National Voyage: Joining the Straw Hats at the Start

Chapter 1173 Fujitora's Thoughts

Chapter 1173 Fujitora's thoughts

So unknowingly, they had escaped the enemy's reconnaissance and came to the periphery of this small island.

The port of this small island is located to the south, and there are many soldiers guarding here, and there are people here 24 hours a day.

Although Luffy and the others knew that they could not enter the island from the port, they came to the west of the island. This is a wilderness. If you land on the island from here, you can escape the World government without knowing it. exploration.

"We're like a bunch of thieves!" Brook whispered. He has the lowest sense of existence among the five, because he himself is not very interested in fighting.

"Even if we have successfully logged in to this island now, we can't take it lightly. This is the weak point of this small island. They must have already realized this. They will definitely set up some traps here. 々||." Sabo said to the crowd very seriously.

"But it's dark here, and if there is any trap, we won't be able to find it." Brook said helplessly.

"Look at me!" Sabo raised his right hand carefully, and a blazing flame immediately appeared on his wrist. These flames brought light to the five of them.

Following the light of the flame, they happened to see a huge metal instrument in front of the path, which seemed to be a trap.

"Fortunately, we made preparations in advance, otherwise we might have just landed on this island and been discovered by them." Sanji said with lingering fears.

Afterwards, the five of them, with the light brought by the flame and their own very keen Observation Haki, quickly avoided one trap and another trap and successfully came to a lush forest.

At this moment, on the decisive battle island.

Fujitora swayed constantly around the island, and he could clearly hear the sound of the pirates training.

"Mr. Fujitora, you look very laid back. The pirates here didn't disturb you, did they?" Qin Yang walked over step by step and asked with a smile.

"I was just looking for you, since I have chosen to join your faction, you can arrange some tasks for me, otherwise I will feel very bored when I am idle all day, so I will go out and turn around when I have nothing to do. Turn." Fujitora said lightly.

"It's not that I didn't think carefully about this, but because your strength and qualifications are very deep. If you arrange some tasks for you, it will be disrespectful to you. You should rest here during this time. That's it." Qin Yang replied slowly.

"Is there really nothing suitable for me to do?" Fujitora said with some disappointment, he didn't want to keep doing nothing like this all the time, he is not that kind of person who is willing to be lonely.

"Why don't you help us train some of the captains of the Great Pirates! Their strength also needs to be further improved. Qin Yang looked at Fujitora intently, thought for a moment, and then said slowly.

"No problem." Fujitora nodded without any hesitation.

In the afternoon, the dazzling sunlight shone on the island and shone on one of the very empty houses.

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