he wants to come and plan a beheading operation? Although he is indeed very powerful, he is far from a threat to us. 35 Sabo said through gritted teeth. , he recalled an unbearable past.

"Do you have that much hatred for him? In fact, he was just following orders, and Marine has been blinding their eyes." Qin Yang said lightly after thinking for a while.

"Could it be that he was invited by you?" The red hair whispered at this time.

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