One thousand one hundred and seventy-six chapters an island

"Who are you? Why did 3.9 suddenly come to our Marine territory." A few people in Marine costumes suddenly sprang out from the surrounding woods. They looked at Qin Yang vigilantly, holding hands Several muskets.

Such a very stalemate battle is exactly what Ace wanted for "June 40", because in his years, almost every battle was against an incompatible enemy, which made him a long time. Have not experienced the passion brought by combat.

"No, you two-on-one are still using sneak attack tactics, aren't you a bit too bullying?" Fujitora said with a smile.

"Cough, cough, you say you're young, don't take me with you. Although I'm not that old, I'm still an old man." Marco, who was standing beside him, said helplessly.

"Are you provoking the two of us? I admit that you are indeed stronger than any of us, but the two of us are still not afraid of you when we join forces. Marko, let this old man have a good look at us. The power of these young people!" Ace said very excitedly.

"This is your famous skill, Fire Fist. I've wanted to learn it for a long time, and today I finally have this chance." Fujitora slowly raised the sword in his hand.

But in the blink of an eye, Ace jumped into the air, he slowly raised his arms, and rounds of flames surged up in an instant. Under the control of Ace, a huge fire fist moved towards Fujitora's The direction rushed over quickly.

"It's just some useless abilities," Fujitora said very modestly.

He sat alone on a small canoe without anyone to accompany him.

I don't know how long it took to drive on the sea, Qin Yang finally came to a small island, this is an island that is not natural. But Qin Yang knew very well in his heart that the island was not as simple as it seemed.

A purple light appeared in an instant, and it seemed that Fujitora immediately used the power of his Devil Fruit, and the fire fist smashed heavily on the circle drawn with the knife, but in a blink of an eye, the fire fist disappeared. .

"Why do you still care about so many details? You are much younger than this guy anyway." Ace laughed out loud at this.

Marco next to him caught Fujitora's speech in a daze, and leaked his Devil Fruit ability. His entire body was covered with a layer of blue phoenix flames. After making a big circle, I rushed over from behind Fujitora...

Just when the three of them were fighting in the dojo, Qin Yang had already left the decisive battle island and started to move towards the south.

"What kind of ability is this? Since I can disarm my Fire Fist without any effort," Ace said with a little surprise.

The treasured sword seemed to be extremely heavy, because Fujitora swung the sword very hard, and slowly drew a circle in front of him with the sword.

It seems that if Qin Yang's next answer does not satisfy them, they will treat Qin Yang as an enemy and attack quickly. There was also a strong smell of gunpowder in the scene.

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