Chapter 1169 Arrogant man

"The pirates are not as vicious as I imagined. Instead, I have seen some good people among you, and at the same time, I have seen some bad people in the world government." Fujitora continued.

"Actually, I can feel that Akainu is also very firm in the implementation of justice, but his understanding of justice is too one-sided, which is not what I want at all. His starting point is to eliminate all those who are harmful to the World government Marine. , and your starting point is to let the civilians in the world enjoy the normal 640 treatment

happy life. "Fujitora said, staring into Sabo's eyes.

Although he is blind, Sabo seems to see infinite light in Fujitora's eyes.

"I think it's time to let go of the old hatred between the two of us." Sabo said slowly after pondering for a moment.

In the following days, Fujitora will walk around the Battle Island every day. Although he is blind and can't see the things around him, he can feel it all slowly with his heart.

A few days later, Fujitora found Qin Yang, stating that this was where he wanted to enforce justice, and he stayed.

On the other side, in the temporary base of the revolutionary army.

"It seems that this island is not that simple. We have been besieging and attacking for a week without success, and now the initiative is in the hands of the other party." An officer of the Revolutionary Army said very distressed.

"I think we should contact the headquarters now and ask them to bring in more troops, otherwise we are likely to die here." Another officer beside him said with a frown.

"Recently, our activities have been too frequent, and the headquarters should have been overwhelmed, right? Let's try our best to solve the current problem with our own strength.

But at this time, there was a big movement outside (bcdj), followed by the sound of gunfire.

"Sir, it's bad. The enemy suddenly launched a counterattack against us. They destroyed all three of our fortifications. They are now approaching the base. Let's hurry up and run!" A soldier rushed up and shouted loudly.

"What? They still have the strength to launch a counterattack against us. Could it be that they have been hiding their strength?" The revolutionary army officer said with a complicated expression.

"Want to run? It's late now." A very cold-blooded voice came from outside the headquarters.

Then, a man in a black trench coat came into their sight. This man had a long neck, unusually thick hands, and fierceness was written on his face.

"Who are you?" The officer hurriedly pulled out the gun on his waist, pointed it at the stranger who appeared in front of him, and said very vigilantly.

"You don't need to know who I am, and you don't have the qualifications to know. You just need to know the fact that I'm about to die." The man in front of him said arrogantly.

About ten minutes later, a huge explosion broke out in the temporary base of the revolutionary army, and there were many dead bodies of the revolutionary army floating on the surrounding sea. Many people died in this war.

Huge World government warships are lined up neatly toward the small island in the east. Many soldiers in neat uniforms stood on the deck.

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